Scream and cry. Scream and death.

The grief of those who lost their families and the frustration that they could not win,

The collapse and helplessness of losing everything you've accumulated so far.

A longing to carry on with a broken breath. And mourning and cursing for God and the devil. of the ear.

Anger and hatred,

The grudge of the one who lost his daughter and the wrath of the one who lost his son.

The pain created by the blade in my body and the dark sensation of the sword that pricks the body of others.

The anger and madness of a blind man who only kills, kills, and kills. Beyond madness, a spirit with deafness.

All the emotions from the war.

All of them came together. The emotions that came together were increasingly provoking each other, unstoppably amplified, and sucked into me without a second.

[Dark Magic stat increased. 140, 143, 147, 149, 153, 159…….]

I had to bite my teeth to catch my mind in a stream of emotions as if it were going to explode.

But that alone could not hold my mind. I had to bite my lips.

The sharp pain and bitter blood reminded me.

I was barely able to regain consciousness, but I was not sure how long I would be able to protect myself from the constant widespread emotions.

“Black! You crazy bastard. What the hell did you make? Did you make your way to the Demon King? ”

I was screaming without knowing.

* * *

I smelled an irresistible sweet smell somewhere. Turning to the eye, the origin of the smell was the mystical Death Knight by dark magic.

As he fell to the ground, he swung the Great Sword and cleaved his head. Desknight lifted the sword and blocked the Great Sword, but it was of no use.

His black crocodile leaves only break apart, and Destiny splits in half and vomits out the dark magic.

The dark magic power that was thrown up hovered over the air and was absorbed by me as it was originally.

[Dark Magic stat increased. 167, 170, 173…….]

The increase in dark magic stats was not only due to the absorption of the dark magic of Destination. The dark magic force followed the dark magic force, the flow of vast emotions followed by the flow, the two sources continuing to increase my dark magic power.

And my body, irrespective of my will, was already cleaving other Desnites.

It was like someone in me was using my body instead of me.

Ka 'ang! Ka 'ang!

As the Great Sword was violently swirled and the Destiny fell, dark magic was building up in my body.

My Great Sword chased after the sweet smell, killed, killed, and killed again.

Then the smell of sweeter than ever called me. My body flashed and flew towards the Grand Destination, more than 50 metres away. Then he falls down and blows the Great Sword at him.


When he empties my sword, he throws up a scream along with his sword's rising fire.


I wanted to know if my voice was rough and blunt, so that my voice was correct.

But apart from that, my Great Sword was already tearing him apart.

He tried to squeeze my sword again this time, but just before he hit, he turned his wrist and turned it into a straight line.

Hah! With a tremendous sound, he flew back and fell to the ground. And before he even stood up, my great sword fell on him.


My body was pushed by the heavy pressure felt by the left flank.

Thanks to this, I was unable to hit the Great Sword. I only cut the ground floor.

Empty! Empty! Empty!

I felt dozens of strong pressures at a very short moment, but it was just pressure. It wasn't painful at all.

Suddenly, I could not penetrate my black magic armor of the one who jumped in and disturbed me and left only a feeling of pressure.

I stood up to that kind of power and aroused myself. He retreated to see if he felt useless.

“How dare you! ”

As I looked around screaming, there were two Grand Destinates that emitted such a sweet fragrance that I was unconscious.

But if I didn't have the courage to confront you, I couldn't get in first and looked at my eyes.

“Good! Very good! I can't believe you came here on your own! I love the week! ”

Again, a murky voice, not mine, echoed through my throat, and the power gathered in the hand of the great sword.

In the meantime, a dark magic power that only wielded my body with no purpose was in my right hand.

A powerful force that doesn't even know how powerful it is swung the Great Sword for a moment.

Ka Kang!

The swords of the Grand Death Nights, who came across the sword, were broken and their bodies split in half.

It was such a ridiculous death compared to the name Grand Destiny.

A small whirlpool of dark magic flows from their bodies and is sucked into the amguard.

Hee-fever? Cheer? I trembled as much as I could feel the excitement.

[Dark Magic stat increased. 203, 205, 209…….]

All the sweet scents have vanished from it to the end. And my body came back to me.

I looked like I only coveted the dark magic, not me in me, but I felt very dirty. All I wanted to do was call Black right now and pick my own designation.

“Part of it! Very well done. It was amazing.”

“It's the best. Part of it. As Nara said, you are invincible. It's invincible.”

It was Lucifer and Soichiro who came running after my fight.

When the Destinates were all gone, the fight turned into a one-sided predominance. But a force of 200,000 is a nightmare in itself.

There was still a constant struggle around.

Soldiers and monsters were still throwing up their rage, killing each other and killing each other.

And the dead stood up again and began to fight. There were not only monsters in the Undead.

“Ralph! Wake up! Ralph!”

“Father. Father. Me. Me. Wake up."

“Brother! Brother! Don't do this. Don't do this. Zevaal!”

“Hey! Kill me quickly. Undead. Not your brother. ”

“That's not Ralph. It's just Undead. Kill him! Kill him!”

I heard tears all over the place. I heard the sound of tearing the wheels and engraving an unforgettable pain and sorrow forever.

Soldiers were sentenced to death by throwing swords at those who had just been colleagues, those who were parents, those who were children, those who were lovers, and those who usually had a face.

The endless groaning and despair that unfolds like that. A terminal of frustration and death. I couldn't keep an eye on it.

“I'll go.”

“Where are you going? ”

Brother Soichiro asked.

“We have to end this war. ”

I started to run with the words. It's got to be somewhere over there. I began to cross the battlefield in search of the Riches.

* * *

“What am I supposed to do?”

“What do you do? We have to fight. Aren't we Richie who doesn't die anyway? There is no death as long as Life Besle is with the Demon King. I have to show the Demon King that he is qualitatively different from the ones who fled because they don't want to die. ”

In the words of the commander of the 24th Cavalry, the commander of the 9th Cavalry shouted curiously:

“But I do. He doesn't look unusual. It's creepy to look at it. Like the Demon King.”

He pointed to Kim Il-hwan, who was running at an absurd speed from a distance.

“Noisy. Where do you compare to the Demon King? ”

However, even the 24-Man Royal Guard commander who strongly denies it felt horrible when he saw Kim Il-hwan.

“There is no more trust in us who have lost all of the Grand Destiny, whether unusual or extraordinary, as the Devil himself said. The impression of fighting without fear of death, at least to carry out orders, must be instilled in order to stand up again. ”

“I see. You have more political talent than I do. I was a man who studied magic. ”

“Stop nagging and come. Get ready. All that's left of us is to fight to the death. Mobilize all the magic power. There is no reason to spare. ”

The commander of the Nine Horse Royal Regiment memorized the spell and began multicasting.

Crazy! Crap! Quack!

Dozens of monsters die every time you wield the Great Sword. It was because the blade was moving forward too fast before it was properly bent.

After running for so long, I started to feel the sweet scent again. It smells as dense as the Grand Destinate!

Bang, bang, bang! Once again, my heart rate fluctuated and someone in me tried to take my body.

“Ahhhhhhh! ”

He cried out in a loud voice, and cut off my feet with the sack of the great sword, and strove to keep me.

But despite that effort, something in me pushed me away and took over my body. I was once again a bystander.

My body began to run faster and stronger.

Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit!

He went forward, wielding a harsher and more overwhelming force, as he deliberately did.

All the monsters have begun to flee my path.

Between the army of 200,000 monsters, a road is beginning to open for me.

That's how I found the source of the sweet smell again. They seemed to be half-dried mummies in the middle of human mold and skeleton. It was two Riches.

Fazic! Phung! Boom! Boom! Urgh! Zurich!

Numerous magical factions revealed strange patterns, and lightning, rocks, ice sculptures, poison, and tree roots appeared and struck me and became entangled.

But I was free from all those attacks in my magic armor.

“Heavy Gravitation, Hell Fire. Hard Weekness.”

“Darkness. Ultimate Poison, Small Meteo Strike! ”

Six spells poured out at once.

He invented a skill that can withstand dragon magic. Magic Armor skill's great magic ability is unimaginable.

The absence of physical substance had no effect on me in the first place.


I saw a lump of fire burn like an angry serpent. It was boiling like lava I saw in an absorbent documentary pro, but I wasn't afraid.

I just swung the Great Sword with great power.


The Hellfire is so airborne and scattered.

And so did Meteorite, who appeared across the void.

The dark magic power that swirled roughly within me emitted a force of will. I couldn't even control my own power, so the tremendous twirling power gathered in my hands and swung the Great Sword with it.


The two pieces of meteor that split into two pieces on the Great Sword still have the strength to make a 50-metre-long crater and overturn the land long enough.

“Don't be ridiculous...! ”

“How...! ”

Richie raised a lump of red fire that looked unbelievable, looking at the landscape I had created.

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