
00592 Pandemonium

Hiding the saint was not a spontaneous idea. It is impossible to defeat the Demon King. It was one of the ways we realized it and got it done.

One of the Demon King's winning conditions is to kill the Holy Girl. That is, no matter how much the Demon King kills a player and turns the world upside down, the Demon King's terms of victory are not met as long as the Holy Girl is alive.

That's enough. Whatever the world of First is, it was none of my business.

The question is how. Where should we hide Camilla? Where should I hide it so the Demon King won't notice Camila's presence?

The first answer to Azin's question was also ‘reality.’ Ajin's avatar in the game is linked to reality. Through him, Raw Snow and Persian can travel back and forth between games and reality with free materials.

But Camilla can't.

Gladiolus and other transcendents will not be ignored. Only Raw Snow and Persian flavors can travel back and forth between First World and reality. If Ajin brings Camila into the real world, they will step up and impose sanctions on her.

If that's the case, it's a horror cookie. So what do we do? Ajin connected to First chewed his lower lip thoroughly. Think. Where should I hide Camilla? Garcia? Or Siolence? Nowhere. There's no way the Demon King won't notice by hiding in a place like that.

Then where? How about a monastery? The monastery has tons and tons of twins. They're very fond of Camila, so Ajin might hide her if she asks.

But there is also Noya in the monastery. What if Noya stepped up and shot the candles? No, the Demon King is aware of Noya's existence. That means I also know the scent of the monastery. Hiding Camila in the Abbey, even if the twins protect her... it's impossible for the twins to protect her against the Demon King.

Then where should we hide it? The Queen of the Black Forest does not die as a conceptual being. Maybe she's... no. I can't believe it. I thought the Horsemen were named Baloch, the Queen's essence. Even if the Queen protects Camila, there is no guarantee that the Demon King will never find her.

Then where the hell are you?

Where should I hide it?


I think that's crazy. I've never been to a new place. Probably never will be. However, there is definitely a place called Shinsegae. If I ask Adim, can we hide Camilla in the new world?

‘No, I can't believe it. ’

Azin clenches his fist tightly. I don't... believe in God. I think of Camilla's first awakening as a saint. Numerous gods have entered Camila's body, and in the process, Camila's spirit has reached the brink of collapse.

The only god that favors Camila is Adim. But even that kind of pain cannot hide Camilla in the new world. I thought about the Temple of Adim, but I don't think I can protect Camila there either.

Then where the hell are you?

Without a solution, Azin sits down, overwhelmed by despair. I can't see the answer. It was the first time I had been in such a desperate situation. Ten days is all I have left. You're going to complete the non-polarity in ten days? Then it's impossible to deal with the Demon King. Hiding Camilla? Even if you hide it somewhere in the world, the Demon King will find Camila. And kill him.

What do I do? ’

Even though I told Acacia that I realized, the situation did not change at all. The answer I could barely find was a trait I couldn't even figure out how to do. Even if Ajin becomes the Demon King himself and gives up his reward for victory...

You can't save Camilla.

The way I thought of it was "shadows." First, she hides Camila in her shadow. Of course, it cannot be a complete answer. But you'll be able to stop time. Even though we couldn't bring her into reality, it was better to hide Camilla in the shadow of Azin than to hide her in Jinn or Gracia.

“... are you okay? ”

I asked him with a worried look on my face. Azin, who was leaning down, raised his head to the question of black snow scent. He tries to show his smile as if he was fine, but Azin's expression doesn't move as well as he thinks. In the end, it was a stiff smile.

“I'm fine.”

It can't be okay. After all, hiding Camilla in the shadows is only temporary. It is never a safe place. It was just the best I could think of right away.

Raw Snow and Persian follow behind Azin without a word. Even if I wanted to help her, this was not something she could do. Ajin calmed his chest by chewing his lower lip.


Camila, standing by the window, looks surprised to see Ajin. Azin picks his breath slowly, closing the door that opened and came in. The chewed lower lip was crushed and bleeding, and Azin rubbed the blood running through the back of his hands.

“You don't knock. What happened to your face? ”

The window where Camila is standing gives a clear view of the pantemonium. Camille knows. A wealthy pandemonium. What does that mean for the world? Camila had already realized herself to be a saint a few years ago, and understood what she was meant to be and what she was going to end up with.

The Demon King lives in that castle. When the time comes, the Demon King will descend from that castle and a great number of Demons will descend. If that's the case...

“Ten days.”

Azin opens his mouth. He raises his hand to the pandemonium outside the window.

“Ten days later. The Demon King will come down from that castle.” “... that was quicker than I thought. ”

According to Ajin, Camila does not look surprised. Instead, she smiles with a slight slippery mouth. It was a bitter smile.

“What do you want to do for ten days? ”

Camila asks. Camila steps away from the window and looks back at him. Camila smiles brightly at Persian and Raw Snow, standing behind Azin and Azin. It was a smile that anyone could see that it was too much to build.

“Do you want to go on another trip? Family to family, or back to the Abbey? It's been a long time since I've seen a Twisted Grandpa...”

Camila was facing her death. Even if Azin protects us, even if Adim protects us. It is the destiny of the Holy Spirit to stop the Demon King from coming. In the end, it is the destiny of the saint to die with all his strength.

“... No. I'm not going anywhere. ”

Azin swallows his breath and replies.

“I intend to protect you. ”

“... Yes? ”

Azin reaches out to Camila with a loud voice. I don't intend to convince Camilla. Probably, she won't convince me. Azin knew him best. That's what she knew about Camila. If what was needed to overcome the desperate situation of the Demon King's coming was the death of a holy woman, Camila would have had to choose that death.

But he doesn't want to see him. Even though the world was falling apart, Ajin had no intention of killing Camilla. Camilla wasn't the only one. Not even Raw Snow, not even Persian. If you add one more person, Mun Gyeong-hee suffered a lot under Ajin. You don't need anything else.

Jinsun? I've been through quite a lot to eat this empire. I cared a lot about that. The same is true of Moorim. Starting from the bloodstream, he took over all of Moorim and swallowed the entire empire called Jinsun.

But I don't need it. It doesn't matter if the empire goes away or not. Hundreds of millions of NPCs and players living in the developed world? What does it matter? Even if the continent of Jinsun were to be erased from the map, Azin could be satisfied if he succeeded in protecting the people he wanted to protect.

Gracie? I'm out. Nothing to think about. You're quite close to Hermione, but not compared to Camilla or the lives of others. If we can put Camilla's death on a prerequisite and protect the world and defeat the Demon King,

Ajin didn't have to go to the fucking world. Camila tilts her head when she sees Azin on the move. Camila has no idea how selfish and horrific her foster parents are in their minds. Neither Raw Snow nor Persian was trying to stop Azin. Because they were thinking the same thing as Ajin. What really mattered to them was Camilla, who loved them like her own daughter, not the world.

“... Father. I'm afraid of your face.”

Camila hesitates. Is he making that face? Azin raises his hand and touches his face. His cheeks are hard. Azin smiled with a self-mixed smile.

“I'm sorry.”

That was the moment when it was over. Pava Bak! Azin's hand moves forward. Camila's bloodline is spotted with a quick gesture that cannot be seen. Camila is unconscious without screaming. Camila doesn't realize what's happening to her body until the moment Azin's hands start drawing blood.

“What are you doing? ”

Camila's closed eyes flash and open. Adim, who was still in Camila's consciousness, took over her body when she lost consciousness. Ahdim staggered and gave strength to the bridge that was about to collapse and looked at him. There was no common enemy in Adim's gaze at Azin.

“... to protect her.” “Like this? ”

Adim tilted his head and asked. He didn't seem to fully understand the situation. Azin sighs and nods. I can't convince Camilla. Nevertheless, he was not confident enough to persuade Adim.

“... there was no other way.” “... Hmm. ”

Adim glanced at Azin's face as he let out a small groan. You cannot pretend to be with Adim. Only Adim can protect Camila's ritual from the interference of the gods.

“I trust you. ”

Adim opened his mouth and said: At the end of the sentence, the light goes out in Camila's eyes. Adim stopped taking possession of Camila's consciousness. It was possible not because Adim was persuaded by him, but because Adim took a few steps back.

Azin supports Camila's collapsing body and immediately pushes her into her shadow space. Ten days from now. I wanted to hide it too quickly, but I don't know when the situation will change. Azin turns to look at the smell of Raw Snow and Persian.

“... Camilla, please. ”


Raw Snow and Persian descent into the shadow of Azin. When Camila wakes up, the aroma of Raw Snow and Persian must first calm her down. Hiding Camila was successful, even if it was a temporary option.

So what should we do from now on?

The army is assembled. But when faced with the Demon King, Azin knew for sure just how insignificant and insignificant his preparations had been. If the High Horse can handle the will, the army gathered by Azin will never be able to face them.

‘The only thing that makes a fight... me. Devello. And LaQuiz. ’

Devello understands the concept because he has mastered non-polarity. How about LaQuiz? A few years have passed since Azin beat him to a pulp. You haven't made any progress in years. I honestly don't know if it's Harvest or Rivera. Not to mention Libera. Harvest's power is unknown.

Can you do it? ’

Is it possible to fight the Demon King and win without the death of the Holy Lady? Against the monster? Azin chewed on his lips.

Ten days from now.

It was only ten days.

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