From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 191: : Divine Skill, Nether Judgment

Chapter 192 Divine Skill, Nether Judgment

Her slender figure is looming, and she is wearing purple armor.

I don't know what material the armor is made of, and the purple light surrounds her, making her even more mysterious and sacred.

She is Bibi Dong.

She is not very tall, but her mighty aura dominates the world, and she has a tendency to swallow mountains and rivers.

She was alone, holding a large sword that was as black as ink, and she did not change color in the face of a powerful enemy.

Although there are thousands of people, I will go.

She will use the sword in her hand to fight a bright world, a peaceful and prosperous world, and the stones that block the road will be swept away by her.

The sword pointed to, I am invincible.

The pitch-black sword was collected from all the rare treasures in the world, and the Rakshasa divine sickle was added to it. There were magnificent and complex runes all over it. Although the appearance was simple, it gave people a delicate and gorgeous, majestic and noble. A feeling that cannot be desecrated.

This is the sword of the emperor, with a glorious atmosphere, and it is also a sword belonging to Bibi Dong. It has her swallowing characteristics, and it is both domineering and strange.

In the face of a strong enemy, she chose to take the lead.

A sword was cut out, the sky and the earth paled, the sun and the moon dimmed.

Only this sword light has a deep color, but it gives people a sense of uprightness and brilliance.

Facing this sword light was a woman who looked similar in age to Bibi Dong.

She has long silver-white hair that is loose and hanging down from her waist. Her facial features are exquisite and beautiful, and she is a perfect combination of purity and charm. She is definitely a rare beauty.

However, after seeing the sledgehammer in her hand, I believe that no one will regard her as a weak woman.

This person is Tang Yuehua, and he is already a level 129 powerhouse.

Whether it is Bibi Dong or Tang Yuehua, they both possess the power of time, and they are both talented and evildoers.

In the past few years, through the acceleration of time, although there is no divine position inheritance, their strength progress is not weaker than those of the strongest who have obtained the divine position inheritance.

However, Tang Yuehua was still distracted after all. Compared to Bibi Dong, her cultivation was still much worse.

However, once she started to move her hands, her aura was no weaker than anyone else's.

The purple-gold sledgehammer, which was more than two meters long, was swung by her with one hand and smashed down.

At the moment when the hammer turned, everyone felt that the world shook.

That is an unparalleled force that drives the fluctuations in this space.


The sword light dissipated and was defeated by a hammer.

Watching this scene, Wang Long gasped, and said in his heart, "It's so terrifying."

He had just personally experienced how difficult Bibi Dong's sword qi was, but such a difficult sword qi was defeated by this woman with one blow.

"Why do such monsters have a lot to do with that bastard?"

Wang Long's eyes flickered, and the fire of jealousy in his heart was burning.

Those who have participated in the elite competition of the Advanced Spirit Master Academy in the whole continent, I am afraid there is no one who does not know Tang Yuehua.

Her performance at that time was really amazing, and the few hammers full of violence and beauty still remain in the hearts of some people.

But it was such a person, a strong and beautiful woman, who was taken away by a man in the end. Even thinking about it, many people are angry.

After all, only a small number of people watched the elite competition of the advanced soul master academy in the whole continent, the finals, so, in the eyes of those who did not know, it was definitely a flower inserted in cow dung, and the watery Chinese cabbage was smashed by a pig. .

Obviously, Wang Long also had this idea in his heart, but unfortunately, he was beaten by Ye Han with one move.

Two failures in my life, all handed over to the same person.

Just when Wang Long was thinking about something wrong and his mind was turning around, a dazzling golden light erupted from Tang Yuehua's body.

As if the universe was just beginning, and all things were born, an old Hong Mongolian breath spread out in an instant, surging and rushing directly towards Bibi Dong.

"The power of time is useless to me."

Bibi Dong opened her mouth and waved her slender arm. In an instant, the sword beams intertwined, forming a sword net, engulfing everything, and killing Tang Yuehua.

Ice-cold despair and brilliant atmosphere, two diametrically opposed auras are perfectly blended, bringing despair to the enemy, but peace of mind to his subjects.

Tang Yuehua's golden dragon scale armor was attached to her body, a beautiful and beautiful woman who instantly became a goddess of war who fights the sky and the earth.

She stepped on a peculiar pace, and in a blink of an eye, she came to Bibi Dong in the blink of an eye. The purple-gold sledgehammer carried terrifying power, and just by turning it, it crushed the sky within a hundred meters, turning it into chaos and returning to nothingness. .

Bibi Dongfeng narrowed her eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed in her eyes, overflowing with murderous aura.

Having already fought once, Bibi Dong naturally knew that she could not fight Tang Yuehua in close quarters. This woman was a berserker, and close combat was her strength.

However, Bibi Dong could not retreat.

Because behind her is the Spirit Empire, and she is the belief of the entire empire, the hope and future of all the subjects of the Spirit Empire.

They believe in themselves, indulge in the ideal home that they have prepared for them, yearn for that kind of happy family life, and look forward to a better tomorrow...

She won't let them down.

After this battle, either she Bibi Dong completely disappeared, or the Spirit Empire became the only country in Douluo Continent, and there was no third option.

Although Tang Yuehua is strong, his cultivation base is inferior after all.

As soon as the two came up, they were lore and merciless.

Bibi Dong wanted to remove the shame of the past, while Tang Yuehua wanted to force Ye Han to show up.

A hammer is a blunt weapon, strong and domineering.

However, in Tang Yuehua's hands, it was like a dexterous long sword.

The chaotic cloak hammer method was just an instant, and she was superimposed to eighty-one hammers.

Eighty-one hammers are the limit for ordinary people, but it is far from being a god-level powerhouse.

The chaotic cloak hammer method is like a tornado, sweeping across the world, becoming more and more violent.

Bibi Dong's long sword was light and dexterous. Although she was able to resist it, she knew that Tang Yuehua had to be interrupted.

If she is allowed to continue to stack up her strength, even if her cultivation base is higher than hers, I am afraid that she will not be able to please her.

The slender and peerless figure flickered slightly, and nine Bibi Dongs appeared in an instant, each with a pitch-black long sword, directly surrounding Tang! "

The nine Bibi Dong shouted softly in unison, pointing the long sword straight to the sky.

Boom! ~

A loud bang was like thunder, and above the sky, the wind and clouds surging, forming a huge vortex, a pitch-black sword that seemed to be slow, but was actually fast as lightning, stabbing straight down from the sky.

Divine skill, Nether Judgment.

The giant sword was lifted to the sky, and the tip of the sword just appeared, it filled the entire sky, bringing terrifying pressure.

In comparison, Tang Yuehua under the tip of the sword looked too small.

The terrifying pressure came, and even with Tang Yuehua's strength, the pace of chasing Bibi Dong couldn't help but pause slightly, and the superimposed hammer force spread with a bang.

PS; Thanks to the big brother Hong Tianxuan for the reward, and the monthly pass for the big brother whose name is all digital! Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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