Roana softly wiped to hide her tears, having to be the only one to choose the worst option.

I thought you shouldn't cry.

I only have to play the mother who heartily accepted my son's feelings.

Still, a kissing storm descends on Roana's neck, where she can still indulge in tears that seem endlessly overflowing.

A noodle-to-shoulder line that gets sucked over and over while making noise.

I accidentally get goosebumps and show Keith my rejection.

"Mother... did you hate being kissed by me?

to a sad voice. Roana panicked,

"Chi, it's not!... tickle."

Lie as much as you can.

"Yes... don't you hate kissing me?

"Yeah... I don't like it"

"Well, you can put it on your lips, right?

Every word he uttered seemed to make the situation worse.

Naturally, Roana can't refuse.

"... okay... let's kiss"

That's what I said to squeal.

Wish I hadn't heard it if I could.

But such a wish cannot come true, and a joyful Keith comes from behind in front of his body.

Roana stiffened herself to Keith, who came shaking her erect penis.

A vicious silhouette's murder weapon stands in front of Roana like she's about to sue her mother for wanting to offend herself.

Keith knelt slowly to show it off, gazing at Roana.

The face of my son, whom I should be familiar with, looked like the face of someone else I had no idea.

"How long has it been since I've kissed my mother?

"... I don't know"

"But you can do it every day from here on out."

Every day?

You're telling me this nightmare lasts every day?

Fearing that she would break herself by fulfilling herself in that, Roana squeezed a towel that hid her chest.

I need a towel, the only unreliable barrier that separates Keith from myself in the current situation.

Keith, sparingly showing off his young flesh, grabbed Roana's shoulder facing him and went softly closer to his face.

It's not like kissing a parent or a child. It's the beginning of a passionate kiss between a man and a woman.

Now that I know it, Roana almost turned away.

But you shouldn't do that.

Don't turn Keith down.

But he couldn't do anything about his face, and Roana, who frowned and stretched his expression, took a meditation on his eyes and mouth.

Warm lips touch each other and follow Roana's lips like pecking.

"Chu, chu," he heard, his senses gradually getting louder.

Doing so, Keith's hand slipped away from his shoulder and extended to Roana's chest.

The moment I thought they touched my breasts, my eyes opened and my lips opened to raise my voice.

Keith's tongue breaks in as if he were aiming for that gap.

"Hmm!? Nruchu...... Nruchu!!

Roana was the best at putting up with the screams on Keith as he licked her to tangle his tongue.

The tongue ravages Roana's interior with a familiar movement.

"Nfu... Chibu... Kifu, stop... stop fu, Chipu"

Words that teach like mothers don't work now either.

Roana, unable even to stop her son from walking through her mouth, continued to kiss her intensely as she flushed saliva from the edge of her mouth.

My lips finally break apart in it and I get to breathe.

We both breathed "haha," but the expression was the exact opposite, with Keith smiling happily and Roana wiping her saliva with pity.

Keith laughed, keeping her hands off Roana's chest.

"Your mother's saliva is delicious. And my chest is so soft..."

Keep gently rubbing over the towel.

Staring at Keith with an intriguing look at her chest and rubbing her, Roana, unable to resist, once again meditated desperately on her eyes.

Any more than Keith is in front of him, and no matter how he turns away, he gets an erect penis in his eyes.

It stands so still that it is likely to reach the umbilicus that the foreskin is sliding back and exposing the tortoise head.

It is a young penis that is not yet black.

I didn't want to see it at all, and Roana was meditating on her eyes.

But then, consciousness becomes chest irritation.

At first glance, it's a tough, unfamiliar gesture, but it actually touches Roana's weak spot with a pinpoint.

And gradually it gets stronger and more intense.

"Ah... ugh... ugh"

Roana bit her lip in a voice that leaked as a reflection.

It's not a good voice to let out when my son touches me.

Keith, however, who did not overhear Roana's voice, began to touch her to scratch the milk wheel directly as she got her hands out of the towel gap.

"Oh!! Huh! Keith!! Ki, hiaaah!!

"Mom, you're getting hard nipples. Does it feel good? Hey? Feel good?"

Roana shook her head sideways desperately, don't admit it. You mustn't admit this feels good.

"Stop!! Stop it, Keith!! No!! You mustn't touch it!!

"Why? Oh, you don't like to be rushed. All right, get your nipples straight..."

"Hih!! No!! Hey!! Ahhh!!!

Keith's arm to pay off was already close to that of an adult male, and there was nothing a woman could do with her slender arm.

I get my nipples squeezed and squeezed.

Sixteen years ago, which is only a little time for the elves, they have abused their breast-fed nipples with sexually unpleasant gestures.

Roana didn't realize that her spine trembled at the truth, but the tremor turned into something due to pleasure.

Keith's nipple blame is repeated on his hands as if he had done so many times.

It's a body that I should have forgotten about after losing Kurt, but for some reason it's sensitive as if it's been redeveloped.

I couldn't afford to be confused about it, and only my hard, pointed nipples were pulled and picked into the position of gin.

"Oh!! Hiaaa!! Keith!! Please!! Chickabi!! Ugh!! Ha ha!

Roana felt similar to despair when the back of her womb began to hurt.

What the hell happened to me, my body?

It transmits all the irritation to the genitals as if they were corrupted by the females, and they begin to prepare to welcome the males.

While I was wondering why, the stimulus loosened my arm and the towel fell off.

The towel that fell shortly after I raised my voice still shouldn't only cover my groin area.

But my breasts are completely exposed.

Those breasts, which were squeezed nipples pointed in Keith's fingers, were women's breasts, not mothers' breasts.

"Oh, my mother's boobs... wow, they're big and beautiful... you know I was smoking this"

Saying so, Keith had no foreshadow whatsoever and included his nipples in his mouth.


"Ahhh!! Keith!! Don't lick me!! Don't lick me!!! Ugh!!

It is a remote mouth use from breastfeeding etc., sucking and licking sweet bites while angling the neck.

With a mouthful that makes a woman expensive, she asks for breast milk like a child and says, "Whoa! Yikes!!" Sucked away, Roana freaked out her body.

"No!! No!!! Stop it Keith!!! Damn!!! Don't do that. Awwwwwwww!

Disloyalty, pleasure, and despair began to drag Acme out of the back of his mind.

Keith's tongue moves to Roana, desperate to contain it, become even more aggressive.

"Uuuuuu!! Ugh!! Uuuuuuuuuu!!!

Bite your lips off and put your hands on Keith's head but still don't pull or slap Keith's hair because that's my dear son.

I don't want you to do this because you're my son. Because I love you, I don't want you to do anything inferior to such a beast.

"Kisu!! Ki-soo!! Already...... WHAT AHH!!!

Then naturally Keith let go of his lips.

Saliva pulls thread from nipple to mouth.

I thought you understood my suffering, but I am immediately reminded that it was a pale expectation.

"Mother... you just hated me... I really don't want to do this to you..."

The voice of a wounded child.

Normally, I would like to hold her and comfort her immediately, but I can't do that right now.

"Chi... no, Keith... oh, Mother, this is the kind of thing you do... so"

"That's a lie..."

"I'm not lying... really"

I have to tell you something I don't even have in mind.

I really wanted to stop this right away and get back to my original parents and kids.

But come this far. That's impossible.

This mother-child relationship was decisively abandoned so that the vitreous with the crack could not be undone once.

After that, I accept my son. Surprisingly, there is no way, but I know that, but when I really get caressed, words of rejection come out.

To mislead it,

"Ki... Keith's, he was very good at touching it... your mother felt so good"

I lied in tears.

No, half of it is not a lie. Truth That caress felt good. Only my body gave me enough pleasure.

Roana was deeply hurt by that rejection.

Keith looked up happily to Roana's words.

"Really? Mother, did you feel good?

"... Yep"

"Well... you know, now I want to feel better too"


Keith stood up in front of Roana solidifying her expression.

And poke an erect penis in front of his mother.

"Hey, it's called Ferratio, do it... a woman can be a man she loves"

Force an inner caress as if it were an obligation.

My son's face ordering his mother to do such a nasty and obscene act was tossed with anticipation.

"Hayaku, Mother! My tits are going to explode like hell. Because I don't like your mother's tits! So there you go."

Keith picked his penis and brought it closer to Roana's face.

There was also a sexual odor and raw odor wrapped around my nose.

I was dizzy at the smell of a male.

Unlike a cute skinned penis from a clearly remembered childhood, the young man's penis was drooling ahead in search of a fella.

I wanted him to wash at least the worst, but I didn't even give him that time, and Keith pressed his penis against Roana's lips.

"Wow, my mother is kissing about me!! Awesome!!"

Keith goes all the way without hips, screaming with joy.

Roana, who could not chew or pay, opened her mouth and allowed her to break in.

"Oops!... nbuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!

A cowper is involved in the tongue and the foreskin is rubbed to expand the flavor inside.

If I breathed with my nose in bitterness, the raw odor went through my mind and my tears and runny nose were about to ruin.

"Ugh... oh, oh... there it is... in my mother's mouth, it's so sweet and warm..."

Keith looks sincerely happy and enjoys inside Roana's

"Hey mom. How's my penis? Size, hardness, what do you think?

He smiles and throws me the lowest question.

A question I don't even want to answer, but I can't ignore it in this situation, Roana said,

"Hiccup, oh hiccup, hiccup, kahaku, hiccup..."

He spoke Keith's delightful words as he inhaled the saliva that seemed to overflow from his mouth as he spoke.

The tongue tangled as he spoke, distorting his face to its good feeling, and still seemed happy,

"I want to dream that my mother can compliment me on my penis. Okay, I want you to make sure the semen starts soon."

Staring at her son, who would say so innocently, with the same glare she had seen even with incredible things, Roana swallowed the saliva accumulated in her mouth again before starting to ferra.

"Nchupu, Lachupu... Chubu, Chubu, Chubu, Njujuju, Nju, Pupu"

Move your head back and forth as you apply the saliva that springs up one after the other in your mouth.

The tongue remains tangled in the tortoise head and goes with a focus on blaming sensitive areas.

The desire to end it as soon as possible was rambling the mouthfeel.

"Oh wow! Kaa!! It's amazing!! Fella is like this!! Ugh!!

Roana almost threw up in a reality she really didn't want to admit that she was caressing her son.

Then the saliva increases further and becomes entangled in the penis, causing Keith to become expensive as a result.

"Wow, that's better than usual...... otherwise, Ka 'am, you're a good fella!! More!! Hey!! Make a louder noise!!

I found Keith getting more excited.

Come on, ejaculate fast, get it over with!!

So wholeheartedly, Roana blamed her son's penis even harder.

He tangles his tongue around his geese neck, pokes his bell mouth, narrows his cheeks and sucks it up.

"Pfft, pfft, pfft! Squeeze!! Oh my God!! Ugh!! Uhhhhhh!!!

"Oh!! Ohhhh!! Awesome!! Awesome!!! Mother's face!! He's sucking on my penis and he's scrawny!!! hahaha!!! Erotic!! Nasty no!!! Ahhh!!

In his mouth the opposite of his penis increased and his hips moved like shivering.

He tells me it's close to firing.

Roana meditates on her eyes. Just concentrates on Fella already and handles her penis up.

"Ugh!! Uhhhh!!! I am!! Come on...... Mother!! In your mother's mouth!! I'm out of Zamen!! Semen out!! Uhhhhhh!! Whoa!!!

Keith grabbed Roana's head and broke his hips bending forward.

A large amount of salmon juice is pumped directly into the mother's stomach from the penis she puts in the back of her throat with her head in her arms.

"Nbu!! Ngu!! Yabba!! Nha...... Boo Boo!!

Roana, who moistened her eyes to bitterness and nearly drowned in Zamen but managed to drink it all out, tried to keep her penis out of her mouth when Keith lost his strength.

"Ma... wait, Ma, suck, don't leave a drop..."

Even the remnants of the urethra were sucked away, and Roana breathed relief into Ferra, who still finally finished, feeling a strong karki odor every time she breathed.

"Ha-ha-ha," he said, exposing himself to his offended mouth and breathing.

"How was my semen?

Keith, kneeling and gazing again, inquires with a neat face.

I don't know what to say about the extra thick liquid tangled in the back of my throat. It was Roana.

"and... it's thick and... amazing amount..."

That's what I answered in anticipation of the fact that it was going to come up from the bottom of my stomach.

"Well... then, about my semen, about my mother, is she going to get me pregnant?

I don't want to answer. I can't answer this question.

Such a tough and horrible question, Roana never remembers being asked before.

That's why Roana, who's lost her temper,

"Ugh... Ugh... Kisu, why?... Why do you keep saying such horrible things? What do you want to do with her?... Ugh..."

I shed tears, distorted my face and cried out.

Keith stared silently at his mother crying like such a child, but eventually stood up and took that crying Roana to bed in her princess's arms.

Roana, thrown out on the bed with her unwiped body, screamed "yah" as she overflowed the droplets into the sheets of the bed.

The shock has taken the towel and left it completely naked.

Keith pressed against Roana like that, causing her legs to open and her face to stick into her groin.

Whether it was hot water or love liquid that was wet before washing properly, Keith began to lick the slightly steamy smelly omelette.

Keith's tongue crawls around where he shouldn't be seen or touched the most.

"So, fuck you!! Nchupu, pu, pu! Nchupu!! Pepperoni"

Roana resisted violently to that forceful caress.

"Ya...... hey ahhh!!! Stop!! Please!!! Keith, please!! No there!!! Nah!!! Ahhh!!!

He gets his labia ripped off, he gets his vaginal mouth rubbed off, and he sucks a clit.

When the crust was peeled with his fingers to lick and clean the contents, his hips floated to the intensity of the stimulus.

"Nchu! Your mother smells like sweat and pee here. But I smell something else... I wonder if this smells like a female?

"Hiya!!! Ya stop!!! Don't say that!!!! Oh, my God!! It's a good thing you do, ahhhhhhhhh!!!

"Pepperoop, chipperoop! My son has a penis and it's not there, Mother..."

"Aguuuuu!! Yubi, no!! Don't stay!! Don't whine!!! Screw you!! Yubi!! Nhhhh!!!

Two places I love to blame at the same time.

I don't know how Keith knows that.

Keith blames his weakness as if he knew everything about Roana's body.

The finger scratches the vaginal jaw 27615; and the tongue licks like a howl.

Roana was not insensitive enough to withstand this blame.

"Awww!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!! Ugh!! Ajiuuuuuuu!! Kee...... SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! Whoa whoa whoa!!!

Reacting all over his body as he leaned back, he drowned in a beastly act, and Keith chewed the clit to strength at the end to Roana, who raised his beastly voice.

"Uggie no!!!

Scattered with covetousness, Keith moved away from Roana, who soared to the brink of Acme.

The young flesh had already prepared a second shot and the penis had been lifted to the ginger.

Keith pushes his body forward and between his crotches while holding that penis down with his fingers, rubbing it against the wet Roana Nomanko over and over again,

"Mother... you just asked me, didn't you? What do you want to do with your mother..."

I can't escape, I can't give you the strength to resist.

To a woman who had lost her mother's power, her son spoke.

"It's decided, isn't it? I want to make my mother my woman... my only nasty female elf."

"... somthing... stop"

To Roana's mother hole, where she cried, Keith pierced the tip of her penis.

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