Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 242 The Nightmare Once

Richard walked over and chatted with the female teacher who led the team. The female teacher looked into his eyes, as if she was lost, and subconsciously felt that what the man said was true and his words were credible.

So she nodded and smiled, and soon led him to the campfire to introduce to her students.

"Hey students, this is Richard, because the previous security officer guide is temporarily busy, so I ask Richard to help..."

Richard showed a gentle and shy smile: "Hi everyone, I'm Richard..."

The high school students aged seventeen or eighteen seemed to be very curious about this new young guide and kept asking him questions.

And Richard also answered clearly. He seems to be a good communicator, but he is a little shy and rarely speaks on his own initiative.

Elena in the crowd also looked at Richard with a smile, but her two hands grabbed the two friends, one left and one right, with some force.

"What's the matter, Elena?" Zarya, the tall tomboy with short hair dyed pink and dressed like a boy, asked in a low voice.

On the other side, Molly, who was wearing glasses and a long skirt, was also looking at Elena with concern.

Although Eileen was considered a famous figure in school, people greeted her wherever she went, but these two were the only close friends.

First of all, she moved all the way from Europa to Ami with her parents since she was a child, and she has seen the warmth and warmth of people. Secondly, her psionic ability is emotional perception and emotional infection, and she is very clear about a person's good and bad.

If a person says congratulations and envy when you have a good deed, but is jealous or secretly contemptuous, can he be a good person?

Naturally, this kind of person cannot be handed over.

In the end, Elena became good friends with tomboy Zarya and eye-eyed girl Molly.

Tomboy Zarya is a Slav who also moved from Europa. Temperament straight and hard, the most straightforward. I usually like to exercise. When I wear a vest, my triceps are more obvious than ordinary boys. The pectoralis major is well developed, and people can't help but advise: leave a soft bite for the child!

She had learned martial arts and various equipment combat skills from her father since she was a child. She once beat three armed punks by herself outside school, with ease.

Molly, the girl with glasses, doesn't like talking very much. She dresses conservatively, is quiet, and loves to study and read. People with this kind of personality are usually rejected or even bullied at school. But with Elena helping her, no one would mess with her anymore.

Of course, many people were puzzled that Elena made friends with these two people.

This feeling is probably what Malfoy felt when he met Harry Potter for the first time on the train to Hogwarts, only to find him mixed with Weasley.

Elena looked at Richard who was sitting far away from the bonfire, not participating in the conversation but smiling at these young people, feeling a little uneasy.

She can't feel this person's emotions, or she has no emotions.

People have emotions. Emotions are like ocean waves. Although they fluctuate, they are always there.

Even if someone is able to hide or control their emotions as if there is no wave in the ancient well, the emotions themselves will appear pale, cold or calm.

But this man has no emotions.

If other people's emotions are an ocean, then this man's emotions are deep pits without water.

Elena has never encountered such a situation, and she feels very uneasy.


The sun set completely down the mountain, and the last ray of afterglow melted into the dark night.

Zhao Hao's motorcycle was running fast on the uneven road, and the headlights could only illuminate a small area.

Now he has a big problem—where is Gem Lake Resort? He only knows the direction and distance, so is he really going to run around in this dark place?

Still have to find someone to ask.

By coincidence, he found a pickup truck on the side of the road not far away.

Zhao Hao parked the motorcycle next to the pickup, only to find that the pickup's headlights were on and the car was still on, but there was no one in the car.

Moreover, the front tire of this car was punctured.

There are some nails that can be thrown out on the ground, and the front tire of my motorcycle has also been poisoned!

"Damn! Who! If I catch who cast the nails, I'll kick your balls to pieces!"

Zhao Hao is now so angry that he wants to smash the hood of the pickup truck with his fist. But losing your temper won't help, you have to calm down.

The driver is definitely not too far away, look for it yourself, if it doesn't work, just fly to the sky to find it.

Zhao Hao opened his demon hunting sensory field of vision and saw the driver's movement traces. Two people, judging from their footprints, a man and a woman, got out of the car... and went into the woods?

What are you doing in the woods with a puncture in the middle of the night?

Today's experience is really getting more and more strange.

A lot of paper insect magic weapons were thrown out, "Go find it! Find everything that moves!"


On the other side of the Gem Lake camp, it seemed to get dark much earlier.

The students sang and danced BBQ by the bonfire, but were soon brought back to the house by the teacher.

Young people, how can they say so early.

Even Elena planned to go back to the house with two friends ahead of time, but was persuaded to stay in the living room.

What made her feel a little relieved was that Richard, who seemed to be observing everyone with great interest, returned to the guide's own room.

In the lobby, everyone started playing games.

Someone also proposed to play a game of summoning souls, but Eileen cleverly changed the subject.

She does know that there are really ghosts in this world, or it's better not to die.

But soon, someone proposed to tell ghost stories.

This proposal was well received by the students, so the twenty or thirty people crowded around the sofa, dimmed the lights and began to tell ghost stories in turn.

At this time, a vague figure was outside the door, listening quietly.

Soon, several stories passed, and one of the children's stories was particularly scary, and the level of storytelling was also very high. After hearing it, many students couldn't help but shiver.

At this time, a boy was a little anxious. Ghost stories are good at this point, urinating.

But after hearing the story just now, he was really, a little afraid to go alone. So I took a friend to pee outside.

After all, it is a simple resort, all of which are the simplest wooden houses. There is no bathroom in the house, but a dry toilet outside the house. Even the water room is a separate house with a water tower.

The ghost story inside the house continues, and the ghost story around the two peeing boys outside the house also begins.

Young Ami likes to play pranks the most, and sometimes they are simply inappropriate or even go too far. But they never tire of it, and feel that they are very humorous. If you're angry, you can't afford it.

No, the peeing boy who pulled his friend out finished peeing, but the friend was still facing the wall endlessly.

He intends to scare the other party, and it will be more interesting if he can scare the other party to pee on his pants.

So he sneaked around to the other side of the broken wooden wall, where there was a hole, and he came face to face with his friend.

He poked his head out suddenly and let out a strange cry, but his friend's expression was calm, and he looked down unaffected at all. Not even the sound of urinating!

"Fake, when did you become so courageous?!" The boy was a little disappointed.

And my friend's urination is not over yet, tick-tock-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tock-tock-tock-tock-tick-tick-tick-tock-tock-tock-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tock-tock-tock-tock-tock-tock-tock-tock-tock-tock-tock-tock-tick-tick, and soon the boy would be bored of hearing it.

Fuck, I'm done in less than ten seconds, you've been peeing here for almost a minute and it's not over, it looks like your kidneys are good, doesn't it?

He walked over and patted his friend on the shoulder, but the friend fell to the ground with a "plop".

He was startled, and quickly squatted down to check, only to find that there was an incision nearly ten centimeters long on his friend's chest. Blood gushed out from here, and then dripped down his body to the ground.

There was a big puddle of blood on the ground. He thought his friend was peeing all the time, but it wasn't...

The boy was so frightened that he almost fainted, he rolled and crawled on the ground and retreated several meters before he opened his mouth and yelled.

But a thin rope suddenly strangled his neck, and then lifted it violently, lifting him in mid-air!

The boy clasped his neck with his hands and kicked wildly with both feet, but to no avail, the brain ischemia and soon he stopped struggling, only instinctive convulsions remained...

The ghost stories in the room were still being told, and soon a girl couldn't bear it anymore.

There are more girls going to the toilet, this time there are three together.

After seven or eight minutes, Elena suddenly realized something was wrong. She quickly asked, "Wait, how long has the toilet gone?"

A classmate said: "But it's been a long time."

Some classmates joked: "Damn it, shouldn't they go on a tryst at this time?"

"What? How can two men and three women have a tryst?" The students all laughed.

But Elena couldn't laugh anymore, she whispered to Molly and Zarya beside her: "I have a very bad feeling, it seems that something happened."

After all, the female teacher leading the team is more serious. "These people can cause trouble. They run around here as soon as they arrive. What if there is danger in an unfamiliar environment? Let's get them back as soon as possible."

As he said that, he led the people and walked out the door. Six or seven other students stayed in the house, and the rest followed him out to find someone.

After walking for half a minute, people saw two boys on a broken wooden wall.

The female teacher was about to laugh angrily: "What? You two haven't finished peeing for so long? Are you still looking at each other through the wall?"

As a result, she walked over, and suddenly saw the boy's complexion ashen through the hole in the wooden wall.

The teacher suddenly felt that something was wrong. She walked up to the boy on this side, looked at the boy on the other side of the wall, and asked, "Your complexion is very bad, is that so?"

When she saw the other person's expression clearly, she was startled. She covered her mouth suddenly and wanted to back away. Suddenly, she saw the boy's expression and the wound on his chest. The flashlight swept it away, and saw a pool of blood under his feet!

She finally couldn't bear it anymore, she screamed "Ah", and fell to the ground, the flashlight in her hand flew away, and she was still walking backwards with hands and feet.

The other students were taken aback and hurried over to support the female teacher. At this time, the flashlights in the hands of other students also shone on the blood on the ground. So a large bloodstain, surely it can't be due to hematuria, right? !

The students collapsed immediately, crying for their fathers and mothers and ran away, and half of them ran away in an instant.

After running here for less than ten seconds, there was another scream.

Elena quickly pulled her two friends, and supported the teacher whose legs were still weak, to the direction of the scream.

After walking about twenty steps and turning around a room, I saw several girls sitting on the ground hugging each other, screaming one after another.

And on the edge of the eaves of the wooden house not far from them, there was a dead body of a female classmate hanging impressively.

That's the water room! The dead female classmate was one of the three female classmates who had gone out to the bathroom before.

All of a sudden, Jasmine, the eye-mother, tugged at Elena's sleeve, and Elena looked in the direction of her finger. In the middle of the water tower next to the water room, more than four meters above the ground, there was another dead body hanging impressively.

And at the top of the water tower, a colorful shirt hangs on the water tank.

Elena subconsciously felt that the last girl should be in the water tank.

The sudden bad news stunned almost everyone. Five students died tragically in front of him. These students were all dumbfounded.

Just when Elena was trying to calm down and try to find a solution, the screams rang out again!

It was the room where everyone gathered to tell ghost stories just now, and there were still a few students who didn't want to come out there.

Soon, a boy ran out staggeringly, and suddenly fell at the feet of everyone. It wasn't until he looked up that everyone could see that he was already covered in blood.

"Killed! Killed! That, that guide... murdered! He suddenly broke in, hacked, hacked to death~ hacked to death, hacked to death, all hacked to death!" He was a little incoherent, with snot and tears flowing together.

The boy described incoherently how the guide broke into the house just now, hacked several people to death with a knife, and finally only himself was close to the window, and jumped out of the window to escape.

His words formed a picture in everyone's minds like a photo, making everyone tremble with fear.

The teacher quickly helped him up, and shouted: "Everyone, don't panic, don't run away. Let's call, call the police!"

Eileen felt that something was wrong, but suddenly there were many changes and nearly ten people died, and her mind was in a mess for a while, and she didn't know what was wrong.

After all, he is only a seventeen-year-old child, and he has a strong psychological quality before he is scared stupid.

On the other hand, the tomboy Zarya was also flustered, but she had already picked up a wooden stick she grabbed from nowhere, and was guarding the surrounding darkness.

At this moment, two people suddenly ran out from the other side of the house, "Run, run, the guide has killed someone! The guide has killed someone!"

When the two came to the front, everyone realized that they were actually two of those people who stayed in the room just now.

The teacher grabbed the two excitedly, "Are you two okay? Are you still alive? I thought you were all killed!"

But at this time, those two people looked at the boy with blood on his face just now, but they were surprised: "You, you were hacked to death, didn't you?"

Elena's heart was shocked, and she suddenly understood what was wrong.

The male classmate just now was in the wrong mood, the mood was wrong! Although his expression was frightened when he described the hacking and killing process, he was not afraid at all in his heart, and was even a little happy!

At this moment, the blood-faced boy suddenly took out a dogleg knife from behind, stabbed it into the female teacher's waist, and at the same time slapped it on the face, tearing off a piece of paper. shameless!

Underneath that face is the new guide Richard with a bright smile and sharp white teeth.

A dozen or so students suddenly screamed and fled in all directions.

That tomboy Zarya also wanted to take the opportunity to hit that Richard on the back of the head, but when the stick went down, that Richard's head shook. In the next moment, he turned his head, and his whole head was turned behind him, looking at them cheerfully.

Zarya was planning to join another group, but Richard snatched the stick and threw it more than ten meters away.

Seeing this, the three of Elena fled like crazy.

"So much fun! So much fun!"

Richard pulled the dog-leg knife from the teacher, and said with a smile: "Hunting time, it's started~"

As he said that, he threw the knife out and directly stuck it in the back of a boy seven or eight meters away. The boy fell to the ground and struggled in pain. This boy was one of the two boys who had just exposed him, a living room survivor.

Richard leisurely walked over, pulled out the dog-leg knife, and slashed at the back of the moaning boy's neck, killing him completely.

"Whoa~ It's not allowed to leave the game area~" He took a step back into the darkness behind him, and the person disappeared in an instant.

At this time, the clever student came to the phone at the resort, but there was no sound when he picked it up, and then found that the phone line had been cut into seventeen or eighteen sections.

"Fake! Fake! I don't want to die! I can't die! I..." The student dropped the phone and was about to run towards the back door, and then there was a "click", and his feet hurt sharply.

He fell to the ground, and his calf was caught in a bear trap. If the trap was not relatively small, his calf would probably have been broken now.

"Ah~~haha~~~" He cried out several times in a crying voice, and finally broke open the trap with the help of his classmates next to him, and fled limping for his life with the help of his classmates.

But Richard was pulling the rope on the wrought iron gate of the resort, and a corpse was hung on the gate by him.

While tying the rope, he said to himself: "Ha, this little clip is for rewarding those smart prey that respond quickly~"

He whistled happily, as if he saw the boy being hit by a bear trap.


On the other side, Zhao Hao punched a fat, strong man with long dirty hair and wearing overalls, who spewed blood and flew four or five meters away.

Ordinarily, this person's internal organs should be rotten, as can be seen from the pieces spit out of his mouth. But he was still able to stand up unsteadily, and rushed over with the iron hook in his hand.

On one side, a man wearing glasses huddled in a corner, and at his feet, a woman had her neck broken by an iron hook and died.

The man with glasses shouted hysterically: "No, no! This man is a hooked murderer. He should have been sentenced to death a few years ago! He is still alive like this?! Why is he still alive?"

Zhao Hao looked at the fat hooked murderer who was tireless and fearless, and understood what was going on.

"So it's not human, no wonder Qiyun is so strange..." Zhao Hao sprinted fiercely, and appeared behind the Iron Hook Killer almost instantly.

The man with glasses seemed to see a flash of silver-white light, and the head of the hooked murderer rolled to the ground in the next moment.

The man with glasses went through the pursuit of a murderer, the tragic death of his girlfriend, and found out that the murderer was already dead, and vaguely saw Zhao Hao holding a dragon-slaying knife and turning into a series of afterimages and beheading the opponent's head... too much Under the mental stimulation, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

After Zhao Hao killed the iron hook murderer, he stepped on his crotch and gave him a chicken and egg beating, fulfilling his promise.

Now his guess about the whim was clearer.

"It seems that the same situation is happening at Elena's side. Is the murderer resurrected? That's too dangerous. It's too late, it seems that we have to find another way..."

He suddenly folded his hands together, his spiritual energy began to surge, his expression twisted in pain...Suddenly a black shadow flew out from behind his head, and a crow's cry disappeared into the night.

Go, Phantom Crow! Go to Elena!

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