Chapter 73 Gili Eggs, a string of three!!

This time, Hu Di learned to be clever, and did not immediately use the illusion light trick after teleportation, because Hu Di was afraid that the lucky egg would repeat the same trick and used the ice cube as a mirror to reflect his illusion light.

So Hu Di has been using teleportation to move this time, which can interfere with the Gili Egg and make it impossible for the Gili Egg to lock his position.

And at this time, the duration of the rain trick has also arrived, and now it has changed from rainy to sunny.

Because it is indoors, it is sunny by default.

“Since you don’t move, then I’ll make a move!”

“Gili Egg uses a wall of light!”

If you Casey can use the wall of light to protect against damage from special tricks, then my gili egg can also use the wall of light.

Moreover, most of Hu Di’s super power system tricks are special attacks, so the wall of light restrain Hu Di to death.

Just as the gili egg was about to use the light wall, Hudi was on at this moment.

The elves of the superpower department are quite smart, and even some super-powered elves can conduct some high-tech research, so the superpower department is quite smart.

So when the Gili Egg was ready to use the light wall, Hu Di saw this opportunity and immediately launched an attack on the Gili Egg.

If the illusion light hits, it may interrupt the wall of light of the Gili Egg due to damage and pain, and if it goes further, it can also plunge the Gili Egg into chaos.

If the Gili Egg falls into chaos, then the advantage will come to the Hudi side, and the Gili Egg does not dodge.

Hudi’s phantom light accurately hit the Gili egg, but the damage of the phantom light did not make the Gili egg’s light wall useless, and the light wall trick was used.

However, the illusion ray that hit the auspicious egg just now is full damage, because it is a wall of light that is made after hitting the illusion ray.

It will not take effect until the next move.


Gili Egg exhaled in pain.

However, Hudi’s illusionary light did not plunge Gili Egg into chaos, which is good news.

After all, the characteristics of Hudi are not heavenly graces, so the illusion light does not have such a high probability of making the auspicious egg fall into chaos.

“Gili eggs, use raw eggs!”

In the next second, the gili egg used its own power to condense a white light egg, and this egg will submerge into the body of the gili egg.

When submerged into the body of the egg, the egg will regain a certain amount of physical strength.

This is not good news for Hudi.

If you let the gili egg play like this, Hu Dizhi will be dragged to death by the gili egg long ago.

After all, auspicious eggs can fight, resist and treat themselves, and they are not afraid of your consumption at all.

If you don’t have a way to kill with one hit and quickly solve the Gili Egg, then you can only be led by the nose by the Gili Egg, and finally exhaust the physical strength of the whole body.

“Stop the Gili Egg and continue to use the illusion ray!”

Akimoto is still gambling on the probability that the phantom light will plunge the auspicious egg into chaos.


The phantom ray hits the Gili Egg again, but this time with the defense of the wall of light, the damage is reduced by a part, and the damage to the Gili Egg is not as great as the illusion light last time.

Although the gili egg did not suffer much damage, the raw egg trick failed, because the impact of two energies made the raw egg trick fail.

And the two energies collided, resulting in an explosion, the shock wave of the explosion was overturned by the auspicious egg, and the aftermath of the explosion spread around the battlefield, filling the smoke screen.

Visibility became very low.

But this is not too difficult for Hu Di, who can use his mental power to find the figure of the auspicious egg.

But at this time, it becomes a little difficult to use spiritual power to search the location of the auspicious egg, because the smoke will also interfere with Hudi’s spiritual power.

“Gili eggs, frozen wind!”

When dealing with flying elves, the first thing you need is to reduce their speed, so the trick of freezing wind is especially useful at this time, and the effect is quite good.

In the smoke, a cold blow into the battlefield.

Hu Di, who was thin and thin, was blown by the cold wind, and immediately shivered, and felt that his body and limbs were frozen to varying degrees.

This slowed Hudi’s ability to move.

So the Frozen Wind is equivalent to adding a buff to Hudi, a slowing buff.

At this time, Hu Di opened his eyes, which also meant that the location of the auspicious egg was found by Hu Di.

“Spirit Blade!”

Since Gili Egg uses a wall of light to guard against Hudi’s special tricks, Akimoto lets Hudi use a physical attack trick.

The spiritual blade is to visualize Hudi’s superpower, turning it into a sharp blade to attack the opponent’s elves, so this is also a physical attack.

“Gili egg, spin up and use the high-speed star!”

At this moment, the auspicious egg spun up, and at the same time, golden stars appeared in the opposite battlefield.

Because of the rotation, these high-speed stars shoot in all directions.

And these stars collide together will explode due to the collision of energy.

“Hudi, use hold!”

Akimoto knew that this kind of high-speed star was difficult to dodge, even if Hu Di used teleportation, unless he left the battlefield directly, otherwise Hu Di would have no way to avoid this high-speed star in the sky.

As Akimoto guessed, a large number of high-speed stars surged in, and one by one high-speed stars crashed on Hudi’s hold, and the continuous collision exploded!

Boom! Boom!

Holding is indeed guarding against high-speed stars, but the auspicious egg uses high-speed stars longer than Hudi uses to hold them.

So Hudi had an embarrassing moment, that is, there was no longer a trick to hold.

Because there is no way to use it for a long time if you hold the trick.

When the holding trick disappeared, a large number of high-speed stars slapped on Hu Di’s body, hitting Hu Di’s body one by one.

Boom! Boom!


A large number of high-speed stars gathered together to produce an explosion.

This move was named by Natsuki as a high-speed star anti-fist shield!

“Gili eggs, use sandstorms!”

Taking advantage of the moment when Hu Di was injured and there was no way to hit the spirit to use the super power trick, Natsuki decisively asked Gili Egg to use Sandstorm.

But this sandstorm is not for the auspicious egg to turn on the weather, but to attack.

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