From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 245 Wang Hao: Have I solved the Yang-Mills equation problem?

The meeting came to an end.

On the last day of the report meeting, many scholars were already preparing to leave early. For them, the closing ceremony of the meeting naturally meant nothing.

In the morning, Wang Hao was also very leisurely. It was almost nine o'clock before he went to the restaurant of the hotel to have breakfast.

Luo Dayong sat with him.

The two discussed Thales-Parisi's research.

Parisi is indeed an excellent theoretical physicist. Being able to use the theory of superconducting condensed matter physics as the basis and forcefully rely on the theory of semi-superconducting topology is enough to prove his level of ability.

Wang Hao was puzzled that Paul Phil-Jones would stand up and deny Parisi's research.

"Isn't he your enemy?" Luo Dayong was in another lecture hall at the time, and he was surprised when he heard the news.

Wang Hao shook his head, "I don't know, but I think he can do it."


"The guys who work on string theory are very stubborn. He probably still thinks that string theory is correct, whether it's annihilation theory or whatever theory is wrong."

"So Parisi's research is also wrong for him?"

Luo Dayong thought about it carefully, then nodded reluctantly, "Maybe it makes sense."

Wang Hao also felt that his explanation was unreliable, but he really couldn't think of the reason, "Why do you think he came to this meeting?"

"I can't figure it out."

Luo Dayong said, "That kind of person's thinking is hard to understand. Compared with him, I find you are a normal person."


Wang Hao felt offended.

Luo Dayong laughed, "Everyone says that, if you are like us, how can you stand at such a height?"

"...Uh, I'll just take it as a compliment."

They were talking and laughing when a young man with blond hair came over.

It was Paul Phil Jones.

Paul Phil-Jones came for Wang Hao. He walked to Wang Hao's table and stood there without saying a word for a long time.

Wang Hao raised his head and looked at Paul Phil Jones.

The two kept looking at each other.

After waiting for about ten seconds, when Wang Hao couldn't help asking, Paul Phil-Jones finally said, "Mr. Wang, do you think string theory is wrong?"

"Mr. Wang?"

Wang Hao didn't even think about Paul Phil Jones' question for the first time, and it was the first time someone called him Mr. Wang. But if you think about it carefully, the title 'Mr.' is also appropriate.

Only then did he ponder Paul Phil Jones' question, hesitated and said, "I have no way to answer."

"So you think the annihilation theory is correct?" Paul Phil-Jones asked.

"I'm pretty sure."

Paul Phil-Jones took a deep breath. "So, string theory is wrong?"


Wang Hao shook his head and said, "I don't quite understand why you put the two theories on absolute opposites. Indeed, they have conflicts in the underlying definitions, but no matter what theory it is, it cannot be guaranteed to be 100% correct."

He continued, "Initially Newton's research was considered to be the truth. It was not until the appearance of Einstein that Newton's mechanics had limitations in application."

"I think the same is true for physical theories. Many theories are temporarily unverifiable, including string theory, but some of them may be correct and some of them may be wrong. No one can be sure without verification."

"Even if the string signal is discovered one day, it is impossible to be sure that all the contents of string theory are correct, because all the contents are mathematical derivations based on the foundation, not actual discoveries."

Wang Hao finished speaking seriously.

Paul Phil-Jones listened patiently, and nodded, and then said, "So your annihilation theory must have some mistakes, right?"


Wang Hao didn't know how to answer this sentence.

Paul Phil-Jones then said, "I see, thank you, I already know the direction of the next work."

Wang Hao was completely puzzled. He was about to ask what the other party's work direction was, only to find that the other party had turned around and left.

He pouted at Luo Dayong, "I can't figure out what this guy is thinking at all."

Luo Dayong thought about it and said, "Maybe he got into a fight with you? The future work is to find the errors of the annihilation theory?"

"...anyone else do this?"

"I'm just guessing."

Paul Phil-Jones really thought so. He first studied the theory of annihilation, hoping to find out the errors of the theory.

Now what Wang Hao said gave him even more motivation.

He likes to study annihilation theory very much, but he firmly believes that he will not become a traitor to string theory, so the purpose of his research on annihilation theory is to find out the errors of the theory.

"My purpose is to find out the errors of the theory, but more research is needed to find out the errors. The annihilation theory has formed a certain system, which communicates the Yang-Mills equation and the superconducting mechanism."

"It is necessary to deepen the research, and only through deeper research can we find out the problem."

"But maybe, if we study together with the creator of the annihilation theory, go deep into the enemy's interior, and understand more and more detailed content of the theory, the progress of the research will be faster?"

Paul Phil-Jones eyes lighted up thinking about it.

Seeing that it was almost time, he immediately went back to the hotel room to pack his luggage, and then went directly to the airport in Sudong City. He needed to go to the port city before returning to American.

After boarding the plane, Paul Phil-Jones opened his laptop and started writing.

It was a resignation letter.

There are only two simple sentences above, "In order to prove the correctness of string theory, I decided to study the theory of annihilation."

"At the same time, I decided to work in Xihai City, China, so that I can have a deeper understanding of the theory of annihilation."

"So I chose to resign..."

Then he wrote another cover letter and submitted his resume to Xihai University.


The conference on theoretical mechanism of superconductivity is over.

Subsequently, the Science Foundation announced the establishment of an international academic organization for superconducting technology, and invited many foreign institutional teams to hold meetings.

Wang Hao participated in the first part and gave a speech on the stage. His speech was to explain the feasibility analysis of superconducting materials used in industry by relying on the content of semi-topological theory.

Half of it is content prepared by others, and part of it is free play and explained with your own ideas.

His work is over.

As for whether the organization can be established in the end, whether it can operate normally, and how many institutions will join it, it has nothing to do with him.

He returned to Xihai University.

After returning to Xihai University, Wang Hao immediately contacted Deng Huanshan, the head of the high-temperature superconducting materials research group.

Deng Huanshan is a researcher at the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a well-known expert in high-temperature superconducting materials in China.

The establishment of the high-temperature superconducting materials research center this time, Deng Huanshan was identified as the chief experimenter, and can be said to be the third in command of the research center.

The top leader, that is, the director of the research center, has not yet been determined.

The second in command is Wang Hao.

Deng Huanshan's position is still very important.

Wang Hao is mainly responsible for the theoretical content, and Deng Huanshan is responsible for the experimental content.

After Wang Hao met Deng Huanshan, he handed him a lot of materials, mainly about the correlation of element combinations, "you should study the materials according to the above contents."

"The communication gravity group and the calculation group will cooperate with you."

"If there is any progress, be sure to tell me, and I will adjust the element group according to the progress of the research."

Wang Hao explained a lot in succession.

Deng Huanshan was very surprised. They had been doing experimental tests before, including the establishment of a new experimental base.

Now the experimental base has only just been established, and he always felt that at least the end of the year would officially start the research. He didn't expect Wang Hao to be so urgent, but it is good news to be able to directly enter the research, and he also hopes to be able to enter the working state sooner.

After getting the materials, Deng Huanshan went back to the experimental base. In the office of the base, he checked the materials carefully, and he was even more surprised.

The only thing he knew before was that there was a 'W1-type' combination of elements, and their research would revolve around the 'W1-type' combination.

Although there is already a certain combination of elements, the difficulty of research is still very high, because the data is still too little.

Normally, if you want to manufacture iron-based or copper-based superconducting materials exceeding 100K, the molecular structure will become very complicated.

In the choice of element materials, just a 'W1 type' is too vague.

With so much information, the research direction can be said to be very clear.

Deng Huanshan cheered up immediately, and immediately called other people to start preparations. He couldn't wait to start researching.


Wang Hao is not involved in the experimental research work for the time being. His high-temperature superconducting material research task has an inspiration value of 23 points, but it is far from being completed. What is lacking is the experimental data.

In the absence of experimental data, no matter how perfect the theory is, it is meaningless, and applied research will definitely not produce results.

So Wang Hao was not in a hurry, he still did his own research patiently.

annihilation theory.

The task inspiration value of the mathematical structure of annihilation theory has reached 40 points, and the results are already in his mind, but he still needs to sort out if he wants to complete the research.

40 points, not 100 points.

Wang Hao has no way to use the inspiration value to sort out the information in his brain, so he can only do research patiently by himself. He builds the mathematical system of annihilation theory based on the theory of superconducting condensed matter physics.

This part is mainly related to the analysis of electron motion in condensed matter physics.

If the two theories are simply understood, the semi-topological theory starts from the composition of elements, which can also be understood as the analysis of atoms.

Most of the conventional superconducting condensate physical theories are studied from the movement of electrons.

For example, a, b, c, d, s waves...all of them are electronic waves.

The connection between semi-topological theory and superconducting condensed matter physics theory can be simply understood as the connection between atomic theory and electron theory.

"However, only the construction of annihilation theory can only form a very small bridge."

"The movement of electrons is too complicated..."

"Follow-up, more results are needed in the research of superconducting condensed matter physics..."

Wang Hao shook his head in thought.

This is also the significance of conventional superconducting condensate physics research.

He is doing research patiently, and constantly relying on the underlying condensed matter physics theory to construct a mathematical framework for the annihilation theory.

To understand it simply, it is to analyze the role of the annihilation force from the side of the electron movement inside the superconductor, because the role of the annihilation force is mainly reflected in the topology of the microstructure, and the electron-based description is relatively It's just 'more lateral'.

When Wang Hao was doing research, he felt that the mathematical expression seemed unclear, and he even had a feeling that the research had not been completed.

While searching for the relevant theories of condensed matter physics, there was a knock on the door of the office, and Chen Mengmeng walked in with a document.

"Teacher Wang, let me ask a question." Chen Mengmeng said.

"you say."

Wang Hao raised his head.

Chen Mengmeng put the materials on the table and asked, "I am studying the Yang-Mills equation. If the mass gap problem of the equation is not solved, it means that the basis of the standard model of particles is missing."

"And what we are studying is the annihilation force, which is reflected in quantum physics, so can it be understood that some kind of anomaly in quantum physics may be the embodiment of the annihilation force?"

"If that's the case, we have a lot of directions in which to go."

"That's it."

Wang Hao affirmed, "What we are studying is a special case problem. If it is a perfect theory, it is of course impossible to add the effect of annihilation force."

"The Standard Model of Particles is not perfect, nor is the theory of quantum physics."

"There is nothing wrong with your idea. Our main research is that special situation. It is enough to find out these situations and analyze a certain situation."

What Wang Hao said is enough is 'can easily write a paper'.

After getting Wang Hao's affirmation, Chen Mengmeng showed a relaxed smile on her face. She has been thinking about this question to determine the direction of her research.

Afterwards, Chen Mengmeng mentioned another abnormal point, discussed it with Wang Hao, and knew what to do next.

After Chen Mengmeng left, Wang Hao also thought about the question she raised, and suddenly thought of the mass gap problem of the Yang-Mills equation.

That was one of the math problems of the millennium.

"The mass gap means that the entire mass cannot be covered, so now I am shaping the mathematical system of annihilation force to connect the atoms and electrons inside the superconductor..."

As he thought about it, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a new prompt appeared in the system.

[Task 1, inspiration value +6. 】


It is good news that the task of the Yang-Mills equation has progressed, but Wang Hao has a strange face, "So, it is likely that the annihilation force hinders the function of the Yang-Mills equation?"

"What conclusion is this?"

"If it is really the annihilation force that prevents Yang-Mills from covering all the masses, to a certain extent, it can be said to solve the problem of the Yang-Mills equation?"


(seeking a monthly ticket)

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