155. create a miracle

Next to the sun was water.

Water was devised in many ways, but the most effective of them were not to create clouds or make it rain.

Giving moisture to the ground itself was the most effective method.

“Relic open!”

Leon purified the divine power emitted from the holy relic and passed it on to the Church of Water.

“The mercy of the holy law water is activated!”

The Holy Law of the Church of Water was far more miraculous than that of the Church of the Sun.

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Magic created water by gathering moisture in the air, and the Church of Water created water with divine power.

Divine power spread widely and permeated into the ground.

“Keep it up!”

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Moisture rose up on the dry land, and water began to form.

“You have reached your target number!”

“As a result of checking the bottom, moisture has penetrated to the target point!”

Even the Church of Water succeeded. The second success instilled confidence in the priests.

From then on, everything went smoothly.

“Relic open!”

The holy relic was opened again, and the holy power was passed on to the priest of the earth church via Leon.

Unlike other denominations, this one was simple.

“The Holy Law Blessing of the Earth is activated!”

It was just activating the original earth blessing. If only there was something different.

“Activate 30 stacks of Blessing of the Earth!”

“The amount of divine power is greater than I thought. I think 50 stacks are possible!”

The point was that the blessings of the earth were constantly pounded into the vast desert with no end in sight.

Besides, unlike other places, priests weren’t the only ones moving.

“It spreads corruption! You shouldn’t use it on one spot for too long!”

The Purifiers were running everywhere, spreading corruption.

‘I never thought corruption would help.’

This was Green’s suggestion, not the Church of the Earth. It was a long and lengthy explanation that there must be moderately rotten soil.

‘Something I just have to trust and leave it to.’

Leon readily approved the plan and sent in the Purifiers.

This trivial decision turned out to be a huge gain.

“Chief of the parish, how about doing business with the church in our land?”

Arthur came to me personally and suggested that he would like to start a business selling compost and blessings of the earth as a set.

‘Arthur definitely has a sense.’

Gold was also gold, but working with the Priest of the Church of the Earth would raise the status of the Purifier, so it was a really good thing.

Organizing my thoughts like that, I waited for the work on the Church of the Earth to be finished.

“it’s over!”

Not long after, a report came in that it was done.

However, unlike the other denominations, not much has changed in this one.

The land needed time.

“Can we prepare the church of time?”

“no. We’ll get going in a minute. Please tell everyone to wait a little longer.”

“ah! yes! All right!”

I immediately noticed why he asked me to wait.

“After a short break, we will proceed to the final stage!”

Everyone was taking a break according to Rion’s order, but all their eyes were on Rion.

At this time, directing was the most important.

‘Siri. Get ready. Prepare special effects.’

[All right.]

Leon walked slowly forward. The reason for the change was simple.

[master! I consider it.]

‘Can you see me?’

[Everything comes out! You will be able to see all of them!]

It was to show the priests.

After finishing the position, Leon took out the jewelry box and took out 4 jewels.

After putting it down one by one in four directions. Leon fell to his knees.

And started praying.

‘Start! You know how important directing is, right?’

[We will prepare a lot of special effects.]

A splendid scene soon followed.

First, tremendous divine power erupted from Leon’s body.

“… … I knew the parish headman was great, but.”

“I thought you had such deep faith.”

Divine power was the priest’s power and a means of proving his faith. The priests looked at Leone with admiration.

Of course, I had no intention of ending it here.

[Connect to the World Tree.]

‘Connect, and immediately activate the power of the Spirit King.’

[All right.]

Soon after, the jewels placed around Leon began to explode.

phut-! Cheng Kang!

Around the pure white holy power, the ‘gun fire’ of the four attributes began to sway.

Red fire and blue water.

Light green wind and brown land.

White divine power.

Five colors blended together.

‘Hey Siri!’

[Draws the power of the World Tree!]

Tremendous energy poured into Leon’s body, and the pure white color of divine power began to glow green.

When everyone couldn’t get a sense of how strange this was, one of the swindlers opened his mouth.

“The parish priest created nature using divine power and the power of the spirit king.”

Arthur muttered as if he knew what it was.

“… … You mean nature?”

“The Church of Dawn is also called the Church of Hope. That’s why the Church of Hope exists among the sects.”

Arthur’s plain and serious words made no one doubt.

“If the desert is despair, what is hope?”

“… … Are you saying it is nature?”

“Don’t wait for my answer, look at the parish priest right in front of you. The answer will be there.”

It was a plausible answer, but when I thought about it, I didn’t answer anything.

If Leon heard this, he would say, ‘Oh! Is it fair?’ would have said

However, no one here could see through the truth. Even Natalia was staring blankly at Leone.

‘Hey Siri. Is it still?’

Of course, Leone didn’t make things like nature.

[Injecting the power of the world tree into the sum of each attribute is coming to an end. Please wait for a moment.]

The divine power and the power of the World Tree were the energies that would power this gun.

After a while.

The energy surrounding Rion’s body began to decrease gradually, and the power of the Spirit King around Rion began to grow.

[The injection is over.]

‘Then, blow it up!’

The gunshot of red fire flew into the sky and was absorbed by the transparent membrane created by the Church of the Sun.

Starting with the fire, they began to find their seats one by one. The blue water spread widely in the air, and the brown earth was absorbed by the earth.

Finally, the light green wind permeated everywhere.

“Lady. You have to follow me as I move.”

“… … Ambassador?”

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Meanwhile, Arthur approached Natalia and was talking quietly.

“Once it starts, you’ll know what’s going on. Please believe me.”

“… … All right.”

While having such a short conversation, the appearance of Leon, who was hidden by the energy, began to appear.

Until just before, colorful auras had been wrapped around them, but all of them had disappeared, leaving only faint divine power at stake.

‘This is the last one. Didn’t Arthur say he prepared it?’

[Yes. I heard you carefully!]

‘Then, let’s go fancy. Start. Bixby!’

[Hehe. All right!]

At that moment, Leon’s body shakes for a moment.


Blood spurted out of his mouth.

While the priests were looking at it in surprise, the saintess and the High Priestess of the Earth Church were running towards Leon.


Arthur’s performance was admirable even when Lyon saw it. That face filled with tears and full of regret.

‘… … Isn’t it smoke?’

Even Leon wasn’t sure. Arthur and Natalia soon came and helped Leone.

“Priests, prepare your treatment!”

It was a bad idea to treat here.

“… … Use divine power… … do not.”

“How, how can you use your body so recklessly!”

“Sacred power… … balance is disrupted. like this… … We will proceed.”

“You have to take care of yourself. What’s the use of cutting yourself down?”

“It’s okay… … is.”

Looking at Leon’s face, he didn’t look okay at all.

However, there was faith and confidence in the smile he made as he spoke.

Seeing the two of them, Natalia was constantly flooded with various emotions and thoughts.

“Then, finish it as quickly as possible.”

“… … Yes. One o’clock is urgent… … do.”

Arthur immediately gave instructions to the priests.

“After the last operation, I will go straight into treatment! Everyone, get ready!”

With the help of the two, Leon returned to the place where the relic was, and the final work began.

“Relic open!”

The relic was opened and went through the same process. However, the speed was not comparable to before.

The speed slowed down, and Leon’s appearance only looked precarious.

The appearance of Leone stimulated everyone.

“Prepare the Holy Law!”

Soon after, divine power was transmitted to the church of time, and the holy law was activated.

“Sex law. I activate time acceleration!”

And a magical scene unfolded. Time began to pass at a rapid pace throughout the vast desert.

“The nature created by the parish priest is moving.”

“… … haha. awesome.”

“Yes. It is wonderful.”

The water on the ground evaporated into clouds, and it rained again.

Nutrients given to the land met with compost and began to transform the surroundings into soil.

As Arthur said, one nature was being completed at a rapid pace.

[Do you want to do it now?]

‘uh. It’s just the right timing.’

[I will switch to stunned state.]

Along with the miracle, Leon passed out as it was.

* * *

News of this spread rapidly across the continent.

[Desert greening! become a reality!]

[The desert I have been to. A miracle happened there!]

[The denominations gathered and created a miracle. We were able to confirm once again that God is with us!]

Newspapers poured out news every day, and the number of people visiting the desert to see it increased.

It was a success worthy of history, and an event worthy of being called a miracle.

The atmosphere at the camp that actually created the miracle was not good. It was filled with a depressing, depressing atmosphere.

The atmosphere at the camp improved for a while when a letter was found.

“Gather everyone! There is a letter from the parish head!”

However, when I opened the letter, I found something unexpected.

“If this letter has been found, I am very glad that we have succeeded.”

Arthur read the letter as a representative.

“So don’t worry that I fell down, I want you to rejoice to your heart’s content. I’m fine. It’s just an overuse of energy.”

There were sighs of relief everywhere.

“I would like to ask you one last favor to all of you, my comrades and brothers who made the miracle together.”

“If you are waiting for me to wake up, please come back quickly. There are many who need your help. Just as we created a miracle together, I hope that each of us will create a new miracle in our respective positions.”

The letter did not end here.

“P.s. I really appreciated all of you for being with me when I was impatient. Everyone was so nice.”

So the letter was finished.

Tears were on everyone’s faces, but a smile appeared on their lips.

“The desert greening plan has been a success! Everyone except for the management personnel will return!”

The priests who created such a miracle returned to create a new miracle.

* * *

Upon her return, Natalia was summoned by the pope.

“Tell me what you saw, heard, and felt.”

The Pope’s expression was more serious than ever.

“This is a matter at stake for the future of the Church of the Sun and the future of the continent.”

The giant, aware of the existence of darkness, began to move.

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