Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 146: Be a concubine

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Song Ning, even though he was a hundred miles away at the moment, was able to feel that a wave of spiritual power left Tianyuan School. All this did not surprise him, but he did not expect it to be so fast.

Late at night, Li family.

The lights were on, no one went to sleep, everyone was waiting for news, no matter how good or bad, they now need a message.

Suddenly, a wave of waves in the sky caught their attention, and all the monks of the Li family looked at the sky, and they were overjoyed when they saw the blue cold awn flashing in the night.

"It's Song Ning, Song Ning is back!"

"Sister ... I must bring my sister and father."

Everyone greeted them, even though they knew that the blue Hanmang belonged to Song Ning, but when they saw Song Ning clearly, they were still agitated.


"Mother!" Li Qingling pounced directly on his mother's arms.

There was joy in the faces of the Li family, but apart from the joy, everyone was a little puzzled and wanted to ask, but they dared not ask.

Mother Li immediately bowed her fists at Song Ning: "Thank you Song Daoyou for helping me!"

"No problem." Song Ning said.

Mother Li said: "I don't know that Song Daoyou's trip can see my Dao companion, that is, the father of the little girl Qing Ling?"

Song Ninggang wanted to answer, Li Qingling whispered: "Mother, father ... He was killed by the Liu family!"


The Li family, who was still immersed in joy, instantly became dignified. This dull atmosphere, even Song Ning can feel a depression, showing how much the Li family pays attention to feelings.

Mother Li gritted her teeth bitterly, and she could see that she was extremely sad, but what she said from her mouth was beyond Song Ning's expectation: "Yes, Liu family, we can't afford to offend. Now Song Daoyou can save you from Liu family. It ’s already a blessing to come out, so do n’t think about revenge. "

Mother Li said with a high voice: "Everyone in the Li family listens well, no matter who it is, no matter how you do it, you must not want to avenge it!"

Although the Li family was reluctant, they understood that the gap between them and the Liu family was not one-and-a-half point. If the Liu family wanted them to destroy the Li family, it was just a matter of thought.

Li Qingxue watched quietly on the side, his heart cut like a knife, but he could only bear it.

Mu Xuezhao said, "Can't help but say:" Song Ning has killed all three envoys of the Liu family. "

Everyone in the Li family looked at Song Ning in disbelief, even though Song Ning would break the empty finger, but if Song Ning could kill the enemy with one enemy and three, or across almost two realms, they would not believe it anyway.

But soon, the long-faced second uncle said weakly: "I heard in the evening that there was a monk in the early stage of the foundation chasing the monk in the later stage of the Great Dandan, could it be ..."

Song Ning nodded: "It's me. The last messenger sent by the Liu family to the Tianyuan School, Liu Shisan, also died."

After hearing this, the Li family all knelt down.

But just when they were kneeling halfway, Song Ning raised his hand and waved a spiritual force to hold the crowd.

"Don't do this, I have a responsibility to kill the three of the Li family. At that time, not all of them were revenge for the Li family." Song Ning said truthfully.

Having said that, the Li family has regarded Song Ning as a person of great grace.

Mother Li came out and bowed deeply to Song Ning: "Song Daoyou, you are my big benefactor of the Li family. If you don't want to abandon, the two girls in the family, the 16th in the Qingxue year and the 18th in the Qingling year, are all done to Song Daoyou Concubine, how? "

Wen Yan, Li Qingling and Li Qingxue were shocked at the same time.

But it wasn't just them who were surprised, but also the others present, but Song Ning was the most surprised.

Song Ning immediately waved his hand: "I can't help it, let alone be a concubine. I don't even have a wife's room. Why do I need a concubine."

Mother Li didn't understand Song Ning's meaning, and thought Song Ning was refusing to welcome him, so she said: "So the two women are fortunate to be wives?"

Song Ning shook his head: "You misunderstood, I haven't thought about these things. Qingling and Qingxue sisters Qingguo Qingcheng, I will find Ruyi Langjun in the future, I am with them, just friends."

only friends? !

These four words fell in Li Qingling's heart, and inexplicably hurt.

Although Li Qingling knew that she did not have too deep feelings for Song Ning, but just before, Song Ning had sealed the eyes of hundreds of people for her, and she was already excited.

In this world, how many men can carry such heavy burdens for women?

But now when he hears the words "just friends", Li Qingling suddenly feels that he is too stupid, and the sprout just born in his heart is also stifled.

Looking at Li Qingxue again, Song Ning's blow of the empty finger has become eternal in her heart. Being able to marry Song Ning is her great blessing, not being able to marry Song Ning, it is because she does not have that blessing.

Song Ning looked at the crowd and the atmosphere was slightly embarrassing. He clasped his fists and said: "If it is convenient, I would like to ask the Li family for help."

Mother Li noticed the subtleties of the two daughters and hurriedly took over the topic: "Song Daoyou, please."

Song Ning pointed to Mu Xuezhao beside her: "This is my friend. If it is possible, I want her to practice together with Qingling and Qingxue Taoist friends. I don't know if it's convenient."

"Convenient!" Mother Li answered.

Song Ning thanked: "Since this is the case, then I thanked it first."

After finishing, Song Ning took out several jade notes and gave them to Li Qingling, Li Qingxue, and Mu Xuezhao: "This is my jade note. You also know how to use it. Although the Li family may not encounter anything in the short term, after all, the Wang family May come to retaliate, the people of the Wang family are killed by me Song Ning, if they come to seek revenge, I should protect the Li family. "

Upon seeing this, Mother Li came forward and asked: "Song Daoyou, are you leaving?"

Song Ning nodded.

Li Qingling looked at the jade paper in his hand and suddenly looked up, staring at Song Ning, bright eyes and teeth, Zhu Lips opened and closed: "Otherwise, stay with us for a few days."

The Li family looked at Song Ning, waiting for Song Ning's answer.

Song Ninglue groaned for a long time. It was really nothing late. Before the word "Xun" in the gossip mirror absorbed "Mulinsen", there was no response. It needs to be investigated. Now Song Ning doesn't know where to go. Looking for a place to concentrate on cultivation, but his cultivation method is different from ordinary people. Recently, some people have been killed and some people have been saved. The number on Jin Dan has not changed much ...

Thinking of this, Song Ning nodded: "If you don't disturb, you will be bothered."

Hearing that Li's family was overjoyed, he immediately began to find someone to help clean up the room to Song Ning, and Li Qingling revealed the first sincere smile after the robbery.

Li Qingxue, with her lips pursed and cheeks flushed, was also somewhat happy, let alone Mu Xuezhao, she had a good relationship with Song Ning, and now Song Ning stayed and she was just as happy.

Although it was a good thing for the Li family to stay with Song Ning, after all, the owner of the Li family was dead and the funeral needed to be handled, so there was no banquet to entertain Song Ning.

Song Ning didn't care about it. Late at night, sitting on the eaves alone, holding a pot of wine, and quietly looking at the bright moon in the sky, I suddenly remembered a person in my heart-Leng Yuexiao.

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