
00580 Hassan

Devello swallows his breath lightly and pushes the sword he was holding toward Azin. The sword trembles and the sword does not move. An invisible wall blocks Devello's sword. No, I don't feel that way. It's not a wall. Something holds Devello's sword, not stopping it.

It made Devello feel a strange camouflage. What is it? Devello draws his sword back. There is no black. One more time in there. A flash of light strikes the pain.

Again, the results were the same. A fierce flying attack stops right in front of Ajin. It's not blocked. I mean, what's holding the sword?

“... hehe. ”

Devello swallows a single breath and does not breathe out a second time. The sword is radiating. There were many bastards named Freshswordsmen in Moorish, but those bastards are as slow as a child's steps compared to Devello's sword now. The culprit, or master, won't be able to see Devello's sword.

A myriad of those catastrophes overwhelm the pain. But the result is the same. Azin remains motionless, and all of Devello's blacks are caught in the air. Not at speed. It's not catching. You will be caught. Devello empowers the sword, feeling a similar difference, but definitely different.

A cold river of light swallows Devello's sword. This was a sword, but not just a sword. Every sword Devello has learned in the Abbey is in Devello's sword.

At one time, Devello learned the "Great Sword of Heaven" from the Unsub. It was a new sword that was assembled by breaking down all the swords of the world that he had seen and learned all his life.

The Great Blade is the feast during the feasts. But for Devello now, the medieval sword he had learned at that time did not turn out to be a great artisan.

Devello's concept of the essence of black law has already transcended. Her will was the sword, and all she had was the sword. The New Testament Day is the first step to becoming the master of swordsmanship that everyone talks about.

It's not humorous. The New Testament Day, as they call it, is just a little scratch on the outside of the real New Testament Day. Today, Devello has truly reached the end of the New Testament Day, and his sword was the true essence of a sword that surpassed the boundless sword.

I'm sure you will.

We're blocked. We're all blocked. The user can't cut through the pain even though it's poured into the sword. Azin is still standing behind him, and Devello swings his sword at him hundreds of times.

"What is that...? ’

Camila's lost her mind. Right now, there's only Ajin, Devello and Camilla left in the restaurant. Camila was the only spectator watching all of Devello's swords unfold. I never thought there would be such a fast, such a bitter, and such a fearsome sword in this world.

Devello's swordsmanship had everything the inspectors dreamed of. Speed, change, power. The three things come together.

Nevertheless, Devello is unable to cut azine. It looked like a squishy play to Camilla. Devello deliberately stops the swinging sword right in front of Azin.


In Camila's head, Adim vomits with pure admiration. Adim understood precisely the number of azines that Camila did not understand and that Devello did not understand.

[Humans have already surpassed the realm of man. No, not human territory before. But... it's clear. He's different.]

What are you talking about? ’

Hearing the admiration of Adim, Camila felt frustrated. Camille knew. How monstrous his adoptive parents are. Not to mention Adim. That's an understatement.

[Darla. That one... once transcended human territory, but it was still human. His power has always been that way. Heavy, fast. Makes a difference fast, breaks through and pierces with weight.... that's something that any human being can do.]

Strength can be obtained by Training. The same is true of speed.

[Yes, it's human territory. He's only exceptional in that realm. I just gained strength and speed that I couldn't have with training. Beyond human, but contradictory to human territory.]

Are you saying it's different now? ’

[It's different.]

I was excited by the voice of Adim. Camila was a little embarrassed because she had never heard the voice of Adim, who was so excited.

[He is in control.]


[It's dominating the space. Or should I say space? I don't know what to say to that either. But here's the thing. He's... taking over. Everything but yourself.]

The master master master of martial arts.

Dominate the natural guardian, naturally present everywhere. The natural guardian influenced by the Jinn Shrine will turn dark and be placed under the control of Azin.

But technically, the martial arts of domination is not the "martial arts of domination." Under the rule of the Shin Jing Dynasty is the inner kingdom, or Mana, if you say it by magic. It is possible to dominate the opponent's internal air or control the magical power that manifests magic. But nothing else can be controlled.

Add a non-polarity to it. Combined with non-polarity, Gene Thomasonry exceeded its original limits. It was no longer Internal Affairs or Manawa that was ruled by the Shinmu Jin.

“... What kind of trick is this? ”

Devello lowers his sword and asks. Azin looks up at Devello's eyes and smiles in relief.

“I didn't do anything great. I left your attack... under control.” “... what?” “Noya told me. You're a genius. But... now you don't look like one. ”

Devello's eyebrows twitch with Azin's muttering. Verbal provocation. Blades of unpleasant language that scratch the feelings of the opponent. It was one of the organs that Azin had besides the perforated ones. Devello's emotions are pale, but Azin's death is fabulous for Devello.

It's not because you scratched your pride. I hated being ignored.

“... do you think I did everything I could? ”

Devello asks. With the unpleasantness of being ignored, Devello is excited. Yeah, I wanted this. A wall that seems impossible to cross. I wanted a wall I couldn't cross.


Just like Noya said. I told you not to fight. You said you couldn't win a fight. Really? Devello grips the sword with both hands. The edge of the straight sword in front of your chest faces the ceiling. A straight sword in line with Devello's body.

But... is he stronger than me? ’

I don't know, so let's test it. You must face the sword. You have to swing your sword and fight. No, I know the truth. My skin is trembling and shaking. The sword you learned from the monastery speaks. Don't fight. Don't fight Ajin. What Noya said floats around, rattling around in Devello's head, messing with Devello's thoughts.

You wipe it clean. The lamp lights up deep in Devello's pale eyes. Devello's only focus was struggle, and Devello's only faint emotion lit up with a deep frenzy.

The sword moves.

Tsk, tsk! With a dagger, the top of the building disappears. The cutting edge is sharp, but the upper part that needs to be cut disappears. This is good. Azin twists his lip and unwinds the hand he was carrying behind his back. The right arm that was passed behind your back slowly extends forward.

“But only. ”

Azin mutters as if he had not only been the Emperor of Jinsun for four years, but also the eyes of the state. In fact, most of the government was created by Mungyeong-hee and pushed. Azin only empowered her behind.

Then for four years, what did Ajin do?

No drama. It's not a real drama, but this shameless ball that Azin received as a reward from Gladiolus gives me a plausible impression of the drama.

Nevertheless, he did not settle for having a child. The Demon King who knows nothing disappears the moment he comes. It is a shameless man-made with such restrictions.

However, even if it disappeared one day, it became a plausible ‘target’ for azin who knew nothing. Or it was a question with answers already written on it. In training his innocence, Azin aimed for his innocence.

In fact, azin was not using azin at all. What Azin now uses was not a baby, but a genuine nonpolarity, and it was a genuine machinist who was affected by it.

‘Weak control. No... you're stronger than me. ’

Azin's rule is not weak. Devello's sword is stronger than his dominion. Devello has mastered the art of nonpolarity. He's punishing Camilla primarily for her bullshit, and for personal reasons.

Let's face the polarity of each other. Azin released control of the surrounding space. Prepare for attack at the same time.

Suddenly, the surrounding area was surrounded by a dark darkness. Ever since Ajin first appeared in this space, this space has been ruled by Ajin. This is the space itself that prevented Devello's sword from reaching Azin.

It all goes back to attack. Devello shifts his hands as he feels the shivers of his whole body. Unlike before, Devello was the sword itself.

The swing was the sword, but the attack was Devello's will. Invisible shooting. A fully unfolded heart sword aims for pain. Caaang! A flame strikes right in front of Azin. The will to strike is blocked by the will of Azin. Camila didn't see the workshop, and only Adim vomited amazement.

I know about the sharpness of the Heart Sword. But I have a plan for it. If you sharpen your will with a blade, you can stop the attack by putting your will against the wall.

Of course, the attack is not just the Heart Sword. Devello wields a sword that cuts through the darkness. Azin raises his toes slightly. Devello cuts through the darkness, but Azin's body cannot be cut down.

It's not "fast..." It's gone...! ’

Devello's eyes are wide open. This whole space is ruled by Azin. In this room, Ajin was like God. It could be anywhere, it could be nowhere. The darkness behind Devello rises, revealing Azin's appearance. Azin points at Devello with his index finger.

Devello turns away, startled. A swiftly swinging sword slams into Azin's fingertips. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You hear Devello's sword behind you. Ajin continues to move his fingertips with a cold smile. Devello's sword and azin's fingertips clash together.

- Stronger than me. ’

The grip is sore. The faster Azin's hand moves, the faster Devello's sword moves. But her feet are pushing back slightly.

‘A wall that cannot be crossed. Yeah, it's a wall. But...

It's too high. Beyond Devello's expectations, Azin's walls are elevated.

‘I'm glad. ’

Devello's sword is broken.

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