Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 243 Resurrection from Hell

Elena and two friends ran back to their bedroom, they closed the door, locked the windows, and guarded the room under the dim light.

Elena didn't care about hiding at this time, and took out Winston's self-made internal mobile phone from her backpack. At this time, the phone showed that several calls from Zhao Hao had not been received.

She quickly dialed back, "Hello, Zhao Hao? Something happened to me, an inexplicable lunatic killed many people, yes... I don't know, he doesn't have spiritual power, or something I can't understand..."

Because when Winston invented this thing at that time, it was for the convenience of everyone in the supernatural team to contact at any time in the city, and he did not consider using it over a long distance. In addition, there seemed to be some weird interference here, so the mobile phone There are often currents and some strange noises in the battery.

Zhao Hao comforted Elena, telling her to keep calm: "Don't worry, I'm on my way to you... I've sent helpers."

"Oh, by the way, did you bring Xiao Hei with you?" Zhao Hao asked.

"Yes, I always carry it with me." Elena replied.

"That's good, it can protect you at critical times..."

Zarya the Tomboy and Molly the Eyes looked at Elena talking with a pitch-black thing with an antenna, and human voices could still be heard from that thing, just like a telephone. But the phone is wired!

At this time, the mobile phone has not yet been officially launched. Although it has been technically completed, it is far from being marketable.

"Is that your boyfriend? What's his name? Is he coming?" Zarya asked.

"Zhao Hao is from Song Dynasty." Molly continued.

Elena nodded, "It's Zhao Hao, as long as we persist until he comes, we'll be safe."

As he spoke, he pushed the cabinet inside the house with two friends to block the window.

And outside, those students running around like headless chickens have all hidden.

Those students who tried to rush out of the camp were given priority by that Richard. They were all killed, and then hung on the railings around the camp. Like a warning sign, warn others not to leave the "play" area.

And this Richard also seems to have some special abilities, as if he can feel other pain and fear, hear other people's heartbeat, be able to sense the existence of others from a distance, and hide in the dark at any time, suddenly appeared in other unknown corners.

He is like an old farmer who came to the hard-planted yard and picked and picked his "harvest fruits".

Moreover, many times he would not directly kill people, but kept threatening and frightening them, and then played chasing games.

If the prey being chased is smarter, he is reluctant to kill it first, but deliberately lets it go and chases other prey. But if he encounters the kind of fool who is frightened and stupid, or who only knows how to scream, then he will kill him. They even hang their bodies after killing their prey.

Counting the teacher's small team of more than 30 people, only a dozen people were dead at this time.

But the rest of these people are the best "prey", smart, calm, and strong desire to survive.

Someone even planned to trap Richard, such as sneaking up behind the door or setting up a rope to try to trip him over a knife stuck in the ground.

But Charles is not a living person in the true sense, he is a murderer resurrected from hell, a monster.

None of these means can cause fatal damage to it, at best it can only cause some trouble.

And Charles is obviously happy to play games with his prey. Every time he sees a new trick, he will laugh happily and even praise the opponent's technique.

However, after seeing an ax on Charles' head, being tripped and stabbed in his chest, etc., Charles always stood up as if nothing had happened, and continued to chase leisurely, and the students gradually couldn't bear it.

Under high pressure and fear, their minds are inherently unstable. This supernatural phenomenon, which cannot be killed, especially impacts their three outlooks and spirits, so that some students' spirits are on the verge of collapse, and their eyes have become numb.

And this is one of Charles' goals. He chased his prey for pleasure, and for the purpose of completely breaking the minds of the prey, so as to capture their souls to the greatest extent after killing them.

Hell and Heaven are different from other Netherlands in this world. The normal Netherlands are the destinations of souls, and they were created by the great powers of ancient times for some inevitable reasons. But hell is different from heaven. They use souls as materials and consumables.

They spread beliefs, intercept souls from returning to the underworld after death, and use them instead. Like devils and demons, many of them devour souls to increase their strength, and some use them as materials to make some supernatural items.

This is the biggest difference between East and West.

In the east, especially within the radiating range of the Celestial Dynasty, Netherland has formed a fixed form, and its greatest role is to return the soul to reincarnation, so as to make it sustainable.

In the West, unless there are very few special souls, they are not eligible for reincarnation...

One of the basic purposes of Richard being resurrected as a monster is to harvest souls, and the second is to promote the existence of hell.

The arrival of the Lord of the Flies really stimulated the other demon kings. No one cared about it before, but now that the Lord of the Flies is here, they will come too, otherwise they will feel short for nothing.

Besides, now is the best time!


A black shadow as fast as lightning came to the Gem Lake holiday camp in the night.

The black shadow circled over the camp, and landed in the room where the three of Elena were. It landed outside the window. At this time, the window has been tightly sealed, but this can't stop it.

It turned into a pool of black shadows, and slipped into the room through the gap as if it had no volume.

Richard, who was enjoying chasing prey, suddenly frowned and stopped, "Is there something strange coming in?"

As soon as he stopped, the student who was limping with an injured leg and was almost caught ran away ecstatically.

Richard shook his head. There are still many things he doesn't understand, but he is not a person who likes to think, and chasing prey is more exciting...

The three Elenas in the room who didn't dare to make a sound were leaning together and waiting depressedly. Suddenly, Elena seemed to feel something, and turned her head to see a pitch-black crow sitting on the hanger by the wall!

The crow is not big, and its body is black. Its two eyes are indeed blood red, and there are three black "commas" around the pupils.

"Ah~" The eye girl also saw the phantom crow, and screamed in a low voice.

Zarya immediately raised the wooden root in her hand and pointed at Phantom Crow.

But Elena pressed her hand, and she asked Huancrow softly: "Zhao Hao? Is that you?"

Huan Crow nodded, leaned his neck and cleared his throat: "Cough cough ~ sorry ~ cough! This is the first time I speak in this way, cough ~ I am not very used to it yet."

The eyes of the two girls widened - the crow spoke!

Elena could sense the earth-shattering heart of her friend, and quickly activated her ability to appease the two friends.

"This is... Zhao Hao's magic trick. To magic, it's like a pigeon flying out of a magician's hat."

But both Zarya and Molly couldn't help but roll their eyes. If your boyfriend's talking crow is magic, then what is that murderer outside with a stick and his head turned around behind him? Murder magic? Or become a living person?

When "Zhao Hao" arrived, Elena felt a lot more at ease.

And Zhao Hao's body is also flying this way at this time, but the flying speed is far less than that of the phantom crow, and it is faster than a motorcycle. The good news is that he can go straight in a straight line. But even so, it will take at least twenty or thirty minutes to arrive.

But at this time, several students in the camp had been killed by that Richard, some were strangled to death, hung on the eaves, and some were stabbed with dogleg knives. Richard fled, but eventually bled to death from his injuries.

Even Richard was very sorry that one of the most wonderful prey was missing.

At this time, there were less than ten surviving students in the camp, and the three of Elena were very conspicuous together.

Richard came out of the house without a sound, walked around and found that the house was very well sealed, and all the windows and doors were tightly sealed.

"Woohoo~ Smart prey, I like it. But how long can I keep myself in the cage like this?"

He leaned against the door and whispered, "Is anyone there? Is there anyone in the room? If there is no one, I will leave~~~"

Hearing the voice outside the door, the three girls in the room were startled, Elena suddenly looked at Huancrow, and mouthed: This person is stimulating our spirits!

Phantom Crow nodded. Although this guy is not a transcendent, he also has some supernatural powers.

The three people in the room did not dare to make a sound, hoping that the murderer outside the door could walk away by themselves.

Sure enough, there was no sound outside the door for a long time, for several minutes.

"Bang!" The wooden door shook violently. Fortunately, there were a lot of things blocking the door. Although the momentum was bluffing, the wooden door could not be knocked open.

Zarya and the eye girl were taken aback, Molly the eye girl even sat down on the ground.

Zarya, who was naturally bold, didn't know what was wrong at this time, her heart was beating wildly, and the hand holding the wooden stick was sweating.

Suddenly there was no movement outside the door, and then with a "click", a small piece of the wooden door four centimeters back was cut through by the dog's leg knife.

The mother of the eyes can see clearly, the wooden door is not made of solid wood, but made of several layers of thin wood boards, damn profiteer!

The dogleg knife was twisted twice and pulled out, and then "clicked" again, one knife after another, and soon a narrow and long hole was randomly cut on the wooden door. Although it is only two or three centimeters in size, it can already be seen inside and out.

At this moment, Elena has already taken out the black puppy made of paper that Zhao Hao gave her a long time ago from her wallet. But the phantom crow flew to the door without a sound.

Richard was happily approaching the hole in the door, and leaned his face closer to look into the house from outside the door.

However, there is blood red in sight, only three black things like "commas" are turning.


The three girls in the room saw the phantom crow fly to the door, then turned their heads to look out, and then heard a shrill and inhuman scream outside the door.

Richard originally thought that he was immortal now, and even if he suffered some pain, he would treat it as entertainment, but he didn't expect to experience such severe pain.

At that moment he saw the sea of ​​flames in hell, and at that moment he felt the pain of the flames burning him alive. There were even severe burn marks on his body.

If he wasn't some kind of immortal body now, he would have fallen into a severe coma and was seriously injured at this moment.

He covered his eyes and stumbled away, not even throwing down the dog-leg knife.

Huan Crow turned his head and said to the three women: "If you can delay him for a while, I will be there after a while."

Eileen held the somewhat sluggish Phantom Crow in her arms, and gently wiped its eyes, "Your eyes are bleeding!"

After all, the phantom crow is just the manifestation of Zhao Hao's mind fragments, and this is already the strongest power it can use.

"Release Xiao Hei, and do you have the lantern and Rupert's tears for you?" Huan Crow said.

"Take it with you, take it with you."

"That's good, I'm not too far away."

However, Richard came back earlier than Zhao Hao predicted.

Now half of his skin is covered with fiery red burn marks, and it hurts extremely when he moves.

This is not an ordinary injury, but an illusion of psionic power. Even if he is half immortal now, he will not be able to recover for a while.

But the pain is not unbearable for such a pervert and hell monster like him, and it will even become a catalyst!

At this time, his expression was distorted, his forehead was bulging, his facial features were deformed, and his figure also changed greatly. The legs began to bend back, the arms grew longer, and the hands could reach the knees...

Under the rage and killing, he got closer to the demonized image. In other words, it was not the murderer Richard who was resurrected, but the monster bearing Richard's name.

He quickly found two hidden students, strangled them to death with his bare hands, and then the burns on his body seemed to heal a lot. So he came for revenge!

He picked up his dog's leg knife and began to chop the broken wooden door desperately. Even if the three women have moved the big wardrobe over to block it, it's useless.

Under Richard's great strength and madness, the big wardrobe was hacked, the wooden door was almost half gone, and Richard could get in through the big hole.

But just as he was halfway in, Zarya rushed up, swung the stick in her hand, and hit Richard on the head hard with all her strength.

The sound of "bang" was as dull as leather, and the stick with a diameter of three centimeters had already been broken!

Richard's head hit the wooden cabinet heavily, but he slowly raised his head and smiled indifferently.

How could such an attack hurt me? I am now immortal and invincible!

Obviously, he forgot the injury just now, and he floated away! People will be hit as soon as they float!

In the next moment, the black paper dog in Elena's hand suddenly jumped out, turning into a giant black dog in mid-air, biting one of Richard's arms fiercely, and began to shake its head wildly and tear it apart!

"Ah~~ah~~" Richard screamed again.

"Damn it! Fake! Where did the dog come from? Why can it bite me?!"

He wanted to attack Xiao Hei with a dogleg knife, but half of his body was in the door opening, so he couldn't use it.

Suddenly another black shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and the next moment his left eye was in severe pain, and half of his vision was blacked out.

Although the phantom crow could no longer use spells for a short time, he pecked out one of his eyes.

In the end Richard got in, one arm was bitten off, he couldn't recover for a short time, and he was blind in one eye. But this enraged him even more, and he insisted on crawling in because he would not die.

The three of Elena were close together, and she was holding a beautiful little lantern in her hand, which was exactly the prop [Tiannv Lantern] obtained by Zhao Hao at a certain check-in. Evil invades.

Xiao Hei is already dead, after all, he is the paper dog of Zhao Hao's early works. With only the strength of Heitie 1 star, he fought hard to protect the master and died, turning into a broken paper dog and falling to the ground.

While Huan Crow hid in the corner of the cabinet and watched, Zhao Hao decided that if it really came to the last moment, he would sacrifice his mind and cast spells to delay time. I'm already very close.

However, Richard circled around the area of ​​more than three meters illuminated by the lantern. He wanted to force his way in, but the severe pain caused by the light was unbearable. He scrambled and fled away, only hurting himself.

At this time, the skin on his body had festered in pieces, exposing the dry and stiff body underneath, as if another appearance was wrapped under the human skin.

Zarya and Molly were already so frightened that they lost their minds and couldn't control themselves. If they hadn't hugged Elena, they would have been limp on the ground.

This Richard now seems to have a halo of fear, which will cause serious damage to the minds of ordinary people.

Maintaining the [Heavenly Lady Lantern] consumes a lot of spiritual energy. After all, Elena is just a new awakened transcendent, and she can't last long.

She secretly touched the small ten-centimeter pistol in her sleeve. It was a gift from the dwarf Wally, a small psionic pistol.

If your psychic power is not enough in the end, take advantage of the last psychic power to go all out and shoot him!

And at this moment, there was a "plop" outside the door, and then Zhao Hao kicked the debris flying at the door, and walked in.

As he walked, he took out the long-handled Dragon Slayer Yanyue, "Finally let me block you bastard!"

As he spoke, he set fire to the sky, and with a knife from top to bottom, he split Richard into two pieces from head to crotch!

Even the roof was affected and cut into two sections with one knife.


Zhao Hao comforted Elena, while observing the other two girls who had recovered.

He took out a "pen-amnestic" from his pocket.

But who knew that the girl with eyes suddenly asked vigilantly: "What is this? What are you doing?"

Zhao Hao touched his nose in embarrassment, "This is a pen, just a pen."

But Molly said: "I have collected a lot of urban rumors. Among them are people in black suits and sunglasses who use something that flashes like a pen to erase people's memories! Could it be this thing?"

The smile on Zhao Hao's face froze.

Which black-clothed agent is so clumsy that he even created an urban legend!

But there are more than seven million people in Liberty City, how can there be an impenetrable wall!

What's more, there have been frequent extraordinary incidents in the past half a year. How can you not get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river?

After all, paper cannot contain fire.

But Zhao Hao never expected that this time it wasn't a paper bag fire, this time the fire was so intense that the iron plate was even red hot!

Just like Zhao Hao met another iron hook murderer on the road, it turned out that the resurrected murderers this time were far from one or two, but an unknown number, and they were even being revived continuously.

In a few days, legends of the resurrected murderer began to circulate in Liberty City, the entire east coast, and the entire Ami!

There are too many news, too many gossips, too many people who have died, and too many people who have experienced it, it is impossible to hide it...

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