
00637 Epilogue

“You cheeky bastard. ”

Percussion. The smell of Raw Snow kicks out the rock beak. She tears up the rolling sky and flies far away. It may have been an unfortunate human being who was about to die, but Raw Snow didn't pay any attention to him. Kaaak, shuck. He turned his head and spit on the ground without overcoming anger.

“Just a few months. I can't wait for months...! You have to say” “right away. ”

Unlike the furious black snow scent, Persian was calm. Rather, she spoke with an adult-like gaze of raw snow.

“There was no physical relationship between him and her.” “You could say no.” I believe in azin. You don't believe in him, do you, Racunda? ”

The expression of the black snow scent was slightly stiff due to the soft, stabbing tone. She opened her mouth to say something, and when she said it, she imagined how Persian would catch the tail and attack, knowing that it would eventually embarrass her position and annoy her with anger that she couldn't inflict. I sighed and shook my head.

“No, it can't be. I trust him.” “Then why do you do it? ”

Persian notices the conflict in the head of the black snow even at that moment. She smiles thinly and speaks.

“You know he's been through a lot. ”

The words interrupted the words of the Black Snow scent. She opens her lips to say something and shuts up without spitting it out again. Raw Snow's scent mutters as she shrugs.

“Of course.”

In the end, that's all I have to say. I know how deeply sick he is, even if I didn't see it myself. Especially when Azin was taken from Persia. At that time, Azin was able to endure because of the Black Snow scent beside him. But in this case, there was no black snow scent. Persian, Raw Snow, Camilla. All the people who could support him were taken away by the Demon King, and he was left alone. I spent months like that.

“She was the one who supported him while we were gone.” “... I'm furious that she's become as important to us in the last few months.” “Racunda is thinking too much. Of course, she wasn't as important to him as we were. But it's true that she was kind of helpful when he was in deep agony.” “But. ”

I couldn't stand the smell of raw snow.

“So you want me to put that bitch in there? How is that even possible? I, I don't do well. I don't know. He's mine. It was mine. And I shared it with you! ”

That's how you shout the Black Snow scent and shoot Persian.

“... I don't blame you. I don't think anything's wrong. You were what he needed. It's true your existence changed him.” “Racunda. ”

“I was... fine with you. But I don't know her. Should I have endured it? You think it was right to pretend not to know? Why would I do that?” "Don't you call it a script?” “What's the point of this situation? ”

The black snow scent lifts its foot and tramples the ground, shouting in annoying voices. Kuang! The ground shakes as if it were an earthquake, and the height of the ground sinks sharply. Persian stands in front of the black snow scent, fixing the floating body.

“Ajin will live a long time. ”

“We've lived a long life. Don't tell me you don't care if we get one more because we're gonna live a long time, right?” “Of course not. But I think I can understand it somewhat. Luckily, Azin wasn't being coercive. He could have done as much if he wanted to. He saw us, and he begged for forgiveness for beating the crap out of Racunda when she punched him.” “Of course I do! ”

“It's not like he cheated on you. Don't get too excited. Why don't you calm down?” “You'd better. ”

The scent of Raw Snow sighs deeply, looking at Persian's calm face.

“As soon as I heard that, there was a fire in my head. Why aren't you bothered?” Because I believe in him. ”

Persian smiles brightly and replies. The smell of Raw Snow was blocked again. The reason I was so excited and emotional was because I felt like I didn't believe in pain.

“You're looking at this. ”

Persian shudders, saying. I could feel the look of Raw Snow. She looks at the direction I can feel her gaze with her fat face. Devello stands in the shade of a tree far away. She looks this way with her complaining eyes, flinching her shoulders and dropping her gaze as she encounters the black snow scent.

“... Phew! ”

The scent of Raw Snow only sighed a big sigh about the boiling feeling and tapped my chest. Just in time. Camilla, who appears from afar, steps forward with a rifle and grabs Devello's collar. Devello is a little confused, but he leaves the shade as Camila leads him. Raw Snow was nervous that Camila and Devello might be coming this way, but they didn't come this way and went the other way.

“Why are you staring at me like that? ”

Camila, who grabbed Devello's coat collar, grunts. Devello grimaces on his lower lip without a word. Camila looks at Devello's face and presses down on his frustration. After a few deep breaths, Camila talks to Devello with a voice that struggles to calm down.

"Wallpaper. I thought I was your doppelganger. Then why are you so different from me?"

It has already been revealed that Camilla is a Doppelgänger of Devello because she thought she had no reason to hide it anymore. Devello was not surprised to hear that. It's because it's been bothering and suspicious. On the contrary, Devello was satisfied with the fact that Camilla was his doppelganger, and he was very happy. It was because I felt like I could change as much as I wanted because of the environment I grew up in and the events I experienced.

"Doppelgänger, but you and I are different."

Devello replies. Camila sighs as she hears it. Camille was surprised to learn that she was a doppelganger, but she eventually accepted that not very much. Doppelgänger is a completely different person from each other, and Camilla has a lot of attachment to living and moving forward. It was natural that the fate that should have changed and continued to live.

"... Okay. Of course, I know that you and I are very, very different. But you do care. What? I don't know you very well. I want to help you if possible."

"I can do it myself."

"Oh, please."

After Devello's stubborn voice, Camilla grabs her head with both hands. She sighs again, not knowing how many times.

"Wallpaper. You need to understand your situation a little better. In fact, even if you didn't say anything, your father and your mother and I would have had an emotional reunion."


Devello nods.

"But at the touching moment of the reunion, you sprinkled cold water. Do you remember what you said to your father and his mother in arms?"


Devello opens his lips.

"I want to love him, too, but I asked him if I needed your permission."


After hearing Devello's words, Camila screams, her head bleeding.

"What nonsense! How do you think it would feel to hear that during an emotional reunion? Do you remember the look on my father's face?"

"You seemed surprised."

"Of course you were surprised! Wallpaper, listen to me. You're a cat thief who, from my mother's perspective, suddenly takes over my father's seat for a few months. Or a fiercely rolling stone to get it out."

"I'm not a cat. I'm not a stone."

"Yes, I know. Of course I do. It's just a metaphor. So, please, just listen to me. Nothing happened between you and your father, did it? You and your father, you know... that..."


"... yeah, that. I didn't do that. He seems to have quite a crush on you, but that doesn't mean he loves you. Right?"

"I don't know his mind."

"I think so. Anyway, in that situation, what you said was too far, too far ahead. You need to be a little more careful. And I need to know some manners, and I need to change my tone."

"I don't think there's a problem with my tone."

"No, we have enough problems. And that's a lot of problems. I assure you, if you behave like that, my mothers will never accept you."

"I'm stronger than they are."

Devello spits it out with a cold face, and Camila grabs her hair, feeling deep and deep despair.

I mean, if I hadn't met your father, you'd be like this. '

It was a very, very, very terrible idea. Camila sighs in gratitude for the future that did not happen.

"... so. Cut and kill my mothers, cut and kill me, and then go to my father and love him now that I'm all alone. Is that what you're gonna say?"

"Wouldn't that be one of the ways?"

"Oh... please. Please, wallpaper. If you do that, my father will kill you in the most cruel and terrible way in the world. If you do that, you will never be loved by my father."

"So what do I do?"

"That's what I've been saying all along!"

When Devello asks, Camilla yells, "Blow your throat out."

"Think a little bit more. Speak from the listener's perspective. First of all, I want you to go apologize to my mothers right now. That's not what I meant. I didn't do anything to your father!"

"Can I just say I didn't have sex?"

"Yes! Sex, sex! Tell me you didn't do that! And how you feel about my father, how you want to do it, unravel it and explain it!"

Speaking of that, Camila fixes her face to think of the worst that might happen.

"Listen to me. Wallpaper. Never, ever tell my mothers that I want to have sex with my father."


Devello nods. After that confirmation, Camila lays her hands on Devello's wrist.

"Then, go talk to your mothers."

"Thank you."

Devello bows slightly and thanks you. Camila sighs as she looks away at Devello's back. Hmm, hmm. Camila turns her head to the cough she hears behind her. Adim, in a clean suit, stands looking at Camila.

"What is it?"

Camila tilts her head and asks for Adim. Adim looked at the mountain far away and saw ants passing by his feet. I didn't know where to put my gaze in that way, so I acted distracted. Camila grimaces and asks again.

"What's the matter with you?"

"... it's a good day."

Adim replied, "It has been several days since Adim and Camila reunited. Camila bursts into tears when she first meets Adim, but after two days, her emotions subside and she goes back to her old self.

"... Yes. It's a beautiful day."

"The right day..."

"Why are you doing this?"

Camila asks again. In saying this, Adim shrugged his mouth. Camila looks up and down at Adim, who is all grown up.

"And I prefer the look of a child to the look of you. I'm used to it."

In saying this, Adim turned into a little child without hesitation. The suit you're wearing has been reduced to fit your smaller figure.

"I mean, it's a good day. What the hell?"

"... I was going to eat with you."

Eventually, Adim shrugged his shoulders and replied. Camila nods, smiling greedily.

"You could just say that. What are you so hesitant about? It doesn't fit."

"It's just, suddenly it's funny to suggest that we eat."

"Why? I'm fine. Come to think of it, you and I have been together for quite some time, but we haven't eaten together."

At that time, Adim had no flesh, but only stature in Camila's body. But not now. Instead of coming down from the throne, Adim became Einherjar and became flesh.

"Let's eat together. I screamed, but I'm hungry, too."

= = = = = = = = = = Reviews of artwork = = = = = = = =

The epilogue is exhausting and I want to write like a joke!

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