Dragon Ball Legend of Ayaka

Chapter 353: The new book "Transformed into a Peerless Ice Girl" is uploaded!

This is a post-apocalyptic transfiguration book, welcome new and old readers to collect and read! Also welcome to advertise!


After a meteor shower, the zombie apocalypse is coming.

In this panic, nearly one-tenth of the population became zombies, and a considerable number of people became victims of zombies.

Su Ziyan is very lucky. He has become an evolutionary of the ice system. He is a strong person who has the ability to protect others, but he himself is very entangled, because the evolution of others is an increase in strength, and she has also changed her gender by the way. .

"If this is in a peaceful period, you won't have to worry about eating and drinking for the rest of your life!" Su Ziyan muttered to herself as she looked at herself in the mirror.

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