“Bang, bang, bang!”

Countless stones and rubble were smashed open, and everyone looked at it nervously, because it was where Warring States and Karp were before, and after they were hit by Gu Xuan, they disappeared, and they could only see that the ground in that area seemed to have a violent earthquake, and everything was buried.

Since there is still movement there, it means that Karp and the Warring States were not killed by Gu Xuan, they are still alive.

Pieces of waste stones were lifted, and Karp walked out first, but he looked very embarrassed at this time, full of bloodthirsty, and the clothes on his body were all tattered, and even the exposed body, many of which were wounds.

“Wha, it’s really powerful, I almost got killed.”

But to everyone’s expectations, the injured Karp was not angry, but laughed, what was even more strange was that his left arm was obviously deformed, the entire small arm was twisted, his right hand grabbed the arm of his left hand, twisted it hard, made a crisp bone collision sound, and the deformed arm was restored to its original position.

“Hey, it really hurts enough, almost one hand was scrapped, to be able to make the old man suffer so hard, in decades, you are still the first, Gu Xuan boy.”

Karp laughed, Gu Xuan did not have such a mood, he stared at Karp in surprise, his heart was shocked inexplicably, if the previous dynasty peacock did not hurt Kapu, he could still accept it, but now even the day tiger did not kill Kapu, not even seriously injured, that is, several levels stronger than skin trauma, even the broken arm can quickly recover, what is the degree of defense of this Karp?

Compared with him, even the whitebeard is far inferior, if Karp is the animal line phantom beast species demon fruit ability, he can still accept it, after all, the animal line is famous for its rough skin and thick flesh, especially the phantom beast species, the body and recovery are very amazing.

But Kapu is not an ability person at all, he is a body trained by an ordinary person, but it is such a body, unexpectedly resisted the day tiger that he can even burst with air, he just saw very clearly, most of the impact of the day tiger is blocked by Kapu, the Warring States bear less than half, since even Karp is not dead, then the Warring States will definitely not be killed.

Sure enough, the next moment his conjecture was verified, behind Karp, Sengoku also stood up, although he looked even more embarrassed than Karp, but he had been injured not lightly before, and now it was only aggravated, but not to the extent that he was beaten without combat effectiveness.

“I thought we had all looked up to you, but now it’s proven that we still underestimate you.”

Warring States wiped the blood stains on the side of his mouth, staring at Gu Xuan fiercely, the day tiger just now gave him a great shock, if it were not for Karp in front of him, even if he used the Great Buddha form, I am afraid that he would not die and be seriously injured, this kind of strength has definitely reached the level of the four emperors of pirates, and it may even be more dangerous.

The unwillingness in his eyes flashed, Gu Xuan was really unwilling, willing to exchange the eight-door dunjia, he would definitely be able to kill the Warring States, but now it seems that he is still too taken for granted, but he also knows that this is not that the eight-door dunjia can’t do it, but the problem is in his own body, the first time to use the eight-door dunjia, the final return is a little unsatisfactory.

And after all, this is the pirate world, if it is in the Hokage world, he is majoring in Chakra, and the day tiger that erupts from the seventh gate will definitely increase its power a lot.

“If I say so, then I also have to sigh, before this, I thought of countless possibilities, and tried my best to overestimate your combat effectiveness, and now it seems that I still sit in a well and watch the sky, underestimate you, and underestimate the world, naval hero Karp, Big Buddha Warring States, really worthy of being a legendary navy soldier who shook the sea.”

He does have such thoughts, speaking of which, even if he has joined the Whitebeard Pirates for ten years, he has not really seen the strongest state of the Four Pirate Emperors, and even the three admirals he has fought against, he has not really seen their combat effectiveness when they fight, he just estimates based on his own strength.

Now it seems that he looked up at himself and underestimated the world, originally thought that if he got eight doors of Dun Jia, even if he only opened the seventh door, he would be able to burst all the strong people in this world, but reality made him the first blow, Karp needless to say, even a Warring States of such an age, combat effectiveness is no worse than that of admirals.

The general is at the same level, this sentence is indeed too taken for granted, he can now conclude one hundred percent that the admiral will definitely not be the opponent of any of the four pirate emperors, even the weakest aunt Charlotte Lingling, I am afraid that it is stronger than the admiral, and Karp needless to say, at least it is also the level of the four emperors of the pirate, or even stronger, even if it is a weaker Warring States, once it strikes with all his strength, it is also able to wrench the wrist with the four emperors of pirates.

Before using the eight-door Dun Jia , his strength was able to wrench the wrist with the admiral, but there was still a gap from the level of Karp, just like in the anime, when the Admiral Red Dog killed Ace, Karp shouted to slaughter the Red Dog, before he always felt that those Kapu blows were too exaggerated, but now it seems that Karp is definitely stronger than the Red Dog, and the roar of killing the Red Dog is not bragging or losing his mind.

“I didn’t continue to attack, looking at your current state, I’m afraid I’m already a little powerless, right?” Karp said suddenly.

Gu Xuan’s face changed, he was indeed a little weak now, but fortunately, his physical fitness was very good, plus he had four times the recovery speed, and it was still good.

“To deal with pirates, especially those who have committed a heinous crime like you, you don’t need to make any sense, even if you take advantage of people’s danger, it is also a matter of course.”

Sengoku’s expression was cold, “Karp! ”


Karp nodded, and the two moved at the same time, rushing towards Gu Xuan one after the other.


Gu Xuan raised his arm, and Karp smashed it with a fancy punch, slammed on his arm, making his whole body shake, and then the Warring States attacked from the other direction, both of them were extremely fast, and with tacit understanding, the attack was like flowing water, which made Gu Xuan quite busy.

“Bang bang bang…”

The three people kept fighting, but the vast majority of people could only barely see the three figures moving, and hear the sound of the fist to the flesh, even the armed color domineering could not cover the sound, in addition, they could not see the movements of the three people at all.

In the face of the siege of Karp and Warring States, Gu Xuan is indeed very uncomfortable, the tacit understanding between these two is too good, even if he exerts all his strength and the speed reaches the extreme, he cannot get out of the siege of the two of them.

Especially Karp, whenever he is ready to retreat, Karp can know in advance, quickly intercept him, although the Warring States’ fists and feet are relatively weak, but he now has to face two people at the same time, so he must be distracted, he no longer knows how many times his body has been hit, even if he also hit both Warring States and Karp, but he knows that he is the party that suffers more.

The battlefield of Marin Fandor became more chaotic, because Gu Xuan was able to fight Kapu and Warring States alone, which made others other than pirates, including pirates, and prisoners in Advance City, etc., are greatly confidence, and the high-ranking members of the navy are dead, wounded, even if there are still a large number of soldiers, but now the pirate side is no longer in the downwind, and flees towards the sea in the bay at a faster speed.

“Retreat, daddy and captains are buying time for us, we need to quickly recapture the pirate ship and leave Marin Fandor with everyone.”

The pirates ran away excitedly, even if they all knew that the battle in the square was rare for decades, but now it is more important to escape, Ace has been rescued, they no longer need to continue to fight with the navy, and when they escape back to the new world, they will have the opportunity to take revenge on the navy in the future, and they don’t need to entangle with them here.

“Marko, what are we going to do?”

The captain of the Goban team, Bista, had already rushed to the edge of the square with the pirates of the pirate group, and asked Marko, who was standing there watching the battle in the square.

“Daddy is still fighting inside, are we really not going to support him?”

Marko’s face was complicated, his fists were clenched, and he said with difficulty: “Although Whitebeard and Gu Xuan blocked the most powerful combat power of the navy, but after all, this is the territory of the navy, we are still too much of a loss, daddy also let us evacuate immediately, you immediately take the others back to the pirate ship first.” ”

“What about you?” Bista asked.

Marko said firmly: “I will stay as a cover, and Dad still needs me.” ”

“I’ll stay.” Suddenly, Qianqiwu Hai Jinping came over and said to Marko.

Marco shook his head and said: “No, you all leave, leave with the others, now the strongest combat power of the navy, Kapu and the Warring States were blocked by Gu Xuan, the red dog led people to besiege the father, the green pheasant was stopped by the people of the dark pirate group, and the rest of the high-level were killed a lot by Gu Xuan, they now lack high-end combat power, it is a good opportunity to retreat, and the good opportunity they created cannot be wasted.” ”

He did not participate in the big war, but generally observed the situation as a military master, and only struck when someone was in big trouble, so he knew the current situation very well.

The headquarters of the Navy for this war, indeed laid down the blood, he knew very well, if not for the appearance of Gu Xuan’s dark pirate group this time, their white-bearded pirate group would have to account for it here, fortunately, Gu Xuan appeared and killed many high-ranking naval officials, even Qiwu Hai killed two, helping the pirate group resist many firepower from the navy.

If it weren’t for Gu Xuan’s appearance, even if their father was strong, it would definitely be difficult to face the three admirals, not to mention the terrifying existence of Warring States and Karp, so he was still very grateful to Gu Xuan, he refused to leave, first to cover everyone, but also to be ready to support Whitebeard and Gu Xuan at any time.

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