.We can fully understand why the police are so aggressive .

.Because the next case announced in the murder manga was an explosion !


.Linteng City Police Department .

.In the conference room of the second team of criminal investigation .

.At the moment .

.Most of the police officers had already left the conference room and began to take various countermeasures according to Wang Mo’s instructions .

.And Wang Mo in the conference room .

.At the moment .

.I was quietly watching the latest chapter of the murder manga in front of me , over and over again .

.” What’s so strange about this last chapter of the comic ? ”

.Beside Wang Mo , Ye Youxue couldn’t help but ask .

.She is responsible for assisting Wang Mo’s reasoning in the conference room .

.And this question .

.When Wang Mo spoke just now , Ye Youxue wanted to ask .

.But she waited for Wang Mo to read the comics several times before asking .

.And listen to Ye Youxue’s voice .

.Wang Mo also spoke slowly .

.” Continuity . ”

.” Continuity ?” There were some doubts in Ye Youxue’s eyes .

.Wang Mo also nodded .

.” Yes , there is a problem with the continuity of the comic content in this latest chapter . ”

.” The key nodes in many places seem to have lost some content, and the jump is too blunt . ”

.” That said , this latest chapter story does n’t seem to be complete . ”

.” Although there are few places , it does not affect the main plot , but it will affect the continuity of some plots . ”

.Just listen .

.The doubts in Ye Youxue’s eyes grew a little more .

.” I still don’t understand . ” Ye Youxue shook her head .

.And Wang Mo turned back to meet Ye Youxue’s suspicious gaze and explained .

.” I’ll put it another way . ”

.” I’ve read almost all of Zhou Hai ‘s comics so far . ”

.” In these comics , I have basically mastered all of Zhou Hai’s drawing habits . ”

.” When Zhou Hai was painting , he would draw 50 to 60 pages of comic content for each chapter , and he would never go beyond that . ”

.” But this one chapter . ”

.Wang Mo pointed to the cartoon projected behind him before continuing .

.” Only forty pages . ”

.” That is to say . ”

.Wang Mo paused .

.And Ye Youxue finally understood what Wang Mo meant, and a bit of surprise flashed in her eyes .

.” In this comic chapter , when the murderer uploaded , at least ten pages were missing ?”

.” That’s right . ” Wang Mo nodded .

.” It is precisely because of the lack of these ten pages that the comic plot of this chapter is incoherent . ”

.” It’s just that this is incoherent and very secretive , and it is difficult for ordinary people to see it . ”

.heard here .

.The doubts in Ye Youxue’s eyes were even worse .

.” But why would he do that ?”

.”The completely random location selection has made it difficult for us to target him . ”

.” Why did the murderer upload ten pages less ? ”

.” What is the content of these ten pages ?”

.a time .

.Countless doubts appeared in Ye Youxue’s mind .

.In the face of Ye Youxue’s question .

.Wang Mo was also silent for a moment .

.Then his eyes met Ye Youxue’s , and he spoke slowly .

.” Why do you think the murderer would delete this content ?”

.” I don’t know ?”

.Ye Youxue shook her head .�?

.” In my opinion , there is no reason for the murderer to delete these pages . Anyway, Zhou Hai will definitely not directly expose the murderer’s identity . ”

.” And with this random bombing , it’s hard for us to pinpoint the killer . ”

.” I really can’t figure out what reason the murderer has to delete ten pages . ”

.” Impossible . ”

.” Are you afraid that we will lock his position through these ten pages of comics ?”

.” But even the murderer himself does n’t know where his destination is . He has been driving randomly all the time . ”

.” How can these comic content make us lock him ?”

.Ye Youxue’s voice kept ringing in the conference room .

.And after she finished speaking , she immediately looked at Wang Mo.

.But Wang Mo on the side just looked at Ye Youxue quietly and didn’t speak .

.see .

.Ye Youxue just wanted to say something , but the next second , she suddenly thought of something .

.The open mouth also stopped suddenly .

.In Ye Youxue’s mind, a sentence that she saw in a Sherlock Holmes detective book appeared a long time ago .

.Once you’ve ruled out all the impossible facts , the one that remains , no matter how unbelievable , is the truth !

.thought here .

.Ye Youxue hurriedly looked up at Wang Mo and muttered in shock .

.” The reason why the murderer deleted these ten 3.1 pages of comics is because he knew that we might be able to lock him through these ten pages of comics !”

.” That’s right . ” Wang Mo nodded .

.” However , how is this possible ? ” Ye Youxue was still a little unconvinced .

.” Even the murderer himself does n’t know his destination . Why does he think that after we see these ten pages of comics , we can lock him down ?”

.” Could it be that these ten pages contain the route and location that the murderer will pass through ?”

.Just listen .

.Wang Mo slowly shook his head .

.” There is no such substantive location in this chapter . ”

.”The murderer’s route is indeed completely random . ”

.See Wang Mo for confirmation .

.The doubts in Ye Youxue’s eyes grew even more .

.” Then what exactly are the ten deleted pages ?”

.” Murderer , what are you afraid of ?”.

Chapter 307 The murderer is afraid of me ! ( Kneeling and begging to subscribe !)

.Ye Youxue’s voice .

.Gradually echoed in the conference room .

.And listen to Ye Youxue’s words .

.Wang Mo also took a deep breath and said slowly .

.” Murderer . ”

.” is afraid of me . ”

.” He’s afraid of me and will go through the ten missing pages of the comic to target the suspected routes and places he might pass . ”

.” Even he himself does n’t know his destination and direction , what is his location . ”

.Listen to Wang Mo’s explanation .

.On Ye Youxue’s face , a look of doubt continued to climb .

.She spoke hastily .

.” What the hell is going on . ”

.” Why is the murderer afraid of you, the king team ?”

.” What exactly are these ten deleted contents ? ”

.” Wang team , don’t sell your shit . ”

.See Ye Youxue say so .

.Wang Mo finally let out a sigh of relief , and then spoke slowly .

.” Do you remember the last crime scene , I deduced his real height by reasoning about the murderer’s behavior ?”

.Ye Youxue nodded .

.” Of course I remember that at that time , the victim really completed the murderer’s death game , which caused the murderer to become angry and directly kick the victim downstairs . ”

.” Does this have anything to do with the murderer causing 04 to be afraid of you ? ”

.” Yes . ” Wang Mo nodded .

.” And there is a big relationship . ”

.Subsequently .

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