“Captain, the woman you are looking for is really the Seven Martial Sea rumored on the sea, the Pirate Female Emperor?”

Robin asked Gu Xuan with a rare gossipy look: “I heard that that woman is known as the most beautiful on the sea, is she really that beautiful?” ”

Gu Xuan said: “Beauty is beautiful, but that woman’s personality is also unique, which can be called unparalleled in the world.” ”

Seeing Robin’s unhappy look, he smiled again: “You don’t look much worse than her, but compared to her reputation, you are too far behind.” ”

Robin snorted coldly, there is no woman who does not love beauty, especially when she hears the famous female pirate of the pirate female emperor, of course, she is more curious.

In fact, Robin’s beauty and figure are not much worse than the pirate female emperor Han Cook, but her intellectual beauty is not as good as Han Cook’s domineering side leakage, that woman has the bonus of sweet fruit, giving people a feeling different from ordinary women, very attractive, so many people will think that she is the most beautiful pirate on the sea.

“Captain, what are you going to find that pirate emperor for?”

Bashas didn’t care if Han Cook was beautiful or not, but he was just curious about why Gu Xuan went to find Han Cook.

“I have a bit of a friendship with her, this time I will try my luck to see if I can meet her, and if I can, I want to ask her to do me a favor.” The next plan must have Hancock’s cooperation to be completed more smoothly, so he will decide to go to the other party.

It’s just that what disappointed Gu Xuan was that after waiting for a while near the Chambordi Islands, he didn’t hear news about the Nine Snake Pirates, and he originally wanted to go to Reilly to help, but thinking of their warning, he finally gave up.

“Go, go to the empty island, there is someone there worthy of my recruitment.”

After waiting for a few days without waiting for the Pirate Female Emperor, Gu Xuan immediately changed the route, now that Ace has been arrested, it won’t be long before the navy will make a decision, and then announce the public execution, so he must hurry up now.

“Really, go to the empty island now?”

Hearing Gu Xuan say that he was going to the empty island, the happiest person was Nicole Robin, but Gu Xuan had told him that there was a historical text on the empty island, and if she could get the historical text, she could collect a part of it, this was her dream, she naturally felt very happy.

Gu Xuan said: “Going to the empty island and collecting historical texts is only part of the reasons, more importantly, there is one of them that is worth my recruitment, if he can join the pirate group, it will definitely make our pirate group strength greatly increased.” ”

Hearing Gu Xuan’s words, the three of Lafayette were also very curious and asked, “What kind of person is so powerful?” ”

Gu Xuan said with a smile: “You will know then.” ”

The person he wants to recruit is naturally Anilu, the ability of the Thunder Fruit, who is definitely one of the most overlooked characters among One Piece, and his Thunder Fruit is invincible, but in the end he lost in the protagonist’s aura and his own mentality.

The power of the Thunder Fruit is absolutely invincible, even the magma fruit of the red dog is not necessarily stronger than the Thunder Fruit, but the owner of the magma fruit, the red dog, is stronger than Anilu.

“So how are we going to get to the empty island?”

Robin asked curiously, for the empty island, everyone has only heard of it, but has not been there, and even whether it exists or not, for many people do not understand.

Gu Xuan said: “It stands to reason that you can take the current, but I have a more convenient way, we don’t know how to get to the empty island, then go to the person who knows how to get to the empty island.” ”

“Sengzheng, Sengzheng, the Dark Pirate Group, the pirate flag on that pirate ship, is the Dark Pirate Group.”

Urki’s new pirate star who has just risen in the past year is very strong, and the bounty has reached 18 million Bailey, which is higher than Luffy in this period, because Klockdar was killed by Gu Xuan, so the Straw Hat Pirates did not beat Klockdar, and did not defeat Moonlight Moria, so today’s Luffy, the bounty is still only tens of millions of Baileys.

As a pirate who came down from the empty island, Urki also gathered a group of pirates and established the Ring Breaking Monk Pirate Group, which is now acting in the first half of the Great Voyage, and he is also Gu Xuan’s target this time.

It took a full six days for Gu Xuan to find the Ring Breaking Monk Pirate Group.

“Dark Pirates? Is that the captain Gu Xuan’s dark pirate group? ”

Although it has been a few months since Gu Xuan kidnapped the Draco, there are still many people who remember him, Urki is one of them, when he first came down from the empty island, he made up for the various situations on the sea, and he also had some understanding of the existence of the Draco.

“Yes, Monk, they seem to be coming towards us, should they not do anything to us?”

Even though Urki offered a bounty of more than 100 million, in the face of a big man like Gu Xuan, the pirates under his command were still very flustered in their hearts.

Urki was a lot calmer, and he said: “It seems that he came for us, but this Gu Xuan is also a pirate, so he should not make a move on us, let’s take a look before talking.” ”

Everyone is a pirate, unless they are really murderous pirates, they rarely attack each other under normal circumstances, especially if they don’t know each other.

“After searching for a few days, I finally found the true lord.”

On the Black Pearl, Gu Xuan saw the pirate ship where Ulki was, and he was also relieved, and finally found it, if he couldn’t find it again, he didn’t know if he still had the patience, sure enough, it was really very troublesome to find someone on the Great Voyage, and I don’t know how they found themselves in the first half of the Great Voyage, the power of the Whitebeard Pirate Group in the first half of the Great Voyage is not very strong.

“Leaning over.”

The Black Pearl quickly approached the pirate ship of the Ring Breaker Pirates, perhaps knowing that it was impossible to run past the Black Pearl, or perhaps he really had confidence in himself, Urki did not turn the bow, but waited for the Black Pearl to approach.

Gu Xuan and several people stood at the bow of the Black Pearl, and Ulki and the others were also standing in a conspicuous place, but some of them had already entered the cabin, carried the cannon out, prepared enough shells, and were ready to fight at any time.

After the two ships approached, Gu Xuan took the lead in shouting: “I am Gu Xuan, please meet me with your captain.” ”


The pirates of the Ring Breaking Monk Pirate Group all looked at Urki nervously, and Urki said calmly: “Don’t be nervous. ”

Then he walked to the front and shouted: “I am Ulki, Captain Gu Xuan, I have long admired your great name, I don’t know what happened to you?” ”

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