“I'm here to see the head of the Wall Guard. ”

“For the captain?”

“Yes! Master Amara Sal McDowell. My lady sent me a simple snack. ”

The Saint naturally spoke to the guard, lifting the bottoms of his left hand.

“Come on, Auch. ”

I didn't want to go into resistance, but when I found the head of the guard, I didn't have to write down my name in the visitor's log. He led us right behind the wall to the executive office.

The Saint dreadfully cast a spell before entering the office.


I was young enough to be called a trainer, but I felt the energy of Manaexport. I definitely wanted to be a nobleman's restraint.

But the opponent is a dragon. The magic resistance of Mana-expert could not stop the Saint's magic. I was hypnotized all the way to the guards I was with.

“I am your master. You must follow me unconditionally at the end. ”

The Saint took out the food wrapped in the bottoms and said,

“Have some.”

Everyone approached and picked up some food.

“Did the carriage carrying the children enter the Emperor's Castle? ”

“Yes, I came. ”

“Where did you go? ”

“I entered the basement of the Emperor. ”

“Do you know where you use your children? ”

“I heard that you are doing something to save the world according to Jufir's trust. ”

The Saint shook his head as if it were nonsense.

“Where did you hear that story? ”

“I heard it from my father. ”

“Who is your father and what are you doing? ”

“Commander of the Resistance Guard and Grukan Sal Amara. It's an oramaster.”

It would be quite credible information if you were a resistant guard commander. The Saint nods as if satisfied.

“Tell me how to get into the Holy Underground. ”

McDowell informed the Saint to the best of his knowledge. It was not the Emperor's bedroom, so I could get closer more easily than I thought.

“Now! When I flip my finger, all I have left is the memory of eating a snack. ”

The Saint came out of the castle again with the basket that had fed him so much.

No one doubted because the number I carried was correct.

“Invisible! Hyde! ”

Saint and I entered the resistance again with invisibility magic and hidden magic.

I got as close as McDowell taught me, but I couldn't get in without being spotted. It was a staircase that went straight down to the basement.

“Mana Tsutch! ”

The Saint carefully explored the Mana and moved inside.

It was then.

Yippee! The door opens from the inside of the stairs leading to the basement. Surely there was no one before him, and there is no one now.

Saint and I stopped momentarily and looked at each other.

If the Saint's magic can't hide the Longevity, the person in it means at least a wizard of the same level as the Saint.

I nodded.

If it wasn't for the High Demons, I thought I could win enough with the Saint. The Saint laughed at me, seeing if it was what I thought.

We unravel the magic and walk inside.

There are more magicians installed than I thought.

“Is it dangerous?”

Not really. I think it was sealed using the sacred power of Artemias. So it was made a long time ago. I think it's exhausting to keep it from leaking out.

The cave was longer than I thought. At the end, there were dozens of giant doors. Maybe open that door and think about it.


As soon as we pass through the door, Mundi's door closes again.

Inside, there was a huge cavity. The Saint who saw the form opened his mouth without even knowing it.


“Yes. This was the Rare of the Ancient Dragon. ”

There's a voice in there.

As the protagonist of his voice flew through the sky, he came to us with support in the air.

The closer he came, the harsher the aura inherent in indignation and impersonation tried to stamp us down. It was an ominous energy that was not evil to the Demons.

“Who are you?”

“Do you know my name? But let's be polite. I am Jorcan Saleh von Schmael. ”

“ ……. ”

I just blinked, too, Saint.

As a dragon, Saint was not interested in the legend of a strong human being, nor was I from another star.

“Yes, Jorkan. Were you an evil being trapped here? ”

“Tsk tsk tsk! You have no manners. Do you think you've misstated my name? ”

“Stacy Goldie. ”

“Kim Il-hwan. Call me Kim.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Get down. But I'll give you an answer. Well, it may or may not be. I was the one who built and used this place, and I was the one who ended up trapped here. ”

“Beat up the puzzling story. I know the children have come here. Where are the children? ”

I yelled and asked.

“Hahaha. Are you here to save the children? What do we do? It's too late. ”

“What? What the hell are you doing here? ”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk! Did you come here just two days ago? You're bolder than I thought. Gold Dragon! ”

“If you knew that, you would know that we alone are enough. ”

“Uh-huh. Uh-huh. As you can see, the dragons are arrogant enough to pierce the sky. Or a bluff. Gold dragon. Can you handle my hatred that has been chewing on you for a thousand years? ”

“What? A thousand years? ”

“Yes. The millennium of a human being lives only a hundred years apart from the millennium of a dragon. Lightning!”

Lightning! Lightning strikes with a flash.

Surprisingly, Richie was writing a proverb known as the dragon's only power.

But lightning flows out to the side as if blocked by something in the air. It was Manashield, unfolded by the Saint.

“Back off, Kim. ”

I fell beside her, and Richie, who called herself Jorkan, didn't even care.

Rather, I sent a signal that I would go to my head, just as I wished I would fall.

“Hell Fire! Earthquake! Rock Golem!... ”

“Blink. Magic Shield. Massive Ice Picks! ……. ”

When I fell, Richie and Saint also started pouring magic.

The magical struggle between the two had no twisted pair.

I wanted to help Saint, but I needed magic armor to do so. But it had to be patient to know that it would soon bring together the dragons that spread throughout the world.

But I soon learned that it was an illusion.

“Your opponent is this way. Kim."

I was surprised to see the protagonist of my voice.

“That's it. Knight of the Fake Trust. Kim."

Schreiber, who couldn't stand the embarrassment of himself and became a photowarrior, stood there.

Is it a dormant condition that became a photowarrior? His eyes were bloody enough to fit the word red.

And surprisingly, the mana from his body was very different from before. I felt a more refined manna than one or two Grand Masters.

“Wait. Did you say fake? ”

“Yeah. It's a fake trust knight. A true knight of trust occupied by Jufir, who gave it to me. A true knight of trust to save humanity. I have gained the strongest power of humanity here. With this power, I will rid you of the dragon and the demon king with the power of God and man. ”


A sigh came out. What does this have to do with humans, dragons, or whatever you can do to stop the Demon King's invasion? That didn't mean anything to me.

“Yes, I got it. You do the Knight of the Trust. But I need to know where the kids are. What did you do to the children who came here? ”

“The children? Don't worry about those kids. Children will be proud to know that they have also contributed to humanity. ”

“Tell me straight away. You idiot. Didn't you even learn how to give the other person the answers they want to get old? I'm gonna ask you again. What happened to the kids? ”

“Huh! Stupid guy. You don't know what I'm saying. I'll show you exactly what I got here and why I'm a knight of the trust. ”

Schreiber comes out with a sword.

A swordsmanship with Schreiber's unique coolness, but much faster than before.

But it wasn't that scary to me that Black Schreiber had been rubbing with all his power.

“Huh! Avoid this too! ”

Schreiber's sword flew faster than ever before.

I was surprised to see the skill of Schreiber's sword unfold.

“Wh-what's with the sword? ”

“Hahaha. Do you recognize the greatness of this sword? Let's call it Only One Light. Legendary Dragon Slayer Black Almond's Sword. It's also proof that I'm the true knight of trust. Hahahaha. Now die! ”

Schreiber hits ONLY ONLY ONLY LIGHT again. That's why I also used ONLY One Light Skill.

Kang! Kakakakaka-kang!

A scary fire burst between me and Schreiber.

“What? How do you use that technology? ”

“Hm! If this is evidence of a true knight of trust, I am real and you are fake. I learned it from Black myself. ”

“That's ridiculous! How can you learn from a dead man a thousand years ago? ”

“Huh! Don't you think my swordsmanship looks better? Your swordsmanship is not trimmed. ”

I put up more pitch. Then Schreiber's sword began to be pushed back. It was the difference between a completed swordsmanship and a non-swordsmanship.

“That's ridiculous! It can't be. Absolutely not! ”

Schreiber swings his sword like crazy, denying something like the day before he became a photowarrior.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

There seemed to be a wall of fire between Shriver and me.

Soon after, however, Schreiber's sword was cut off.

The shriveller bursts into tears and hurries back, screaming.

“What? The black one? You cut my barbed sword made of Adamantium? ”

“Huh! You have to carry the right sword to play Knight of the Faith, right? This is the Sword of God Bastian. ”

“The Sword of God? What are you doing? Sword! Draw the sword.”

A sword flew from the back.

I did not hinder you from grasping the sword. However, I asked a question.

“Even now, reveal the whereabouts of the children and pay for the murder of their parents. Then I will kill you painlessly. ”

“Do you think a fake can beat a real sword? Come on, everyone.”

Then all the knights who were standing behind jumped. Of course, the Grand Masters are proud of the Krutu Kingdom.

Their skills were also eye-catching.

But my skills were stronger than theirs in the first place. Moreover, it was not enough that 29 people could not cope with the continuing increase.

There was also room for skill combinations and horsepower armor to escape the crisis at any time.

However, even Krutu's knights were calm and hastily unaware that there was a corner to believing something.

Then a fast workshop came and went for five minutes to scare me.

On the one hand, the Ten Circles' wizards were fighting, and on the other hand, the greatest titled knights of mankind were fighting, but the underground cavity was holding up remarkably well.

“Huh! It's persistence. But I'll end it for you. Now good weapons alone will not hold. Go! Unleash your power! ”

A dark and ominous aura rises from the Ormasters who came upon me.

It was like a magic armor.

No, it wasn't trimmed yet, but it was definitely a magic armor.

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