From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 246 Technological Competition! A new breakthrough in superconducting materials! A layman gui

"The Yang-Mills equation cannot cover all masses, because of the influence of annihilation force?"

"The force of annihilation interferes with the Yang-Mills theory?"

"It's all because of the annihilation force?"

Wang Hao felt that the conclusion he drew was absurd, but it made sense after thinking about it carefully.

The Yang-Mills theory aims at unifying the strong force, weak force and electromagnetic force to describe the asymptotic freedom of microscopic particles. The theory has become the basis for the construction of the particle standard model, and the perfect premise is that only the strong force, weak force and electromagnetic force exist in the microcosm. The action of the three forces.

Now a kind of annihilation force has been added. When Yang Zhenning and Mills were doing research, they certainly did not know the existence of annihilation force. The Yang-Mills theory they studied naturally had certain deficiencies.

The specific manifestation is the mass gap problem of the Yang-Mills equation.

Wang Hao is very sure that the annihilation force exists. In this case, the problem of the Yang-Mills equation caused by the annihilation force can be understood to a certain extent.

The current conclusion is just a thinking based on the development of microscopic mechanics.

The system of annihilation theory is far from perfect. Wang Hao is unable to make a detailed demonstration of the Yang-Mills equation. At most, he can only make a certain mathematical logic analysis based on the mathematical basis of annihilation theory.

"To complete this research, the focus should still be on quantum physics."

Wang Hao took a sip of his coffee and thought about it seriously, "It's like what Chen Mengmeng said, to study the singularities of quantum physics and find out the manifestation of annihilation force in the microscopic field."

"As long as a few locations can be found and the mathematical structure of the annihilation theory can be perfected, to a certain extent, the problem can be explained by combining mathematical logic with experiments."

"So, we still need to study quantum physics..."

"Or, theoretical physics!"

Wang Hao feels that research in this area is very tricky.

Quantum physics is a big direction, and he has a lot of research to do, and he doesn't have much time to do research in a new direction.

The content of quantum physics is too broad, not to mention the generalized theoretical physics.

Industry specializing in surgery.

It is impossible for him to be proficient in all fields of knowledge. At that time, the brain may not be able to bear it, and the time is limited. It will take a long time for him to catch up with the top international scholars in the fields of quantum physics and theoretical physics. time.

Maybe two, three years?

Perhaps, longer?

Wang Hao was a little uncertain. He must have a certain foundation, but to reach the level of proficiency, he needs to know too much knowledge. "If there is a top theoretical physicist, it would be great to do research together."

He thought silently shaking his head.

The world's top theoretical physicist?

What is most lacking in China is the talents in the field of theoretical physics.

Algebraic geometry scholars in China are already 'scarce' enough. Compared with the field of theoretical physics, the number of algebraic geometry scholars can be counted as 'many'.

That's really insignificant.

For example, the entire Xihai University cannot find a pure theoretical physicist.

Most of the physics professors in the school are doing research on materials, mechanics, electromagnetism, etc. All research is related to experiments, and can be classified as "applied physicists" or "experimental physicists". It can be said that there is not a single scholar who uses mathematics as the basis and uses his imagination to study physics.

None, still looking for the top?

Wang Hao thought depressingly, and felt that he had to rely on himself, or find outstanding scholars from other universities and institutions to conduct research together.

At this time, the door of the office opened.

Luan Haiping walked in with a blond young man, and he shouted after entering the door, "Wang Hao, come, let me introduce you to a genius, Paul, from Caltech University of American."


Wang Hao raised his head in shock, and exchanged glances with Paul Phil Jones who was walking behind.

Paul Phil-Jones expressionless, just stretched out his hand flatly, "Mr. Wang, we will be colleagues from now on."


Before Wang Hao recovered from his surprise, he shook hands with Paul Phil-Jones and wanted to pull Luan Haiping aside to talk.

Luan Haiping said indifferently, "It doesn't matter if he doesn't speak Chinese."

Wang Hao glanced at Paul Phil Jones and asked, "Why did he come to our school?"

"I don't know either."

Luan Haiping said, "I interviewed him. After reading his resume, I don't think there is any reason to object, even if he can't speak Chinese."

"That's true."

Wang Hao also recognized this.

Although Xihai University is also a key university in China, it is not at the same level as Caltech, which has occupied the top ten in the world for a long time. Not to mention, Paul Phil Jones is also a full professor at Caltech.

What's more, his main research direction is string theory.

It's not that there is anything special about string theory, but to be a full professor in a world-class prestigious university, that is, a "tenured professor", the premise is that there must be top international research results.

In the direction of theoretical physics, it is too difficult to have top international research results.

Paul Phil Jones is still very young, only in his early thirties. For a scholar of this age to be a full professor in any field is very remarkable.

This kind of genius came to the 'unknown' Xihai University?

How to refuse?

Luan Haiping said, "Never mind him, they're all here anyway, even if it's a brain twitch, we have nothing to lose."

"……All right."

Wang Hao thinks about it too.

Paul Phil-Jones was undoubtedly a genius, and he happened to need to do research with theoretical physicists.

If Paul Phil-Jones has no other purpose and can be trusted to do research related to quantum physics together, there seems to be no problem.


Wang Hao walked up to Paul Phil Jones again, shook hands with him and said seriously.

Paul Phil-Jones said in weird Chinese, "Mr. Wang, I am looking forward to the new job."

Then, in Luan Haiping's daze, he turned his head and emphasized, "Although I don't understand most of what you just said, I can understand some of them. I have been studying Chinese seriously recently."


Luan Haiping was suddenly embarrassed.


Paul Phil-Jones came to Xihai University, but he just went through the entry procedures, and the official work will have to wait until the next semester.

Wang Hao was not in a hurry to do research with Paul Phil Jones.

They are still not familiar with each other, and they also know that the other party seems to have a weird personality. In addition, his research is not in a hurry.

There is good news today.

At the superconducting material research base, a new iron-based superconducting material has been produced, with a superconducting critical temperature as high as 79K.

Deng Huanshan came to Wang Hao's office and talked about their new results with excitement, "We are thin films prepared by CVD method, iron-based, after detailed tests, the superconducting critical temperature is 79K."

"The iron-based superconducting material prepared in China before is the highest fluorine-doped arsenic-oxygen-iron-arsenic compound, and the transition temperature is only 55k!"

The 79k iron-based superconducting material is definitely a big achievement worth celebrating.

Previously, the Superconducting Laboratory of the Academy of Sciences developed a 52k iron-based superconducting material, which broke the foreign monopoly in the field of iron-based superconducting technology, and won the first prize in natural science. After further in-depth research, the fluorine Doping arsenic-iron-arsenic compounds only increases the transition temperature by 3K.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to improve the iron-based superconducting material over 50k.

Now Deng Huanshan led the experimental team to prepare a 79k iron-based superconducting material, and the transition temperature was raised by 24k, which can be said to be a qualitative leap.

Deng Huanshan's excitement can be imagined, but he knew that it wasn't how well he did it, but that the information given by Wang Hao played a huge role.

They only carried out a few experiments to complete such a significant result.

Wang Hao was very calm when he heard the news. With such detailed information, the research is heading in the right direction. It is only natural that iron-based superconducting materials with higher transition temperatures can be prepared.

His first question was even, "Is it only 79K? No higher?"


Deng Huanshan was stunned when he heard this, he was full of depression.

I thought 79k was already high, but Wang Hao didn't seem to care at all.

Wang Hao nodded after thinking, and commented, "79k is not bad."

Then he continued, "79k is also a good start, how about this, these few days, you guys will make a summary first, and then I will participate in the experiment."

Deng Huanshan was stunned again, "Professor Wang, do you want to participate in the experiment?"

"What's wrong?"


Deng Huanshan couldn't figure out why Wang Hao wanted to participate in the experiment, but he didn't object, but asked curiously, "Professor Wang, I want to ask, what is the ultimate goal of our research...?"

Wang Haodao, "It is to keep making progress, and it is best to be able to develop room temperature superconducting materials."

"That's the long-term goal."

"In the short term, I think that according to the existing data, iron-based superconducting materials above 150K can be prepared at the highest."

"We're going to work in that direction."

Deng Huanshan froze in place for a long time. This was the first time he heard Wang Hao talking about goals, so he couldn't help grinning, "150K? Tieji? Short-term goals?"


Wang Hao took it for granted, "Otherwise, why do you think that the superiors strongly support the establishment of a high-temperature superconducting material research center here?"

Deng Huanshan took a deep breath and tried hard to digest the information he heard. He suddenly felt that the 79k achievement was really no big deal.


If it can be researched, let alone a natural science award.

At that time, it will definitely cause a sensation in the world, right?


At the same time, the influence of superconducting semi-topological theory has gradually emerged.

At the beginning, the results only received a lot of reports. The academic community was very concerned about the research content, while the media industry kept looking forward to the impact of the theory, including the take-off of superconducting technology.

Now, a large number of institutions have announced that they will invest in the research of high-temperature superconducting materials.

As time slowly passed, many research demonstrations have ended, and naturally many projects have been officially launched.

Several large companies in the world have announced the establishment of superconducting material research centers, or the establishment of superconducting material experimental groups, specializing in research related to superconducting materials.

Similar news can be seen every day. For a while, it seems that the whole world is devoted to the research of superconducting materials.

These are news stories from the top countries.

Only the top countries can compete in high-tech research, while backward countries cannot find even the most basic talents even if they want to invest in research.

The international scientific and technological environment revolves around the research of superconducting materials.

Some information is easy to find on the news.

For example, the Japanese media broke the news that Japanese institutions already have the technology to prepare 63k iron-based superconducting materials.

The German government announced that it will invest 2 billion euros to support the research of superconducting theory and materials by various institutions.

The biggest one is American.

American has drawn up a scientific research support plan and announced that it will allocate 130 billion US dollars to support the research and development of superconducting materials in the next five years.

Brookhaven National Laboratory is the most high-profile.

They are world-renowned large-scale comprehensive scientific research bases, and they are also well-known all over the world. The research base has a large number of scientists in various fields.

The Brookhaven Laboratory announced a very shocking news. They claim to have united 43 universities in American and organized thousands of algebraic geometry scholars to conduct research on semi-topological theory.

The first goal is to complete the database of two-element compositions corresponding to the superconducting critical temperature.

"Our goal in the first phase is to complete the theoretical research."

"In the process of realizing the first phase, we will invest more than 2 billion US dollars in research on high-temperature superconducting materials."

"Superconducting material technology will be the main direction of future scientific and technological competition. We will increase investment in this field, and hope to develop superconducting materials with a transition temperature exceeding 120k within three years that can be used in industrial manufacturing."

The spokesperson of the Brookhaven Laboratory also responded to the reporter's question, "Although superconducting technology has theoretical support, it is still very difficult to develop superconducting materials that can be used in industry."

"Some institutions in China are our competitors. They put forward the theory first, but in terms of material manufacturing, we have the most high-end technology and experience, as well as the most talents."

"I believe that we will develop superconducting materials that can be used in industry at the fastest speed."

"120K is an important dividing line, our goal is to complete it within three years..."

A spokesman for the lab said as much. Including technical difficulty, talent pool, material manufacturing technology and experience, as well as technological competition and looking forward to the future, etc.

He also made high-profile speeches for a purpose. One is to show confidence to the outside world in order to attract more financial sponsorship from companies.

American's new scientific research sponsorship plan has proposed a large amount of 130 billion U.S. dollars, and more high-profile funds can be allocated.

Plus, they do have a lot of confidence.

There are thousands of algebraic geometry scholars in 43 colleges and universities. It is not a joke. Basically, there are not as many as thousands, and there are still more than five hundred.

With so many algebraic geometry experts working together, it is natural to be able to conduct theoretical research thoroughly.

In the calculation of the least two elements, they can complete most of the combinations at the fastest speed. With enough data support, coupled with material research technology and experience, and endless financial support, they are indeed confident that they can The first step to produce superconducting materials for industrial use.

The announcement from Brookhaven Labs was astounding.

The spokesperson said that there are thousands of experts in algebraic geometry, including other scientific researchers, the number must reach several thousand.

Thousands of scientific researchers can send out hundreds of millions of dollars in salary alone, plus the cost of experiments, it can easily consume billions of dollars a year.

This is definitely a superconducting masterpiece.

As a result, some media also sighed, "The world has entered the era of superconducting technology competition!"

Competitive pressures are also being felt domestically.

In the past, China was absolutely leading in the research of superconductivity theory. Even now, they don't think they are behind because they have more detailed research materials.

However, the financial support announced by American and the research information released by the Brookhaven Laboratory are indeed very shocking.

The Science and Technology Department and the Science Foundation quickly held a joint meeting and decided to provide a large amount of financial support for the research on superconducting theory and materials.

Relatively speaking, they pay more attention to the research of superconducting materials, especially the planned establishment of the Xihai Superconducting Materials Research Center.

The Science and Technology Department immediately decided to speed up the construction progress. They also summoned many scholars and experts in related fields, and finally decided to appoint Yan Shiqing, a 63-year-old academician of the Academy of Sciences and an expert in superconducting materials, as the director of the Superconducting Materials Research and Development Center in Xihai City.

The superconducting material research and development center has just started construction, and the director of the research and development center has been determined in advance, which is equivalent to hoping that the experimental research will be carried out first, instead of waiting for the research and development center to be built before conducting research.

Yan Shiqing's resume is very rich.

He is an expert in condensed matter physics and a top figure in the research and development of superconducting materials in China. He has made outstanding achievements in the research of iron-based superconducting materials and organic superconducting materials.

The job of director of the research center has been confirmed.

Yan Shiqing is not in a hurry to take office, he still has to finish the work at hand before he can go to work in Xihai City.

After the meeting, Wu Hui and Yan Shiqing walked together, talked about the research of superconducting materials, and asked him about his specific work plan.

Yan Shiqing said, "It will be the end of next month at the earliest. The project I am working on has not been completed yet, so I have to arrange for someone else to take it over."

He said with a smile, "This research is actually not in a hurry. American also said that they should do theoretical research first, rather than directly study materials."

"In the past, I still had to form a team first, call on some scholars to join, and do theoretical research together."

Wu Hui said, "You can communicate more with Professor Wang Hao. Semi-topology is his theory. He has the deepest understanding of this aspect."

Yan Shiqing listened and nodded.

Wu Hui continued, "Materials research still depends on you, Academician Yan, you are the top expert in this field in China, and you are also the top in the world."

"We researched the theory first. If you lag behind in the research of superconducting materials, it will be embarrassing internationally. Moreover, your work is too important when it involves future competition."

Yan Shiqing said with a smile, "Don't worry, I have a good understanding of semi-topology theory, and I have a lot of experience in this area. With the support of Professor Wang Hao, I am very optimistic about this research."

Wu Hui asked, "How long do you think it will take to produce results?" He said something, "It's like what American said, to produce a superconducting material with a transition temperature exceeding 120K that can be used by industry?"


Yan Shiqing hesitated for a moment, then thought about it, "Three years, should be enough?"

Wu Hui laughed and said, "It can be done in three years, that's amazing!"

"I think American is just talking about it. Their purpose is to talk big and attract funds. We just do research with peace of mind. Three years, I'm really looking forward to it."

Yan Shiqing smiled and nodded.

In fact, he was still a little worried, because the research on new superconducting materials was based on semi-topological theory, which was beyond his field, and he felt a little unsure.

But think about it, everyone is doing new research, and their mentality is much better.


Xihai Superconducting Materials Experimental Base.

The main personnel involved in the research sat around the meeting room of the office building and discussed the next direction together.

This is the wrap-up meeting, and it is also the meeting to determine the direction of the experiment.

Wang Hao sat at the main seat. He had already read the materials related to the experiment. At the same time, the experimental materials also increased the inspiration value of the task.

He found the main direction.

Now it is based on the experimental data to determine the next step of the experiment. He mainly participates in the meeting as an observer, because he has not been engaged in the research of superconducting materials, and he does not know the specific research methods.

In this regard, Deng Huanshan is too professional.

Deng Huanshan organized a discussion on the experiment.

The team leaders of each group made a work report, and then reorganized the methods and processes of preparing materials.

There are many methods for preparing superconducting materials. The method they use is called "CVD method", which is to introduce two or more gaseous raw materials into a reaction chamber, and then they chemically react with each other to form a new material and deposit it on the wafer surface.

This makes it easy to form a thin film of material.

The gas in the reaction chamber is very complex, and many factors need to be considered, including the temperature of the wafer, the pressure in the chamber, the flow rate of the gas and the distance through the wafer, the chemical composition of the gas, and the relative ratio, and so on.

Wang Hao was listening to the work report of the experiment.

After all the reports were over, he began to ask about his thoughts on the next experiment.

The entire experimental group is divided into many groups, and each group is responsible for a part of the content. They can be said to be very experienced in their respective professional fields.

Everyone can have a lot to say when it comes to the approach to next steps in research.

Wang Hao kept listening to these opinions, and asked in detail when he encountered something he didn't understand.

At this time, the people in the experimental group discovered that Wang Hao really didn't understand the research of superconducting materials, and he didn't know some very basic things.

They didn't underestimate Wang Hao either.

Industry specializing in surgery.

Wang Hao is a top mathematician and is also responsible for the research on the theoretical mechanism of superconductivity. He has developed the semi-topological theory, which has been recognized all over the world.

The current research on superconducting materials is also carried out around his theory.

So when Wang Hao asked about it, everyone explained it very seriously, and they also felt that it was a very face-saving thing to tell Wang Hao.

Who is Wang Hao?

That is the world's top mathematician, and also developed a semi-topological theory.

Such a famous scholar is not ashamed to ask them questions.

Wang Hao was asking and listening patiently. During the process, he kept asking professional people to express their opinions. Sometimes he not only asked for an opinion, but also asked people in other fields to express their opinions.

This study is indeed different from 'previous'.

Wang Hao has participated in the research of alloy materials, but alloy materials are a mixture of many elements. To some extent, it can be understood as the study of physical properties, rather than chemical reactions of elements.

The current research is to make the elements react chemically, to combine the elements to form a new substance, rather than to form a mixed material.

When it comes to chemical reactions, the research seems to have become much more complicated, not just the process and preparation methods.

The session in the experimental group lasted over three hours.

Wang Hao went to the experimental group again the next day, and continued the meeting, allowing other people to express their opinions, but it didn't last too long.

Afterwards, under the surprised eyes of many people, he took out an experiment plan and handed it directly to Deng Huanshan, "You can prepare new materials according to this plan."

"It contains my thoughts on several steps, not just for reference, but as the basis for experiments."

"When new materials are prepared, let me know as soon as possible."

After Wang Hao finished speaking, he left the experimental group.

Deng Huanshan was a little dazed looking at the document in his hand. He didn't expect Wang Hao to come up with an experiment plan directly?

Didn't Wang Hao study theory?

"I just listened to the meeting for a while, and then instructed how to do the experiment?" Deng Huanshan tugged at the corner of his mouth, feeling very unreliable.

In the field of research on superconducting materials, he is a real expert.

Wang Hao is a layman.

Now it is a layman who guides an expert, and he suddenly feels that his future is bleak, but he can only do what Wang Hao said, because Wang Hao is the deputy director of the research center.

Even if Wang Hao's position is not considered, Wang Hao's influence is too great. Even if he makes a wrong command, he must decide to obey it.

When he was determined to be the leader of the experimental group, Deng Huanshan was specially reminded--

"Everything is dominated by Wang Hao."

"No matter what, in life and experimental research, you must obey Wang Hao absolutely."

This is the order of the superior.

Deng Huanshan resisted psychologically, but he still had to read the experiment plan and follow it.

He was a little looking forward to the arrival of the 'Director of the Research Center'.

If there is one more director of the research center, of course he still has to listen to Wang Hao, but at least there is a "director" in the front. If Wang Hao makes a wrong command, the director's position is higher than him, and he can certainly raise some different opinions. .

"Director of the research center, won't you be here until the end of the year?"

"Let's do what Professor Wang Hao said for now. As for the progress of the experiment...Anyway, a 73K iron-based superconducting material has been prepared."

"This achievement is enough to explain!"

Deng Huanshan sighed after thinking about it, and began to read the experiment plan carefully.

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