Even if I just sleep, I get stronger

Sleeping alone makes me stronger. 105.

Two Demon Legions are situated about 10 km away.

Since the front of Pluto was a cool pierced meadow, each other's faction was clearly visible.

I'm tired of them running. The sun has finally risen and you can't even make it to the Undead. Why don't you do a surprise now, degrade?

It was the general's opinion.

“What are you going to do? Be specific.”

I will treat 10 Ormasters, 5 Wizards, and I will go.

“No! It's dangerous. If you're going to go, take Jeremy and Hummel! Otherwise, it can be difficult to get out. ”

Then we can't protect Pluto. Degradation.

“Don't worry. There are Knights of the Faith here. ”

They have just returned from the battle. Aren't you tired?

Lucifer, who was listening, laughed low.

“If anything happens, I will be responsible for the king's safety. ”

“Thank you.”

Jeremy and Hummel flew into the air and fell down on the wall to scare the horse.


Lucifer laughed out loud. It was an indication that they knew the intent of their play.

The opponent is a Demon King who summons the Death Knight as well as the Grand Death Knight, no matter how hard he strikes and falls.

At least three people at the Grand Master's level thought they could secure the safety of the Ormasters.


The king also burst into laughter.

The Demon Legion poured out to the 18 strong men.

The combination of the oramaster and the wizard seemed to be ironclad. Wizards buff and support with wide magic from the rear. The oramasters go forward and face each other and prevent them from reaching the wizards.

In the meantime, Jeremy, Smith and Hummel were watching the front. I was preparing for an unknown magic or Grand Destination ambush.

The Death Knights and the Grand Death Knights spilled out at an alarming pace.

“Retreat! Retreat! ”

When Jeremy and Smith blew the warning, the wizards blew the link to the oramasters.

The oramasters were moving to the rear where the wizards were at once.

Hummel summoned fire walls and dense woodlands in front of them, and made ice walls and swamps behind them.

And finally, I summoned several Magic Shields in front of the wizards.

The wizards and the oramasters entered the place where the magic shield fell, and their bodies vanished like rubble. Then he appeared on the wall. Perhaps a teleport gin was installed.

However, in spite of the overlapping obstacles, the four Grand Destinations sprung out at an astonishing pace, aiming for the remaining oramasters and wizards.

Immediately, Hummel's staff flashes and a tremendous light rises from the ground floor. Given its size, it must have been a pre-installed enchantment.

The movement of the Grand Death Knights, who were moving over the area, slowed down a little.

However, the allied oramasters move quickly as if they were unaffected by any of it, and everyone disappears like a rubble.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

I felt a sense of urgency and admiration as if the beasts were being chased.

“We did that, too? ”

“I didn't know when we were doing it, but it was a real life ambush. ”

Everyone put out their tongues. But Lucifer corrected it.

“No, we were much easier. Soichiro moved and hid us in the abyss. Thank Soichiro.”

I did. Soichiro opened up dimensional gaps all over the place and hid us, so I didn't have to fight so urgently.

“Did you know that the real contributor was Soichiro? ”

“I was surprised. I hid it in the pretend dimension even if I stayed still. ”

“Hahaha. Now you know the greatness of this body? ”

Soichi smiled as he drew a V.

Richie, who commands the Demon Legion, bites the army backwards to make sure it's not so stupid. I did not fight in front of the glottis until I learned that there was already a magic camp installed.

Then I fell into a downpour. Perhaps it was only at night that a full-scale war would begin.

Smith and Hummel went around here and there to check on their preparations, and the soldiers couldn't help but be prepared.

“Brother, I'm going in. ”


Needless to say, he opened up a dimensional gap.

I went back into my dream and summoned Black.

“Huh! I see a lot of people. Master, do you want another hit? ”

“Yes, I'm here to get hit. ”

I blow the slash, forming the supreme magic armor.

But Black avoided my sword without forming any magic armor.

“Well……. Did you do something in the meantime? Did you grow gold? But then the ant became just a bedbug. What do you think? Don't you think? Owner?”

Ow. That's a real snot!

But as good as it was, it was real exhaust.

Even though I distributed free stats and even used magical armor to surprise Black, I was only trying to avoid it mentally.

“Whatever you want. I'll be forced to wear magic armor someday. ”

“Well, maybe that day will come. And in which millennium? ”

I'm stuck. I blew the Great Sword instead.

Flash! Flash! At least I thought I'd get rid of the time to make fun of that Yale mouth.

However, it was ridiculous that after only five minutes of dispensing the stat, he adapted to me and began to counter.

“You can't be the bastards. Is this all you have to do with your magic armor? Isn't this a complete pearl necklace on a pig's neck? ”

Puck! Puck! Puck!

It's still starting to burst today.

Fortunately, it was less painful because it had magic armor.

* * *

When the earthy spider started to sit down, my brother woke me up.

In anticipation of the beginning of the war, tensions were spreading in both camps.

Since then, monsters have been ringing the ground and smoking dirt.

It was just before the sun went down under such tension as flesh and ice.

“Here they come. Don't let everyone get nervous. The dead will come back to life, so we have to cut off everything that moves. It's a different fight than usual. Do you understand? It will be a long night. It should not run out of power too quickly. ”

Smith shouted and told the soldiers the trick again.

Everyone saw 200,000 monsters in front of their eyes and burned their enemies.

But the war that was supposed to begin at sundown did not begin. Everyone was skeptical and watching their progress.

The beginning of the war was a completely different place.


There are other vibrations in between the monsters.

“Damn it! ”

The first thing I noticed was the Great Wizard Hummel.

“Your Majesty! We must advance. All soldiers must leave the castle. ”

“Wh-what's going on? ”

“This vibration starts in the ground. Probably trying to bring down the castle. ”


The king was so resourceful. No matter how resourceful, Hummel's judgment was immediately accepted.

General Smith, who was listening to the conversation between the two from a distance through magic, was also quick.

“All soldiers, listen. Operation has changed. Advance to full force. Advance!”

Hummel memorizes the spell and lifts the staff, and another light rises from the enchantment in front of the gate.

The oramasters and wizards who were standing in front of the gate jumped down and spread out.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

The screaming soldiers left the gate in eight columns and settled down from the front of the chalice.

I always thought it was a well-trained gangster with a robbery like a prefabricated movement.

However, as more and more of the soldiers in the castle escaped, the soldiers were forced to move forward little by little.

The pre-installed technique shown during the day was premised on agroelectric warfare, because it was not made in a wide range.

That's when the Demon Kings began to move.

Forty Death Nights and Grand Death Nights are on the front lines, followed by Named Monsters. After that, I made a progression in an increasingly weak order.

In a word, it was a move to end everything with one fight.

Apart from that, the situation in the castle was getting worse. The ground began to rot and the buildings in the castle began to throw up the dust.

It is still a situation where not all the soldiers have escaped, so there is no choice but to create chaos.


The vibrations were increasingly louder, and the ground collapsed as if it were a sign of an animal. And the castle collapsed.

The rocks that made up the castle fell and struck soldiers and civilians who had never escaped.

Argh! Argh!

The screams burst and the dirt burst and covered my eyes. And the screams that are constantly coming out of it.

There was no such abortion.

“Forward! Forward! Advance!”

General Smith cries out as he breaks the wall with his own hands.

Knowing that the enemy's strongest powers were standing in front of him, he was forced to order the advance.

so that even a little more soldiers and civilians can get out of the ruined castle.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

“Hit me, you bastards! ”

“Don't grind your bones! You bastards!”

Soldiers who had lost their families and colleagues before the battle went forward with tears of blood.

We were floating in the air in the Magic Barrier of Hummel with the king. Just like in the command room.

Perhaps Hummel floated in the air like this and seemed to play a role in communicating information with the whole world.

“Should we go, too? ”

Lucifer said, "Everyone nods without anyone saying they don't like anyone.

“Don't forget to avoid seeing the Grand Destinate unconditionally. When fighting an oramaster, use the technique of spleen unconditionally. If you can't handle it, either run away or lure them where they belong. Do you understand?”

“Got it."

Everyone nodded with a splendid expression.

“Let's go!”

We literally jumped out of the air. I activated the Magic Armor while jumping.

I filled myself with dark magic from Amgad.

Kill! Kill! Kill him!

More power is needed. More! More!

Cluckle! Very good. Good energy, Cluckle! More people are sad, more angry, more frustrated…….

The more you kill, the better your energy will be, right? Klickle! Let's kill him. Kill them. Kill them all.

I heard hallucinations as soon as I overwhelmed the magic armor.

I shook my head and awakened my mind. But the hallucinations didn't completely disappear. In a war of slaughter and tragedy, emotions arousing dark magic rushed towards me.

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