Bista glanced at Whitebeard and saw that Whitebeard had no intention of opposing, so he opened his mouth and explained: “When Marko went to chase and kill Gu Xuan before, Gu Xuan once told him that Sachi was killed by Tichy, and then blamed him, we didn’t believe it at the time, but now this guy Tichy betrayed the pirate group, if you look at it this way, I’m afraid what Gu Xuan said may be true.” ”

“What is the situation, no one knows, Gu Xuan that guy may not be a good person.”

Now Gu Xuan and Tiqi have both betrayed the pirate group, so many pirates do not believe these two, and most of them do not believe what Gu Xuan said, because Tiqi has no reason to kill Saatchi.

Listening to everyone’s discussion, captains such as Bista and Joz all looked at Whitebeard, “Daddy, what do you think?” ”

“Ace, Ace may have fallen into the hands of the Navy.”

Whitebeard slowly spoke, and this sentence immediately shocked the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Yes, if Tichy defected to the Navy, wouldn’t Ace with Tichy be dangerous? They don’t believe that Ace will defect with Tichy, so the biggest possibility is to fall into the hands of the Navy.

“What can I do about this? If Ace falls into the hands of the Navy, the Navy will definitely not let him go. ”

Everyone immediately changed from angry at Tichy’s betrayal to worrying about Ace, although Ace has not been in the pirate group for a long time, far worse than Gu Xuan and Tichy, but the high-profile Ace, compared with the low-key Tichy and Gu Xuan, many people are very identified with Ace.

“Bista, you ask Marko to contact Ace immediately to see where Ace is now.”

Whitebeard ordered Bista that he was more worried about Ace than Tichy joining the Seven Wuhai, if Ace fell into the hands of the navy, it would definitely be the worst outcome, after all, Ace was the son of One Piece Roger, and the navy would definitely not let him go.

“Also, immediately arrange for people to look for Gu Xuan, Ace they were chasing and killing him, he must know what is going on, whether it is Tiqi or Gu Xuan, they are all traitors and absolutely unforgivable.”

Even though he knew that Saqi might have been killed by Tichy, Whitebeard still couldn’t forgive Gu Xuan’s betrayal of the Pirates, but he only slightly lessened his anger compared to before and passed it on to Tichy.

Under the order of Whitebeard, the entire Whitebeard Pirate Group moved quickly, and with the actions of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, many major forces in the New World were secretly frightened, knowing that drastic changes might occur.

“Marshall S. D. Tichy, sure enough, was that guy, he still betrayed the Whitebeard Pirates. ”

Red-haired pirates, Shanks looked at the newspaper, his face became very serious, and the wound at the corner of his eye was faintly painful, which was the most unforgettable wound he had in all these years, and it was from Tichy’s hands.

“First the Dark Pirate Group Gu Xuan, and now it’s Tiqi, it seems that the Whitebeard Pirate Group is going to have a big problem.” Shanks looked worried, even if he was not the same as Whitebeard, he still admired Whitebeard, so he was worried about it.

“Captain, it seems that you are right, that pirate named Tiki really has two brushes.”

The Black Pearl, the five people of the Dark Pirate Group gathered, they were all talking about this matter, compared to Gu Xuan who fled, Ace was much more miserable, betrayed to the navy by his trusted companions, believing that he was now nothing but angry, that is, regret.

Gu Xuan was not surprised, because he had long known that Tiqi, no, it should be called Blackbeard now, and the deal between Blackbeard and the navy, just with the identity of the son of One Piece, it was impossible for the naval warring countries to refuse this deal.

“Blackbeard’s guy is sophisticated, but this is just what I want, I am still worried about how to cause a large-scale battle in the naval headquarters, he paved the way for me, although it is a pity for Ace, but it is also considered that he does not know anyone, this loss is destined to eat.”

In fact, he was chased and killed by Ace all the way, and he was also very unhappy, he was afraid of his past friendship and did not make a ruthless hand, but Ace they did not keep their hands, he felt that he owed the Whitebeard Pirates, that was just owed to Saatchi and Whitebeard, as for the others, even Ace, he did not owe, and even wanted to let him go several times, but unfortunately Ace did not understand.

Robin asked curiously, “Captain, why do you want to cause a large-scale battle in the Navy?” ”

“Of course, because of revenge, there is a blood feud between me and the navy.”

Speaking of this, the killing intent in Gu Xuan’s eyes skyrocketed, more than twenty years have passed, he has been thinking about how to take revenge, until this moment, the opportunity finally comes, and the battle at the top will be his place to take revenge.

Seeing Gu Xuan’s angry appearance, Robin did not continue to ask, although this captain is gentle and elegant most of the time and has a good temper, but once angry, it is quite terrifying.

“But this fire is not burning enough, I am afraid that it is difficult for a white-bearded pirate group alone to defeat the naval headquarters.”

With the past few months of being hunted and killed, Gu Xuan’s feelings for the Whitebeard Pirate Group have gradually faded, although it is where he has lived for ten years, but from the moment he defected, no one in the entire Pirate Group believed him anymore, and they didn’t even want to listen to him explain, to be honest, he was still full of disappointment, and this time the top battle was not provoked by him, so he didn’t have a sense of guilt, just thinking about how to make this fire burn more intensely.

The battle on top in the anime has fully illustrated a problem, even if Whitebeard is strong to the edge, but the other forces of the Whitebeard Pirate Group are too far behind the Navy headquarters, and when the battle on the top, many powerful combat forces of the Navy have not shot, but the Whitebeard Pirate Group has already attacked the whole army, and was almost wiped out by the Navy.

Therefore, it is impossible to fight the navy with the strength of the Whitebeard Pirate Group alone, and in order to be able to take revenge smoothly, Gu Xuan is thinking of other feasible methods.

But in this period, there are not many forces that dare to attack the naval headquarters, except for the four emperors of pirates, but whether it is the red-haired pirate group, or the hundred beast pirate group, or BIG· The MOM Pirate Group is not something he can control, so the possibility of wanting to pull up the other Pirate Four Emperors is extremely low.

“Go, go to the Chambord Islands.”

Counting the time, Luffy and they should have entered the Great Voyage from the East China Sea, but they have not heard the news that they defeated Moonlight Moria of the Seven Warrior Sea, so they should not have gone to the Chambord Islands, and he went to the Chambord Islands not to find the Straw Hat Pirates, but to find another person.

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