From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 104 Show Wang Hao what is professionalism!

When he really invested in the data, Wang Hao found that the experimental analysis of the A-level difficulty was indeed very unusual.

The last time I helped Professor Xia do data analysis for Navitas Lab, the research and development difficulty rating was only 'C', and the research with 'C' level of difficulty, after explaining two related courses, I could accumulate hundreds of points of inspiration.

As long as you devote yourself to the work of data understanding, the speed of inspiration will rise very fast, which is no less than the speed of teaching feedback.

It's different now.

He spent more than an hour studying the data, and found that the amount of data was much larger than last time, and it was also much more complicated. There were twenty or thirty types of data classification related to the experiment alone, and hundreds of subdivisions. There are so many, each of which can be said to be a massive amount of content.

If you read one by one, you can't finish it at all.

He can only try to understand each type of data classification, better understand the content of the data, and have an overall understanding of the experiment.

In the focus mode of consuming teaching coins, the effect is still very good, and the inspiration value has increased by three points in more than an hour.

Compared with the difficulty of A-level tasks, if you do your own research, you can get 3 points of inspiration in an hour, which is already very fast.

Wang Hao looked at the time and went to class with anticipation.

"Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics".

The time has entered the end of December, and the course "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics" has also entered the later stage. It is all about the distribution of two-dimensional discrete variables and the density of random variables.

This part is highly related to data analysis work.

Wang Hao started the class with anticipation. Every student in the classroom listened carefully, and some students even looked in awe.

This is the impact of Wang Hao's continuous achievement of great achievements.

For people outside Xihai University, Wang Hao is a mathematical genius who only exists on TV and reports, while for students in the classroom, Wang Hao is a teacher who can be seen every week.

When the teacher who can be seen every week appears frequently in the report, they all have an incredible feeling.

So some students began to look forward to Wang Hao's courses, and those students who didn't like to study also focused on the courses, because they became a special group instead of studying.

Some students from other majors will say enviously, "Your course teacher is Professor Wang Hao, how nice it is!"

"Professor Wang Hao is a top mathematical genius!"

"This kind of class must be cherished!"

When there are many similar sayings, they all feel that if they don't listen to the class seriously, they will feel very ashamed and regret it later.

After this semester is over, it will not be easy to hear Wang Hao's courses again.

Now Wang Hao's class is also very intense.

As the reputation grew, many graduate students and students from other majors in the school came to take classes. Sometimes I saw some students not studying, and I only found out that they were from other majors when I asked.

This is a bit embarrassing.

Wang Hao emphasized very seriously, "I welcome everyone to attend the lecture, but if you are not here to attend the lecture, please don't come."

"It is forbidden to play with mobile phones and sleep in my class. You must listen carefully, otherwise please leave the classroom."

He emphasized very sternly that he wanted to leave those students who came to class and took pictures with their mobile phones.

This statement is still valid.

Students who don’t come to the class hope to be driven out of the classroom by Wang Hao pointing their noses. Maybe they will become famous if they are photographed and posted on the Internet. During the class, they also have to put down their mobile phones and abide by the discipline like normal students.

Fortunately, there are not many similar students.

Wang Hao does not prohibit taking pictures, or even video recording directly, provided that such behaviors are not allowed before or after class, and during the course.

He is not the kind of online celebrity teacher, the teaching process is relatively dull, and there is nothing to watch in the filming.

If you can listen carefully, your comprehension efficiency will be very high.

Otherwise, it is meaningless.


The course is over soon.

After one class, two class hours, there was not even a sleeping student, which made Wang Hao feel that he lacked a sense of accomplishment. He still hoped that if some students didn't listen carefully, he would be able to educate them and add a little class entertainment by the way.

such a pity……

This year's students are too obedient!

He even missed the class of last semester. Some students went to the Academic Affairs Office to report, and some students deliberately played with their mobile phones and lay on their stomachs in class. The process of fighting wits with students can also bring joy to the class... How wonderful it is !

The course is over.

A large group of students gathered around to answer questions, half of them were not undergraduates majoring in computer science, and some graduate students even came to ask questions with difficult questions.

Wang Hao still answered the questions of the students in his class first, and the others were all behind the students in the class. The question and answer lasted for half an hour, and he saw that the time was over.

If any students have any questions, I'm sorry, and I can only wait until the next time.

He is very busy now, and it is good enough to answer questions for half an hour. It is impossible to satisfy all students' question-and-answer needs, otherwise there will be nothing to do in a day.

When he went to the cafeteria with the book in his arms, he discovered that there was a heart-shaped colored paper added to the textbook. He opened it and took a closer look. It expressed his love for him in a romantic tone?

"Which student is this?"

"Teacher-student love is not a good thing. Even if the age difference is not too big, I am still a teacher. The current students are so open!"

"People's hearts are not ancient!"

Wang Hao sighed and opened the note, took a closer look at the signature below, then tore up the note and threw it into the trash can.


Waiting until he got back to the office in the complex building, Wang Hao didn't think about the love letter from the female student anymore.

He checked the task system and found that after one class, "Task 1" only increased a little bit of inspiration.

A little... Impossible!

Wang Hao looked again and again carefully before he was sure that he was right.

During the entire course, the system only prompted an increase in the inspiration value. He carefully thought about the gains in the course, and found that there was really no improvement. Looking at the data, he still felt the same.

Although the difficulty is an A-level research and development, only a small improvement in inspiration can be said to be an increase in the nature of encouragement.


He thought carefully and got the answer, "First of all, you must have enough understanding of the data, so that the inspiration value can grow faster."

"If you don't have any understanding, even if you take more courses, the speed of inspiration will increase very slowly."

This is completely different from the study of mathematics.

Mathematics research can be understood as "aiming at solving a problem", and at the beginning of the research, he already has a good understanding of the problem.

For example, the study of Mersenne primes. Of course he knows Mersenne numbers and Mersenne prime numbers very well, and also knows a lot of mathematical methods and computer methods.

In the case of sufficient foundation, in the process of class, there is teaching feedback to increase ideas, and the inspiration value will naturally increase quickly.

Now it is time to analyze the experimental data of a project, because of the lack of understanding of the experiment itself and the lack of understanding of the data itself, the first thing to do is to understand the experiment and data, and then find inspiration in the feedback content.

He was not aware of this problem when he was analyzing the experimental data in the Navitas Lab, mainly because the difficulty of research is very low, and the inspiration value of teaching feedback is a lot.

Even at that time, he found that studying data, watching experiments, and asking Xia Guobin to help explain them were very helpful for improving inspiration.

Now that the difficulty has been increased by two levels, it is even more important to understand the basics.

The foundation is the support of research and development, and even if the foundation is not available, how to solve the problem?

Wang Hao is very clear about the next direction. What he needs to do is to have a very comprehensive understanding of the experimental data and the experiment itself in order to speed up the research and development.

One p.m.

The office in the complex building was bustling again, not because of the crowd, but because Wang Hao was on the news again.

The Penguin Group released the discovery of the largest Mersenne prime in human history.

"The data center of the Penguin Group cooperated with Professor Wang Hao of Xihai University, and used his research results on Mersenne numbers to find the largest Mersenne prime number in human history."

"The serial number of this Mersenne prime number is M7XXXXXXXX, and the result of the calculation is a number starting with 2 to the billionth digit."

"At the same time, this is the only prime number that has been found by humans so far."

The announcement caused a shock.

Many international media have reprinted it, but before the public opinion is completely fermented, GIMPS also announced a news--

"We will upgrade the underlying algorithm of the Prime software next month."

"Thanks to Professor Wang Hao from Xihai University for his unpaid support to GIMPS. He shared his research results with GIMPS. Based on his results, we can adjust the code to cover numbers that are more likely to be Mersenne primes."

"After this upgrade, according to the computing power covered by the existing GIMPS, it is estimated that it will take an average of three months to find a brand new super large Mersenne prime number!"

The last sentence completely detonated public opinion.

GIMPS participants are very excited. They were able to find a Mersenne prime a few years ago. When the so-called "Mersenne Number Science Laboratory" found Mersenne primes continuously, they all felt that GIMPS would disappear directly, because their participation was no longer there. Lost meaning.

Now the news announced by GIMPS is to use Wang Hao's achievements to find Mersenne prime numbers that are more likely to exist.

This is equivalent to allowing every GIMPS user to become an "expert in Mersenne prime numbers". They don't need to analyze Mersenne prime numbers like those mathematicians in the past to study which number is more likely to be a Mersenne prime number.

The practice of those mathematicians in the past also made the discovery of Mersenne prime numbers almost monopolized by professional mathematicians and computer experts.

Now Wang Hao supports GIMPS with his own achievements, and GIMPS can use this to analyze "numbers that may be Mersenne prime numbers" and randomly distribute the numbers to participants.

Mathematicians lose the advantage of numerical analysis, because their analysis is absolutely impossible to reach Wang Hao's level.

The upgrade of the software algorithm by GIMPS will make the search for Mersenne prime numbers more fair.

Penguin Group announced that it had found a Mersenne prime number of 100 million digits, superimposed on the news released by GIMPS, which immediately and completely detonated a new round of reports on Mersenne prime numbers, which also led to the enthusiasm of public opinion.

Wang Hao once again appeared on the news and on the hot searches of public opinion. Public opinion is not limited to domestic, and there are even more discussions abroad.

Many scholars stood up and expressed their admiration, "Finding a prime number with a digit of 100 million is a milestone in the research of basic mathematical theory!"

"Wang Hao shared the results with GIMPS, which will allow GIMPS users to find Mersenne primes more accurately. I believe that many Mersenne primes will be discovered in the future."

"I'm already looking forward to Wang Hao's release. According to rumors, it was submitted to "New Advances in Mathematics". Unfortunately, there will be a new issue in a week..."

Wang Hao once again became the focus of public opinion.

Xihai University must be very happy. They are working hard to apply for funds to build the Mason Mathematical Science Laboratory. With this wave of news, not only the provincial capital of Northern Xinjiang has passed, but also national funds can be applied for.

With enough financial support and already a great reputation, as long as the Mason number science laboratory is built, it may be rated as a provincial key laboratory.

The university is equivalent to directly adding a provincial key laboratory, and it is a provincial key laboratory when it is established. It is only a matter of accumulating results and time to evaluate the national key laboratory.

Wang Hao is not interested in public opinion, he has been on the hot searches of public opinion several times in a row.

One, two, and three, it feels much more flat.

When other people in the office were discussing, he sat there and listened calmly, and then continued to devote himself to his own research.

Keep your ears shut and focus only on data research.

The parties were all indifferent, and the discussion ended quickly, and others started to do their own things.

Zhang Zhiqiang went to the computer laboratory and made a lot of efforts in the research on Mersenne prime numbers. In the future, when the Mason number science laboratory is established, he will definitely be a researcher and must work hard to participate in the construction work.

Yan Jing, on the other hand, has not seen anyone for a long time. Her research has entered a busy period, and she has been running around in the laboratory.

Luo Dayong was still the same, taking a sip of coffee, silently facing a lot of complicated formulas, occasionally looking out of the window, and a look could last more than 20 minutes, as if he had fallen into the thinking of philosophy of life.

Zhu Ping was also driven to read the book for more than two hours in a row, and she also took four pages of notes, which was incredible when she recovered.

"How can I work so hard? I've been reading all afternoon?"

Then she raised her head again, noticing the state of Luo Dayong and Wang Hao, she could only feel that the college teachers were really too curvy.

Kill someone!

It has been rolled to the extent that besides attending classes, it is doing research.

Zhu Ping felt suffocated. She found that no one spoke in the office, and everyone was studying and doing research hard.

Including Luo Dayong, Zhang Zhiqiang, Yan Jing, and Wang Hao who is a genius and can complete the research of her several lifetimes in one year.

What else can we do in this environment?

Continue reading!

Zhu Ping could only continue to devote herself to the book with a bitter face.

After five o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Hao didn't continue to look at the data, because the experimental data was very complicated, and he suddenly realized a problem.

I'd rather have someone explain it to me...

The efficiency of reading the data content by yourself is too slow, because there is a lack of basic knowledge related to core manufacturing, and it will take a long time to study and understand the content by yourself.

Then he decisively called Peng Hui and agreed to go to Xijing Jiaotong University on Friday to learn about their experiments.


Peng Hui put down the phone and smiled at Shi Guifang, "I just said that money can't be spent in vain. Wang Hao really cares about it. He called and said he wanted to visit the laboratory."

"I guess, he is not familiar with alloy manufacturing and wants to understand some problems."

Shi Guifang nodded and said, "Indeed, I read that Donggang University's announcement said that Professor Wang Hao doesn't understand materials science, and he did calculations without seeing any problems in the data report."

Peng Hui said, "When he comes, treat him well, and take him around the laboratory to explain the experiment."

"He has participated in the project of Donggang University. We also need to perform better, show more professionalism in research, and let him see the professionalism and technicality of our metal laboratory!"

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