One day later, the entire Minghua City was filled with various construction robots and maintenance robots.

The entire structure of Minghua City was torn down and rebuilt, even the Heroes Association, which was mostly intact, was no exception.

All the people were gathered in the temporary gathering point, while Gao Yun and the remaining senior officials of the urban departments gathered together.


There was a sound like a watermelon exploding, and a bright blood flower burst out in the temporary hall.

Who else disagrees with me? Speak up.

Gao Yun glanced around lightly and looked around with cold eyes.

The senior officials of these departments who were once responsible for protecting urban security swallowed their saliva, looked at each other and nodded.

Everything in Minghua City will be run in accordance with Chairman Gao's will. Anyone who dares to go beyond the limits and oppose will be punished by death!

Yes, yes! We absolutely obey President Gao's orders.

Although these people said this, Gao Yun could see some deliberate dissatisfaction from their micro-expressions.

These highest levels are only among the senior leaders of the C-level hero department, which made Gao Yun really want to laugh. When he first came here, someone dared to talk about him behind his back.

I'm still a little dissatisfied with myself for calling them here.

Forget it, using you to manage the city is probably not a good idea. You all should go to hell.

As soon as Gao Yun finished speaking, a burst of spiritual power surged out instantly, just like a scene where tens of thousands of butchers were slaughtering, tearing into pieces nearly a thousand senior executives of various departments in Minghua City.

In an instant, the venue was littered with mutilated limbs, blood overflowing, and the strong smell of blood assaulted the nostrils. Those members of the urban department who only had C-level strength could not even scream and died on the spot.

Later, a group of cleaning robots came in to wash the floor. Following the robots was Li Mingtian, who was summoned by Gao Yun.

When the nuclear bomb exploded two days ago, Li Mingtian immediately sensed it with his precognition ability. After he sensed it, he also told Li Zhenxuan and the B-class heroes in the association and asked them to activate the protective barrier. , he and everyone in the Hero Association escaped without any harm.

How's the cleaning going?

Gao Yun was flipping through various information on the federal network in the terminal and asked Li Mingtian without looking at it.

They have all been killed, and those who did not deserve to die have been crippled and thrown into the slums. Menas Meir has also sent a team to rotate and let them treat them before they die.

In the past few days, Li Mingtian's only mission was to kill those things that Gao Yun thought should be killed or scrapped. With the ability to predict, Li Mingtian didn't even need to examine it, he just needed to use his ability to scan it. One circle, kill what deserves to be killed, and scrap what deserves to be scrapped.

In the past few days, Li Mingtian led a team of B-level heroes and super armors to start killing.

At first, some people cursed and resisted, but in the face of the B-class heroes and super armors with crushing power, these were all useless.

And then most people also discovered one thing. The ones who were killed were always the group that bullied others, and no one was harmed by those groups who had been working honestly and contributing to the city.

There is no need to explain to the people in the city, they just need to enjoy being themselves safely under Gao Yun's rule.

Ten days passed, and Minghua City was basically re-established.

But this time, the entire city is still divided into five urban areas from Area A to E. The difference from the past is that these urban areas are not as luxurious as in the past, but the five urban areas are different from those in the past. Area B is the same.

We all live in an environment with beautiful scenery. Compared with the past, the sky and the earth are almost as small as the sky.

The scenery and services that in the past could only be enjoyed by the urban upper class have now become real experiences that every citizen of Minghua City can enjoy.

But this is only an environmental problem. Everyone's material aspects are still the same as before. The past credit point currency system was directly abolished by Gao Yun.

Former rich people and all kinds of people now have to start over together with ordinary people.

First of all, in terms of survival, the housing configuration and the share of resources available to each person are fixed. It is almost enough for one person to have enough food and clothing, but it is not enough for entertainment expenses.

If converted, each person can obtain the resource share of the past 1,500 credit points for free every month, and these will be priced and converted by the 'new credit points' formulated by Minghua City's new think tank system.

If you want to live in a bigger house and enjoy better resources and treatment, you must contribute to the construction of the city.

Round after round of new regulations are formulated through the terminal and sent to the hands of every Minghua City resident. In addition to these benefits, there are also strict legal systems.

Intentional homicide and other acts that cause death to Minghua City residents, regardless of whether they are superpowers, heroes, or other city members, will be punished by death.

Behaviors that harm others and property, such as abuse and fraud, will be punished ten times heavier. Offenders will be deprived of their citizenship, and they and their children will never become residents of Minghua City again.

A lot of laws were issued that were extremely strict but actually had little impact on ordinary people.

Moreover, there are frequent executions, multiple executions and other severe punishments, which makes the superpowers and heroes in these groups tremble with fear.

This time they finally saw clearly the status of themselves and others in the eyes of Gao Yun. In the eyes of the newly promoted president of Minghua City, their status was the same as that of any other roadside resident, even a B-level If a hero deliberately kills an ordinary person, he is punished by death.

But this is nothing. The most terrifying of these laws was written by Gao Yun himself and recorded in the laws of Minghua City. It is also the most absolute:

My command is law.

The law of dictatorship and the will to never allow disobedience was spread to everyone's heart, making everyone almost completely terrified.

Some people even wonder whether this article has violated federal laws and deprived others of their free will.

No matter how others question it, all of this will still be irreversible in Minghua City.

Just because Gao Yun's power is now at the top of the human federation.

Your judging criteria have been updated. Your hero level has been updated. You are currently an A-level superhero. The contribution points you can receive per month have increased from one thousand to ten thousand points. Other permissions have also been upgraded.

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