
00563 Vacation

“... Rivera. You mean the Marquis of Rivera? ”

Hermione tilts her head and asks. Rivera sits on the title of Marquis in Gracia. Rivera also had the nickname ‘warrior’ in Gracia. Though the nickname "warrior" was driven by the mythical achievements of Azin.

“I'm a little acquainted with the late Reverend Rivera. After coming back to Gracia in a few years, I'm curious about her situation.” “... hmm. ”

The question itself was not questionable. However, Hermione's expression was not so good.

Ajin made a deal with Rivera. It was a result of the premature posttreatment of azine. When the Emperor killed the palace wizard Muren, the swordsman Duke Biggenhardt, in the Black Forest. I encountered Rivera in that situation.

Rivera asked Azin for one thing in return for his silence. What Rivera demanded was her right to independent management of her territory. We don't want them to make us public, we just want them to stay out of the way. It was a difficult request.

But Azin listened to Rivera's demands. Hermione had no choice but to use the absolute command of the title of a traitor against her. Give Independence to Rivera's territory and do not touch it. The order that I gave before I left Gracia was still working.

“... Hmm. Honestly, the Marquis of Rivera... is one of the biggest obstacles to the empire right now.” Why? ”

I thought so. Despite leaving Gracie, Azin was hearing about Gracie in a variety of ways. You don't have to explore information in the game. If you search for a community that deals with First, you can easily get a lot of information.

The same was true of Rivera. Her territory, Lebacore, was a strange territory that belonged in Gracia but was completely different from any other territory in Gracia.

Gratia is a medieval world. It is the monarch of a hierarchical society. It is a world where slavery is taken for granted.

But not Lebacore. Lebacore... has no rank. There is no declaration of rank other than the Lord Rivera. It was bizarre. The slave who came to Lebacore will not be a slave. Nobles don't become nobles. Of course, it's not just class that separates identity. If a society has no class, the gap in identity is divided depending on what it has.

The citizens of Lebacore were rather satisfied with it than the hierarchy.

“Lebacore... has become extraterritorial. Fugitive slaves flee to Lebacore foaming at the same time as criminals. The Marquis of Rivera is not returning fugitive slaves and escapees to his lands.” “... Is that so? ”

I thought so. Among the humans Azin knows, Rivera was one of the strangest. I don't know what she wants to do. She is thoroughly obsessed with what she wants to do, what she enjoys, and runs it. In a sense, it resembles azin, but it seems to him that the Rivera side is worse.

“I've granted Lebacore Independence Control at your request, but other nobles are turning against me. The nobles are fine, but the poor and heavenly families are continuing to flee to Lebacore.” “I'm going to Lebacore. ”

Azin nods slightly. As long as Rivera says Azin killed the former emperor now, little harm will come to him. Rivera ran Lebacore and bought away the nobility. Even if Rivera reveals the truth of the Emperor's assassination, the nobles will not listen to him properly.

Hermione's position remains steady. The pain is too great for Rivera to contain. The Duke of Gracia and the adjacent emperor of Jinjin. Rivera, the architect of Gracia, is too big to touch.

“Yes. You'd better go and check it out with your own eyes, rather than what I'm saying. And... the Dark Star. Dark star.”

Hermione's eyes narrow.

“A few years ago, the Dark Star was a scourge to the Empire. But since the Galios Conquest and the Black Forest subjugation, the Dark Stars have seen no visible movement. The alleged abduction of the Dark Star is no longer happening. Perhaps the damage caused during the Galios penalty was heavily decomposed into the air. There can be no such thing as loyalty for the Black Wizards. ”

Hermione's guess was reasonable. Galios Conquest. Harvest took Gallios' side with his Dark Star Dungeon Master and the Black Wizards. The battle struck the Dark Star. Apart from that, the Dark Star has lost its bond with the Black Forest. In fact, it would have been a bigger hit on her.

“I hope so. ”

Azin nods and mutters. Hermione is contemplating the destruction of the Dark Star... but not the pain. Harvest couldn't have been so easily restarted. If you haven't been moving lately, you must be working on something with that much preparation.

‘I don't know what. ’

Azin kicks his tongue and raises his cup of tea.

We must get to Rivera's territory first.


She sighs and sits on the floor. Dark underground dungeons. Originally, this dungeon was filled with magical tools for the creation of a new chimera that Harvest had been working on. A place where monsters' corpses, human corpses, and organs were all mixed up.

Not now. Chimera production has its limitations. Having worked hard in his own way, she had no choice but to make that decision. Chimera production was certainly a fascinating study. Connecting the bodies of monsters, humans, and elves to create monsters that don't exist in the world. If you make it well, you can craft a chimera that surpasses the power of the monster used as a base.

But the limits were clear. It joins the body of a complex monster to make a chimera, and performs a magical process on it to make it stronger than the monster used as a base. There was a definite limit to the strength that could be gained by doing so. It is the same for making chimeras out of the corpses of superior monsters. The acquisition of dead bodies is a problem, and the results obtained over time are not worth it.

Of course. A Chimera can be used against a deranged opponent. But it's not the clumsiest of them all that Jabes has to deal with. Especially Ajin... To catch that monster, the chimera that follows it has no choice.

"Not Chimera. ’

I've thought about it several times. She lowers her arm with cloudy gray eyes.

His right arm shifts black as if it had been dipped in food and removed. This was the price of Harvest 'reasonable wishes.' Through Orsay, she opens the door, and Harvest invades the realm of the 'Observers'. The observers listened appropriately to Harvest in front of them with his wish, 'I want to win this game.'

Black arms.

It absorbs everything in its hands. Energy drain for superpowers, breathability for aerosols. There is a similar magic in magic.

But this black arm is not like that. Absorbs everything it touches. Absorption is not just about power. Absorbs even ‘life’ and ‘knowledge’. Absorbing life is simply the same as storing life in your body. Even if he dies once, if there is life left in him, he can be resurrected again.

Having acquired the Black Arm... she first killed the dungeon masters belonging to the Dark Star. There was a friendly dungeon master, but she didn't hesitate. They were out of control anyway. You absorb the Dungeon Master with your black arm first, and all the Black Wizards they have with them.

All of the Dark Stars were killed by Jabesh.

“... Hehe! ”

She raises her hand and wraps it around her head. You killed hundreds of Black Wizards and absorbed everything from them. Knowledge. It's a memory. Hundreds of memories entered her head. I have their knowledge of dark magic, their magic, everything. It gave her immense power... but enough to saturate her spirit. I filtered out as much unnecessary memory as possible and erased it from my head through magic, but even so, the amount of information in my head is too high.

“You okay?"

Orsay asks. She sighs and looks back at Orsay. Orsay looks at Harvest with a worried expression on his white face. She nods, swallowing breath.

“I'm used to it.”

He stands up staggering, saying so. Information... information is abundant. I thought too much. Even if you try to stay unconscious, information fills your head. It was natural because he absorbed hundreds of wizards' knowledge. to engage overlapping objects to filter things forward, or unnecessarily, Over and over again, Haveth's magical knowledge had reached a point where it had surpassed human limits.

It was concluded with this vast knowledge that I felt that there were limits to the creation of chimeras. The crucial thing in making chimeras is the monster that becomes the base. Enthusiastic monsters cannot produce satisfactory results.

“Let's go.”

She picks up the robe she left on the floor and puts it on. Your head twitches. She ignores the headache and presses down on the hood of the robe. It's not just in the game. I feel a headache even in reality. ‘Memory’ was applied to Abed himself, not to the specification of the avatar, so even outside the capsule, this memory remains. It was impossible to do anything through him.

Orsay stumbles and silently follows Haveth's back.

You can't see the effects of making a chimera with a common monster. If so, do not use common monsters. It was a simple conclusion. Increasing the rank of the monster who becomes the base... increases the strength of the chimera based on him.

What she was after was a dragon. Kill all the dragons and make chimeras out of dragon carcasses. Or an undead one. Zombie dragons and Bone dragons. There has been a precedent for dragons to transform their wrath into undead.

But there is no precedent for making chimeras out of dragons. It's a simple story. The body of a dragon is very difficult to handle. Dragon bones, scales. Not only flesh, but blood. In the beginning, the dead dragons scatter their bodies back to Mana over time. Therefore, it is impossible to do work that is elaborate and time-consuming, such as making chimeras.

There was also a plan in her head. It is because of the knowledge of the dungeon master that harvez absorbed, there was a way to preserve the body of the dragon intact. He didn't make it to the dragon hunt because he didn't have the skills... but it wasn't her.

“The hardest part is finding a dragon. ”

She grimaces as she grits her teeth.

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