Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 145: Discrete

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Song Ning frowned: "What are you kneeling for?"

"Predecessors and seniors, the three of us didn't see anything. We were just little monks passing by. We are disciples of the Shuiyun Sect. We also asked our seniors to let us go and let us go." The female monk knelt on the ground and didn't dare to even head lift it up.

Song Ning looked at this female nun, which should be the head of the three men. He lifted his hands with a spiritual force to lift the three men from the ground: "I don't mean to kill people and kill my mouth, I just run out of panacea, you can mention it. Lingdan? If so, sell me some. "

When the three heard it, they breathed a sigh of relief, but the breath was just loose, and then they raised it again: "Predecessors and seniors, the Nati Lingdan you said, I haven't got the strength to train them yet, we are nothing more than alchemy. Master, I ca n’t practice Tiering Pill ... "

Another male disciple also hurriedly bowed to salute: "Senior, I and others are ordinary disciples. If you really have Ti Ling Dan, you have already taken it and you dare not stay."

Hearing this, Song Ning raised an eyebrow: "The three of you are disciples of Shui Yunzong?"

"Exactly." The three men responded quickly, thinking that perhaps the martial arts could help them escape from the disaster.

Song Ning nodded: "Shui Yunzong seems to be a five-level cultivation school, among which the alchemy is the main."

"Exactly." The nun answered immediately, and then explained: "We are all outside disciples of the martial arts. The alchemy level is not high. There really is no Tiling Dan that you need."

Song Ning waved his hand: "Well, can you have other immortals to supplement spiritual power?"

The three looked at each other, and the nun took out a herb: "Senior, this is the main material needed for refining Tiiling Dan. This herb contains spiritual power and can be supplemented when taken, but the taste is really bitter. Some, this is the only thing in the younger generation, if the senior does not dislike it ... "

"How much is it?" Song Ning sucked in the spiritual force, sucked the herb over, and smelled it at the tip of her nose, it did contain some spiritual power.

"How dare you ask your senior for money, these herbs are all planted by our martial arts Houshan, so much, if the seniors don't dislike it, they will use it. I still have a lot of them here." This senior needs, he should not be angry.

"How many are brought here," Song Ning said.

The three immediately took all the herbs from their bodies and placed them in front of Song Ning.

Song Ning nodded, sucked hard, and directly sucked out all the spiritual power in the herb. Feeling that the spiritual power in the body was supplemented, he threw his hand and threw thousands of spirit stones: "Thank you."

The three of them hadn't responded yet. The cold light flashed in front of them, and Song Ning had disappeared.

They looked at the thousand spirit stones in front of them in disbelief. It would be nice to be able to save a life. Even the spirit stones were taken?

After a few teleports, Song Ning approached the Tianyuan School. After chasing that Liu Thirteen, she almost crossed a small half of the fallen feathers. If before, Song Ning did not believe that he could fly so fast in such a short time .

When night fell, Song Ning returned to the Tianyuan School.

There was silence in the Tianyuan School. At the request of Tang Zishan, all of the Tianyuan School disciples knelt in the open space of the Tianyuan School. No one dared to act lightly.

Tang Zishan had already awakened Tang Yue at the moment, but Tang Yue ignored him, raised his hands to collect the six corpses of Lu Sheng, and then went to the attic where Li Qingling and Mu Xuezhao were together.

As soon as Song Ning's figure appeared above the Tianyuan School, Tang Zishan shouted: "Welcome Song Ning back to the school!"

The disciples who were kneeling on the ground immediately shouted, "Congratulations to Song Ning back to the school."


Tang Zishan slapped in the past and directly hit dozens of disciples in the face: "You are called seniors!"

These disciples were wronged, but they did not dare to say more: "Respectfully welcome Senior Song to return to the school."

Song Ning lowered his body and Tang Zishan immediately stepped forward: "Song ..."

Song Ning moved to the attic.

In the attic, Tang Yue saw Song Ning. He stepped a little and rushed towards Song Ning: "Little Brother!"

Song Ning patted Tang Yue's head gently: "How can there be a sister crying?"

Tears flashed in Tang Yue's eyes, and the tears shed even more.

Song Ning looked at Li Qingling. At the moment, Li Qingling's condition was much better. Mu Xuezhao hadn't suffered any harm and looked pretty good.

"Sister Li, I'll take you home." Song Ning said.

Li Qingling got up and nodded slightly at Song Ning, without speaking.

Song Ning looked at Mu Xuezhao again: "This Tianyuan School, if you don't want to stay, I will take you away."

"Take me away? Where?" Mu Xuezhao asked.

Song Ninglue pondered for a while, and then looked at Li Qingling: "Sister Li, why not let Mu Xuezhao go to your house and practice with you, how?"

Li Qingling didn't speak, and nodded again.

Song Ning finally looked at Tang Yue, who was crying silently. Tang Yue wanted to endure it, but for some reason, she seemed to cry all the tears over the past 15 or 16 years.

"Sister Tang, don't cry, you know I will leave sooner or later." Song Ning said.

Tang Yue shook his head: "If there is no such thing, maybe you will not leave so early, younger brother, I, I ..."

"It's okay, I will come back to see you later." Song Ning said, and took out a jade note, infused with his spiritual power: "If there is any crisis, crush the jade note, I will try it Arrived. "

Tang Yue firmly held Yu Jian in his hand and hugged Song Ning tightly again.

At this moment, she finally understood what she felt about Song Ning.

At this moment, Song Ning finally understood what kind of feelings Tang Yue used to get along with him.


In Song Ning's heart, there is always a touch of sorrow, and there is always a face lingering in his mind, the owner of that face is Leng Yuexiao.

Although Song Ning does not think it is love, but for some reason, she feels at odds with other women.

"Okay, I'm gone." Song Ning gently pushed Tang Yue away and wiped away the tears in the corner of his eyes for Tang Yue: "If you miss me, you can also crush the jade paper."

Tang Yue shook his head: "If it had to be a last resort, I would not use it."

At the end of the conversation, Song Ning pulled up Mu Xuezhao and Li Qingling, and the swordsmanship took off, and his figure disappeared into the night sky.

The night is dim and the colors are thick, and the teardrops and the stars melt.

Looking at the sky, the cold light flashes away, and gradually disappears.

Tang Yue put away the jade paper, wiped away the tears, got up and returned to the room, simply tidied up, and walked towards the teleportation array.

"Daughter, where are you going?" Tang Zishan stepped forward and asked.

The elders and disciples of Tianyuan School who were kneeling on the ground just now also got up at the moment. The elders stood aside in shock.

Tang Yue stood in the teleportation array, looking back, smiling at Tang Zishan lightly: "You are the father, I owe you all my life, but what I did to the little teacher, I can hardly accept it. Fate, see you later. "

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