In the end, Shiwa-senpai and Eiriri’s kicking each other in the ground finally ended after they were exhausted and ordered juice.

Although it is embarrassing, kicking each other is indeed a shameful thing.

In order to deal with this situation, Qinglong touched his pocket and found a proposal for making a game club.

This was probably set up like this before~.

It’s just that Qinglong has not checked what is written on it, but it shouldn’t be a big deal.

Because the proposal is not important, as long as the seniors or Ying Lili feel that they have a rival in love, then they will definitely stay in order to eradicate the rival.

Besides, wouldn’t it be great to have an excuse to increase the chances of getting along?

So the business plan is not important at all.

Although it’s not very polite, in Qinglong’s view, both Eirari and Shiwa-senpai are actually free.

Ying Lili is a childhood sweetheart, and she gave X1 for free.

And senior sister Shiyu can tell from her eyes, well, from her eyes now that this guy likes him.


Kiyotaka handed over the proposal and handed it to classmate Kato.

“Huh?” Kato-san was taken aback. “Give it to me?”

It’s not a strange thing to give a proposal, what’s really strange is that this kind of thing is handed to her in front of the two beauties of the academy.

At this moment, Kato-san was extremely dazzling.

Kato-san probably felt that his situation was not very good, so he answered like this.

So, the proposal is not important, as long as it is confirmed that Kato’s position is important.

Of course, after being taught by Mr. Kushida, Kiyotaka is still very sure about his acting skills. What he showed was unemotional.

This means that he does not have any love for Kato, but it is possible to develop in this direction.

“let me see!”

“No, let me watch first.”

Look, senior sister and Ying Lili have already started to quarrel.

This is probably controlling people’s hearts.

Kiyotaka thinks that Kushida-san has been doing this a bit too much, because…doesn’t it give people a sense of accomplishment after doing this?

But his conscience is condemning him, and Qinglong feels a little despicable.


However, when Qinglong was in a daze, the table in front of him was pressed down by two girls with one hand.

“Hey, Mr. Qinglong, what do you mean by this?”

“That’s right, Qinglong, do you really want to enter the world of adults?”

Sister Shiyu and Ying Lili actually started to attack together, and it was only at this time that Qinglong realized that what he handed over was not a proposal, but a bunch of numbers on it.



Or something like ZH.


Obviously, isn’t this something forbidden?

“It’s not this.”

Qinglong quickly snatched the note back, and then found a crumpled piece of paper with only three words [plan] written on it in the pocket of the other trousers.

This is the formal plan.

But it seems that nothing was written.


This really makes people want to hit the wall.

At this time, Qinglong also remembered that An Yilun in the original book was set up as a reckless person who founded a club on a whim but didn’t think about anything.

It’s just that the planning book has not been written yet, that is, it has not yet shown something that people can trust, but the strongest original artist, the popular light novelist and the very cute passerby heroine are all gathered here, Qinglong actually admired himself a little bit.

If that’s the case, let’s just write a proposal on the spot.

Qinglong remembered that he had seen it twice in the past, so he still remembered the format.


“Speaking of which, Mr. Qinglong is really a boy.” Senior sister Shi Yu took the topic, “I thought you were only interested in the second dimension.”

“Are you dissatisfied with the second dimension?” However, it was Ying Lili who responded to the senior sister, “Furthermore, Qinglong probably just got stuffed from friends, not because of his feelings. interest.”

Ying Lili defended Qinglong.

But with such a detailed serial number, it is almost impossible for Qinglong to clear his innocence.

Besides, they were discussing the project proposal just now. I always feel that their focus is very strange.

Can you turn your attention back?

“How can Huisawamura-san be so sure that it’s someone else’s stuffing and not Kiyotaka-kun’s own desire?” Shiba-senpai raised her hands.

“It’s impossible.” Ying Lili criticized, “Right, Qinglong, tell me, you’re not interested in such things that are giants, right?”

“Oh——” the senior made a cute voice, “Could it be that Mr. Sawamura has already identified what these things are?”

“Xiazhiqiu, don’t talk nonsense.” Ying Lili said, “You are the one, right? You can tell at a glance that these are Juru’s things.”


By the way, you have all seen it.Qinglong’s eyes were wide open.

“That—” Kato-san was troubled by such a scene.

“The thing is like this.” Kiyotaka took advantage of the time when Eriri and his senior sister were fighting each other, and told the other party about the feelings of the heroine who founded the game production club and had a crush on Kato at first sight.

Please ask the other party to join the club. It’s not doing anything strange, but I just hope she can help complete the game.

“Let me come?” Kato-san glanced at Eriri and senior who were arguing.

Instinctively told her that it would be very dangerous to join.

“I’m really sorry.” Kato Megumi wisely chose to avoid it.

“It’s just that Kato-san really wants to give up.” Qinglong said, “You must know that Kato-san has always been ordinary, I don’t know if you want to attract other people’s attention, but in a high school, everything is interesting. Don’t you feel that you have wasted your youth in vain if you didn’t get through it. Then when you get older, when you encounter difficulties, you may feel regretful.”


This is the aggressive method.

“It’s really an exaggerated rhetoric, classmate An Yi.” Kato-san deliberately made an angry expression for a second.

Although the aggressive method is very explicit, it seems to have some effect.

“It’s just that I don’t know much about the two-dimensional thing and the game-” She seemed a little hesitant.

Explain that part of it has already been persuaded.

As for this situation, what Ichinose did to him immediately appeared in Kiyotaka’s mind, and he decided to repeat it to Kato.

“Eh?” Megumi Kato let out a small exclamation, because Kiyotaka suddenly held her hand with both hands, to be precise, he held her hand, and then looked into her eyes, which were full of pleas .

“It doesn’t matter, I will teach you. Only the weak are afraid of learning new things, aren’t they?”

And being done like this, there is no way to refuse.


It wasn’t until they found out that Kiyotaka was holding Kato’s hand that Eriri and her senior came back to their senses.

……….. 0

They feel that it’s really late, and if they don’t pay attention, the relationship here has developed by leaps and bounds.

“Qinglong, I think you invited me before, so I can agree to it.” The first person who wanted to come was Eri Sawamura.

She felt that she was a childhood sweetheart. If she was excluded and let Qinglong and Kato Megumi develop, it would be a day.

“It’s really easy to shake, Mr. Eri Kashiwagi.” Senior sister Shiwa mocked Eriri.

“So you won’t join?”

Although there is still Kato as the heroine of the game, doesn’t joining in mean that she can spend more time with Kiyotaka? And it’s very justified.

“Haha——” Senior sister seemed to be mocking, “Actually, I agreed when Qinglong-kun asked me. I am different from a certain arrogant one. If I am too arrogant, I will evolve into a defeated dog.”

“Who are you calling a loser!” Ying Lili immediately quarreled.

And Kiyotaka has already obtained Kato Megumi’s verbal consent to join.

It’s just that the development of senior sister and Ying Lili surprised him.

Because under normal circumstances, it should be that they wanted to test whether he wanted to have fun, so they asked him to write a proposal. It’s just that they are already current members if they haven’t written the proposal.

“Then there is still time to decide on the location of the club’s activities.” Senior Sister Shi Yu said. And Ying Lili also sat down again, they took out their pens, and began to discuss the normal topics of a club in a decent manner.

But this also shows that they are all members of his club.

“Then the proposal—” Qinglong said.

“Anything like this is fine!” X2

But she was immediately pushed back by senior sister and Ying Lili.

So, you don’t read the proposal at all.

All the co-authors just wanted to help him for nothing.

ps: It’s not that I don’t want to update, but I suddenly changed the scene and didn’t know how to write it, so I thought about it for a long time, sorry. three.

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