
Chapter 31 - The Palace

Elevated upon a lonely cliff surrounded by a great dark forest, stood an ancient, crumbling manor, known as the Magica Royal Palace. The windows were all smashed and it looked like the house was used a big-time ago and was never used again. The front gates were as old as the hills. It belonged to the "Real" King of Magica, he was as peoples king. The best king in the golden history of Magica. The palace walls were filled with his sayings and achievements, and his most appreciated saying is, "The words of the king make swords redundant, and this is how we chose the right one to lead. Above all, a king is a wise keeper of peace, one who is fair and shows equal love to all, and equal emotional indifference to all. The king will select a non-blood heir during their reign and train them. That is the way it is. Bloodlines lead to blood and lies. Honour and truth have no heredity save what we make in the culture of our society." His high thoughts were his biggest opponent, not every royal blood is royal and loyal towards the people. The Palace survived many invasions and due to the ill maintenance, the Royal Palace is enjoying its retirement.

" This Palace is all empty..."

" It was a mistake to think of Palaces, old Palaces, as being empty. They were filled with memories, with the faded echoes of voices. Drops of tears, drops of blood, the ring of laughter, the edge of tempers that had ebbed and flowed between the walls, into the walls, over the years.

Wasn't it, after all, a kind of life? A kind of ego that was nearly, very nearly, human." said an old wizard.

"Well said, dear old Sir! Your splendid name is," Dhazam pronounced.

The old man laughed wryly, "People recognize me by the name of Satan." A broad smile formed on his lips.

Dhazam - " Satan...pleasure meeting you here in this Palace, and by the way I am..."

Satan - " You are Dhazam, I know you very well. "

Dhazam - " Have we met before? No, I guess "

Satan - " My knowledge is far ahead of yours. I know everyone and can sense their motives very well. "

Dhazam - " Sir could you please tell me the past of Magica...like the real past. "

Satan - " Hahaha, I see so you are here for answers when you, yourself are the answer to it."

Dhazam - " But....."

Satan - " Death is the golden key that opens the palace of eternity. "

[ Satan evaporates ]

Dhazam - " What a man he was? Long live Magica."

There was a saying pasted an inch or two above the opening of a chamber. It said, "Death is the golden key that opens the palace of eternity."

There is a large Tower in The Palace with its dome decorated with gold pots. They are still very bright in the Sunlight and the King's favourite place. He used to practice his spells in this Tower. He used to say that, " The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." His thoughts and wisdom were all divine and pure. I miss him a lot, said Dhazam.

Castles usually seemed indestructible, but they were not. Enemies had many ways of attacking castles. Arrows could be made to ignite a castle when it was fired and above all the powers of the integral wizards who allowed the attackers to enter.

"Traitors, all were traitors. How could they do such a mean thing? They all deserved death not Vasilus. Vasilus and his disciples suffered all the misery while the traitors lived enjoyed all the luxuries." shouted Dhazam.

"Vasilus himself wanted this to happen, Dhazam."

"Who's there", said Dhazam in a harsh way.

Dhazam - " Vasilus, the one who lived for his people and died fighting for them. He died while saving the future of Magica, he died while fighting his own brother. They both shared the same blood but they were two different personalities. Vasilus's deeds were all pure unlike his brother's, and you dared to say that Vasilus was after this. "

Satan - "It's me Satan, Dhazam. I respect your emotions and loyalty towards the king but you don't know the real truth. The real truth of that great war. The real truth, that nobody likes to know. The causes of the war were many, not just one. Vasilus wanted to put an end to the evil subjects and as a result, the lands of Magica got to taste the blood of its own children. "

Dhazam - " The real truth? How many real truths are there in total? And here I thought that I know everything but still, I know one thing for sure and that is Vasilus is our hero and this thing is for sure and I can bet my life on it. "

Satan - " Indeed, no doubt about the fact that Vasilus is our permanent hero. A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure despite overwhelming obstacles. But one should never forget that the only difference between a hero and a villain is that the villain chooses to use that power in a way that is selfish and hurts other people. All of us start from zero. We take the right decision and become a hero."

Satan - " Dear Dhazam, I am here for a big cause...and you will be accompanying me in this. I will educate you like a teacher, but it's not the right time for such important lessons like this, leave it for some other day and now you should be leaving this Palace. This Palace needs to rest now. So I will reach you very soon. Farewell. "

Dhazam - " Oh! yes, I should leave, I almost forgot my today's task. Thank you for your time. I look forward to seeing you again soon. Farewell. "

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