
00625 Requiem


Derdora groans as she watches Adim become Einherjar. Ahdim, who was kneeling on his knees, slowly woke up to Azin's permission. He was no longer a young boy, and was wearing silver armor all over his body. Adim opens his mouth, looking at Derdora.

“I never thought I'd see you like this again.” “... I was also... extinct?" ”“ God had a sense of humor, too. ”Corrupt...”

Derdora mutters with a groan. It should have vanished, but it didn't. If God had enough refinement to hold even the loss of character, it was enough to call it corruption. Adim laughs low at Derdora's words.

“I am not ashamed to have lived an ugly existence. ”

During the conversation between Adim and Derdora, Azin looked at the changes to God. Azin's current stats were extinguished and only one stat remained. It was proof that Azin had become a god in man. The number of followers is listed below the large Stat of Strength than the sum of all stats combined.

‘It's growing. ’

600,000 worshippers of Azin today. There are more NPCs than those brought to Nornia. It was evidence that the NPCs of Gracia, Zionist and Siolence land, which Ajin had not yet rescued, were worshipping him. Azin became the first of the players, and it was known that Azin had become the new knight god on the entire first continent. This is why new members are growing.

‘As the number of followers grows, so does the Divine Power. ’

Azin stops looking at the Stats of Power and checks out the new wonder, Ragnarok. Ragnarok gains power based on his power. The method of use did not look much different from that of Rivelion. I wanted to test his power, but I felt bad that I didn't have anyone to test him against. Before becoming a god, the Mages were no match for the devil. In order to test the Divine Power and Ragnarök, you must truly fight the Demon King.

But he didn't want to go on an adventure. You have fought the Demon King before and suffered a terrible defeat. The Demon King is waiting for us right now, but we don't know when the Demon King will change his mind. Unless they have Raw Snow, Persian, and Camilla. As long as the three are captured, the Demon King is the one holding the scabbard.

“What about the Wise Man's Stone? ”

“I gave you my body, and it vanished.... a new god is born. We're supposed to have a banquet, but we can't afford a banquet in the Pantheon.” “I don't want a banquet. What do you want instead...” “?” “I want to meet the magical god. ”

Ajin stares at Derdora and says, I didn't know much about the existence of the magical god, but if there was a knight god, Adim, there would be a magical god. Derdora tilts her head in the words of Azin.

“You want to meet Bethel Gis? ”


It appears the name of the magical god is Bethelgis. Derdora nods, even though she doesn't understand.

“May I ask why Bethel wants to meet? ”

Adim asked politely. Azin was puzzled by what he said, but he wouldn't listen to him if I told him.

“I have something to ask you. ”

Acquired a nonpolarity in the direction of the Advance Plaza. I got Nirvana from the Siolence Great Book. I learned how to use the concepts that exist in two factions, and now all that remains is the magic of Gracia. It would have been quicker to ask the magical god than to search the entire vast continent of Gracia.

“Did you find me? ”

Derdora returns with a man. Azin looks at Bethelgis in a big robe. Bethel reminds me of an old wizard who's stuck in a room by himself, rather than a god. Ajin stares at Bethelgis and says,

“I want to know about the magic of consciousness. ”

Without turning to speak, Azin asked directly. Bethel's eyes opened wide. Bethelgis shakes her head, staring at Azin for a moment.

“You're greedy. ”

“We must defeat the Demon King. ”

“... Umm...”

In Azin's answer, Bethel lost her words. We must defeat the Demon King. This was the most important ground challenge for all the gods of the Pantheon, and the demand for azin to justify it stunted Betheless' words.

“You're not a wizard. ”

“But that doesn't mean you can't use magic. Or will you fight the Demon King instead of me? ”

Courtesy was an indescribable threat, but Bethelgis could not disprove it.

“That was impossible at first. There will be no gods on earth but me. ”

There is a reason why the gods of the Pantheon should not come directly to the earth, but to the holy woman. God cannot be involved in earthly affairs. It is because the body of God cannot be manifested directly on the ground even if he wants to be involved.

But it had nothing to do with him. He became a god without dying, and formed his body through the stones of the sage. This was unprecedented in the history of the Pantheon. It is possible for Azin, who is not dead and who is a god, to come down to the ground without penalty with his current body.

“So, I don't want you to complain, but I want you to cooperate.” Hnng…! ”

Bethel lets out a sound of pain. He hesitates for a moment and nods.

“Very well. I'll let you know.... I would have beaten the devil King with a bat if I could have come...! ”

What are you? Azin's words come up to his throat, but he doesn't let them out. The gods of the Pantheon are too helpless if the Holy Girl is not functioning properly. In fact, if we look the other way around, it's not like they don't want to fight the Demon King - or if they're God, they're tied to the game system.

The place Bethelgis told me about was surprising. The Bullishal Desert. A desert that crosses between Jinsun and Gracia, where the capital of the Magic System, Pandemonium, is located. Fortunately, the place Bethel told us about was not the center of the capital, but it was quite far away from the outskirts of the capital.

‘I never thought I'd be in the middle of the desert. ’

I didn't bother to look through all of Gracia. Ajin has escaped the Pantheon. Adim, who became Einherjar, did not come out with him because he could summon him whenever he wanted on the ground. Devello opens his eyes wide as he looks at Azin, who was waiting for him quietly.

“I've been informed by the system that you've become a god.” Yes. ”

Azin nods. After focusing on Devello for a moment, a white circle flashes over Devello's head. It was a testament that Devello was a member of Azin. I didn't think Devello would become a follower, so Azin muttered because he was ridiculous.

“Why did you become my disciple? ”

“Shouldn't it be? ”

“Do you know what that means? ”

Azin's eyes narrow to see Devello. Divine and divine. It will also be calculated as a force. One of the rules of this game is this. Even if the representative does not defeat the Demon King himself, if someone included in the representative's power defeats the Demon King. It is also computed publicly by the delegate. That is, if Devello becomes a disciple of Azin, even if Devello defeats the Demon King, Azin will take his credit.

“I know.”

Devello nods.

“I have no desire to win the game. I just want to be with you. ”

There was nothing unusual about it. In fact, of all the delegates, Devello was the least eager to win this game. Even Rivera was obsessed with the game for her own amusement, but Devello had none of that. Even so, Azin had no choice but to look surprised because he didn't think Devello would give up the Declaration himself.

“Suit yourself. ”

Looking at Devello blindly, Azin turns his head. He didn't want to talk about this with Devello for long. Having said that, Devello wouldn't listen, and being blindly blind like that, he didn't want to force Azin's attitude, made him even more annoyed.

“We head for the Bull 's-eye Desert. ”

“Are you going to fight the Demon King? ”


In Devello's question, he shakes his head as if he had nothing to think about. There is no guarantee that you will win the battle against the Demon King right now. First of all, it was to go to the Bullysale Desert and secure the magic that dealt with the mind.

Ajin and Devello head for the Desert of Reyzal. Through the awkward streets, the landscape below changes rapidly. While I was headed to the Bullysal Desert, I thought about going into the Panthem, but Azin only thought about it and didn't really do it. It was because I didn't want to provoke the Demon King for nothing.

I was going to.

Ajin's flight stopped. He looked forward with a stiff face. Devello, who was following a little further back than Ajin, also stopped flying. Azin looks at the man standing nearby. He wrapped himself in the dark of darkness and covered his face with a shifting fog. He was the Demon King who should be in the Pantheon's fortress.

“You're a god. ”

The Demon King spoke to me. He couldn't imagine meeting the Demon King here, so he couldn't say anything and became stiff. The Demon King looks at the silent azin and chuckles.

“You have gained a reputation and made it to Nirvana... I commend you for changing your orientation. You couldn't beat me after decades of solidarity.” “... Why are you here? ”

“I'm not here to do anything to you, so don't worry. I just wanted to say hello to you because you're so close to the Pandemonium. ”

The Demon King smiled and said. He raises his hand, and the Demon King's hand cracks open. Beyond that were the scents of Raw Snow, Camila, and Persian with large crystals. Azin's face looked white when he saw it.

“There's nothing to worry about. I took it from you, but I didn't touch it. We just keep them locked up like this.” “... What are you doing...! ”

“I just want to raise your spirits a little bit more. ”

The Demon King said so and lowered his hand. Azin catches his rough breath and looks at the Demon King. I didn't want to provoke the Demon King any more here. But when I saw the black snow, Camila, and Persian, I felt the calm and relaxation that I had recovered. The Demon King laughs as he looks at the shivering pain in his shoulders.

“Requiem is not as easy to get as Nirvana and its polarity.” “What? ”

“You didn't even know her name? The conceptual magic of Gracia you seek. Its name is Requiem. ”

The Demon King raised his hand and pointed to a vast desert.

“You have to go to the Abbey to learn non-polarity. To learn Nirvana, you have to solve the mystery of the Great Book. It's actually not that difficult. But... Requiem is different. Other players will learn it easily, but you'll have a hard time.” “What do you mean? ”

“You have become a god, you have mastered Nirvana with extreme ferocity. Whether the lion who guards Requiem acknowledges you or not is a completely different story. ”

The Demon King chuckles. Azin glances at the Demon King with his eyes wide open. The Demon King shrugs without speaking any more.

“You're better off going through it yourself than I'm saying. You already know the location. Go. I won't stop you. ”

The Demon King left a note and disappeared. Azin chews his lower lip as he gazes at the dark places left by the Demon King. The reunion with the Demon King was unpleasant, but it could not continue. Azin heads to the place the Demon King pointed out and Bethel pointed out.

It was a ruined ruin. At the heart of the ruins, Azin heads for the monolith, reminiscent of what Bethelgis told him. when the irregularly erected columns are placed in a constant order. The ground shakes, creating a faint magic circle. And the sand started to fall.

Along with the sand, the long corridor welcomed the azine falling down. Hidden underground in the ruins, this place feels like an old dungeon. Azin starts walking down the hall with Devello.

“Are you looking for Requiem? ”

The sound of a murmuring against the wall is directed at Ajin. Azin raises his hand as if he didn't hear anything. A bright light from Azin's hand brightens the darkness in the hallway.

“What a disrespectful customer. ”

The owner of the voice grumbles. Azin looks at the direction of the sound.

I hardened it.

“What's that look on your face? ”

He had a dirty beard, but the one who said that had the same face as LaQuiz.

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