
Chapter 32 - The Reunion

A cool restful shady world with light filtering lazily through the treetops that meet high overhead and shut out the direct sunshine. A light breeze whispered through the trees and the first ċumulus clouds darkening into thunderheads. Jacob saw the anvil of cloud coming in. "A thunderstorm."

" We should have some rest ", said Jacob.

Xeno - " Was thinking the same. That shed is safe, let's land there. "

Jacob - " Yeah sure "

Xeno - " You okay Jacob. "

Jacob - " I am fine, but I'm not. "

Xeno - " You want something to eat. "

Jacob - " I want it, but I don't. "

Jacob - " I still didn't find the purpose of my existence. Why are we here on this planet? "

Xeno - " You don't appear to be okay "

Jacob - " I am just questioning my existence. Because I feel I don't have an objective. "

Xeno - " Then create one "

Jacob - " That's right. But what to create I am confused?"

Xeno - That's for you to decide. I can't help it. "

Jacob - " None can "

Xeno - " Then help yourself kid and have some rest until the weather is friendly. "

Jacob - " I miss my friends. "

Jacob - " Like I am having many, I am missing my friends who came to this planet with me and now we all are separated because of that ghost demon named Psyche. "

Xeno - " Psyche is indeed a demon but leave him. I ȧssure you that you all will have a reunion that too very soon. "

Jacob - " You mean all of us will be together, like all five of us. "

Xeno - " Five, you sure. "

Jacob - " Yeah five of us. "

Xeno - " Could you please name them for me. The reason is I know any three of you. "

Jacob - " Sure sure. Victor, Leo, Silas, Callie and me. Victor and Leo are missing from the start and Silas, Callie and I were together until we got separated. Separation is never easy and now I know why. "

Xeno - " Victor and Leo, I think I saw them and don't worry about Silas and Callie I will bring them here and then will go and find those two. "

Jacob - " Thank you so very much, Xeno. "

Jacob - " What you mean? "

Xeno - " Not today, this is a separate thing so let me arrange for your reunion first. This thing can occur later too."

Jacob - " Okay, no issue. When you are okay to tell then do tell it. "

Xeno - " Sure "

Lightning cracked the sky sending heaven's light through the storms.

Jacob - " Woah! what a lightning "

Xeno - " This is no ordinary lightning. I have never seen one like this before. This one is different and there are two in whole. "

Jacob - " Is everything fine? "

Xeno - " Too early to judge it. Clouds, leaves, soil, and wind all offer themselves as signals of changes in the weather. However, not all the storms of life can be predicted."

Xeno - " Nobody knows and this place is unpredictable so one can only ȧssume things here. "

Jacob - " that's all "

Xeno - " Yeah that's all and that's it. In this storm I cannot fight the wind, nor keep the rain from filling rivers fast, yet I can keep us both safe. "

Jacob - " We are safe but what about my friends. They must be fighting hard to survive. I want to help them get here. "

Xeno - " Life is all about fighting for one's survival so that's a natural thing and secondly, rest ȧssured them all are under the influence of magic so they all are safe and sound. And I will bring them here as soon as the winds become calm and friendly. "

Jacob - " God help us in this chaos and I pray for everyone's safety amidst this storm. "

[A few hours later]

" This storm is never going to end", said Jacob in a gloomy tone.

Xeno - " Nothing is everlasting and this too shall end very soon. Have some patience. "

Xeno - " They both are in good but they are not in good shape. They have lost a great amount of stamina and vital force so I have to bring them here as soon as possible else their survival will get questionable. "

Jacob - " Did you just see them? How? "

Xeno - " I got my powers like other creatures living here on this land. I am a wizard too and I can see anything if they are in my range. The spectrum of my vision is restricted due to some wizards but I'll fix it sooner or later. "

Jacob - " Woah! So how are my friends? "

Xeno - " As mentioned earlier, they both are in terrible condition but are still alive. "

Jacob - " And what about Victor and Leo? Are they both alright? "

Xeno - " I am unable to see the two of them cause they are under some spell of a very powerful wizard. I can sense them but can't see them. And according to my senses, I can guarantee you that they both are fine and healthy. They are safe. "

Jacob - " They both are very lucky from the start. Thank God they are alright. I have not seen them since we first appeared here on this unknown land. "

Xeno - " You still calling this place an unknown. Wait let me provide you with a little bit of information. This place is called Magica, the land of wizards. This place is full of magical creatures and hazards. This land lost its king a long time back. That's enough for the bit I suppose. "

Xeno - " I should go and bring your friends now. The winds are a bit calm now and are suitable for my flight."

Jacob - " Okay good luck. Have a safe flight. "

[ Xeno disappears ]

Jacob - " My mom used to say that "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain." And I understand it now. I should cheer myself up and greet my friends warm-heartedly. "

Xeno - " Well said Jacob, now you are becoming and acting more mȧturė with every passing second. "

Jacob - " Woah! You are back this fast. You surely are zapping fast. Where are my friends? I can't see them."

Xeno - " Here they are. "

[ Xeno keeps Silas and Callie on the floor ]

Jacob - " Are they dead? They are not showing any motion. "

Xeno - " They are not dead yet, they are just in a deep sleep because of my spell so that they can recover fast."

Jacob - " Thank you so very much dear Xeno without you me and my friends must have died here. Thank you for saving us. "

Xeno - " I did nothing. It's my primary duty to ensure the safety of others. So I just did my work. No need to thank me. "

Jacob - " But I still owe you everything. "

Xeno - " Nah, don't be silly. I told you that I just did my job that's it. "

Jacob - " Still thank you Xeno. "

Xeno - " No problem "

Jacob - " Just pray for Silas and Callie well being. "

Xeno - " Yes yes "

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