
00564 Vacation

Tracking Rivera and Harvest. I came to Gracia for that purpose, but it was always a ‘concubine'. The real purpose of this trip is to relax. It was also to fulfill the promise with Camila before the war broke out on the line, and it was because she had been busy with many things in the last year and was unable to spend time with her family.

“I shouldn't have come. ”

Mungyeonghee knew it was such a trip. Actually, she didn't want to come. I was going to fall for it myself. Instead, Camila insisted on going on a trip with Mungyeong-hee. Even though there is a good age difference between Mungyeonghee and Camila, it is still just a difference of age enough to call her sister. Camila was thinking of Mungyeong-hee as her older sister because she was in charge of Camilla's education when she first came to the front line.

“Don't say that, sis. ”

“Please don't call me that. If she calls me sister, I'll become a genealogist. ”

Mungyeonghee pointed out with a fat face. Actually, I wasn't wrong. Mungyeonghee calls Raw Snow and Persian Sisters. Azin is known as the Emperor or the Most High. If Camilla named Mungyeong-hee as her older sister, I wonder what her family relationship would look like to strangers.

“If I don't call Kyung-hee my sister, what should I call her? ”

Camila was only sunny. She was delighted that she was traveling so far with people she liked. Especially since Gracia is where she was born and raised. Honestly, I don't have a lot of memories as a hometown.

She met her current family in Gracia. That's why I'm glad. To be able to come back to Gracia with his family.

[It's been a long time since the air of Gracia.]

Adim, who is in Camila's mental corners, also feels good. Since moving into Camila's mind, Adim has been living a harsh daily life. Camila was fully awakened as a saint. The gods crawl down from the Temple of Almighty, just days away to take control of her body.

It was Adim's role to prevent such uncomfortable visitors. Of course, Camilla didn't know about it. Mental interference is when Camilla's body is most defenseless. because it happened when Camilla fell asleep.

Thanks to this, Adim had to play the crest to protect Camila's spirit every night. Of course, the fact that God does not sleep does not make him weak. But... keeping Camilla's spirit out of the interference of the gods wasn't easy. If Adim had not been a strong god in the Manchurian temple, Camila would have fallen into the spirit and become the vessel of the gods.

[Let's stop by my temple. It's been a long time since I've seen the face of the congregation.]

The God of the Knights of Adim. In the temple of Adim, people who want to be knights every day come to the line. Since Adim moved into Camila's ritual, the Archbishop of Adim has been in charge of retrieving the knighthood vows in place of him.

“Father, Adim wants to stop by the temple. ”

Camila passes on the words of Ahdim to Ajin. Adim was a great god, but Camila did not use the name of Adim. As Adim was in Camila's ritual, Camila was always stuck with him. Seeing that, I became more like a close friend than a relationship between God and man.

“I'll do that. ”

It's not that hard. It's because the temple of Adim is nearby anyway. Azin clearly recognized that he had given grace to Adim. What Adim does is not just to protect Camila's spirit.

Adim was teaching Camila martial arts. Adim is the God of knights and the God of battle. Such a Adim can handle any weapon that exists in the world. Adim was teaching Camila all the weapons she knew. When the Demon King comes, Camila focuses on empowering herself to fight the Demon King with her own power, without borrowing the power of any other gods.

Of course, there is no guarantee that it will succeed. But that's the only thing I could do in my current situation, so I'm just obsessed with it. It was not just Adim. Every time there was a whiff of Raw Snow, he taught Camilla the art of shamanism, and Persian also taught Camilla magic. She was taking care of Camilla's shamanism whenever she could.

“Temple. It doesn't look like much fun. ”

Mungyeong-hee pouted her lips and said. She is a person born in the Jinsun and has never left the Jinsun. I knew the language of Gracia, but never came to Gracia. When I first came to Gracia... it felt strange, but I didn't make Mungyeong-hee feel rewarded for the journey.

“Just in case, brother. Maybe meet the opponent of fate there.” What's the opponent of fate? ”

Azin tilts his head and asks. The black snow scent and Persian laughed, and I felt a tingle in his ears. Mungyeonghee looked at it with a good look.

“I don't want you to worry about dating. ”

“I'm just sad that he's getting old without a partner.” “No. Why are you so dramatic when I'm satisfied without a partner? Just like a local girl.” “What are you, a lady? ”

Mungyeong-hee grumbled and shouted. She gets sensitive just by talking about her age. Persian smiles at the smell of raw snow, but Persian is equally sensitive to his age.

“A door award would be great. Great background and great character. Taste is a problem, but Gracie is broad... sexually open rather than true. If you look, you'll find a match for the door's image.” “Zone. Please don't make a fuss. ”

Mungyeonghee glanced at Ajin and said. At that, Ajin smiles, groaning.

Hermione told him he could stay in the Imperial Palace, but he didn't. Since you are already on your way, you have decided to stay in the inn room, not the imperial palace. Of course, it wasn't a shabby inn. I rented the entire annex of the most lavish and expensive inn in the capital.

The next day, Ajin uses the chariot he had previously borrowed to go to the temple of Adim. The temple of Adim on the outskirts of the capital was no different from what it used to be when it was found. There were still lines of people lined up to receive the vows of knights to the outside of the temple. It was natural, because getting a knighthood pledge was the quickest way for the common man to rise.

[Filthy bastards.]

Adim, situated in Camila's spiritual corner, sighs deeply. Every day the line does not shrink. But how many of them can take the oath of knight?

No. At least none of the men in the line are qualified to take the oath of knight. It was always like this. Dreaming of an ascension, there are men across Gracia waving their swords around. However, only a select few of them can receive the vow of knighthood.

Camila had never been to the temple of Adim, so she opened her eyes and looked around. Mungyeonghee also looked at the temple of Adim and frankly was amazed. Even in Gracia, the temple of Adim was spectacular. It was also of great value to the architecture.

He wanted to come, but the moment he entered the temple grounds, he felt bad. It was his temple in the last year, but it was no different from before he left.

“Do you want to come inside? ”

Ajin glances at Camila and asks. It was not to Camilla, but to Adim within her.

[No, you don't have to come in. I thought I'd come back in a year and feel something new... but I don't. Well, for God, a year is a whole year.]

Adim grumbles. Camila gives it to him. Mungyeonghee, who was looking at the temple, looked back at him.

“Aren't you going inside? ”

“Were you interested in that kind of architecture? ”

Ajin asked. Mungyeonghee nodded his head.

“I'm a true native. There is no temple in Gracia, so I want to go inside while I'm here. ”

[There's a temple all over Gracia. Why?]

Camila did not give in to the grumbling words of Ahdim. In the end, according to Mungyeonghee's hope, the group entered the temple of Adim. Before going inside, Azin uses magic to change his face.

It's because it bothers me if someone recognizes me. Ajin in Gracia works as a hero. If someone recognizes him, there will be a big commotion. He thought he didn't have to go through that, so he magically changed his face and went inside the temple.

As he entered the temple, Mungyeonghee was amazed. White pillars and ceilings, sculptures and paintings. It seemed like a culture completely different from that of Jinjin was pushed forward. Although the palace and the inn that I stayed at yesterday were glamorous, to be honest, Mungyeong-hee liked the atmosphere of this temple even better.


Asin, who was walking around the temple with Camila, Raw Snow, and Persian, was surprised to leave Mungyeonghee like that. There was a woman not far away. It's only been a few years, but Azin is more surprised at why she's here.

“Lord Ekidna. ”

Azin approaches, calling her name. A sudden call turns Ekid or Weissel's head. She opens her eyes wide as she looks at the coming pain. It was a face he didn't know. At that moment, Azin's face returned to its original face.

“Three, Duke Sericrapa? ”

Ekidna calls out to Azin in horror. Ekid or Weissel.This knight used to receive Hermione with Ajin. She was the leader of the Steel Knights, one of the Imperial Knights, and as Hermione became Emperor, the Steel Knights became the main knights of the Imperial Empire. In other words, Ekidna is the leader of the finest knights in the empire.

“I heard the duc has come to Gracia. We're sorry we missed you.” “It's been a while. I didn't see him when I went to the Imperial Court yesterday. What are you doing here? ”

Ekidna bows slightly to Azin's question.

“... confronted with his own shortcomings and came to be taught by Adim. ”

Ekidna's voice is stiff. As Hermione became Emperor, the Steel Knights became the most imperial knights. And Ekidna was still the head of the Steel Knights. Excellent knights have gathered from all over the country to join the Steel Knights, and Ekidna feels a lack of herself as she treats them. Of course, nothing like the inferior pole happened. Ekidna's qualifications were problematic everywhere.

“... Is that so? ”

Azin glances at Ekidna and mutters. Apparently, Ekidna is one of the most popular knights in the empire. But it was true that many things were lacking. Echid also came to the temple because he knew it.


Mungyeonghee, who was far away, approached towards Ajin. Ajin took a step back to introduce Ekidna to the upcoming Mungyeonghee.

“Moon Chancellor. This is where we met in the past...”

Azin said so, but his words did not come into Mungyeonghee's ears.

The moment I saw Ekidna.

Mungyeonghee thought that time had stopped.

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