From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 117: : Night talk, ghost talk

Bibi Dong closed her eyes tightly, reclining on the huge bed, resting her head on one arm, sleeping peacefully.

The pink hair was slightly curled, falling from the pure white neck, and the white gauze pajamas, light and soft, were attached to the body, and a charming curve was drawn between the unbearable willow waist and the upturned buttocks.

Without the crystal high heels and the nine-curved purple-gold crown, her figure was so petite and exquisite.

Small red lips, upturned nose, long eyelashes, fair skin, all together are so gentle and moving.

Under the dim light, that pretty face that was usually indifferent now feels extra soft.

Ye Han stared blankly at the woman's peerless beauty in her sleep, and for a while, she couldn't help but feel a little crazy.

It's really hard to imagine that there is such a big gap between a person's stillness and movement.

When she was awake, she was so indifferent, like an iceberg, majestic and untouchable. To be honest, Ye Han was a little afraid of this woman, otherwise, how could he have missed the appointment last night.

As for forgetting, that's pure nonsense.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt sorry for her, and wanted to protect her, so that she could always be as euphemistic and moving as she is now, and no longer need to live with the usual masks.

Quietly, Ye Han lay across from her, in the same posture, quietly looking at her face, admiring the beauty in front of her, unwilling to miss a minute.

Time passed quietly.

Ye Han discovered a fact.

That is, sleeping with one hand on your head is really nice, but it is undoubtedly uncomfortable.

After an unknown amount of time, the woman in front of her finally lowered her arms and returned to her normal sleeping position, just like an ordinary person.

That night, Bibi Dong had a dream.

In the dream, she is like an ordinary girl, with an innocent childhood, a childhood sweetheart who loves her and loves her, and a child of herself and her lover, it is a brand new life, everything is so beautiful...

Ye Han was a little confused.

"This, it can't be, have that kind of dream!"

Ye Han's mind was wide open, looking at the woman who had been digging into his arms, he couldn't help laughing.

Suddenly, a dampness appeared on his body, which happened to be in close contact with the woman...

In her sleep, Bibi Dong always had a doubt. She couldn't remember her husband's appearance. She was obviously the closest man to her, but she just couldn't see his appearance. The more so, the more curious she became.

Days passed, until one day, inadvertently, a handsome, handsome face that was both a big boy next door and a mature man with sharp edges and corners suddenly appeared.

In the dream, Bibi Dong screamed, how could she forget that face?

It has always been a nightmare in her heart. Although it has improved a lot in the past few years, every time she thinks of this face, she always feels frightened, and her heart skips a beat, giving her a sense of horror!

Bibi Dong was startled, and suddenly opened her eyes.

Then, she saw the face that was half-smiling, making her unable to distinguish between dreams and reality, and was looking at her with a smile.

"Ah! ~ Woohoo!"

The bright red mouth opened slightly, her purple eyes were completely occupied by panic, she was about to let out a scream, but was directly blocked by a large mouth.

"Don't wake up the child."

Just as she was shaking her head and trying to break free, a clear voice came directly into her ears.

Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment, then found that the man turned over, pressed her under him, averted his gaze, and a small figure appeared out of the corner of her eyes.

"That is, Ye Chen."

Bibi Dong's eyes narrowed slightly, and the three souls and seven souls who were overly frightened instantly returned to their positions.

"You, let me go, Ye Chen is still nearby."

Bibi Dong's spiritual voice transmission, looking at Ye Han, felt the weapon that was about to move, and she was so frightened that her face turned pale.

She is really afraid of what this lunatic will do now.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. Come tonight, I only have one thing to ask you, what is your relationship with me?"

Ye Han transmitted the sound, but did not let go of the woman.

"I, we're fine."

Bibi Dong didn't even think about it, she spoke almost instinctively.

Ye Han smiled and glanced at the sleeping little guy from the corner of his eyes.

The attack power on the mouth couldn't help but increase, he couldn't believe it, he couldn't pry open the mouth on the woman today.


At the same time, the story that had already been made up was instantly replayed in my heart.

"It's almost the same, tell me, what is the relationship between you and me?" Ye Han restrained the urge in his heart and said.

"I, we have nothing to do."

As soon as the words came out, Bibi Dong realized that Ye Han's eyes were wrong, so he immediately added, "We really have nothing to do with each other. If there is, we are also enemies."

"The enemy!"

Ye Han murmured in his heart, and at the same time combined the scattered memories in his mind, nodded silently, and agreed with the woman's words.

Whether it was before or now, what he felt from Bibi Dong was malice.

"There is no hatred for no reason in the world, how did we get enmity?" Ye Han looked at the woman's close eyes and said.

"Let me go first!" Bibi Dong said.

She hates this feeling of being suppressed and powerless to resist, and she controls the audience. This is her character.

Unfortunately, facing Ye Han, she never got her wish.


Ye Han hugged Bibi Dong and made a 180-degree turn, and the positions of the two changed.


Bibi Dong raised her head and opened her mouth to speak, but stopped in an instant.

"Don't ask so much, tell me quickly, everything between us." Ye Han narrowed his eyes slightly and patted his palm lightly.

"Okay, as long as you don't mess around, I'll tell you."

Bibi Dong took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, and gave a warning before slowly opening her mouth, "Don't you remember what you did to me?"

"Me, if I remembered I would ask you?"

Ye Han rolled his eyes.

"You bastard, do you remember Killing Capital?"

Bibi Dong grabbed the big hand behind him, and looked at Ye Han with bitter hatred in his eyes.

At this moment, she revealed her true feelings without any pretense.

Ye Han was horrified by that monstrous hatred. He had no doubt that as long as this woman was given a chance, she would definitely not hesitate in the slightest and would directly smash herself to ashes.

"In the capital of slaughter, I was tortured by you for several days and nights, life is better than death, after leaving the capital of slaughter, I thought it was just a nightmare, and now I woke up, but I didn't expect that you came to Wuhun Cheng, I originally hoped that I could find a chance to kill you, but I didn't expect it, but it happened unexpectedly..."

Saying that, she couldn't help but glance at the small figure not far away, the meaning was self-evident.

Ye Han was silent, combined with the scattered memories in his mind, he quickly thought about it, and judged the truth.

But in the end, I still have incomplete memory, and I can't judge whether the woman's words are true or false.

"Then what do you think now?"

Ye Han had a headache and looked at the woman, not knowing what to do.

"I, I don't know either."

Bibi Dong shook her head, the actor possessed her body, her clear eyes were full of at a loss and a daze about the future.

Ye Han is not stupid, but now, seeing the woman in pain and helpless, his eyes are full of confusion, he doesn't know what to do in the future, and he can't help but believe the story she tells.

Instinct told him that he couldn't trust this woman, but some of what she said could completely match the memory in her mind.

For example, when she approached herself, she did not hesitate to use her body as bait, but she had the intention of killing herself.

Of course, the most important thing is that the little guy who fell into a deep sleep not far away has the blood of himself and "Bibi Dong" flowing on his body, which cannot be faked.

"I am sorry!"

After being silent for a long Ye Han finally said these three useless words.

Besides being sorry, he didn't know what else to give her?

Power, status, strength, wealth, there is no shortage of everything.

This is very ruthless, isn't it? The man's self-esteem has been severely wounded, and there is no way to make up for it.

Next, Ye Han kept asking some things, such as who was the fourth woman in that small courtyard?

Hearing this, a trace of embarrassment flashed in Bibi Dong's eyes, and she couldn't help but think of the time she spent together for more than a year, where she and her daughter...

Bibi Dong hurriedly shook her head, not daring to think or say anything.

Ye Han thought she was jealous, so he smiled and did not ask any further questions.

Silent all night.

The next day, Ye Han looked at the sleeping woman in his arms, sighed slightly, and disappeared quietly.

PS: Brother Chunfeng, it's only a momentary thing to restore memory, don't worry, hurry up!

For the rest of my life, there is a big brother who is obsessed with obsession. I just want to say, I will write for you, and you will write.

In the end, someone left a message saying that he was too strong to have feelings for me to change. I want to say, you can just let me delete the book.

Some people say that there is no main line in this book, and the protagonist knows how to find a woman. All I can say is, I've already seen fans, so why are you looking for a bicycle?

Douluo's main line, overturn the God Realm, help Bibi Dong to unify the continent, and then lead the soul beast...

Forget it, let’s not talk about it, I hope the brothers who like this book will give more support. If you don’t like it, it’s just bullshit!

In the end, this is a big chapter. Not counting the nonsense I said, there are more than 2,700 words. Brothers and sisters, can you vote?

Say one more sentence, I want to make up three thousand words.

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