.Wang Mo’s eyes once again stayed on the cartoon in the projection .

.” After determining the height of the killer , we issued a warrant . ”

.”The murderer must have seen his arrest warrant . ”

.” In the perspective of the murderer , his previous actions were all based on the content of the comics , and it stands to reason that he would not reveal any information about himself . ”

.” So at that time, he should also be very puzzled , how did I lock his height . ”

.” And he should have quickly pinpointed the cause . He violated the content of the comics and kicked the victim out . ”

.”The murderer knew that I deduced his height from that kick . ”

.Wang Mo looked at Ye Youxue .

.” Because of this , the murderer will definitely have great vigilance towards me . ”

.” Since I can calculate his height through this kick , it means that my grasp of the details is no longer what he can understand . ”

.” So. ” _

.” In order not to let me continue to read more information in the new comic chapter , so he will delete these ten pages . ”

.” And I want to . ”

.Wang Mo paused , his eyes sharpened a lot .

.” This move of the murderer may be related to the mysterious man of the seven deadly sins . ”

.” After all, compared to the murderer , this person is the one who knows me best . ”

.” The act of asking the murderer to delete these ten pages of comics should also be the Seven Deadly Sins Mystery Man , reminding the murderer . ”

.heard here .

.Ye Youxue also nodded slowly .

.Murder comics this time .

.The mysterious man of the seven deadly sins has almost completely deduced all the logic and actions of the police in handling the case .

.If say .

.The mysterious man guessed that the police would hold a press conference , just a coincidence .

.Well, he had already completely grasped the police’s thoughts about the layout of this last case .

.To know .

.The last case , one of the big reasons why You-Know-Who chose to create random bombings .

.The mysterious man , guessing the police , will unlock the comics website again , and he can also know the content of the comics at the first time .

.And random parking to kill .

.It is the best way to deal with the police who know the content of the comics in the first place .

.He had guessed all this a few months ago !

.One could even say .

.All the actions of the police at present are expected by the mysterious man .

.Otherwise , the mysterious man will not let the location of the last case be set to random .

.Thinking of this , Ye Youxue’s face turned pale again .

.The power of the mysterious man has indeed far exceeded his imagination .

.If not for Wang Mo.

.I’m afraid Ye Youxue feels that there is no one in this world who can catch this mysterious man of the Seven Deadly Sins .

.But now .

.In their police station , there is another criminal investigation captain who makes the mysterious man of the seven deadly sins fear .

.And the next second .

.Ye Youxue spoke again .

.” Then the ten deleted pages are neither the actual location , nor the identity of the murderer , nor the van license plate . ”

.” Then what exactly are these ten pages ?”

.Listen to Ye Youxue’s voice .

.Wang Mo also chuckled quietly , and then finally answered .

.” Content removed . ”

.” I guess it should be painted with ink , some character traits of the murderer . ”

.” maybe some words , or a few simple actions . ”

.” These things allow me to speculate on the more detailed psychological characteristics of the murderer . ”

.heard here .

.In Ye Youxue’s eyes , there were a few expressions of disbelief .

.She spoke directly .

.” Wang team , can you really determine a person’s psychological characteristics and personality characteristics through these subtle information ?”

.Wang Mo nodded .

.” Simply put , the gesture of holding a cigarette, the frequency of stepping on the accelerator , the action of looking in the rearview mirror, etc. , can all allow me to determine the psychological characteristics of this person when driving . ”

.” If there is such content in the comics , I can indeed quickly infer the detailed psychological profile of the murderer . ”

.” If there is still some inner language , or the existence of the murderer’s words , the profile I can do is 520, and it will be more accurate . ”

.” I think so . ”

.Wang Mo paused .

.”The deleted content should be the murderer , the process of driving the van . ”

.” During this process , there are some images of the murderer’s actions and words . ”

.” It is precisely because of fear of me that through these pictures , the psychological profile of the murderer can be inferred . ”

.” That’s why the mysterious man of the seven deadly sins asked the murderer to delete these contents when uploading them . ”

.Just listen .

.Ye Youxue also nodded involuntarily .

.This information can indeed allow Wang Mo to infer more information about the murderer , and then lock it down .

.A pity .

.Ye Youxue let out a long sigh .

.” But these contents have been deleted . Even if we know what the deleted contents are , it is useless . ”

.” We still can’t find a way to lock the van . ”

.Listen to Ye Youxue’s voice .

.Wang Mo suddenly chuckled .

.Hearing this voice , Ye Youxue hurriedly looked up at Wang Mo , her face full of doubts .

.And Wang Mo also smiled and pointed to the map of Linteng City behind him .

.Then he spoke slowly .

.” Do you really think that I asked the police to set up all road levels in Linteng City at random ?”

.” Every road level . ”

.” It has a meaning for it to exist !”.

Chapter 308 Further narrowing down , Wang Mo’s plan !

.Wang Mo’s voice .

.Reverberates throughout the conference room .

.Hearing Wang Mo’s words , Ye Youxue was stunned for a moment , and then a lot of surprises appeared on her cheeks .

.She looked at Wang Mo and said hurriedly .

.” What , what do you mean ?”

.”The King’s Team . ”

.” Has your plan started ? ”

.Facing Ye Youxue’s doubts .

.Wang Mo also smiled .

.Then he picked up a red pen and slowly came to the side of the conference room , next to the panoramic map of Linteng City .

.And then continued .

.” I have considered and considered the location of each road checkpoint . ”

.” The levels in these roads will divide the entire Linteng City into several parts and cut them . ”

.” Now . ”

.Wang Mo took out a red pen and cut off large roads one after another in Linteng City on the map .

.” All the levels should have been set . ”

.” Within the constraints of these levels . ”

.”The killer’s driving route will be greatly compressed . ”

.” We are currently unable to determine the location and location of the murderer . ”

.” So. ” _

.Wang Mo paused .

.” Only by first compressing the murderer’s range of activities into a small range can further locking be carried out . ”

.” No matter what area the killer is in now . ”

.” As long as he’s driving the van , then he wo n’t be able to make large area crossings . ”

.Listen to Wang Mo’s words .

.Ye Youxue couldn’t help but glance at the map .

.I saw the map of Linteng City at this time .

.Almost all large roads were cut off by Wang Mo with a red pen .

.The entire Linteng City was indeed divided into several parts .

.But even knowing the location of Wang Mosheka .

.But Ye Youxue still had a lot of doubts in her heart .

.She looked at Wang Mo and asked .

.” But what’s the use of us doing this ?”

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