
00593 Pandemonium

I know.

I didn't think I could get anything in ten days. Irresponsible, unemployed. Such thoughts did not even give me refuge from reality. Hiding the saint. The temporary idea was the same.

On October 3rd, the descending horsemen swept the world. The first to fall was the Gratian Empire. The magical soldiers and knights Gratia boasted were so fragile that they collapsed. It was the obvious result. Standing at the forefront of the Mahjong army was the Duke and Marquis of Mahjong. With free will, they handed over magical soldiers and knights' charges as if they were a child's play.

Worse dragons have stepped forward. Dozens of dragons appeared over Gracia. Magic Pilot. The first modifier to attach to a dragon. But their magic was also a lack of power to thwart the armies of the Magic System. Many... dragons have died.

[You have a difficult request.]

Azin looks at the crystal sphere. It was Hermione's voice. Azin gives no answer. Next to the silent Ajin, Ekidna, the leader of the Steel Knights, falls unconscious. When Hermione fainted with the magic command she gave to Homicide, she forcefully sent her way.

“Why don't you escape? ”

Azin stared at the crystal ball and asked. Gratia has already fallen. Each territory has been thoroughly trampled by the hordes and the capital has already fallen. Imperial Erzola is already surrounded by the Horses.

[How can I, Emperor, abandon my empire?]

I can feel Hermione smiling bitterly beyond the crystal ball. I've already suggested it many times. Drop Gracie.

But Hermione did not listen to him. He's emperor of the empire. Every time Azin suggests it, Hermione just says it over and over again.

The word "azin" does not mean that he has not reached out to Gracia for help. To be precise, I sent reinforcements to see how powerful the armies of the Mahjong system are, rather than to save Hermione.

The reinforcements have been annihilated. The Duke of Mahjong, the Marquis... Monsters dealing with the will have slaughtered both the player of the advancement and the NPC.

After the defeat of the reinforcements, Azin gives up trying to help Gracia. To be precise, Hermione said before Azin gave up.

Abandon yourself.

Of course, so was Ajin. However, Ajin recommended more. I can save as many as you, emperor, if you want. However, Hermione said no to the words I had suggested several times. That is why the Emperor himself cannot abandon the Empire.

“Don't you blame me? ”

I suddenly had an idea. Azin asked Hermione that. Hermione laughs beyond the crystal sphere.

Why would I blame you?]

“Because I didn't go to Gracia myself. ”

[Do you think your arrival has changed this despair? I don't think so.]

Hermione smiles and replies. Azin knew what Hermione was up to now. The capital has already fallen. The Imperial Palace is surrounded. The guards must be out there somewhere to stop the Horsemen, but their lives will only take a few minutes.

[You are also the emperor leading the empire called Jinsun. You must defend your empire... before me. They think we just changed our order. They're... monsters. No one can stop them. The first thing Gracie falls, is that Gracie is only the first. I was unlucky.]

Hermione's words contained deep thoughts and despair. Rrrrgh. Azin hears the sound of the blade being drawn from beyond the crystal sphere. Azin sensed what Hermione was trying to do.

Can you defend your empire?]

Hermione mutters. Azin doesn't answer. The sword has already been drawn. Azin opens his mouth.

“Farewell. ”

Hermione laughs. Phew! Phew! The sound of knives sticking, the sound of blood. I hear an oppressed groan. Where was it stabbed? Chest or neck? Azin closes his eyes. Hermione is dying beyond the crystal sphere. It was a death of my own choice.

The emperor of Gracia took his own life.

“... Your Majesty. ”

Azin rises up. There was Mungyeong-hee behind her back. Mungyeong-hee was pale bored and looking at the pain. Mungyeong-hee is a wise human being. What has happened so far will end this war in some way. Mungyeonghee will already know the answer.

“What do you think is the answer? ”

Azin turns around. Ekidna's limp body floated up and headed toward Mungyeonghee. Mungyeonghee was surprised and received Ekidna's body with both hands.

“Gratia. A great empire that has been lost for thousands of years. Emperor of Gracia... my brother Hermione took his own life. Dozens of dragons tried to stop the Horses, but dozens of them died. This war. Do you think there's a chance?” “... The Great King..." “Mun Gyeong-hee. ”

Ajin did not call Mungyeong-hee Jae-san. Azin slowly crosses his head.

“I must be the best of the humans. The highest bidder. You're right.You 're the best of the humans. But... if you're not human, it's a different story. I've already met the Demon King. ”

I didn't tell Mun Kyung-hee about him either. After meeting the Demon King, Mungyeong-hee's expression was stiff.

“The Demon King can kill me in ten seconds. No, it won't take ten seconds. ”

Even if Azin does his best, the result will not change. As the Demon King has said, zealousness, determination... is too powerless for the one who is stronger than himself.

“Are you giving up? ”

Mungyeong-hee quietly asked. Ajin looked at Mungyeonghee's face with a calmly sunken face.

“You run. ”

Azin opens his mouth.

“You don't have to stay and die. So run. Where should we go... yes. There's a place called the Abbey. It's not much fun to live in, but it's a decent place. I'll take you there if you want.” “No. I'm not running away.” “Then will you stay and die? ”

Azin smiled and asked. Mungyeonghee smiled and looked at Ajin. It was the moment when Mungyeonghee opened her mouth to say more. Azin's hand moves.


With a dull sound, Mungyeong-hee lost her mind. Ajin lifted Mungyeonghee and Ekidna's limp body as a shock absorbent. I originally didn't intend to take care of Ekidna, but I couldn't throw it away because Hermione said it was my last request.

A monastery. It was the safest place in the world where Ajin could think of. You can't hide Camilla... but Mungyeonghee and Ekid won't be a problem. They can't be bothered by the Demon Lord or the Horsemen.


It took me a long time to put the empire of Jinsun in power. However, how meaningless it is to have power in front of the Demon King and the hordes that come at last. Azin laughs in vain. At the boat party, Gladiolus spoke of the importance of power.

It was an absurd deception after all. No, merely humans, the player did not meet Gladiolus' expectations. Actually, it wasn't. If only a saint had been killed as planned, power would have been of considerable importance to the Horsemen. It was known only by the fall of Gratia.

Gratia was captured and the dragon slain because it was the barons and duchews of the horseman army who could handle the will. If the saint dies and their intentions are sealed, the consequences may have changed.

It's in the past. The saint is not dead. You will never die. Camila falls in the shadow of Azin.

Ahdim... was surprisingly silent. My heart ached, thinking that Adim would react greatly. But it wasn't, or there was no room for rebellion. As the Demon King arrives and the invasion of the full horseman begins, many gods are rushing to take over Camila's body. Today, Adim is doing everything he can to protect Camila's spirit.

‘I can't stay silent forever. ’

I thought of several ways. One of them was this. Don't log in at all? If that happens, the Demon King won't be able to touch Camilla forever, and the Demon King's victory terms won't be fulfilled.

But I couldn't do it. Failure to log in does not stop time in the game. The shadow space of Azin leads to Azin, but it does not mean that it is forever trapped in the shadow of Azin. In other words, it is possible to run out of the shadow or intervene outside at any time if Adim is willing.

If Ajin gave up the war itself, there was no guarantee that Adim would continue to cooperate. Adim is protecting Camila because of the favor she has for Ajin and Camila. If Azin were to betray the favor of Ahdim, he might not protect Camila. That is, I might let Camilla awaken as a saint.

Thus, Adim could not give up the war itself. It was an unanswered retreat. Gratia's fall was too soon. Less than a week after the war began, Gratia was taken and Hermione confessed.

Where is the army of the Maah that defeated Gratia headed next? Siolence? Either way, it won't be a big problem for them. Without the death of the holy woman, the March of the Mages can never be stopped by human power.

But we can't just let it go. In order to maintain the faith of Adim, he could not remain silent.

After taking Mungyeonghee and Ekidna to the home of the monastery and the twin gangs, Azin immediately flew in the sky. The Jinn army cannot stop the Mahjong army. Among the forces of the current advancement, Azin was the only one who could stand up to the Mages who could handle the will. I am alone among hundreds of millions of players and NPCs.

There's another one.


Ajin found her.

Devello is still on that mountain. Lives he destroyed. Nothing has changed significantly compared to the last time I came. I can't see Devello, but her presence remains intact. Ajin approaches the tightly closed chateau house.

Devello walks out of the mansion with the door open. She doesn't look surprised to see Azin coming here. No, maybe it surprised me. It's just that the emotion is not showing on his face.

“I need your help. ”

Azin looks back at Devello's face and says, This... was a great humiliation to Azin. However, the current situation was not an embarrassing situation.


Devello nods.

When he answered, Devello smiled.

= = = = = = = = = = Reviews of artwork = = = = = = = =

Sorry for the delay.

Recently, I was worried about the development, and it was too late to write it down and fix it over and over again.

We will strive to keep you connected every other day, even if we cannot.

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