Although there was a direct quarrel afterwards, because they all came out, everyone also dispersed after drinking coffee together.

On Qinglong’s side, he used the Baidu map of his mobile phone to navigate to the nearest bookstore, and then walked in directly.


Although there is a library that is more convenient, there must be books in the bookstore.

That’s right.

Qinglong is now preparing to test the so-called ability to transform from reading to a master.

[This was originally a very useful method. ] The system said, [Isn’t there often some poor students who are usually coping with their studies, but at a certain moment, their heads suddenly become clear, and then they explode into geniuses? This is the qualitative change produced by the accumulation of quantitative changes. ]

Is that so?

Let’s just trust the system.

A book of C language that Qinglong picked up.

He doesn’t know anything about this stuff. At the same time, I don’t want to know about this kind of knowledge about baldness.

But he still opened the cover.

Let’s start from the preface, and the reading here doesn’t require brains or distractions.

[Your brain is very smart, even if you don’t think about it, you have already memorized the contents of the book. ] The system prompts on the side.

That is to say, you don’t need to think about what you are reading when you use silent reading, right?

Qinglong began to read silently from the word “Computer”, but he stopped after reading a page silently..

“I just found this book randomly. I want to gain the ability to deal with various written exams in practical teaching, but now I really don’t need to read textbooks?”

[There is no need to worry about this at all, because the real masters also need books related to various subjects and industries, and the knowledge is inherently common, so as long as the host reads it, the system will carry out unified planning to increase the master’s mastery.

Another reminder, the current host is just a scumbag. ]

You don’t need to be reminded of this kind of reminder.

But if you don’t limit the books you want to read, then there is no problem.

Qinglong is a very curious person, in order to seek answers, he immediately started the test.

Because he can think and analyze without using his brain, silent reading is a very fast thing. He has read a page in just one minute, but the book he is holding now has 388 pages, so for the convenience of reading, he found a sat down.


Putting down the C language with both hands, Qinglong began to test.

“So after reading a book, how much did your domineering power increase?”

[The reading is still too little, and the experience value has not increased much, but the effect is also there. Host, you should first find a book on calculus. ]


This is advanced mathematics. Qinglong went to medical school in the past, so he didn’t need to take a few minutes of electives, that is to say, he was completely unfamiliar with it.

After asking the clerk, Qinglong easily obtained the calculus book.

Then a sample question was opened according to the system requirements.

Then he bought this calculus book in the bookstore, and Qinglong was able to obtain the permission to mark on the book.

It is known that the function f(x) is continuous on [0, 1] and can be derived in (0, 1), and f(0)=0, f(1)=1. Proof:

(I) There exists ξ∈(0,1), making f(ξ)=1-ξ;

(II) There are two distinct points η,ζ∈(0,1) such that f(η)f(ζ)=1.

Well, this is a topic.

[As for the host, you can test it now. ] Following the sound of the system, Qinglong felt that his body was slightly warming up, and then he held the pen, not thinking at all, but he felt that he could write something now.

Then I wrote it out.

Answer: Let g(x)=f(x)+x-1, then…

Then it became blank after that.

I can’t write it out.

It seems that they just copied down the known conditions.

[Look, this is the effect. ] But the system said directly, [The current host just doesn’t have enough experience points, as long as the experience points are enough, then this kind of question can be answered, even if you think you haven’t written it, but you will. ]

Is that so?

Then let’s try again.

Although he was still very weak, he really saw a way to become a top student without using concepts. So Qinglong sat there and directly read the calculus book he just bought.

And at this time, it turned to the topic just now.

He found that he could write part of it again.

g(x)=f(x)+x-1, then g(0)=-1, g(1)=1. According to the zero point theorem, there exists ζ1∈(0,1), so that f(ζ1)=1 -ζ1 But he did not learn calculus.

Besides this kind of topic, he found some haiku to recite, and he found that he could also make up part of it. This is good news. He traveled here but didn’t like the courses here very much, but no matter what era it is, academic ability is very important, but now it is only through reading without using his head that he can acquire the ability to become a top student. Qinglong thinks this is a good deal.

Perhaps it was a pursuit of the victory, Qinglong finished reading three more books in the bookstore, but the eyes of the clerk next to him were too conspicuous, so he bought all the books he had read.

This is not a good performance, because Qinglong found that the wallet in this world is not full at all. After buying 5 books, there is only more than 10,000 yen left in the wallet.

“The system converts the actual teaching points into money.” Qinglong immediately sought a solution.

[Sorry, host. There is only one thing that can be converted in a world, and you have chosen to exchange coins in the world of spring things, and the things that are converted in this world are reading and learning power, so the points you teach cannot be converted into money in this world ..  …]

I see.

It’s just that Qinglong wasn’t completely in trouble.

Because in this world, there are Shiba-senpai and Sawamura Eriri who are free.

Ying Lili is a Huangman cartoonist, and her annual income can be in the tens of millions, and Shiyu-senpai’s novels are very popular, so she also has money, that is to say, as long as she bends down and lets one of them take care of her , then he doesn’t have to worry about money.

It’s just that after this option appeared, Qinglong chose to ignore it.

Swearing in the practical teaching that he wanted to be taken care of by a rich woman was just to attract attention, not because he really wanted to do it in his heart, otherwise he wouldn’t often give Karuizawa expensive points other than the standard tasks.

I can only think of other methods.

I checked the phone time and it was already nine o’clock in the evening.


It was only at this time that Qinglong remembered that he only obtained a setting when he traveled through time, but the person was himself, so he didn’t have any memories here.

In other words, he has no idea where he lives now.”…”

He opened the phone’s address book, but he struggled with whether to dial the number of his parents here. After all, he had a strong personal consciousness, but he was not ready to accept another pair of parents immediately after going to the countryside to do as the Romans did.

Then who should I ask?



As a childhood sweetheart, Ying Lili must know where it is, but what kind of excuses are she looking for? Instead, she will be questioned.

What about senior sister?

It’s the same situation as Senior Sister.

Then to put it another way, let Ying Lili come out, and then invite her to his house to play games with her tonight, so Ying Lili probably won’t refuse or doubt it.

It’s just that it’s a bit like treating the other party as a tool man.

Qinglong still had a conscience, so he fell into a tangle.

“Student An Yi.” When Qinglong was in trouble, a girl’s voice came from beside him.

This is Kato Megumi.

“Kato—when were you here?” Qinglong was surprised because he didn’t notice the other party at all.

“Half an hour ago, I came to the bookstore to buy books.” Kato said, and then saw that An Yijun seemed to be looking at her all the time, his eyes seemed a little burning.

“Then Kato, do you know where my home is?” Qinglong said.

“I read it in the address book…and then I will pass by on the way to school?”

Just saying that, Kato Megumi felt that something was wrong with Kiyotaka now.

Because Qinglong suddenly held her hand with both hands.

“Then please come home with me.”


Being held by the hand again, if he hadn’t seen Qinglong’s serious eyes, then Kato-san probably felt that he was being harassed by sex bugs again. .

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