Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 91 Cleaning up the mess

But it was obvious that the will of this royal city underestimated Gao Yun.

The moment he was blocked, the heat vision in Gao Yun's eyes shot out overwhelmingly.

However, the moment the heat vision left Gao Yun's body, it completely stopped and turned into nothingness, even the extremely high decibel ultrasonic waves and cryogenic breathing were the same.

Then, Gao Yun turned around and wanted to grab the sleeping princess with his hands as a threat.

But the continuity of the space in front of him seemed to have become silent. Gao Yun, who was holding a murderous intention, could not touch the soft and white skin of the princess.

These superpowers that had been invincible in the past were so powerless in the face of super-large disasters. The superhuman talents that had not yet fully grown up were simply unable to face the most terrifying force in this wasteland.

Even A-level heroes are unable to confront a super-large famine head-on.

After some testing in the Thorn King City, Gao Yun curled up his lips and controlled all the cells in his body to enter load burning mode.

The next moment, Gao Yun's body gradually cracked, shattered into pieces and disappeared into the light.

On the ground outside Minghua City.

An iron-toothed wolf was biting a severed arm. Then, as if the broken arm had its own consciousness, it grabbed the iron-toothed wolf's head and crushed it.

Gao Yun's body recovered, and the blood stains around him were swept away by the biological force field. Then he looked up at the Thorn King City floating in the air, with a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

Dead things are dead things, how can they be compared with myself as a human being.

Afterwards, Gao Yun returned to Minghua City, feeling the messages and warnings that continued to come from the Thorn King City.

It seems that the King of Thorns City is also aware of his thoughts and will. It no longer forces him to wake up the princess, but issues a serious warning. Once he leaves the area where the King of Thorns City is located, then this super large creature that has not come and awakened in the first place will Famine will break out immediately and come to reality.

And this is nothing less than a threat to Gao Yunming.

However, he doesn't care much about the warning from Thorn King City. As long as the other party doesn't break out on the spot, it won't have much impact on him. As for now, he still has to clean up the remaining mess in Minghua City.

Minghua City Heroes Association.

The remaining two B-class heroes squinted their eyes slightly, sensing the high-energy radiation and radioactive elements that filled the entire city, and were thinking about whether to change their lives in another city.

But they saw the life signal representing the president of Minghua City flashing gray and bright, as if he was jumping sideways repeatedly in front of the god of death, which made people confused.

If they abandon Minghua City without authorization, even if they flee to other places, Gao Yun has the right to arrest them and make them beaten by everyone within the scope of the Human Federation.

With such hesitant thoughts, they waited for a while.

Until Gao Yun's figure fell from the large hole above Area B.

He looked at the mess in the entire city and couldn't help but frown.

When the mayor died, he did this to him, which detonated his arrangements in Minghua City for many years. No wonder Jiang Yuanhua didn't rush to the main tower of Area A and beat him to death with a few punches. I'm afraid it was also for this reason.

It was only now that he took a closer look at the current Minghua City and found that the losses were not very large.

Although the five urban areas and the entire slum suffered a devastating blow, more than 30% of the total population survived, most of which were heroes with super factors and the middle and upper-class urban people with special skills.

Among the more than 100 million people who died, slum dwellers accounted for the largest proportion. Gao Yun had no better way to deal with their deaths. All he could do was try his best to make them live like one person in the next rule.

As for the rest, he cannot give too much to others.

In addition to these dead people who had nothing to do with him, almost all the dignitaries in the entire Minghua City had been slaughtered by him. The remaining Li family had all surrendered to him, and the mayor's power was completely wiped out.

The current Minghua City can be said to be his alone.

From now on, he will not let this city escape his control. Even if the Human Federation personally orders and sends a judge, it is impossible to take away his own things from him.

However, before issuing new ruling orders and rules, Gao Yun still needs to repair and restore the dilapidated city.

Otherwise, under the explosion of so many special nuclear bombs, those ordinary people will die completely, and even some low-level heroes will have their lifespans greatly reduced and their bodies will become weak.

The entire Minghua City was covered with high-energy radiation on the opposite side. Gao Yun only had to fly in one circle to absorb it all with his superhuman physique.

The robots and materials needed for the reconstruction work require the use of federal black technology hidden deep within the Hero Association.

On the 333rd floor of the Heroes Association, which is the president's office.

There is a material generator that uses the body materials of wild beasts and crystal nuclei as energy. This machine is known as the Wasteland Star. It is the main force used by the Human Federation to build such a magnificent city.

This kind of machine is completely black, like a Rubik's Cube covered with blue lines. On the other side of the Rubik's Cube, there is a huge glass container.

As long as there are enough resources, whether it is food or water, or steel and paper, these things can be produced by the Wasteland Star.

However, this machine can only produce simple and pure materials, as well as composite products with drawings and theoretical and practical records.

This machine is not only owned by the Minghua City Heroes Association, but each of the twenty-six powerful families in the past also owned one such machine.

Therefore, in the past, to the truly upper-class dignitaries and wealthy people, what mattered was not the credits issued by Minghua City, but important resources such as the Wild Beast Crystal Core.

As long as they have these resources, they can have as much ordinary food, various weapons, and low-level medicines at their fingertips as they want.

It is a pity that this kind of material generator cannot produce the Federation's top creations and other things. For example, things like super armor require spending a lot of resources in exchange for one-time production rights, or spending a lot of money. Obtain a permanent drawing license.

Apart from these, the more powerful and sophisticated something is made, the greater the energy required, and the higher the quality of the desolate beast crystal core required.

This is why the city will send many exploration teams to the wasteland to collect resources, and use huge amounts of credits to purchase materials for wild beasts.

After all, credits are just currency issued at the urban level, and wild beast materials and crystal cores can really be turned into various effective resources if they fall into the hands of the powerful.

With the existence of these machines, the construction of Minghua City is also advancing step by step.

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