154. I am Leon!

There were three things needed to green the desert.

First, temperature control.

Second, continuous hydration.

Third, time.

“Roughly, the land recovers after a long period of time with temperature control and hydration.”

It was a very simple solution for the complex research and experimentation that took place.

Of course, the explanation couldn’t end here.

“Of course, if you go into the details, you break it down into several stages. Craft humus to supply the influence of the land… … .”

As expected, going into details, various processes continued continuously.

For Leon, the important thing now was not to listen to and understand that method.

“Are you ready?”

It was important to be able to put it into practice.

“Yes. All preparations we can do have been completed. However, unlike experiments, there are many variables, so I think we have no choice but to respond as we proceed.”

There is a big difference between experimentation and actual application, just like sparring and combat.

Besides, if you fail, the nobles will check you in.

“Rather than trying all areas, how about gradually increasing the area?”

Natalia, who was listening to the explanation, gave her opinion. She, too, was aware of the risks of failure.

At her question, Arthur shook his head.

“That’s not a bad method, but the problem is that the dispatched priests are tied up here for a long time.”

It was as Arthur said.

Not only the daily expenses, but also the position of the churches that sent a large number of priests is also embarrassing.

The experiment was successful, and the preparations were over, but the atmosphere was not so good.

But for Leon, now was an opportunity.

“everyone. You don’t have to worry.”

These were the words of Leon, who told me the solution whenever a problem arose. Everyone looked at Leon with expectant eyes.

“I know what you are worried about. Time is running out, and you only have one chance.”

Leon activated the skill at the same time.

[Skill: Comfort has been obtained.]

[Unique skill: Persuasion of the Parish is activated.]

Now is the time to cheat.

“For those of you who have been following me, you know that I am not attempting to gamble.”

The actions that Leon had taken so far were proof of that. No one came forward.

“Do you think I didn’t expect things to turn out this way?”

The priests shook their heads as if possessed. Only Natalia and Arthur were looking at Leone with different emotions.

“When we go ahead with this desert greening plan. I was sure. Rather than certainty of heart, there was an important ingredient to make this plan a success.”

Leon immediately shouted.

“Bring that thing!”

With those words, the Blade of Dawn member appeared from the shadows. He held out the jewelry box to Leon.

“These gems are the material.”

Leon opened the jewelry box and showed me what was inside. Inside it were 4 jewels emitting brilliant light.

The priests began to mumble.

“Huh. What the hell is that, such a pure energy!”

“Besides, they all exude a different aura.”

“It is similar to the Spirit Stone, but different. why… … .”

Natalia, who was staring at the jewelry, opened her mouth.

“Can you explain what kind of gem it is?”

“The first time I went out of the realm of the Empire. The thing they got was what they call a stone containing a god.”


“of course. I don’t mean real god. It is a stone containing the power of the spirit king, whom they worshiped as a god. The wise man has confirmed this.”

No one said anything about the appearance of the Spirit King, who has now become a myth or a legend.

Then a priest opened his mouth.

“You mean you use it here?”

A jewel containing the power of the Spirit King. Rather than using it for desert greening, it was more profitable to just sell it.

Lyon felt the same way. If it really was the only jewel in the world, I wouldn’t have used it in a place like this.

‘But the situation is completely different.’

This jewel was created by Leon injecting energy little by little.

A gem you can make.

To Leon, it was just a stone with that much value.

However, people don’t know that.

“I use it because it is here. I thought there was nothing more valuable than now.”

The priests burst into admiration at Leon’s attitude, which did not feel any material desire.

I had to keep this momentum going.

“everyone. What we do is really important. We can prepare for a future without worrying about food, and we can spread the will of the many denominations participating here on the continent.”

I had to stimulate their minds.

“This is truly sublime. We can prepare for future dangers and spread the church’s good intentions to the world. It is about making the entire continent healthy.”

Those who had gathered here for the sake of honor and the desire to show off soon turned into noble priests.

He praised himself, but there was no way anyone hated it.

Rather, pride arose in their hearts, as if they had come for that purpose in the first place.

square. square. square.

As the surroundings were engulfed in silence, only the sound of the pens of the apostles could be heard.

“Besides, I am not the only one who brought such a noble object. Relics were brought from each denomination, and the priests shared their know-how.”

The jewels containing the power of the King of Spirits were lowered, and their actions and relics were placed on the same line.

“There are many difficulties in treating patients, and it is to revive the desert. It is natural to have difficulties.”

The atmosphere of worrying about failure disappeared at some point.

“But think about it. Do you really think we’ll fail? no. we succeed Rather, I have no confidence to fail!”

The moment everyone nodded vigorously.

[The persuasion target is convinced.]

[The persuasion target agrees.]

[The subject has been persuaded.]

A reminder that I was persuaded came to mind.

“I will move as soon as I am ready. We will make it today! For the future of the continent!”

The priests shouted as if possessed.

“For the future of the continent!”

“For the future of the continent!”

* * *

Natalia was very confused. It’s the first time I’ve ever had someone who didn’t understand.

Read at noble mtl.com

My head was complicated, and my thoughts were not working properly. Then a voice came from behind her.

“Is this the first time you met the parish head?”

It was none other than Arthur who spoke to her.

“Yes. This is my first time.”

Originally, when my head is this complicated, I don’t talk to others.

But now, I was very curious about that person named Rion.

“When everyone sees the parish priest for the first time, they will react like that. The higher the will, the greater the ambition, the more they respond.”

“What the hell… … .”

She felt like she had been found out.

“I did too.”

“… … Yes?”

She never thought Arthur would come out like this.

“Without greed, a consistent mind thinking about the world. Seeing such a parish president reminds me of the ugly me.”

“… … .”

After hearing that, Natalia realized why she was so embarrassed.

“At that time, people’s reactions were divided into two. Be influenced or become enemies.”

Arthur’s expression was very gentle, but his eyes were cold.

“Don’t make him your enemy. He is someone the world really needs.”

She realized why Arthur had called her. He was giving a ‘warning’.

“I’m not stupid enough to make enemies who do me no harm.”

Originally, she shouldn’t have responded like this, but she couldn’t control her emotions right now.

The hostility disappeared from Arthur’s eyes.

As if confirming the truth.

“That’s enough.”

It was a strange situation where the high priest followed the parish head, but it was understandable when he recalled Leon’s appearance a moment ago.

“I hope you keep that heart. I think you’re a good rival. That’s why I don’t want to meet them as ‘enemies’.”

It meant that the moment he became hostile to Leone, he would also become an enemy. Upon hearing those words, Natalia’s head went cold.

“I am grateful for the advice of the high priest. I don’t know what to say in return, but I will erase the conversation we had just now from my memory.”

“I will also erase this conversation from my memory.”

Their conversation ended with both promising to keep this conversation a secret.

Contrary to what the two thought no one would hear, there was someone who was listening.

square. square. square.

The sound of the pen was barely audible.

* * *

Desert greening is simple.

The Cult of the Sun gathers sunlight.

The Cult of Water wets the land.

The Cult of Earth revives the Earth.

The church of time just needs to make time pass quickly.

The power of other churches only supported and helped them.

In fact, it was successful as a flower pot.

The problem was that granting it to a single pot was different from granting it to the entire desert.

Where do you get that enormous divine power?

The answer was nearby.

“The relics are ready!”

The sacred power brought by the churches was one of them, and the other was somewhere else.

[Confirmed that elves and fairies are prepared around the World Tree!]

Right under the desert, there was a huge world tree managed by fairies.

“Are you ready? If I refine the divine power and pass it on, I will use it.”

“The elites of each denomination are on standby! You can start right away!”

The plan was simple.

Leon distributes the enormous divine power emitted from the holy relic and the world tree to the church.

The denominations had that divine power and it was the end if they moved as planned.

‘If it wasn’t for me, it would have been impossible in the first place.’

The holy power that the holy relic had was not all the same. The nature of divine power was slightly different for each denomination.

However, Leon was able to refine this into pure divine power.

“Then, let’s start with the Cult of the Sun. You must use the exact amount calculated. Please open the holy relic!”

“Relic open!”

Up to 1/4 of the holy relics were opened at once, and tremendous divine power poured out to the surroundings.

Even though it was a desert in broad daylight, nothing could be seen with the light emitted from the divine power.

‘google! Siri! Eat it secretly!’

If it had been a different energy, I would have seen Google’s teeth and shape. It was divine power. With the help of the sacred water, I was able to absorb it without any trace.

As the divine power decreased, the surroundings began to show, and the priests were immediately shocked.

“That huge amount of divine power… … !”

Leon’s absorption speed was so fast that it looked like light in human form.

‘google! Eat all the useless things, and spit only the holy power towards the sun!’


The absorbed divine power was refined and began to pour into the priests of the Church of the Sun.

“Don’t panic! Move according to plan! Church of the Hunt! Move quickly!”

“Designate sunlight as prey!”

… … .

… … .

After a while, the priests activated one sacred law with the divine power sent by Leon.

“Mercy of the sun! Triggered!”

Huge divine power burst out as if it were going to explode, and soon it began to sprinkle a transparent film on the desert.

“It triggered normally!”

It was still only half successful.

“Request to activate the magic circle!”

“The heat storage magic circle is activated!”

It wasn’t until after the magic circle was activated and a few things were adjusted.

“Ambient temperature is dropping!”


“This really works!”

I knew it was successful.

However, it was not the time to relax.

“There are now three left! Get ready!”

Only one was successful, but the fear of failure was not shown on anyone’s face.

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