
00638 Epilogue

Mungyeonghee and Ekidna received a complex blessing, and Azin took the two of them to the burned desert. No, to be precise, it used to be a desert called "the old days." Months have passed since the end of the war with the Demon King, and in between, the world has changed rapidly and much. One of those changes was the deserts to be burned. In the past, a brutal massacre occurred, and after that, the city, which had become the home of the Horses, is no longer a desolate desert.

Pandemonium, the capital of the Maa, had a huge oasis, and a desert city was being built around it. This is the center of Gracie and Jinjin. From now on, however, Gratia and Jinsun are not divided into two factions. The Demon King destroyed the world once, and all the empires fell. Instead of restoring existing empires, Ajin aimed at building a unified empire.

The name of the empire is not yet established. Because he was not good at this kind of naming, he was going to pass it on appropriately to others. The Bully Saleh Desert will be the capital of the new empire. A magnificent city will be built around a huge oasis, and many oases have been built throughout the vast, barren desert.

It was azin that built the oasis that did not exist. As he saved the world, Azin became as powerful as the only god, and became powerful enough to make the impossible possible. Because of this, there were many gods who were jealous of pain even in the Pantheon.

‘I can't wipe it all out. ’

It's not impossible. Possibly. With the power of Azin, the gods of the Lost Temple can wipe out as many as they want. The world was regenerating, and the gods of the Pantheon were recovering their lost powers. Even if their stamina is restored, it is nothing compared to pain.

Of course, I only think like this. Azin had no intention of wiping out the gods of the Pantheon. If you exterminate the gods like that, all the work they have to do as gods is left to Azin. Azin never, ever wanted to. What he wanted was a relaxed and flexible life, not a work God. So we leave the gods of the Manchuria alone, even if we don't like them. It was because it was easier for him to live in the future if they existed.

“No way. You want us to live in the desert?” Why. You don't like it? Living here is better than living in the developed world. ”“ My skin and hair are going to get worse. Drinking sand breeze is hard to live in. ”“... then I will also bless him for his involvement. Can I give you two a miracle to keep the air and the UV out at all times? ”“ What a great god. ”

Mungyeonghee laughed loudly at what Ajin said. Azin sighed at the misuse of miracles. The five miracles that I put on Mungyeonghee and Ekidna are already overtaking, and the contents of those miracles are not even miraculous.

‘But you have to do it. ’

Mungyeong-hee deserved that much treatment. Mungyeonghee was the most outstanding human being that Ajin had ever seen. Without Mungyeong-hee, Azin's bloodline and progress would not have been greatly improved, and he would not have been able to move around in peace.

Giving Mungyeonghee eternal youth and life was also to make Mungyeonghee reign as long as possible. This does not mean that we want it to last for a thousand years. If Mungyeonghee rules for about three hundred years, the new empire will be completely engulfed. After all that hard work, I didn't care whether I came down from the throne or not.

“We are already building a palace in the center of that city. Once the palace is erected, I will prioritize immediate treatment to make you queen.” “I said I would, but wouldn't the others revolt if I became queen? ”

Mungyeong-hee pointed out him. You were right. It was a world that was once destroyed and still has power. This is the age of the strong man, no matter what his identity was before the destruction, and no matter his lineage. However, Mun Gyeong-hee's expressions of obvious intellect did not contain any concern about him.

“I won't let you fight back. ”

“I'll believe you. ”

Mungyeong-hee smiled widely at what Ajin said. Since there was still time until the palace was completed, Mungyeonghee and Ekidna decided to live in a gorgeous mansion near the palace. When Azin raises his hand, the white crowd clumps and turns into cherries in white armor. It was a Valkyrie summon that became even more powerful. Although it was nothing compared to Adim, the only Einherjar of Azin, the Valkyries were not charmed with their lives but absolutely obeyed the commands of Azin. The Valkyries were also qualified for escort duty because they could report on Azin wherever he was in the world.


Looking at the Valkyries in silver armor, Ekidna and Mungyeonghee lit up their eyes. Azin tilts his head as he looks at the pair of eyes that change strangely.

“... Well, what did Platonic say?” “What's that? My sister and I are platonic. That heart never changes. But how can a person only eat food? Me and my sister like to eat out and eat well.” “... Mm-hmm. ”

With Mungyeonghee's coarse words, Ekidna slightly blushed both cheeks and avoided his gaze.

“So, are you listening to me sleep?” “... I command you. ”

Is this how it's going to be now? Azin thought that, but he nodded his head after swallowing a sigh. The Valkyries nod as much as they want to.

Ajin left Mungyeonghee and Ekidna to the Valkyries and left the house. The splendid palace erected in the middle seemed to be quite reasonable from afar. If we could use a miracle, we could finish the building right now, but Ajin didn't. Playing the world itself was a huge event given to players immediately.

Once upon a time, there was a game that was popular around the world in the world of Ajin. The game that started with the sandbox indie game made it the main content with crude graphics and high freedoms. In a wide world, your character begins by digging the ground, cutting down trees, crushing rocks, and collecting various materials to build buildings and decorate the world.

The First was similar to that game. There is a separate space for users enjoying the Force War, hunting and PVP, and there is an event going on for them. Other content for playback also became available, so many players who had left the world after the defeat of the Horse War returned to the first place.

That's why Ajin did not restore the world through a miracle. For content that players can directly participate in and enjoy. Of course, the world's regeneration would be long and long, but this is a reality, not a reality for the players. The regeneration won't take long unless the system is calibrated. In order to move a person, there must be clear results visible to them. Playback will be fast, and players will continue to enjoy him as content. In the meantime, we must continue to release content and events for players who are not having fun on that side.

‘No matter how short it is, 10 years. We have to hold on to the player... for 50 years if we can. ’

Too many people have died in the war against the Horses. It will take that long to fill that space. I didn't want to be involved, but in the next few decades, he had to be involved in the world's work. I was able to put in that much effort. We have a long life ahead of us.

In fact, what's confusing to me right now is not how we're going to do this world. It was about relaxing the Raw Snow and Persian mood. And Devello's treatment. Ajin misses his adoptive daughter, Camilla. First, let's talk to Camilla. Azin has known about Raw Snow and Persian flavor for a long time, but I think it would be better to ask Camila for advice and advice first.

It was the moment I wanted to find Camilla.

I didn't have to find it.

The moment he saw it with his own eyes, Azin changed his existence transparently. I was shaken and embarrassed, but Azin's response was quick. In fact, it was possible because Camila and Adim were completely relaxed. Azin, who had changed without existence, could not even recognize the Einherjar who belonged to him.

Azin saw Adim and Camila walking down the street with rock-hard faces. Camila was smiling happily with a big bouquet of flowers in her arms, and Ahdim turned out to be a little taller than Camila, pretending not to be her. Azin forgot what to say while looking at the subtly twitching tail of Ahdim.

“What the...”

Azin mutters in a dazzled voice. In fact, he knew the feeling of Adim. Yeah, well. It's better than being an asshole who doesn't know where he is. Adim trusted him completely, and he had not forgotten what he had done to protect Camila for him when he was a god. He also remembers being attacked and destroyed by the gods when Ahdim forsook all glory for Camila and tried to prevent Camila from functioning as a saint, even though he had turned away from the Pantheon and the destruction of the world. Even became Einherjar because of the foolishness that was too strong to be extinguished.

That's all I have to admit. If it's Adim, yes. As for Adim, I thought I could ignore him even if I couldn't cheer him on. It was because I thought that Camilla's feelings and choices were important. But it wasn't until I saw it with my own eyes. Azin trembles at the flames of his heart, a clear, burning red tendon.

“Say something...! ”

Azin clenches his fist and spits out with a pressed voice. I've seen Camila smile a lot, but I've never seen a smile like that before. Against it, he was furious enough to shake his head. Ajin followed Camila and Adim. Camila and Adim's story catches my ear. The conversation was a poetic gossip. Nevertheless, Camila burst into an elongated smile about what delights her, and Adim continued the conversation as if she was dying to laugh.

Say no if you don't want to! ’

It didn't feel that way to him. It seemed to him that Adim was forcing the conversation to Camila, who could not tolerate disgust him. I wanted to yell at Adim right away because I felt like it, but he endured it. It was because of the god Azin had with him.

It wasn't necessarily like that. Ajin knew it in his heart. I just didn't want to admit it. I didn't think you would feel this way, so Ajin became a complex heart. Jealousy! Azin clenches his rolled fist and catches his breath. I never thought I'd be following her on a date. Azin faithfully followed Adim and Camila, even though he felt self-conscious about this grubby situation.

The two of them who were walking in a conversation entered a seemingly plausible restaurant. In that, he sighed a sigh of relief.

If you two go into a motel or something, I'm sorry to Adim. Azin was determined to exterminate Ahdim. I'm glad that didn't happen.

Adim and Camila have been led to places that look particularly luxurious, even in a fancy restaurant. The waiter seemed a little perplexed by the combination of the young boy and Camila, but soon thought it was not a big deal. I naturally thought it would be every other day.

After finishing an order of fine course dishes, Adim clears his throat. Camila still holds the bouquet of flowers from Adim. Adim asked, looking at Camila, who wouldn't put down the bouquet of flowers.

“How long are you going to hold her? ”

“Why?" “No, I'm just curious. ”

When Camila confronted him, Adim became stumped and blurred. Seeing such an adim, Camilla was green and smiling.

“I'm holding you because you gave it to me. ”

Camila smiles brightly as she looks down at the bouquet.

“You are my guardian. ”

In saying this, the face of Adim became clear and sweet.

Azin's face was sweet with different emotions.

= = = = = = = = = = Reviews of artwork = = = = = = = =

The direction that is directed in the epilogue that goes into amplitude is something that was not used by designers until now.

Will it work...!

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