“Day Tiger!”

Gu Xuan, who was besieged by Kapu and the Warring States, fell into passivity, and he had to use the Day Tiger again, the unrivaled air cannon shockwave, and once again blasted Kapu and the Warring States away, only this time he used it passively, which was slightly worse than when he attacked with all his strength before.

But even so, he still defeated the impermeable offensive of Karp and the Warring States, knocking both of them away, and he himself was also hit by Karp’s iron fist, and he was blasted back hundreds of meters above the ground, and everywhere he passed, countless naval soldiers were knocked away by him until they smashed into the ruins of the building where the execution platform was located.

Karp and the Warring States were also blasted away by Gu Xuan’s day tiger, and the shock wave generated at the same time also affected many sailors who did not have time to retreat.

“I was even able to use the trick I just did.”

Karp was breathless, high-speed movement and attack, even he was uncomfortable, and finally in order to hit Gu Xuan, he even threw out an iron fist against the Day Tiger, which made him withstand the strong impact of the Day Tiger, and the body was extremely painful, even the armed color domineering was scattered, he estimated that his ribs were discounted a few times, fortunately, his control of his body has reached a subtle realm, and such injuries can still withstand it.

The Warring States on the other side is also miserable, compared to Karp, he has endured more attacks from Gu Xuan, because Gu Xuan’s biggest target is him, and every attack is full strength, so he is much worse than Karp, fortunately, although he is not as good as Karp in physical skills, he is also extremely strong, coupled with the physical talent with increased fruit ability, so he was not blasted by Gu Xuan.

However, whether it was Kapu or the Warring States, they did not care about their injuries, but stared at a large piece of ruins that Gu Xuan had just knocked down, wanting to see what happened to Gu Xuan.

The confrontation of physical skills is simple and rude, Gu Xuan was hit by Kapu with a punch, it is indeed uncomfortable, even with his physical quality, he is also injured, but he is now opening the eight doors of Dun Jia, at this time he can’t feel the pain of the body at all, because compared to the pain of opening the seventh door of the eight doors of Dun Jia, such pain is nothing at all.

Eight Gate Dun Jia is a forbidden technique, it is a physical technique to open up the power of the body, if you can still feel the pain during the casting process, the pain alone will make people unbearable, let alone perform the move that squeezes the body to burst out powerful power.

Gu Xuan walked out from the ruins, his body twisting strangely, giving people a very strange feeling.

Kapu’s attack is very strong, but not to the extent that he can’t withstand it, after Gu Xuan came out of the ruins, he looked at the Warring States and Kapu a hundred meters away, his eyes were cold, and another temptation just now made him understand that with his current strength, it is impossible to defeat Kapu and the Warring States by opening the seventh door to cast the Day Tiger, if it is just alone, there is hope, but the two join forces, he has no hope at all, so he needs to become stronger.

The power of the eight-door dunjia is indeed afraid, after casting the seventh gate, even if he can’t use the ability of the Devil Fruit in this process, it is much stronger than his normal state, and although he has lost the ability to restrain and elementalize, his lethality has increased more than twice.

But the disadvantages are also obvious, if you can’t defeat the opponent in the continuous process, once the state is over, it will become a lamb to be slaughtered, and it will also cause a great burden to the body, that is, Gu Xuan’s current physique is strong enough, and he has four times the recovery speed, so he dares to open the seventh door so brazenly.

Before he felt that he could open the seventh gate at most, shocking the door, he would definitely be able to solve the Warring States, and after killing the Warring States, he would still be able to take it out, but Karp, an unexpected person, let his plan go to naught, and now the day tiger of the seventh gate did not kill the Warring States, and he now has only two choices.

Either leave now, he can still maintain this state for a while, there is not much problem leaving, or continue, but if you want to continue, you must open the eighth gate, otherwise it is impossible to defeat Karp and Sengoku, let alone kill Sengoku.

With the two choices, Gu Xuan hardly hesitated and immediately made a decision.

“Karp, I estimate that he won’t last long, as long as he continues to fight like this, he will definitely be able to kill him.”

The battle just now had given the Warring States enough confidence, because he found that Gu Xuan was a little weaker than at the beginning, and it could be seen from the power of the previous Day Tiger that it was obviously not as strong as the first time.

The two of them joined forces to meet the enemy, and they could already suppress Gu Xuan just now, and continue to fight, the gap between the two sides would only get bigger and bigger, so they didn’t need to take risks at all, they only needed a steady attack, and they would definitely be able to kill Gu Xuan.

“The weakness of his physical technique has indeed begun to be exposed, and this kind of physical technique is actually somewhat similar to the six forms of our navy, they are all overdrawn physical strength, and it is impossible to continue forever, but his physical skills are stronger than the final mysteries of the six styles, that is, the opponents are you and me, if it were someone else, it would have been killed by him.”

Kapu is a master of physical arts, he is an expert in this regard, Gu Xuan’s eight-door dunjia he has never heard of, especially this kind of powerful physical art, it is simply to a terrifying degree, Gu Xuan is obviously a lot worse than him, but after casting the eight-door dunjia, he can even match him, and even faster than him in speed.

In fact, there are still Warring States joining forces with him, if it is only him, he is really not sure to defeat Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan in the seventh gate state is no weaker than any of his previous opponents, even if it is the One Piece King Roger, the strongest attack that broke out is not much stronger than this.

“But it’s not time to relax, just now he said, the physical technique he performed is eight doors of dunjia, listening to the name, you know that there are eight doors, but he has only opened the seventh door until now, that is, there is also the eighth door, he opened the seventh door, whether it is speed, strength, or other aspects, it is more than twice as strong as when he was at the sixth door, if after opening the eighth door, there can be such a big improvement, then I am afraid that you and I may really have the possibility of dying in battle.”

When the Warring States heard this, their complexions became particularly solemn, so far, they actually did not have any advantage, the only advantage was that they decided that Gu Xuan could not maintain this state all the time, once Gu Xuan degraded, they immediately occupied the absolute again, and when the time came, it would not be too difficult to defeat Gu Xuan.

But as Karp said, if there is still an eighth gate, and it is also as much as it was before, then they are really dangerous, after so many years, there are few who can give the two of them so much pressure, especially in the case of the two of them joining forces, they can still have this feeling of being killed, and even more so, Gu Xuan is the first.

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