From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 118: : Streamer 0 pole

The sun is rising.

The golden sunshine spreads all over the mountains and valleys, sending warmth to the earth and the five lakes and four seas.

The bright sun, with a scent of fragrant grass, penetrated the high windows of the Pope's bedroom and shone on the two figures, one big and one small, on the bed.

The little guy's long curled eyelashes trembled slightly, and slowly opened his sleepy eyes.

Slowly getting up, his fleshy little hands rubbed his eyes. He glanced left and right, and suddenly looked at the figure in white with his back turned to him in surprise, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Siniang usually sleeps later than you and wakes up earlier than you. What's the matter today?"

Just when he was full of doubts, the figure in white moved slightly, then turned around suddenly, and touched the empty bed subconsciously with his palm, a trace of obvious loss flashed in his eyes.

"Siniang, what's wrong with you?"

The little guy's immature voice was full of puzzlement.

"I, Ye Chen, you woke up, why is it so early today?"

The woman opened her mouth, then glanced out the window, her body suddenly froze.

It's been so many years, it's the first time she wakes up so late, and she slept in that man's arms all night. The most important thing is that her behavior just now had an instinctive reluctance.


The woman's face was gloomy and uncertain, and after a while, she regained her senses.

"If you mess up my mind, I will kill him."

The hesitant look on his face instantly turned firm.

Then she had a gentle face, helped the little guy get dressed, and finally walked into the cloakroom by herself.

When it reappeared, the gentle and attractive woman had disappeared, and was replaced by a woman wearing a gorgeous dress, walking on crystal high heels, wearing a nine-curved purple gold crown, holding a golden scepter, and full of jewels, with a noble and majestic temperament. A stern, dreadful female pope.


The Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Competition, the finals.

The two teams slowly entered the field.

Today, apart from the mentors of each team and some distinguished soul masters, there are no ordinary soul masters to watch.

"Gu Yuena, I really don't know, what's the use of cultivating this thing? Look, I'll kill them." Ye Han looked in one direction.

There, there is a peerless white robe, slender, as if it is integrated with the void, if you don't master the space ability, you can't find it at all.

This person is Gu Yuena.

"Hehe, bullying, right? Don't use your armor and spear if you have the ability!"

Gu Yuena's red lips were slightly raised, and her face was disdainful.

"Oh! Woman, are you very thoughtful?" Ye Han smiled and said, "In that case, how about we make a bet?"

"How do you want to bet?" Gu Yuena asked.

"Simple, I don't need the second martial spirit. If I win, I will ride you in the future, you can't refuse." Ye Han said.



Gu Yuena almost died of anger, can you hear what people said?

Why do you want to ride me?

Most importantly, I still can't refuse?

Why don't you die?

"What? Are you so unconfident about your choice?" Ye Han smiled, showing sarcasm.

How could Gu Yuena not be able to see such a simple method of aggressiveness.

However, she had to take the bait.

This is a conspiracy. If you don't agree, don't you realize that you've lost most of your bet together with your last bet.

"I bet with you, but what about you? If you can't achieve instant kills, what are you going to pay?" Gu Yuena asked.

Not to lose the battle, besides, Gu Yuena didn't believe that Ye Han could really kill Wang Long of the Soul Emperor realm without using the second spirit.

"Haha, since you have already agreed to bet, I can't be stingy. You decide what you want me to promise you." Ye Han said.

Although it was a spiritual sound transmission, Gu Yuena couldn't help frowning because of the confidence that came from her bones.

"Could he really be able to kill a powerful soul emperor in seconds?"

As soon as this idea was born in her heart, she was instantly suppressed by her.

She never believed that the person she saw was so unbearable.

"That being the case, if you can't kill in one hit, from now on, when you see me, you have to call me master." Gu Yuena said.

She will bite the word "seckill" extremely hard, obviously the confidence in her heart has been shaken.

It's not her fault, because only by playing against Ye Han can you know how perverted he is. Obviously, the realm of cultivation is not worth mentioning, but the fighting power is a ferocious mess, making people unable to see the depth and predict his limit to the end. Where.

"You're so cruel! I'm just gambling with you, but you want my whole life." Ye Han shook his head and made a sound transmission.

"What? Don't you dare to gamble? If you admit defeat now, I won't remember..." Gu Yuena's eyes lit up slightly, and she said excitedly.

"I think too much, I just feel that I am a little disadvantaged. In that case, what's the harm in letting you?"

Ye Han smiled confidently, then ignored Gu Yuena.

"Everyone in our team has performed well. Today it's time for me and Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu will go." Ye Han extended his palm to the girl.

However, there was no response for a long time.

"Xiao Wu, what's wrong?"

Ye Han waved his palm in front of Xiao Wu's eyes, and he couldn't help looking at the surrounding girls, asking about the situation.

Since taking part in the competition, Xiao Wu has become a little restless and taciturn. Ye Han asked her, but she didn't say anything, just said that she was fine.

Originally, Ye Han didn't care either, thinking that he would recover soon.

Yesterday, after the game was over, Ye Han found that she was still like this, so Ye Han sent a few other girls to accompany her.

But today it seems that the effect is not ideal.

Tang Yuehua shook her head with a helpless expression.

Zhu Zhuqing also had the same expression. As for the other people, it might be okay to let them play, but let them inquire about the situation and enlighten others, then forget it!

"Ah! Brother Ye, what's wrong?"

Xiao Wu returned to her senses in a daze, looking at Ye Han, her small face that was originally white and rosy, now has a somewhat pale **** and white eyes full of innocence.

"It's okay, let's go. In today's game, the two of us will take action. We can't let them steal all the limelight, right?" Ye Han said with a smile.

Xiao Wu has something on her mind, but she is unwilling to tell everyone, there must be a reason, and Ye Han doesn't want to force her, just let it be.

"Oh, okay."

Hearing that there was going to be a fight, Xiao Wu's eyes lit up and she recovered a little bit of energy.

The two sides reported their names to each other, and their martial spirits were activated one by one.

One after another, a powerful momentum spread out in an instant. Everyone who can reach this step and stand here is a leader in the same realm.

Ye Han looked at the crowd opposite, holding Xiao Wu with his left hand and slowly raising his right hand.

"Flow, light, thousand, pole!"

With the sixth spirit ring, a dazzling red light flashed, Ye Han read out the name of the spirit skill with a single word.

Since transforming, this is the first time Ye Han has used this skill.

The emerald green streamer shone and made a chi chi sound in the air. It was the friction sound of countless scorpion tail needles moving at high speed, cutting the air.

Liuguang Qianji, an area-wide skill, ignores all physical defenses, and at the same time, it is highly poisonous, and can freeze the flesh and blood in an instant.

Now it's really overkill to deal with a few little brats. These people are too weak, and no one can resist even for a second.

Mainly, this soul skill is too incomprehensible, ignoring the physical defense has caused the Ice Emperor, who is also the Ice Jade Scorpion, to suffer a lot, but he did not come up with a final solution, so he simply married Ye Han.

PS: Thanks to the spring breeze, I live my life for the rewards of the two big brothers! ! ! Thanks! ! !

Finally, the old rule, ask for a ticket!

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