Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3817: He is a quasi-giant

The finger light that popped up from that finger seemed to be ordinary, but it was chaotic and condensed, and nothing was broken.

   A drop of emperor's blood was splashed on the ground.

   Fortunately, it was the Immortal King's Martial Arts Field, otherwise ordinary places would not be able to withstand the horror of Emperor Blood.

   Galen was stunned.

   The strongest Tianjiao of the Chaos Ancient Universe from all sides was also stunned.

   One finger penetrates the hand of the foreign emperor, how is this possible?

   You must know that even if the emperor and the immortal are known as the half-step emperor and the immortal, but want to harm the supreme, it is equally difficult, not to mention such easy penetration of the palm.

   "One finger pierced the palm of a great emperor. Could it be that the fighting saint king mastered any shocking methods?"

   Many people are speculating, otherwise how to harm the emperor body of a pinnacle emperor in the body of the fighting sage emperor.

Only the three quasi-immortal kings of Haotian, Nangong, and Beiming knew that Ye Chen’s strength was not only a quasi-giant, but also an ordinary quasi-giant. He reached the thirty-ninth level in the secret realm of the Forty-Nine Fairy Pass. Xianguan, an invincible existence that stands tall as a quasi-giant.

  Perhaps, they can compete against the giants of one or two thousand.

The alien emperor retracted his palm and wanted to repair the wound, but he was disturbed by a terrifying force. His own Dili was also suppressed. One can imagine how terrifying that force is. He raised his head and looked at Ye in anger. Chen roared: "Fighting Saint King, dare you to take action against this emperor!"

   Ye Chen said faintly: "Why don't you dare, just a supreme, a thousand years ago, didn't I even cut off the Emperor Borneo of your clan?"

   As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked and the world was in an uproar.

   Thousands of years ago, did the fighting saint beheaded the foreign Emperor Borneo?

  Instructions, whenever the Supreme is involved, it is one of the highest levels of secrets.

   Thousands of years ago, Ye Chen was at the border gate of the ancient alien universe and caused Emperor Borneo to have a peak duel.

   But the battle happened so fast that many Supremes never saw it after it was over.

That incident was indeed famous for the Chaos Sea, but when I really saw the supremacy of that battle, it was really a minority, and more of them were just heard. I didn’t think Ye Chen had the strength to kill a peak-level ancient. The Great Emperor.

  Even if Ye Chen is a quasi-king against the sky, he is comparable to the first generation and the young emperor, but they think it is possible that the emperor realm peaks against the ancient emperor, after all, this is the case with the unphased king.

   But the emperor's realm is comparable to a quasi-giant, against the ancient king?

   is too unimaginable, the supreme dare not imagine, unless it is witnessed.

   Therefore, many supreme sages think that it is just an error, not to mention that more sacreds cannot always pay attention to the Chaos Sea, they are all in seclusion, so they really know that Ye Chen is a quasi-giant, not many at all.

   Now, Ye Chen's remarks seem to be revealing his powerful combat power.

   "Besides, who gave you the courage to roar at this seat."


  He stepped out in one step, and in an instant, the entire void on the martial arts field exploded, and a majestic power like the ruler of the heavens bloomed in an instant, facing the roaring alien emperor.

   In the entire martial arts venue, directly sinking.

   If it weren’t for the martial arts field of the fairy king, it was inscribed with the formation pattern of the immortal king of the world, and there were threads of the immortal king's prestige guarding it, immortal, just such a mighty eruption, enough to tear open an ancient emperor world.

   "So strong!"

   "The quasi-giant is definitely the power of the quasi-giant!"

   "This fighting sage is not an emperor, he is a quasi-giant!"

   The world is dead!

  Don't say that it is the strongest arrogant of all parties in the Chaos Ancient Universe, even the supreme of all parties is also horrified for an instant, looking at Ye Chen who is like a **** and a devil in shock.

   This fighting saint king is actually a quasi-giant who is overwhelming the world!

   No wonder Haotian Quasi Immortal King is so polite.

   It’s just that the scary thing is that he has only cultivated for many years and he has actually become a quasi-giant.

In the martial arts field, the majestic and boundless power turned into a real storm and rushed into the foreign emperor. It was the immortal king who was immortal in the martial arts field. At this moment, it also trembled sharply, with infinite immortal formation patterns emerging, and the immortal light appeared, and stabilized. .

   However, he did not let the majestic storm be affected at all, and still rushed into the alien emperor forcefully.

   The alien emperor was horrified, he asked himself, even if he bears it, it will definitely be difficult.

   At this time, the Great Emperor Destiny stood up, and his quasi-giant-level Emperor was also vast and endless. When colliding with it, the martial arts field was shaken instantly, almost disintegrating.

   But the martial arts field is extraordinary, it contains the immortal king Qi machine, and soon stabilized.

   "Everyone, please stop immediately. This is because I am afraid that I am afraid of going to the Immortal King City. If I can't do it, I can't blame it for severe punishment!"

   In Pandao Immortal King City, three Supreme Immortals appeared at the same time to warn.

   Although they are two quasi-giants, they are far stronger than them, but this is the city of Pandao Immortal King, the Immortal King City of Pandao Immortal King, who dares to take action, wait if it is against Pandao Immortal King.

  Pandao Immortal King, as an eternal giant, is so powerful that suppressing the two quasi-giants is not a problem.

   Ye Chencha was restrained and powerful, and said, "This fellow Taoist, the foreign race took the lead, and he dared to murder his friend, please take action and immediately kill him."


All parties in the martial arts field were stunned. They only felt that the Saint King was too arrogant. It was obviously that Galen showed killing intent to the foreign emperor. If he provokes the majesty of the emperor, the emperor will take action for granted, and he clearly Having already taught the Foreign Race Great Emperor the corresponding lesson, now I actually want the Pandao Immortal King Clan to kill the Foreign Race Great Emperor.

   The great alien emperor was frightened: "Fight against the Saint King, you will be slanderous."

   Ye Chen looked at Galen and said, "Gailen, do you think he wants to kill you."

After Galen was shocked, he returned to calm, knowing that it was Ye Chen helping him, and said: " Ye Chen looked at other people again: "Everyone, did the foreigner this trash emperor just want to kill? To my good friend Galen. "


   The parties were silent, even if they heard it, they did not dare to admit that they could not go against the ancient alien universe.

   "Well, not speaking is the default, very good." Ye Chen said, making all parties speechless.

   However, they are actually happy to see it happen.

Since these epochs, the alien races have been too powerful and overbearing. Especially under the planning of the original era, there have been several ancient chaotic universes destroyed, as powerful as the Pangu universe, and the mythical era has reached its peak, almost not close. Inferior to the ancient alien universe, it was destroyed under the planning of the ancient alien universe.

   Now, if this fighting sage king wants to take a shot and beat a foreign race ancient universe, they are also happy to see it happen.

"Enough, Fighting Saint King!" Destiny the Great said, and immediately spoke to the Supreme Immortal of the Immortal King Pan Dao: "Daoist, this matter is for now, and we will discuss everything later. At present, the Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Gala weight."

  Pandao Immortal King's three supreme immortals didn't want to see things go on. This is the Chaos Haitianjiao grand competition held by the Pandao Immortal King. Naturally, they don't want the trouble to get bigger.

At the moment, he nodded slightly and said, "Okay, if there are grievances between the two sides, please fight again after the competition. Right now is the Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Competition hosted by the Immortal Royal Family of Pan Dao. Please abide by the rules. Otherwise, I will not blame the Immortal Royal Clan of Pan Dao for severe punishment !"

   These remarks contained a bit of warning!

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