“What? Are the children gone? ”

Rich Jorcan returned in a furious voice.

“Yes, ancestor. The Dark Magazine is also missing with them. I can't find any enemies. I'm looking for them in the back room. ”

The man the Emperor gave to Jorcan was Imperial Wizard Josef Saleh von Schmael.

“Hm! Then don't worry. Leave it. I'll find the Scarecrows. Josef, secure the children. ”

“Haona ancestor. They say they can't save their children because they're all gone. ”

“Huh! What are you talking about? There are so many people in the Empire, but they don't have jaws without young children, do they? ”

“Haona, those are the children of the Empire..... ”

At that moment, Jorcan's finger pointed to Josef.


“Ouch! Ouch! ”

Josef was forced to scream in pain as if something were squeezing his whole body.

“Ah……. Okay, please. Please stop, ancestor. Please.”

When Jorcan's fingers were removed, Joseph could barely escape the pain.

“Don't make me say it twice. Save the children one way or another. This is the fate of the Empire, and the fate of mankind is at stake. You can't handle the Demon King unless Shriver has more power than the Black Almond. Throw away the poor conscience for the sake of the whole empire and the comfort of humanity. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand. Grandfather.”

Josef retreats with tears.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk! There are no good people. Worth it! ”

Jorcan, who had been vomiting for a while, cried out.

“Wizard boy! ”

Zorkan's eyes saw a completely different landscape than before.

It was because he shared his vision of being captured by someone through a Wizard child.

In his new field of view, he saw a woman of perfect beauty who seemed to have been crafting and decorating for many years. And next to him stood a young man with an ordinary figure.

“Huh. I've definitely seen humans who have such perfect looks, even if she's not..... ”

Jorcan rolls his head. Then I came up with something.

“That's right. The people who called Black had such perfect looks. Then she must be a dragon too. Hmph. That's fast. I can't believe it's already connected to me. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Hhhhhhh.”

Jorcan shed an unknown laugh.

Tell me, why are you gathering children?

A man asked.

I can't say. You'd rather kill me.

* * *

“Tell me! Why are you gathering children? ”

“I can't say. You'd rather kill me. ”

The Dark Magazine came out big.

But I knew he couldn't defend himself until the end of the river.

Since the Saint Manacontrol is occupying the inner heart, he was just an ordinary human being who could not perform magic.

“After you, Saint. ”

“Yes, Hypnosy! ”

The eyes of the corporation soaked.

A wizard should have resisted to some extent, but he was hypnotized in an instant because he already had the same level of magical resistance as a normal person with Manacontrol.

“Listen, I am your master. You must answer my words. ”

“Got it.”

“Where are they taking them? ”

“Huang…… Argh! Argh! Argh! ”

The Dark Magistrate vomited blood instead of talking.

“Ugh! Ugh! Ughh!”

He vomited a tremendous amount of blood like he vomited a vomit.

I drenched the floor with blood and fell on the ground.

“Hey! Hey! ”

I flipped him over and shook him, but he was already dead.

The Saint also looked at each other in astonishment.

“What happened? ”

“The owner of the interest was looking at the interest. This man's soul was already ordained by his master, so he would have prevailed over my orders. He ordered me to kill myself. ”

“Did he see us? ”

“Probably. If I hadn't been watching, I wouldn't have been able to cope so quickly. ”

The Saint was biting his lips with a serious expression.

“What's wrong with you? ”

“It's serious. Lots of it. ”


“Hypnosis is a psychic magic. It's directly influenced by the level of the caster. If the master of the interest had been a sorcerer less than me, my magic would have led me to disregard his orders. But I couldn't do that because his master's magic level is at least as strong as mine or stronger than mine. ”

“Are you with the Saint or are you stronger than him? ”

“Yes, at least 10 circles. ”

In the words of the Saint, I was forced to get worse too.

* * *

“I was hit by a dragon. I don't want to shake my hand without a dragon. ”

Jorcan felt that Saint had given a significant shock to his magic when he tried Hypnosis.

No human can use that kind of magic. I was convinced that what I was guessing was her identity as a dragon.

“Now, shall we go see my clans that will catch the dragons? How strong you've become.”

Jorcan took a step.

Arghhhh! Arghh! Arghhhhhh!

The more Zorkan followed, the greater the scream.

The place he was in was a big cavity in a secret door. Inside, there were several beds, and about 30 people were lying there screaming.

Among them were Schreiber, as well as the Grand Masters, who were counter-revolutionary.

Thirty people here are now the strongest UAVs in the Krutu Kingdom.

“Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah, well, it's natural to pursue strength if you're unmanned. If that's the way the Black Almonds walked. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. ”

Jorcan burst into a grin and began to straighten their foreheads.

“Ugh..... ”

Even though the nerve training had been lifted, they were not being released from that pain. But after five minutes, everyone stood up sober.


“Yes, Jorcan. ”

Schreiber had an extreme attitude towards both emperors. That was true not only for Schreiber, but for the rest of the articles.

“The people of the Stuart Kingdom will come. I need to check your skills. Show some skill!”

“Yes, Jorcan. ”

Schreiber goes out to the center, pulls out his sword and shouts.

“All of you! ”

Surprisingly, Schreiber himself was willing to take 29 joints.

Despite the fact that there were four more Grand Masters in the Cruutu Empire than Schreiber.

However, all 29 other knights began to draw their swords and shatter without hesitation. It seemed to have happened several times already.

* * *

Me and the Saint again teleported to Batuli Castle. It was because the connection that Dark Magistrate was chasing was broken.

“You guys?”

Baron Batuli, lying on the bed, shouts as he sees us appear on the teleport.

I swung the great sword and hit him in the back.

Almost simultaneously the Saint spells.


Baron Batuli's eyes fluttered instantly at the Saint's Spell.

The Swordmasters' Magic Resistance was high, so they did what they had promised in advance because they could hypnotize with a deep shock or an external shock.

That's when you choke! The door is open.


Immediately when the Saint used magic, the image of me and the Saint disappeared without a trace.

Two guards came in. I must have set a guard at the door in preparation for the raid the other day.

“Baron. Did you call him? ”

Soldiers scour the place with sharp snowflakes.

Tell me you've never done that. Send them back.

“No, I must have slept. ”

“I heard someone else's voice. Baron.”

The guard pretended to be sharp.

“Didn't you say you slept? Don't bother. Back off. ”

When Baron Batuli shook hands, the guards went out again.

Where did the Dark Magistrate come from?

The Saint used a dragon-specific method of communication because there were guards in front of the door.

“I'm from Hwang Sung. ”

Hwang? You mean the Emperor sent you?

“Yes, it is. ”

Do you know what the Emperor is up to?


Where were you planning on sending the kids?

“I know it as the Emperor. ”

Okay, now go to sleep. And when you wake up, forget all about me.

“Yes, my lord. ”

Baron Batuli sleeps again.

Once we teleported out of Batuli Castle.

“I should probably go to the Emperor of the Empire. Is it okay to travel a little longer? ”

I asked as if the Saint was sorry.

“Let's go. You said it was important. We have to see the end.”

“Yes, thank you. ”

We teleported to the Emperor of the Krutu Empire. Of course, the Saint disguised himself again with his old plain face to avoid drawing attention.

Once it was late at night, I went to the inn to get some sleep and went out alone to have breakfast.

We ordered food and the Saint asked the boy who brought food.

“What's the name of the head of the Wall Guard today? ”

The boy looks at the Saint with a strange expression, like what he is talking about.

But the Saint put a copper coin on the table.

“Two. Instead, we know for sure. ”

“If you find out, I'll give you two. ”

The boy smiles and goes straight to the man at the table next to him.

“Sergeant Havis. You're still drunk today. It smells like liquor. And you're mad at the Tiger Captain, aren't you? ”

“Hahaha. What's going on? The sun will rise from the west. You're all worried about me. ”

“What's going on? The boss smells of liquor, and like last time, the Tiger Captain gave a month-long restraining order to all the guards, and we're doomed. ”

“Don't worry. Today is Sundong Teacher. Nothing happens if it doesn't explode. I'm all on my own. I'm tired of being caught by the Tiger Captain. ”

“Oh! I never thought you'd pick that. ”

“Son of a bitch. Don't say that. Let me introduce you to your aunt and I. I am old but still in good health……. ”

The boy talked for a while, and as soon as we were done eating, he came and took away the bowl and said,

“You're Commander McDowell Sal Amara. Give me another penny and I can tell you where I'm from. ”

“Ho-ho. Yeah, this is a tip. ”

The Saint put two pennies of copper on the table.

He said he was disappointed that his eyes were enlarged by the word tip.

“Blood. You have to give me at least three tips. Captain Amara, your home is Huangseong. ”

“He was weak. ”

“It's a pitchfork.”

We checked out and came out.

“Saint, why are we gathering information? Why don't you go into Invisible and hang a hypnosis? ”

“Hwang Seong is a little different. It seems like the Empire's talents have been gathered and created for a long time, so it's hard to get in without being spotted. It's easy to blow Bress in one shot. ”

“You're not going to use Bress? ”

“Yes, because I'm a saint now. If you're not related to the devil, you won't be able to use the dragon's power. But I don't think so. ”

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