"Good... it's not bent..."

Keith voiced pity by making sure of his face in the mirror.

It is certain that Aisha's broken nose has healed properly.

Keith, who broke his nose bone and bled out after being thoughtfully beaten by Aisha, whose self-awareness altered magic awakened, was yelled at to use metastatic magic as it was, and returned to the palace.

When she got to Keith's room, Aisha didn't say anything and went straight back to her room angry.

Keith, who dropped it off, couldn't do anything and decided not to dare heal magic on his nose.

With the magic of the Demonic Blood Stone, you can heal magic without any problems.

But if you cure your nose, you risk bending and sticking if you don't get your bones properly shaped.

Keith, who didn't like the pain, pressed his crying, blue-black nose back into its original form and applied healing magic.

And I checked it in the mirror.

Keith was prepared for a bath to bleed his nose on his body after seeing his nose completely back on track without any weird curves.

Washed his body, washed his mouth and nose, and then soaked in the hot tub, Keith thought about the magic he used on that Aisha.

The duration of the magic is three hours for two passing demon blood stones.

But I wasn't expecting you to remember what was going on after I woke up.

I just thought it was something I'd forget.

I think I should have tried it in Berna if this were the case, but if it was her, I might not be able to understand how she would react.

Nia is, of course, out of the question.

It turned out to be Aisha.

"... I didn't expect you to break my nose... unexpectedly"

Keith shrugged as he moaned his freshly cured nose.

However, the magic effect itself could be confirmed.

There is no doubt that self-awareness can be altered.

Then you only have to perfect the excuse after the end.

Keith, who thought so,

"... hehe, it burns! It really burns!! Ha ha!!

I got up from the hot tub and laughed a lot as I blurted my penis.

There was an idiot who didn't punish me at all for saying it was just after he broke his nose.


It's been about five days since Keith put some weird magic on me.

Angry Aisha explained everything to Berna the next day.

Berna, who was listening in silence, reacted more to Aisha breaking Keith's nose than to the magic.

"I'm going to visit you"

I said and got out at lunch.

You might be able to do some weird magic, so stop it! And Aisha says,

'Cause that's what happens all the time.

I left that behind with a flat face and headed to Keith's room early enough.

Berna came back to Aisha, who was stuffy, two hours later, her breath slightly rough and her hair persisted with sweat.

It is as “post facto” as you wish.

Though confused by that,

"... is, how was your nose?

It is Aisha who still worries me while I do it myself.

"Chiyu... I feel like I'm on my way to Mahou..."

Aisha regretted hearing the voice "hmm" when the semen dripped from the apparently abused Omako.

Even though I wanted to have sex with vegetables without some weird magic, I just thought Berna was cunning.

"... it's just Berna... gusu"

Aisha, who became very tearful, did Shite until she apologized already if this happened! and resolved.

I'm sure it's about Keith, so in three days you'll come apologizing for not being able to stand it!!

It has already been five days, even though I was staring at it.

If you enjoy it with Berna and ask yourself,

"Neither am I."

I don't think it's a lie. It returns a faceless, serious answer.

It's rare or impossible for Keith.

"... wow... you're not gonna tell me until I apologize?

Though I don't think so, I get anxiously stuck in my chest.

Keith is angry.

Breaking my nose, no matter how much, could have been too much.

"What do we do...... oh"

I have to go apologize. Even now.

But unlike Berna, Aisha can't stop the mission on the way.

Keith was suppressing his desire to rush out, crying with his heart and thinking about what Aisha was apologizing for. Exactly then, Keith said,

"Huh!! Nju, cju, raju, raju! Nchu!!

I was kissing Roana thoughtfully in one of the rooms of the inn.

Keith instantly decided that Roana was the only one who thought that even after that magical effect, he could do it with a joke and enjoy it.

And as soon as the next day, I used the Demonic Blood Stone to talk long distances.

Though mindfulness is usually limited in distance, it stretches proportionally to the amount of magic used.

Since it is for two Demonic Blood Stones, I decided that it could be quite a distance away, but it was just as I thought.

Roana was surprised that the conversation had suddenly begun, but was immediately relieved when she said, "I just wanted to be connected to the conversation."

When you tell them you "want to meet" at each end of the word, having an unreserved conversation until the magic then expires.

"... are you in trouble? I have a daughter... and a shop."

A twisted voice echoes in my brain.

"I know... so don't worry about it... because I'm just so tired of wanting to meet Roana..."

Returning it to a cut, a little silent time followed,

"... I have business going that way in four days... and I'll take your place... if you do that for about three hours"

How dare it end up like that.

"Is it true!?" Keith, who was so pleased that he finished his reading by saying that he would keep the usual inn, began to prepare all sorts of things as quickly as possible.

Naturally, that includes magic drugs of plant origin.

It is Keith who totally forgot to call Aisha or Berna in that preparation.

Maybe one of the reasons I forgot there weren't any Nia classes.

Keith, horned at the rabbit and thus celebrated his day with Roana, waited ahead of him in the room, ready and greeted him.

Roana arrived after noon, and there was a business meeting at night and I had to go straight home on a late night flight, so I really only had about four hours to meet her.

It's Keith, who I feel has become a man for some time.

Keith, who thickly snatched Roana's lips from entering the room, holds them together.

"I missed you...... all the way to Roana"

"Hi... it wasn't just a month ago"

"Hell I can't hold Roana in my arms for a month."


He was Keith, who kissed Roana again, carefree by the words he was whispered.

Roana always wanted to do that, but she didn't have time for it.

"Wait Keith... Um, take a bath first..."

"Oh, sorry I didn't realize... but isn't the bath a good idea later?


"I'd like to lick around that steamy place, smelling Roana."

To the perverse chick Keith's dialogue, Roana blushed with more shame than disgust.

"Because... you've been on the airship all day? Oh no..."

"I want to lick you, Roana's wash."

"Heh heh heh heh! Why are you so perverted, Keith?

Keith, who took her to bed as she stroked Roana's body, which would make her look somewhere to be expected as she said it, took off her jacket and covered her as she sat on the bed.

more than usual. A more or less burning caress began, Roana said,

"Ah...............................................................! No, more... Ugh."

I raise my voice for it.

Still unstoppable, Roana turned herself in pleasure one step ahead of Keith, her head gradually sagging.

Roana, unaware that it was because of the incense that filled the room at some point, stopped thinking as it was.

Keith, sure to have lost his response to the caress, turns out the incense he lit when he took off his clothes, removes the demonic blood stone and magic wand he put back on his clothes and put them in his pocket.

And with an unpleasant grin, he began to plant Roana, who sleeps in bed.


"Ugh...... huh?... Huh?

Having regained consciousness, Roana looked around with a heavier and heavier head.

I couldn't remember where I was for a moment and I was confused, but when I was doing so, the bathroom door opened and came from inside.

"... Keith"

"Oh, Mother, are you awake?

Keith, my “son”, who turns sixteen this year, came into the room.

"Huh?... Keith, what the hell am I..."

Asking his son what was happening to him, Keith smiled,

"I fell asleep as soon as I walked into my room. You were tired."

"Oh, really?

"Yeah. I was just about ready to take a bath. But if you wake up, you don't have to take a bath."

If you ask me, yes.

To Saimrad for a deal, I brought my son in this time to remind him of his job.

And go into the room, and if you don't remember from there but Keith says so, I guess so.

"Oh no... were you that tired? I'm unconscious."

"Aren't you old?


"haha, sorry"

While mumbling, Roana decided to take the bath Keith had prepared for her, thinking she might be really old.

This time the room did not have a private open-air, so it was a complete room bath.

Baths would be nice, but I thought a room bath would be better if I thought about a business meeting after this.

"Thank you," Keith said, dropping off Roana heading to the bathroom with a bath towel and a change of clothes.

(Big success!!!

I made a thoughtful gutsy pose after I lost sight of it.

What Keith wanted to have fun with at Roana this time was "adultery - mother play offended by her son of his age".

Last time, Roana scattered me in a little Keith state, and the remorse is still there.

Revenge did take place in the second half of that time. But that's not what Keith would be happy with.

If my mom did this to me, I'll fuck my mom back. This is Keith's fashion.

For this reason, I took the magic duration and rejuvenated myself just a little.

Make sure you're 15 or 6 years old.

"... I'm Mazacon. I'm Mazacon. I'm Mazacon. Serious Mazacon."

Right in front of the mirror. So repetitive. Ready.

Later, he added a 16-year-old setting to Roana to temporarily erase memories of Keith's actual age.

That's how perfectly magical Roana is washing her body trying to take the bath her son prepared for her.

"Wait, Mom," Keith muttered, turning to the bathroom himself.

Roana, who was bathing in hot water in a nose mix without knowing anything,

"Mom, how about some hot water?

"Just fine," replied the voice through the door.

"Oh well, then..."


But it stuck to the door of the bathroom that opened unexpectedly for a moment.

Keith stood there with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"I'll flush your back."

to Keith smiling at him. Roana immediately said, "Ha,"

"Keith! What are you doing? Get out of here!

He yelled when he hid the front with a towel that was washing his body.

Keith, still coming in with a flat face,

"Don't say that, see"

When I sat behind Roana, I removed the towel that was wrapped around my hips, and when I took the soap, I foamed it off with it.

Roana was confused when she found out Keith was completely naked.

I am not ashamed because I am my son. But if you're five or six, Keith is still sixteen.

There will be problems in many ways.

That's what I think.

"Keith. Or, Mother, I'll give it up now..."

"No, you can't. You're not even in the hot tub yet. I'm tired of sleeping, but I can't do that."

Keith presses Roana's shoulder to stand up and gently washes her back.

Roana felt ill in Keith's groin, which now looked chilly, amid the supposed mess.

I had an erection.

Without a doubt, Keith was totally jerking off his penis.

(Hey, why... no...)

Do you crave yourself, the mother?

I didn't even want to think about it, and Roana darkened in front of me.

In the ten years I've lived with one woman and three members of my family, no way Keith...

No. Absolutely not. I'd like to think it's some kind of mistake, but an adult-shaped penis burned in the eye is telling me it's true.

Keith couldn't stop laughing at Roana, who could see the confusion even on her back.

Previously on Mommy Play, Roana also knew it was only "Play" so she could be Norinoli.

I can't believe I'm having a panic with my real son when I actually do.

But dare you do it and offend your mother!!

Keith, who thinks this is true revenge, had more erections on Roana's nagging back to her buttocks and slightly visible lateral milk.

"But that's enough, Keith. That's enough."

Roana called out when she was doing so.

I wanted to end this situation as soon as possible.

Keith figured that out, too, and when he got in the mood that it was finally the real deal from here,

"Yes... hey mother..."

"Hey...... what?

I suddenly hugged Roana, who never turned around behind me.

Of course, the erect penis rubs against the back thoughtfully.

"Huh!! Ahhh!! Keith!! Ya, stop!! Stop!! Don't let go!!

When Roana turns herself over to the feel of the hot, hard meat stick that hits her back, it rubs and Keith says, "Ugh!" He raised his voice.

I found my actions sexually stimulating. Roana stopped moving, and still,

"Keith!! Get off me!! Mom, I'm gonna get mad!!

Desperately trying to stop Keith by activating his mother fully.

"... mother. Me... I've been talking about my mother."

Things you shouldn't say. Things you shouldn't ask.

I could see Keith trying to get that out of his mouth, and Roana tried to prevent it.

"No... no Keith!! Don't say that!!

"Why?... Why not!! I've always loved my mother!

"No... no, that's not true"

I said it. I asked.

A harsh word, a truth you should not know.

"I'm not lying!!... Even my mother really knew, didn't she? I was in my mother's underwear... and I was flirting with her."

Memories suddenly flash back with those words.

Why have you ever forgotten?

That day, when Roana went to the laundry, she looked like her son, who was desperately handling his penis while smelling Roana's used underwear.

I thought you and Keith wanted to have a discussion like that and brought you here on purpose today to Seimrad.

When Roana swallows her spit, she squeezes her voice as if she had decided to.

"Keith? Are you confused because you're young? I'm sure there's a nice girl... just right for you."

"There's no such thing!! It's just my mother!! There's no woman more than her mother!!

"Keith!! Listen!! Stop, don't push me on my back...... Huh!! Keith!!"

Keith almost laughed out at the real yell.

I figured out that he didn't like real adultery.

You were so nosy with your chick opponent when you played.

Roana, in her mother's state, thought that no more things must be prevented at all, and that she would not quit using magic if she had to.

"Keith... Oh, you're sick... why don't we call the doctor with your mother and fix it? Right?"

That was not an exchange or a sneeze on the spot, but the voice of a parent who was genuinely worried about his family.

Then Keith's powers weakened.

I thought Roana for a moment that you understood.

"... biggie... biggie"

Cold sweats appear in Keith's words repeatedly with bumps.

"... hey mother. Erne, you've been looking like your mother lately, haven't you?

"... Huh?

"Yet you still come into my room okay or sit around till midnight? You're gonna be in trouble."

"Kisu? What... what are you talking about?

"I can't stop thinking that I like my mother so much... if she denies it, this feeling isn't weird going anywhere... right"

When she found out what the words meant, Roana wondered if her heart would stop.

Keith has a real sister...

That's no good. Absolutely not!!


"'Cause you can't help it, can you? I'm sick."

What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do?

I can't help but take Keith to the hospital?

But if you do that, it will damage the reputation of the store.

I wish it was just me or my family, but I can't let my employees bother me.

But I can't even leave it alone.

What can I do, what can I do...

Even thinking about it, there was only one path left.

"Keith... I'm sorry... you're not sick"


"... you just like your mother, don't you? About your mother..."

Keith's power to hold Roana increased.

"Yes... yes, Mother!!! Did you understand that?

"Yep. Wow... ok. My mother loves Keith too... oh, I love her."


I could see that the penis hitting my back was still so freaked out that I was about to ejaculate.

I suffered a scream that was about to leak.

"This means both thoughts... right?

"... yes..."

"Well... I can have sex with my mother, right?

Roana wept.

I apologized to Kurt many times with my heart.

I'm sorry. I was raised the wrong way. I'm sorry, Kurt.

There was certainly a grudge that he would never have done this if he had lived.

But more than that, I felt very sorry.

Because from now on, I will betray Kurt.

'Cause I'm offering this body something other than a kurt.

Moreover, it is to the fruitful son who was made with Kurt.

So in tears, Roana, still desperate to whimper,

"... yes, yes... or have sex with your mother..."

That's what I said to squeeze.

Hearing that, Keith made a gutsy pose with his heart.

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