Chapter 72 Hu Di, your trick is really useful!!

“Hu Di, use the illusion light!”

In the next second, Hu Di’s body burst out of an amazing power, and a colorful light shot out, and the brilliant colors were fascinating, as if they had forgotten that this was a trick of the superpower system.

“Use the Freeze Fist on the ground!”

The gili egg exhaled softly, and his right fist slammed into the ground, and the cold fist hit the ground, and quickly condensed into ice cubes.

“Lift the ice up!”

The gili egg grabbed the ice surface sharply and held it up in front of the body, and at this time, the illusion light of Hudi had also come to the gili egg.

But at this time, the auspicious egg had already lifted the ice surface, and the ice surface was like a mirror reflecting back the illusory light of Hudi.

This amazing move stunned both Hudi and Taoist gym trainer Akimoto who were floating in the air, and they did not expect that Natsuki would deal with it in this way.

Hu Di, who could not be prevented, was hit by the reflected phantom light.

The effect was average, and it did not cause much damage to Hu Di, but at this time, Hu Di’s brain began to be a little unclear and confused.

Because Hudi of the superpower system is hit by the special move of the superpower system, the damage is halved, but the effect will still be triggered.

When the illusion ray hits the opponent, there is a certain chance of causing chaos

Although the phantom light is an attack sent by Hudi, the elf that bounces back is the Gili Egg, and the characteristic of the Gili Egg is Heavenly Grace.

So Hudi fell into chaos.

“Is that okay?”

Akimoto was directly dumbfounded.

The probability of the phantom ray falling into chaos after hitting the opponent is low and not high.

Akimoto just wanted to try his luck, but instead of throwing his opponent into chaos, he let his elves fall into chaos, which was simply lucky.

“However, the characteristics of this auspicious egg should be heavenly grace, otherwise it is impossible to trigger the additional effect of the trick every time.”

“But the frequency of this trigger is also too outrageous!”

“First the paralysis of 100,000 volts, then the burning of the Flame Fist, and now the chaos of the illusion light, this degree of luck is too outrageous!”

As a dojo trainer, after seeing all kinds of elves and trainers, he still felt that the luck of this auspicious egg was outrageous.

This is not a heavenly grace at all, it is a super heavenly grace, otherwise it would not be so easy to trigger the effect of the special move.

“Good chance, Gili Egg, use the shadow ball!”

The shadow ball is the trick of the evil line, and the trick of the evil system is extremely effective for Hu Di of the superpower department.

This trick of the shadow ball began to be practiced during the Xiaofu Egg period, and was mastered after evolving into the auspicious egg, and it can be used to deal with Hu Di, who is a superpower system.

If it hits, then the effect is outstanding.

“Hu Di, Spirit Shock!”

Akimoto shouted.

Fairies caught in chaos can attack, but there is a certain chance that the trick will fail, or even launch indiscriminately, and in more serious cases, it will hurt themselves.

Not surprisingly, Hu Di’s spiritual impact trick failed, not that it was not launched, but Hu Di was indiscriminately launching the spiritual impact trick.

At this time, Hu Di was using spiritual impact to launch towards his surroundings

Huge energy bombarded the ground, walls and ceiling.

Bang! Bang!

The energy burst directly, and the entire building trembled.

At this time, the shadow ball of the auspicious egg also followed, and the black ball contained huge energy, which slammed into Hu Di’s body.

However, when the Shadow Ball hits Hu Di, a golden wall appears around Hu Di, which is the wall of light that Casey used before the battle began.

Now the effect of the light wall is still left on the battlefield, and the light wall lasts for a while.

Therefore, although the current shadow ball hits Hudi, although the attribute is restrained, the power of the shadow ball has been reduced, but the effect is still outstanding.

The abundant energy burst on Hu Di’s body, creating an explosion.

This move is extremely effective for Hu Di, who is in the superpower system.

Hu Di, who was still using his mental power to maintain in mid-air, fell from the air like this.

“Chase after the victory, auspicious egg, use thunder!”

At this time, the weather is still rainy, and if you use the electrical system’s tricks, there is a bonus, if the thunder hits, you can give Hu Di a lot of damage, but it is almost impossible to make Hu Di lose the ability to fight with just one thunder.

The Jili egg and Hudi are equal in strength, so the Gili egg is not able to drop Hudi in seconds.

Unless the strength of the Gili egg and Hudi is very different.

However, at this moment, Hu Di, who was falling, opened his eyes, and he had woken up from the chaos of the illusion light.

“Fantastic, Hudi, use teleportation!”

Akimoto shouted.

A golden beam of light fell from the air, with a huge momentum.


The huge golden beam hit the ground and did not hit Hudi.

Because when the thunder trick came, Hu Di used teleportation to leave here.

Although the speed of thunder is very fast, Hu Di’s mind can make himself leave the original place with a single movement.

In terms of speed, teleportation is really better!

“Hu Di, close your eyes and use your mind to capture the traces of the auspicious egg, and then use the illusion ray!”

The superpower Hudi is able to use spiritual power to capture elves, and does not necessarily need to use eyes, and Akimoto asked Hudi to do this to prevent the glamorous trick of the auspicious egg.

In addition, tricks such as coquetry, tail wagging and so on are tricks that can be avoided by closing your eyes.

This kind of trick, if you can’t see it, is ineffective, only by seeing it can you make the opponent hit.

This is how Akimoto coped.

It is precisely because Hudi is an elf of the superpower system that he can use his mind power to probe the location of the gili egg, and it is difficult for other elves to do so.

However, in addition to Hudi, elves with the power of waveguides can also use the power of waveguides to probe the location of elves.

For example, the professional of the power of waveguides, Likaloo.

And the power of waveguide is also an ability that trainers can master, but this ability can only be controlled by a very small number of trainers…

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