Dragon Ball Legend of Ayaka

Chapter 354: The new book "The Creator of Heaven" is uploaded!


The magnificent world is multiplying with all living beings.

Jiang Mu, who was a code farmer in the previous life, actually crossed to the parallel world and became the heaven there, but before he was happy, he realized that his territory was only the size of the solar system, and he was in danger of being swallowed by other worlds. So he planned to promote the life on earth quickly, and began the road of promotion of the earth's heavenly path, and the "phantom world beads" in his hand also played an unexpected role.

The five-clawed golden dragon descends into the city, and the mythical characters obey the call...

"Ice Queen" Esdes, "Military Princess" Altaïr, "Monster Sage" Yakumo Purple...

One by one, characters that only existed in the mind of previous lives were born in his hands, and various fantasy worlds were opened up by Jiang Mu.

But as the creator of all these lives, Jiang Mu actually lived very carefully.

"Samsung God, it's still not enough!"

On the huge throne, looking at the golden scepter in his hand, he sighed.

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