From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 535 Going down in history? The conflict between DC and antimatter brings major changes to th

Compared with complex nuclear fusion devices, the equipment design work for the annihilation particle experimental project is indeed much simpler.

There are no technical difficulties that cannot be overcome in the entire design.

Many parts of the design can be copied and there are basically no problems. There are several difficulties and several solutions can be thought of. They just choose the most suitable one.

Simple doesn't mean unimportant.

The equipment of this experimental project is dedicated to three technologies. One is the DC regional strong annihilation force field technology unique to the annihilation force field experimental group, the other is high-energy particle control technology, and the last one is the energy control of nuclear reactors.

Each of these can be said to be the most cutting-edge technologies in the world.

In addition, whether the design process is simple or not cannot be used to measure the importance of research. The technology in some fields is very simple, but the problems are unexpected.

For example, the ancients prepared gunpowder a long time ago, but for a long time, it was only regarded as an 'alchemy' method by alchemists, and they never thought of studying the principles.

The current annihilation field technology is the same.

Previous strong annihilation force field technology has been used for material manufacturing, including the discovery of a large number of first-order element materials, first-order silver and second-order copper elements that are close to superconducting properties, etc. Other applications have only produced f-rays, but F-rays are still strong annihilation force fields. They just expand the field force area based on the principle of "instantaneous release of compressive field force". In essence, it is no different from physical deformation.

The current research is to discover the application direction of a strong annihilation force field.

Annihilate particles and create energy!

Obviously, the method of application is completely different.

"This is a completely new way to apply it."

"In the field of new directions, every small research will make great progress, and now we are using this new direction to study the 'infinite energy' technology that converts mass into energy!"

"I believe this research will become one of the most important milestones in the history of human development!"

"The future will go down in history!"

“Everyone here is a participant and a witness, and the word ‘great’ will be added to their names in the future!”

At the celebration party, Wang Hao gave an impassioned speech.

He talked about equipment design work, the importance of experimental research, and affirmed the work of everyone present.

Everyone listened with excitement!

"Go down in history!"

"This is probably the ultimate dream of many people!"

"I really didn't expect that Academician Wang would rate it so highly. It seems that he is very confident in the experiment. I'm looking forward to it."

"If it can really go down in history, it will be a great honor for our ancestors!"

Everyone was very excited and excited. They talked privately that researching with Wang Hao was very promising. The working time was not long, only more than two weeks.

They participated in important projects and received considerable bonuses.

It can even go down in history!

Is there any better research job than this?

After the celebration party, the temporary design team will not be disbanded.

Wang Hao reconvened everyone for a meeting and assigned new tasks to each group. They had to follow up on the design and manufacturing of their own group.

To put it simply, it is follow-up manufacturing.

The manufacturing of each part of the equipment is the responsibility of the cooperative factory, but because it is a new equipment, some complex parts even have to be completed manually.

Each team will follow up on a part of the manufacturing work. They will enter the manufacturing factory and watch each part being manufactured bit by bit. Any problems encountered along the way need to be solved. At the same time, they also ensure that the manufactured parts will not have any problems. Deviation other than error.

This experiment is really important.

It would be a real pity if the experiment failed because the manufactured parts were substandard, so the manufacturing process must be followed up.

This part of the work is still left to the design team.

Tang Changyuan and Du Bin were not able to participate in the design work. They also inquired about the progress and realized that they would not be able to participate at all.

"If you didn't participate in the design work, you won't need it later."

Zhou Yongxiang called Tang Changyuan and said, "We are all working as a team to follow up on part of the content, and we are in charge of the parts we designed."

"My group is in charge of high-energy particle control and magnetic field."

"Yu Dawei is responsible for the electronic circuits."

Tang Changyuan felt very depressed when he heard Yu Dawei's name. They are scholars in the same field and got to know each other after attending several academic conferences together.

Yu Dawei is an ordinary researcher, less than forty years old, and has no special personal achievements. Compared with him, in terms of achievements, qualifications, and academic influence, he is not at the same level at all.

Just because he did not participate in the design work, Yu Dawei became the team leader and was responsible for the design and manufacturing follow-up of a part.

He and Du Bin were no longer qualified to participate.

At this time, Tang Changyuan discovered that he was a nobody. He was an expert assigned by the science and technology department to participate in the project, but he was kicked out directly.

Many times, if you encounter this kind of situation, just say a few soft words to the project team leader and you may get back into the project.

He didn't have this chance.

Because he could not contact Wang Hao at all, they did not have the authority to contact Wang Hao directly. After Wang Hao determined the candidate for the follow-up work, the science and technology department directly crossed out his name.

This was the first time Tang Changyuan encountered this situation.

This seems to mean that the science and technology department completely listens to Wang Hao. It is obvious that the science and technology department is the party responsible for the project, which can be said to be the 'superior department', not the other way around.

Tang Changyuan could only sigh depressedly. He and Zhou Yongxiang continued to chat for a few words, but in the end they heard a lot of heartbreaking words.

"Old Tang, if there is no chance this time, there will be a next time."

"It's really important for you to attend that meeting. This is a small project for us, and the design was completed in half a month."

"But at the celebration party a few days ago, I drank a few too many drinks."

"Academician Wang said very well at the time. He said that although our research is simple, it is very important and may go down in history in the future."

"If it were anyone else, I wouldn't listen at all, but who is Academician Wang? Can what he says be false?"

"I'm so happy!"

"Everyone in our group is very happy. Think about it, if the research can really go down in history, I can also say that I am a hero of the country in the future..."

"When the old man can't move anymore, why don't you give me a medal?"


After Tang Changyuan put down the phone, he almost vomited blood in anger. He gritted his teeth and spit out two words, "Old——Zhou——"


"It's so disgusting, he did it on purpose."

"Son of a bitch……"

When the annihilation particle experimental equipment entered the manufacturing stage, the research of the Groom Lake Project team also entered a new track.

With the support of the new decision-makers, the research team spent a large amount of money to purchase high-pressure mixed material pipelines and other equipment, spending more than three billion U.S. dollars in one go. They are preparing to conduct research in the direction of DC annihilation force fields.

Empoli-Cubo also frequently convenes various research groups and holds research meetings in the DC direction to carry out underlying design work related to DC technology.

This also represents Cooper's trust in James.

Corot James rarely showed fighting spirit, and his usually lazy temperament became extremely serious. Like most experimental physicists, he also hoped to engage in the highest precision technical research, and he judged that DC It is the main direction of annihilation force field research.

"If a strong annihilation force field can be created through direct current, I believe it is likely to create an area instead of a thin layer."

"Yes, many people have asked me, and I can say now that this judgment has no basis."

"This is my personal intuition, the intuition of an experimental physicist!" James said seriously, "I am very grateful to Empoli for the support, including everyone here, who are conducting research from the direction of DC. I believe we can..."

James gave a personal speech.

After the speech, even Cooper had to take a high look at him. James is usually lazy and has no fighting spirit, and his personal life is a mess, but when he really gets into work, his ability is very worthy of recognition.

Nowadays, giving speeches is also very appealing, and many people have been persuaded.

The research in the direction of DC is now on the right track, and everyone is working hard to find something in the direction of annihilation force field technology on the DC page.

Of course, there are naysayers.

Currently, the international mainstream is still studying first-order silver. Even in the study of annihilation force fields, some institutions are using first-order silver to synthesize new superconducting materials to test whether antigravity fields can be created.

The same goes for the military and businesses.

Their research institute is also focusing on the study of first-order silver and continues to use some silver to conduct various experiments. At the same time, the military has also restarted F-ray research.

Research in multiple directions is being carried out simultaneously, and there is also a positive feeling.

According to a lot of leaked information, some media have called the current multi-directional research situation a ‘cutting-edge technology competition’.

In the competition, the object of comparison is flower growers.

The Groom Lake project team is targeting the Antigravity Behavior Research Center; the military's F-ray research claims to 'use f-rays to stimulate deuterium-deuterium reactions to create nuclear fusion devices'; regarding the research on first-order silver, It involves competition in the basic and civilian fields.

Judging from the current situation, American is at a disadvantage across the board, but as long as it is working hard on research and development, it can give the outside world a sense of vitality.

The field of scientific research seems to be glowing with vitality.

Of course, there are also areas of dissatisfaction, namely the research on antimatter. The new decision-makers did not deny the direction of antimatter research, but there is no doubt that antimatter has been delayed indefinitely.

Many people who were very dissatisfied with this came forward and said, "The current situation is that politics affects technology."

“Antimatter was not the wrong direction, but because candidate No. 1 supported antimatter, he failed, so antimatter became the wrong direction.”

"Our technological research and development should not be like this..."

Regardless of the actual situation, these words are still somewhat inflammatory and are supported by many people who are unaware of the situation.

The new policymakers didn't say anything about it.

On issues in related fields, no matter how he behaves, he is wrong. Those opponents will not shut up because of his statements, and they can also think of new reasons.

At the same time, new policymakers are concerned about antimatter research.

He received a new piece of information, which came from the most secretive intelligence department. "After analyzing a series of information, we came to a conclusion."

"The flower planter's science and technology department seems to have started a new research project. The project involves nuclear reactors and annihilation field technology. It is most likely to conduct research on antimatter, and an experiment has already been conducted."

"The credibility of the intelligence exceeds 90%."

The reliability reaches more than 90%, which means it has a certain degree of accuracy.

The new decision-maker was surprised when he saw this piece of information. He was not a scientific worker and did not understand complex science, but because the election process involved the issue of the direction of antimatter, he still learned a lot of information.

For example, the paper published by Wang Hao and others clearly stated that there was no antimatter produced in the explosion.

For another example, the possibility of Wang Hao publishing a false paper is extremely low.

Then the question comes——

"Why do they still need antimatter technology? How do they research antimatter technology? Where do they start from?"

The person in charge of intelligence said this, "It's just suspected antimatter research. Maybe it's not antimatter research, but maybe annihilation particle research."

"I asked once, especially to an expert. He thought that if we conduct corresponding research, we should still use explosion experiments as the starting point, but the technology is different."

"We can call it antimatter technology or annihilation particle technology. The physical principles are different, but the results are the same."

The new decision-maker suddenly realized, "It turns out that we have always understood it wrong. We were misled by the concept of antimatter. The new research has nothing to do with the previous antimatter?"


The person in charge of intelligence nodded seriously.

After the head of intelligence left, the new decision-maker discussed it carefully with the team and found that relevant research must be conducted.

If the intelligence is true, the flower growers are already moving in a new direction. If they choose not to follow up, the new direction will be as backward as the annihilation field technology.

By then, it will be impossible to catch up.

"We must not lag behind in this direction, and we must follow up on research."

"It seems that those scholars who support antimatter research are right. Let them use the replica explosion experiment as an entry point to study..."

"Perhaps there will be a discovery by then!"

The new decision maker made the decision.

He successively found several scientists who supported antimatter research, and even held a secret research seminar.

In the end, the problem was funding.

The new decision-maker has just taken office. If he wants to support a large research project, he will definitely not be able to bypass the funding issue.

Just like the former policymakers' support for the Groom Lake project, if you want to start a large-scale scientific and technological research, you must convince the House of Representatives to use more than 10 billion US dollars in funding.

This process is very long and takes at least three months.

"If it's delayed for three months..."

The new decision-maker thought about it carefully and turned his attention to the Groom Lake project team, which still had more than 20 billion US dollars in funding.

That's a very large sum of money.

"We can put the research on antimatter in the Groom Lake project team first. Anyway, the research also requires annihilation field technology..."

"If there is some progress, it will be easy to convince parliament to support it."

The new decision-makers have a good idea, but it is simply impossible to use the funds of the Groom Lake Project Team to support "little relevant" antimatter research.

However, there are still ways.


The Department of Energy sent an investigation team to the Groom Lake Project Team to conduct a detailed investigation into the use of funds in the name of "reviewing fund expenditures."

They found that funds have been consumed recently.

The leader of the investigation team found Empoli Kubo and Corot James and asked about the use of funds in the recent period, their ongoing research directions, etc.

Afterwards, Kolot James was taken away.

This incident made the project team feel baffled. They were conducting research on DC direction, but the person in charge was taken away directly?

In the end what happened?

Korot James was very calm when he was taken away, because he did nothing, and then he found that nothing happened.

He was asked several questions, "Why are you opposed to antimatter research?"

"Are you sure that the current direction of DC research is correct? What basis do you have for your judgment? How do you think about it?"

"If I told you that florists are conducting research on antimatter, would you change your mind?"

Of course, James has no basis for judging the direction of DC. When he gave an internal speech, he said that he was just intuitive.

A week later, James returned to the project team.

Joining him on the project team was an important figure in antimatter research, the Indian-born physicist Ranga Gobind Korana.

Langa Gobin Korana came to the project team and served as the person in charge of antimatter research. His status was the same as that of Kolot James, and he was nominally a subordinate of Cooper.

However, antimatter research stands alone.

Cooper had no right to intervene.

So, in effect, Langa-Gerbin-Korana and Kubo were on equal footing, each responsible for different research projects.

Department of Energy officials also continue to emphasize that Cooper must give absolute support to antimatter research.

This series of events made the project team incomprehensible, and Cooper was also very dissatisfied. He asked James, "What happened? What is going on?"

"It's very simple."

James explained nonchalantly, "I stayed in a hotel for a week, a luxury hotel, and met Corana by the way. He told me about the prospects of antimatter research."

"Whether I agree or not, he followed me back anyway."

"So, DC research should be suspended."

Cooper felt that he could not keep up with his thinking, and he immediately asked, "Why?"


James said, "Why do you think they come here? Because of funding, we have funding, and they will definitely ask for a large amount of funding."

"We all need funding, and the Department of Energy clearly supports them..."

"do you understand?"

"All our large expenditures in the future must be approved by the Ministry of Energy. Because funds are limited, they will refuse..."

Cooper didn't know what to say for a moment. He suddenly felt that his future was bleak. He sighed and asked James, "Krot, do you have any other retirement plans?"

"Help me think of one too?"

"I think I should have made plans early..."

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