Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3818: Immortal king, Zixiao revenge

"it is good."

Ye Chen nodded, and immediately said: "Gailen is a good friend of this seat. Who dares to attack him and wait if he becomes an enemy of this seat. Of course, this seat does not mind if someone is an enemy. I really want to fight with life and death. Not long ago, this seat went to the fairy world. Someone wanted to block the entrance of this seat. They had no choice but to open the fairy gate with one finger. Then the five supreme immortals came to hold the account and wanted to blackmail this. Seat. I thought it would be a little refreshing, but I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable and a bit lonely."

   He sighed, but revealed an extremely terrifying message.

   Not long ago, he suppressed the five supreme immortals.

   The supreme all parties are horrified, and they don't even know about it.

   Moreover, they naturally heard the thick warning in Ye Chen's words, and they shouldn't embarrass Galen, otherwise they would wait if they were an enemy.

   The three quasi-immortal kings of Haotian, Nangong, and Beiming smiled bitterly. This fellow Daoist Ye is warning that this is the prehistoric immortal world, and dare to do so.

   But I think of him in the ‘Forty-Nine Immortal Pass’ mystery, and he went through thirty-nine levels of immortality. This is a quasi-giant standing on the top of the quasi-giant, and it is only a short distance from the realm of the eternal giant.

At this time, a supreme immortal stood up, immortal light surging, and said coldly: "Fighting saint king, you are so arrogant, so domineering. I really thought this is your Pangu universe, so I dare to ignore the rules of the immortal world and ignore the immortal king of Pandao. Your Majesty’s rules of the Immortal King City are arbitrarily used. Do you really think that you are invincible in the world. Can one person be an enemy of the entire prehistoric immortal world?

   After a word fell, the expression of the strongest Tianjiao in the Pangu universe changed.

   This is to put a big hat on Ye Chen, and to push him to the opposite side of the prehistoric fairy world.

   This person has a vicious mentality.

   When I fixed my eyes, it was Qing Yuxian.

   The supreme of all parties also vaguely learned that not long ago, the Qingyu Fairy clan had a major change, the incarnation of the Qingyuxian immortal was annihilated, the most beloved son, Fairy Piaoyu, was killed, and the Qingyu Fairy clan suffered heavy casualties.

   It's just that no one knows the real cause and effect, but vaguely knows that it is related to the Pangu universe.

   Now, seeing Qing Yuxian's eyes looking at Ye Chen, full of monstrous killing intent, they can vaguely guess that it is mostly related to the fighting king.

Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged. He glanced at him and said indifferently: "This seat has never said that he will be an enemy of the immortal world. This kind of behavior of labeling this seat, I advise you not to continue. I have to admit that he is a little mad. But I have not been conceited enough to be an enemy of the Primordial Immortal Realm. What's more, the Primordial Immortal Realm has helped me a lot in the Pangu Universe in the last era. However, some people always want to embarrass this seat, but this seat is not so easy to provoke. , So I had to shoot."

"As for you, Immortal Qingyu, you are just a defeated subordinate. An insignificant junk heir is so arrogant that he wants to recruit his daughter as a concubine, but also wants to take away the palace of this seat. A fairy can dare to do the same, an ordinary supreme. I dare to be an enemy of this seat. If you don't teach you Qingyu Fairy Clan, doesn't it mean that the world's quasi-giants are easy to deceive or not?"

   The words are rude, Ye Chen didn't bother to explain it literally, but it was plain and clear.

   The Supreme Master of all parties also learned the truth through the words one or two, and looked at Qing Yuxian and frowned.

  The heirs of fairies, dare to openly accept the daughter of the quasi-giant as a concubine. Is this humiliating the quasi-giant?

   Not to mention dare to seek the palace of the semi-giant!

   Not only did the Supreme Immortal not stop him, but he also dared to come to the door to ask the crime himself.

   This is naturally intolerable.

   It's not nice to say, all of this is that Qingyuxian is responsible for it, but if you humiliate a quasi-giant, you will die.

   Qing Yuxian had an ugly look, but he didn't expect that the fighting sage king was so rough and straightforward. He didn't even bother to play word games.

   But he dare not say much, because he knows that reason is not on his side.

   And strength, it is far from the opponent of Fighting Saint King.

Ye Chen glanced at Qing Yuxian, and said indifferently: "This seat kindly advises you, don't make any more small moves, if you want to deal with this seat, you will be dignified, otherwise if you want to let this seat know, one hand is enough. I pinched you to death!"

   Throwing a threat, Ye Chen turned and returned to his giant palace of heaven. There was silence in the martial arts field.

   Qing Yuxian was so angry that he was about to vomit blood.

   This is the prehistoric immortal realm, and to a certain extent it can be regarded as the territory of the Qingyuxian, but being provoked in this way is simply intolerable.

   But in the face of the quasi-giant-level existence of the Saint King on Fighting, I dare not say anything!

What can    do?


   Although he is the Supreme Immortal Dao, facing a quasi-giant-level fighting sage, although it is an exaggeration to squeeze a hand to death, killing him such Immortal Dao Supreme is definitely not a problem.

All parties are silent. This fighting sage is not generally strong and domineering, but considering his strength, quasi-giant-level existence, even the three quasi-immortal kings of Haotian, Nangong, and Beiming have to face him. Such qualifications.

   It wasn't until a long time later that the Immortal King Performing Martial Arts Field slowly recovered its due excitement.


   Suddenly, infinite visions appeared between the heavens and the earth, and the immortal qi machine that overwhelmed everything bloomed, and even the great qi machine that belonged to the supreme of the heavens in the fairy king performance field was suppressed.

   There are many quasi-giants such as Ye Chen, Nangong, Haotian, Beiming, Destiny the Great, and so on.

   Eternal Giant!

   Fairy King!

   The fairy king descends from the sky, and a fairy light avenue descends, the immeasurable fairy king Qi machine, horizontally presses the heavens, the heavens are also mingled, and the ten thousand ways turn into auspicious colors to welcome.

   "Your Majesty the Immortal King Pan Dao!"

   The supreme of all parties salutes one after another, and the immortal king is above the supreme. The supreme faces the immortal king, just like the ancient king facing the ancient emperor, he needs to salute.

The Immortal King Pan Dao nodded slightly, and his eyes swept across the heavenly supreme. Every supreme dared not face it, because the eyes of the immortal king were too bright and could penetrate everything. Once they looked at each other, all the secrets would not be secret.

   Only the digital quasi fairy kings and quasi giants dare to face it.

   Destiny the Great bowed his head slightly, never looking squarely.

   When his gaze fell on Ye Chen, the Immortal King Pandao smiled indelibly, and immediately moved away.

As the host, the Immortal King Pan Dao never entered the giant palace of the heavens. Instead, he was prepared and transformed into the emptiness to evolve the Supreme Immortal Throne on the Avenue of the Immortal Kings. Sitting on it, above the giant palaces of the heavens, it stands aloof and shows its status. .


   There is another fairy king shining down.

   The fairy king descended from nine days and landed on the martial arts field, and the supreme all parties continued to salute.

  Pandao Immortal King smiled slightly: "Great!"

   "Pan Dao!"

  The one who came is Immortal King Tai A, one of the twelve immortal king domains in the center of the immortal world.

   Tai Ah Immortal King, the ruler of an immortal kingdom, is also one of the rulers of the primordial immortal realm. He has been a king for many epochs and his path is unfathomable. No one can look down upon him.

   Tai Axian King slightly nodded, and also did not enter the so-called Tiangong Temple, where the emptiness made the Immortal Throne seat, sitting on it, level with the Immortal King Pandao.

  At this time, other Supreme Immortal Kings came one after another.

   But seeing one after another the supreme immortal king come from all sides, the majesty is all above the supreme, the world is respected, all the ways are surrendered, the heavens are harmonious, the all kinds of rebirth, show the immortal king's majesty.

   They also made the Celestial Throne in the void.

   abruptly, there is purple gas coming from the east, and billions of miles of purple gold gas is rushing into the sky, majestic and majestic, dyeing the entire fairy city into purple and gold.

   I saw a simple carriage approaching from the sky, and the carriage was actually a colorful ancient beast, exuding supreme aura, it was frightening, and it was a mighty fairy beast.

   A graceful fairy with a purple gold costume and a purple gold crown sits on a car, the whole body is shining with fairy light, showing an unparalleled style.

   Zixiao fairy king!

   All parties respect and fear, Qing Yuxian is even more excited.

   Zixiao Immortal King, the prestigious and prestigious immortal king of the prehistoric immortal world, although he is not the first generation giant, his strength is no less than that, and he has been the supreme ruler of the immortal world for many epochs.

   Moreover, the immortal king Zixiao was famous for his domineering and short-term protection. In the era of the fairy world he ruled, there was a Supreme Immortal who accidentally offended his Guanmen disciple. At that time, his Guanmen disciple was only the Primordial King.

   Immortal King Zixiao was angry, slapped the Supreme Immortal in the air.

   After the incident, it shocked many immortal kings to be born, and even almost triggered a battle between the two immortal kings.

   However, the immortal king Zixiao was extremely domineering and extremely powerful. Because of avoiding the even more terrifying war between the kings, and finally under the intervention of many kings, no war broke out.

   But after that time, no one dared to offend the line of Immortal King Zixiao easily.

Immediately many supreme and even immortal experts suddenly looked at Ye Chen, because they had learned beforehand that Ye Chen had killed a fairy incarnation of Qingyu fairy and also killed the son of Qingyu fairy , Killed all the best Tianjiao of the Qingyu Fairy Clan, and established an unending hatred with Qingyu Fairy.

   Now that the arrival of the Immortal King Zixiao, with his domineering character, will he take revenge on the spot?

At this moment, Ye Chen raised his head and looked at the supreme immortal king from the east of the purple energy. However, at this moment, the immortal king Zixiao also looked at him and said indifferently: "You are the one who dared to kill Ben Is the celestial incarnation of Qingyuxian under the commander and his son's battle sage?"

   The purple light in the eyes was azure, and in an instant, the purple golden light beam turned into substance, pierced through the sky, and shot towards Ye Chen.

The moment of staring at each other, Ye Chen's figure flickered, as powerful as him, as the top of the quasi-giant-class existence, but the immortal king of Zixiao Immortal King's eyes fell, containing the powerful spirit power of the fairy king realm, making his chaotic holy soul capital Almost exploded, as if struck by lightning.

   This is the immortal king, the terrifying strength of the eternal giant, which surpasses the quasi giant.

   Ye Chen snorted immediately, his face pale.

   At the Niwan Palace in the heart of the eyebrows, the Mark of the Moon releases a special brilliance to protect his chaotic holy soul villain, so that he is no longer hurt by the eyes of the fairy king.

   Ye Chen's expression is cold, this Immortal King Zixiao deliberately shot him.

   Behind him, the expressions of Qianxun, Yaya, Dawn, Ye Jing, Huanggu Demon God, Yanshen and a group of Pangu universe's strongest arrogances changed drastically.

   The supreme all parties were silent, and as expected, the Immortal King Zixiao really made a move.

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