
00624 Pantheon

The stone that Azin took out was enough to frighten the gathered gods. Azin realizes how right the choice was to rob Sasam Harvest and smiles satisfactorily. To be honest, the value of the Wise Man's Stone did not feel right as a wizard or an alchemist, but I had no idea that it would be used this way.

“Oh my God…! ”

The old god comes close to the prudent stone with a startled sound. He opens his eyes and stammers at the sage's stone. Every time the old god's hand touches, the prudent stone growls and shines.

“I've never seen a Wise Man's Stone so complete...! ”

Azin is grateful to Harvest. The Wise Man's Stone, secretly crafted by Jabesh for years, was excellent enough to surprise even the Queen of the Black Forest and the gods. It was natural. Haves absorbed the knowledge of most dragons, black wizards and wizards from his Black Arm was an unprecedented wizard in the history of Gracia.

“Is this enough? ”

The old god who touched the Wise Man's Stone did not immediately answer Azin's question. I was completely distracted by the condition of the Wise Man's Stone. It wasn't just the old gods who sold their minds to the Wise Man's Stone. Zechros and the other gods, trembling at the Wise Man's Stone. Azin glances at the gods looking at the Wise Man's Stone. What was young in their eyes was greed. The value of the Wise Man's Stone was high enough for the gods to covet it.

“I don't even think of anyone to give it to. ”

Azin mutters with a big smile. The muttering gods blush their faces. They mutter, glancing at Azin's face.

“... I'd be greedy for a stone of such perfection. Compared to the blind faith of hundreds of thousands of people...” “So. If I use the Wise Man's Stone, can I turn myself into a god?” “The Wise Man's Stone makes the impossible possible... and it is possible to create a physiological purity from nothing.” But do we need to use even the Wise Man's Stone to turn him into a god? "”

Zechros hurriedly spits.

“If you use that Wise Man's Stone, you may be able to turn the ruined Pantheon back to its former form.” The owner of the Wise Man's Stone is that man. And he's not dead, he's fulfilling all the requirements to become a god... and what's the point of reverting the Pantheon to its former form? ”

The old God answered. In response, the other gods who looked similar in age to him agreed.

“If you can't defeat the mad Demon King in the middle, it doesn't mean anything if you try to restore the Pantheon to its former form. Or Zetrov, will you subdue the Demon King?” “Hmmm...”

Zechros grunts without answering.

“The place of Adim, the god of battle and knights, is empty before the Mansion. His power is better than Adim's. Never. Perhaps you should let him sit on the throne of the god of battle.” “Adim...”

The other gods mutter. For the gods of the Pantheon, the memory of Adim was never a good memory. Even if Adim didn't protect the saint, the Demon King wouldn't have gone off like that. He also looked a little surprised to hear that he would let him sit on the throne of Adim.

“... on the throne of Adim? ”

“Is there anything you'd like? ”

The old god asked about Azin's muttering. He smiles and adds a smile before Azin answers.

“Most of these are empty without an owner. In the last few months, so many gods have vanished.” “... the god of battle. ”

Azin nods slightly. Choosing the god of battle meant a lot. Perhaps to prepare for the battle with the Demon King, it seemed to be better to choose a special throne for the battle, and it was also a tribute to Ahdim, who had done many favors for Ajin and finally sacrificed himself for Camila.

“Come this way. ”

Azin puts the Wise Man's Stone into the Shadow Room and follows the old god. Along with the azin and the old gods, the other gods followed. It doesn't take long, and they arrive in front of the old temple. In fact, there were only traces of the temple, and there were many things that were lacking to say that it was a temple. It was because most of the temple was destroyed.

“This is the temple of Adim. ”

The old god opened his mouth.

“I haven't managed anyone since Adim left the Pantheon. It is natural that the lower gods and the Valkyries who followed Adim in the Pantheon turned their backs. ”

Azin looks away from the fallen temple. Duty as God and Temple. From that to the fate of the middleman. The choice of Ahdim to protect Camila was to make him give up most of the things he lived for. Why did Adim do that? Why did he do that? Why did he do that? Why did he do that? To be honest, Azin thought that Adim would turn away in the end. But Adim did not turn his back. He did what he had to do to protect Camila until the end, and then vanished.

“From now on, you will be the Lord of this temple. Your existing flesh and the stones of the sage will be fed in this temple, through which you will ascend to the throne of the temple, the god of knights and battles. Just in time, you are qualified to be a knight, and there is no knight as good as you in the middle of the day, so procedurally nothing wrong. ”

A long time ago, Azin made a knight's vow at the temple of Adim. The circle on the left chest. It is a trace of the spear pierced by Adim, which originally led to Adim through this pattern.

“You have the remnants of the Rivelion, the wonder of Adim, and the connection to Adim remains stronger than anyone in the middle. The body will be made by the Wise Man's Stone, and it won't take long. ”

Hearing the old god's story, Ajin enters the temple. A large altar appeared as it crossed the interior of the desolate temple because it was not managed.

“Put the Wise Man's Stone up there.” “You're not lying, are you? ”

“Hehe... I have no reason to lie. Wise Man's Stone is a great thing, but I don't need it. As I said before, the Demon King is the reason the Pantheon is destroyed and the gods are threatened with extinction. Unless the Demon King disappears, the Mansion will never find its former glory. ”

The old god mutters in a self-sufficient voice.

“You have the fate of the Middle Ages and the Pantheon. I never thought I'd be so burdened by a mortal... who is now a saint. ”

Azin takes out the Wise Man's Stone. The Wise Man's stone on the altar shows no change. Azin stares at him, and the old god approaches the altar and raises his hands. Then the Wise Man's Stone and Altar reacted. With a long vibration, the sage stone slowly rises. And a bright light began to erupt around the Wise Man's Stone.

[Derdora, the god of prosperity and protection, was the priest of the Incarnation Accomplishment.]

[Wise Man's Stone is donated to the altar of the temple without an owner.]

[You are the first adult in the player and now you want to be a god.]

[An unprecedented mythical achievement spread your name everywhere on First.]

[Those who worshipped you are praying for joy and worship!]

[All those who saved you and worshipped you want to be your followers.]

[The Wise Man's Stone constitutes the body.]

The system's voice quickly passes through Azin's head. Azin's body slowly began to rise. The Wise Man's Stone is scattered over the altar. It becomes a mass of pure power without defects and starts to clump together in front of Azin's eyes. Soon it formed a flesh that looked exactly like Ajin. It was a body of a god composed of divine power that was different from the original avatar.

[If you make this choice, you will never be able to return to the human avatar.]

[You can be a god.]

[Would you like to be a god?]

There is no hesitation. Even if there is no turning back, this was the only answer for him. Azin nods without hesitation.

[Existing avatar will expire.]

Azin's body begins to disappear. His stamina points remain intact, but he has no control over his body. The body that disappears from its toes becomes dust, but is scattered to all sides without piling up. Azin closes his eyes quietly. Soon his body was completely gone. Nevertheless, Azin's consciousness clearly existed. I felt that time had stopped, and maybe it did. Derdora rests, arms outstretched.

“It's you.”

The voice of the grave is heard. Azin looks at the direction of the sound. Above the immovable Derdora, on the altar where the Wise Man's Stone disappeared. A little boy sat down.


Adim looked like a young boy, just like he had seen before. He looks at the pain with a slight smile in the middle of a calm face. Azin stares at Adim's face for a moment, then shakes his head.

“I heard it's gone. ”

“I did. My body is gone, and I no longer exist in this world. But my consciousness remains a remnant... tied to this temple. ”

As he said so, he slowly got up.

“I never thought you would be my heir. I don't know how to accept that you're here.” “What do you want to know? ”

“Did I succeed in protecting her? ”

Adim asked in a quiet voice. His answer was more important to him than anything else in the world. Reason for confronting the gods without avoiding extinction. Because I wanted to protect Camilla.

“... you have succeeded in protecting my daughter.” “I see. ”

Azin nods and answers, and Adim vomits a joyful smile. Adim has succeeded. Only... he has failed. Since Adim was unable to defeat the Demon King during his free time, Camila was taken by the Demon King.

“That was my only foolishness. Did you... succeed in guarding it? Haha! Glad my selfish choice wasn't pointless. But you couldn't defeat the Demon King, could you?” “That's what I'm here for.” “Yes. ”

Adam came down from the altar and approached Azin.

“Do me a favor. ”


“I have lost my body, and my consciousness remains intact. It was supposed to be completely extinct... Hehe! I guess my stubbornness was too strong. Now I'm no different from the undead I've been killing so much. Sort of like a ghost.”

Ahdim glanced at Azin and slowly bowed his head.

“Let me do you a selfish favor. My successor, the god of new knights and battles. Please make this silly, ugly ghost your first sword and spear your shield. ”

Azin understood what that meant. Adim had forsaken the appearance of God and wished to exist in a different form. It was because of his strong stubbornness, which had allowed him to remain a ghost. Ajin knew that she was Camilla, not just a fool in the arms of Adim.

“Who besides you can be my sword, spear and shield?" ”

Azin opens his mouth and reaches out.

“I'll do that. ”

[You have reaped the ghost of a disqualified god.]

[The power of the god of knights and battles, the Einherjar, has been activated.]

The bright light wrapped around the body of Ahdim. Adim closed his eyes with a quiet smile. The flesh of Adim was scattered, and a new body was made through the power given to him. It was so weak that it was not compared to the body of Adim in the past, but it was definitely the flesh that existed in the world. Adim, who had a new body, was armed with armor and a spear. Ahdim knelt on his knees and bowed his head to Ajin.

“Thank you for your mercy. ”

“Let's talk comfortably. ”

“I can't do that. You are my master. Your orders will move this immortal flesh, along with my foolishness. ”

Adim shines his eyes under his helmet. And again, time moves. As the white space disappears, Ajin stands at the center of his temple. The Wise Man's Stone no longer existed, and Azin was conscious of himself in a new flesh.

[A new knight and god of battle have been born!]

[Stats, titles, skills, etc. of your existing avatar have been inherited.]

[All stats will change to SP stats.]

Azin slowly raises his hand. The full strength of the body was completely different from what he had been dealing with until now. Most of the stat points, such as internal air and health, were evidence of a change to power. I had experienced divinity through the determination of Adim in the past, but I had never felt as full as I do now.

[The Wonder Rivellion of Adim, who was your successor, changes.]

[Become the Master of Wonderful Ragnarök!]

Asin looked forward as he listened to the system's notifications. Adim, who became Einherjar, was sitting on one knee, watching Admired by prosperity and the god of protection Derdora.

“... hmm. ”

Azin grips his hand with a small groan.

“I feel embarrassed. ”

Azin laughed as he said so.

= = = = = = = = = = Reviews of artwork = = = = = = = =

Sorry I'm late.

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