From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 192: : Kill a bright world

Chapter 193 Fighting Out A Bright Universe

The moment before was Lang Lang Qiankun, but this moment is dark.

A black vortex occupied the entire sky, and at the center of the vortex, a pitch-black giant sword fell from the sky, like a punishment from the sky, cold and majestic.

The strong man's line of sight was unobstructed, and many people saw the great sword falling from the sky.

At this moment, all the enemies were trembling with fear, feeling that catastrophe was imminent, as if the end of the world was about to come, and in front of that giant sword, there was no idea of ​​resistance at all.

The giant sword seems to be slow, but in fact it is as fast as lightning, coming in an instant.

Tang Yuehua stood under the tip of the sword and felt the terrifying power carried by the giant sword first.

"I don't have magical skills, and I don't have the kingdom of God, but I have a belief in breaking all laws."

Tang Yuehua muttered to himself, the purple gold sledgehammer in his hand disappeared, and countless golden light erupted from his slender figure.

Everyone saw that behind Tang Yuehua suddenly appeared a golden giant with exactly the same face as her.

Tang Yuehuasu clenched his fist and punched the sky.

And the golden giant behind her also made the same action. The huge fist print was like the early morning sun, rising slowly, blooming with boundless light, and rivaling the black giant sword.

At this moment, the sky is dark, but below is golden light, two completely different colors, filling the sky and the ground.

Completely different colors, but the same is that domineering and solitary momentum.

Bang bang bang! ! ~

The overwhelming force of the giant sword was irreversible. Even though it was breaking every inch, even though it was rapidly shattering, and even though it was rapidly disintegrating, its falling momentum did not diminish in the slightest.

The golden sun went out, and the hilt of the black giant sword "slowly" fell.


A soft sound came from Tang Yuehua's raised arm.

The gap in cultivation was manifested at this moment, Tang Yuehua broke one arm.

However, her expression did not change in the slightest. The other arm was raised, and she suddenly punched.

With a bang, the last trace of the pitch-black giant sword in the world completely disappeared.

The dark vortex in the sky instantly collapsed, the light re-illuminated the world, and the oppressive atmosphere disappeared.

However, there was a flash of black light that pierced directly at the crumbling Tang Yuehua.

This was a lore blow from Bibi Dong.

The strength has reached their level, and the gap between the small and the first level is a world of difference. There is no mediocre person who can achieve this level. Tang Yuehua can achieve this level, which is already a performance against the sky.

But at this time, her strength was already exhausted, and she couldn't stop Bibi Dong's blow at all.

Bibi Dong is ruthless and ruthless. It's not that she doesn't know that this woman has a close relationship with Ye Han. If Tang Yuehua is just an ordinary god-level powerhouse, Bibi Dong doesn't mind letting her go. If she has an absolute advantage, she doesn't mind letting go. She has a way of life...

However, Tang Yuehua was not an ordinary god-level powerhouse, and Bibi Dong's power was still at an absolute disadvantage. Under such circumstances, Bibi Dong had no choice.

Even if he hates himself, resents himself, and wants to kill himself in the future, Tang Yuehua must die today.

Bibi Dong's speed was too fast, like a black streamer streaking across, the long sword in her hand pointed directly at Tang Yuehua's eyebrows.

A god-level powerhouse with tenacious vitality, even if the heart is broken, he will not die, but if the sea of ​​​​consciousness between the eyes and the heart is broken, the soul will also be scattered.

"I'm really unwilling! I didn't see you before I died."

Tang Yuehua muttered to herself, and couldn't help but think of every bit of her acquaintance with Ye Han.

His gentleness towards himself, his mighty strength, the mentality he showed when dealing with Prince Xueyuan, his kindness to himself, his love for himself, his concern for himself, and his responsiveness to his own needs...

"Xiaohan, I'm sorry, I was wrong. If there is another life, I still want to be your woman."

Tang Yuehua closed her eyes.

What it feels like to die, no one can say for sure.

I'm afraid everyone knows what it's like to be alive.

One second, two seconds, death did not come, Tang Yuehua knew that he was still alive, and opened his eyes in doubt.

"Aunt, how are you?"

A familiar voice sounded, Tang Yuehua opened his eyes, and saw Tang San's handsome and refined face appearing not far from him.

Tang Yuehua lowered her head and looked at her waist, where a few blue silver emperors were slowly fading away.

It turned out that Tang San saved her at the last moment.

"Aunt, are you alright?" Tang San worried when he found that Tang Yuehua didn't respond.

Shaking his head, Tang Yuehua felt a little lost.

She suddenly discovered that it was better to die than to live happily.

At least, they once had each other and spent an unforgettable time.

Bibi Dong's lore shot was missed, her breath was short, her breath was a little disordered, and she lost the chance to continue chasing and killing.

Obviously, in the confrontation with Tang Yuehua just now, it was not easy for her to win.

No one is a fool. When they found out that Bibi Dong was in a wrong state, Wang Long took the lead and launched the attack first.

The body of the dragon appeared instantly, and the violent dragon fist blasted out directly with unrivaled power.

Bang! ~

Bibi Dong slashed out with one sword and directly defeated Wang Long's attack. Then, the ten undead knights led the undead warriors to kill them instantly and collided with Wang Long and others.

These undead knights were not just shrimp soldiers and crab generals born in the Netherworld. They were real undead warriors that Bibi Dong had carefully cultivated through "detaining the generals". Each of them had top-notch fighting talent and combat power.

There are a total of one hundred and ten undead knights, all of them are powerful, and they are all elite soldiers. They were born to kill, and each of them is a person who can fight well and is not afraid of death.

Ten 130-level, leading a hundred 115-level and above existences will have a huge impact on the entire battle situation, and even turn the balance.

However, the background of the combined forces of the two empires is simply terrifying.

There are twenty-three beings at level one hundred and thirty alone, and there are more than three hundred beings above level one hundred and fifteen, of which fifty or sixty are beyond level one hundred and twenty. , and there are countless Maotou gods above the 100th level.

When all the power was exposed Bibi Dong felt a little powerless.

However, there is no way out.

All she can do is one word, kill.

Fighting out a bright world and creating a bright future, only by overthrowing the old rule can we see another new world.

There were shouts of killing, the divine power rushed to Xiao Han, and the sky was smashed into nothingness.

Space debris is flying around, powerful forces collide, extreme destruction is accompanied by new life, some new worlds are suddenly born, and they are completely smashed in the next moment, returning to nothingness, turning into chaos, and disappearing.

The undead knight is ruthless, fearless of life and death, and he will kill anyone he encounters without mercy. In an instant, the battle will become white-hot, either you will die or I will die.

The blood of the gods was scattered, and the stumps were scattered, and the blood was extremely bloody.

Far North...

(End of this chapter)

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