
00581 Hassan

Broken blade bounces up. Looking back at it, Devello takes a few steps back. Knng! A swirling, falling sword pierces the ground. Devello looks down and looks at the sword in his hand.

The sword is broken. It has never been broken since training the blade in the Abbey. A sword that has never been broken by other monastery-fresh gods while being attacked by a fearless sword. It was not a sword that would never be found again under heaven. It was an ordinary sword, but it had been wielded so far.

But it breaks. Devello lays down his sword without a doubt. Defeat if the swordsman's sword is broken. Devello didn't really agree with that kind of narrative.

It was true that I did not intend to fight anymore. It's pointless to try. Devello was clearly aware of the ‘difference’ that exists between himself and Azin. Azin was too sturdy, and too high a wall. It was only possible to reach it when I saw it in the snow, but it is impossible to reach it now.

If I say I'm at my best, can I cut off a collar? ’

Maybe we can cut through the collar. But instead of cutting the collar, the resin doesn't fit if you have to put down your neck here. There was a big difference between Azin and Devello.

“Will you do more? ”

Azin asks. He looks unharmed, and doesn't look tired at all. Devello stares at Azin's face and shakes his head.

“No, you don't have to. ”

You can't win if you fight. Devello confidently accepted the fact. The result will be the same if you say you are fighting with a desperate spirit. Devello hasn't tried his best yet, but neither has he. If Devello and Azin try to kill each other with all their might, one city will vanish in ridicule.

“That's your wish. I'm... going to kill you. ”

A smile spreads over his face. Azin's fury felt as cold as ice. Preferably, he never intended to let Camilla and Devello meet in her lifetime. I was a little worried about sending Camila to Gracia, but I didn't think I'd run into Camilla in Gracia since Devello was in the Abbey.

That is, this is a coincidence. Bloody coincidence. Who'd have thought Camilla would have the good fortune of meeting Devello on her way home?

I can't help what I've already met. The player, Devello, resurrects after killing Devello here. NPC, Camilla, cannot ‘understand’ Devello's death. If we kill Devello here, and Camilla and Devello meet again later... Although Camila witnessed Devello's death, her memory was tampered with, 'In fact, she was badly wounded and escaped. It is to be convinced.’

In other words, nothing has changed since killing Devello here. You can't really kill Devello, nor can you erase Devello from Camila's memory.

Nevertheless, Azin wanted to kill Devello. The reason was not obvious. Bamboo shoots. Ajin just wants to bamboo shoots. I heard about Devello and Camilla's commute. Devello uses that thin tongue to speak nonsense to Camilla. I know killing Devello doesn't change anything here, but this is just a waste of time.

“Now, wait a minute. ”

When Azin reaches out to the silent Devello, Camila hurries forward, looking at the situation with a haunted look on her face. She was half mesmerized by the hardships of the first time she'd seen it, but she couldn't give up on Azin's words of killing Devello.

“Don't you have to kill him? ”

Camila stammers and takes out her horse. Ajin looks at Camila's face and opens his mouth.

“Yes. You don't have to kill me. You don't have to save her. ”

It was Camilla who was speechless. In fact, Camilla doesn't have to play Devello. The relationship between Camila and Devello is meaningless, and I understand that Devello is the enemy of both sides.

However, I didn't want to see him die strangely. Is it because she looks too much like herself? Or did Devello say -- did he have any sympathy for her childhood complaints?

“... Father, please. ”

“... I don't understand. ”

Azin mutters with a sigh. I don't know why Camilla is picking on Devello. However, what frustrated him was pain as well. It was the same with Ajin that he couldn't really kill the player, Devello. Eventually, he kicked his tongue and reached out his hand.


Azin turns to Devello. In the end, what Azin chose was to respect Camila's opinion. I would have done it if I could kill Devello for sure, but I know that if I cut Devello's head here, she won't really die. That's why he acted like he respected Camilla's opinion by pretending to yield.

“Go, never show yourself to me again. ”

Devello frowns at what Ajin said. To be honest, Devello didn't want to back down. I want to stay here and go with Ajin, Camilla. With a similar past that looks just like itself. I'm curious about what kind of life Camila has become, and I'm interested in the human named Ajin, who has become the trigger for her change.

But now I know stubbornness doesn't solve the problem. Devello cannot reach the refined Black Azin, and he cannot accompany them unless Azin permits. Devello finally nods his head and takes a few steps back.

“See you later. ”

“I told you never to appear before me again.” “I don't want to hear it. ”

Devello drops his broken sword to the ground. This battle... I got nothing. I reduced the shortage, but I don't know what was lacking. Even after learning the same non-polarity, it makes such a difference. Talent will be more overwhelming this way, but is it a matter of the union between the practitioner and the practitioner? Devello turns away, expressing his regrets.

“... Thank you. ”

Camila walks out of the store and looks at Devello's back and mutters. Ajin sighs thinly and gives Camila a glance. It's been a long time. I didn't think it would have this kind of climate.

“Are you hurt anywhere? ”

When I saw Devello, when I saw Camilla. They differ from the temperature of the gaze. Camila smiles faintly as she looks at her loving eyes, which make her heart tingle just by looking at them.

“Yes, I'm fine. ”

“... don't ask me why you were walking around with a wallpaper and asked me to show mercy to the wallpaper. But promise me this much. In the future, I will never, ever engage in brick and mortar paintings, and if I encounter them, I will run away without looking back. ”

I meant what I said. Camila thinks it's a little overprotective, but she nods her head reasonably, thinking of Devello's power with her own two eyes. But you won't listen. Azin knew very well that she was the arch of the anti-heaven axis.


That's why I have insurance. In Camila's ritual, Ajin sent his thoughts to Ahdim who was awake.

[Amazing. I did a very good look. Do you... want to be a god?]

[You are too complimentary.]

[Haha! You're being modest. I mean it with all my heart. Don't be so modest. The power you demonstrated... not to rule Mana, but to rule the phenomenon, the law. It's not human technology.]

[It's not a long stretch, it's a limited area. It's not that great a technology.]

I pretended to be humble, but it was true. During the non-polarization process, Jean Thomason pushed the boundaries of shamanism. It's not magic, it's not alcohol.

[Do me a favor. If the murals meet Camilla and Camilla doesn't listen to me, Please allow Adim to take control of Camila's body and escape or defeat her wall swords.]

[... hmm. Isn't that a little overprotective? Wallpaper, she doesn't seem to have a grudge against this kid. Even though I knew she was your adopted daughter... well. I don't know her nature, but I don't think the mural will try to kill her.]

[Maybe, but please.]

[... I think you're hiding something. I swear I will never tell this child. Can you tell me instead?]

At the words of Adim, Ajin silenced for a moment. Can I trust Adim? It was the right door. Azin trusted Adim deeply. If they had not trusted him, they would not have entrusted him with Camila.

Not many people believe in him. Raw snow, Persian, Camilla. A twin in a monastery. I only believe in Moon Gyeong-hee who has been watching over Ajin for quite a long time. Since before becoming the emperor, there have been many players and NPCs around him, but they were the only ones he believed in. Hermione is ambiguous. It's true that she has some heart, but Azin doesn't fully trust Hermione. A place called the Emperor. The pinnacle of an empire. It has too many factors to change people.

But Adim believes. I trusted him, so I left him with Camilla.

[I've been spending a lot of time with him, too.]

Adim notices that Ajin is shaking.

[After my temple disappeared, I was no longer able to ascend to the new world. After I took care of him, I was in his consciousness all the way to protect him. My whole life as a god... I've never been in a human ritual like this before.]

A smile came from the voice of Ahdim.

[I heard something called affection. I... yeah. This may seem a little strange to you, Stepmother, but I consider her to be my daughter. That's why I want to hear it. What you're hiding about him.]

[As I thought, you are the godfather of Camilla.]

Azin replies. Camila knows that Adim and Azin are having a deliberate conversation, but she doesn't have to ask about it. Camila waited quietly for the story of Azin and Ahdim to end.

[If you won't say anything to Camilla. I'll trust you and let you know the secret I'm hiding.]

[I swear to God, I will never tell that child the secret I heard from you.]

After hearing the oath of Adim, Azin told me about Camila's relationship with Devello. Of course I didn't talk about the players. Camilla is a Doppelgänger of Devello, and if Devello kills Camilla, her fate may be passed on to her. I didn't think Devello knew about him, but I didn't want him and Camilla to meet him just in case.

[… umm.]

After the story of Azin, Ahdim lets out a short moan. The Doppelgänger and Destiny. It seems difficult for Adim to convince him of such stories, but he did not doubt Azin's words.

[I see. A Doppelgänger... I know a Doppelgänger is a poor horse. Apparently the doppelganger you're talking about doesn't mean the Horsemen.]

[So I'm asking you.]

[I see. In the future, when this child meets Devello, I will do as you ask.]

After obtaining the consent of Adim, he sighed with relief. None of this would have happened if I hadn't met Devello, but I can't help it if it had already happened. There wasn't much time until the Demon King's coming. I don't want Camilla to act as a saint. Because I don't want to lose Camilla.

It was the same with Devello and Camilla. I don't want to lose it. Never. Ajin gives Camila a glance at him, looking away.

“Let's go back.”

Azin says so, placing his hands on Camila's head.

“Your moms are dying to see you. ”

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