
00538 Turbulence

He was frustrated at his position, desperate to get away from victory, angry at Agin for all the Dark Star wizards he gathered had turned their backs on him, and for his plan to do well.

In the flow of such mixed emotions, I was once again desperate that there was nothing I could do now. She was a brilliant black wizard. Through the staff and the carmarion received from the queen, you can open a door in the dark dimension, and there you can drag and use the endless Mana of Darkness. In other words, infinite magic can be used.

But I don't see the answer. Infinite magic. Magnificent words. It means you can use magic over and over again, without losing Mana. However, magic requires a lot of magical power, and the greater the magical power, the more time it takes. Unlike a mere indoor combat, magic creates a phenomenon that can never happen.

Infinite magic, infinite magic. Being able to handle it is a great advantage for wizards. But the limits are clear. Infinite Mana is not a great advantage over fast-moving outsiders. How many times has Harvest been a Dark Wizard? Although I have mastered the magic of various lineages, it is dark magic that harbeth uses as an organ. Curse the opponent, raise the corpse, craft magic, summon magic.

It's too bad. An excellent Black Wizard is comparable to an army. Here's what it means. Raise the corpse, make the magic, summon the magic. One great black wizard is to ‘create an army that way.' ’The Legion of Immortality rises again after death or death. The Black Wizard of the Peak becomes the master of such an army.

The opposing Pokémon has the power of the Legion itself. One individual has the power of the army. The Black Wizard who serves in the army and the individual who serves in the army. Of course, in this case, the term 'individual’ refers to azine.

No matter how much magic is crafted or enhanced, you cannot grant that power. The same is true of summoning magic objects. The inscribed magic has a limitation on the force in accordance with constraints. Even if you summon the top nobles, the result will be the same. Moreover, even though the Earl's nobleman, Lacapentura, had limited use of only half of his original power, he was defeated by Ajin. La Capentura is the highest and most powerful horse under contract with Harvest. Such a Lakapento was defeated by Ajin.

Over the years since then, Ajin has become stronger. After all, it's the worst, and there's nothing Harvest can do about it. Quietly, hunched over the dungeon like this, waiting for the game to end was all she could do.

Orsay taught me how.

To talk about it, you'll have to talk about her origins. Before Hidden Piece, she was a being of transcendent power that existed in one world, as were other Hidden Pieces.

A creature that, given a little time, can completely strip the human skin off and have more than enough power over the human body. That's the Hidden Piece. It is an absolute achievement that only those who have the limits of life, impossible to transcend, can attain with their innate talents and efforts, experiences, awareness and realization of something. It also means those who have the potential to hold him in their hands.

Of course, it was natural for transcendent beings and beyond not to want to abandon those with such possibilities.

That's why I dragged them in when they were still human. I dragged them into this limited world and restricted their behavior. He also put a curse on them: "Immortality." That you don't die. It's not about dying, it's about not physically dying. It became, among other things, a great and heavy constraint for beings who had the possibility and were evolving it.

Orsay was such a presence. Technically, he's not human. In one world, condensed dragon hearts made for extermination in one world are homunculus. However, it must have been finite, and it must have been possible, so it was brought to Hidden Piece.

“I'm calling on God. ”

To Harvest, who used to live like a depraved man, Orsay spoke to him like that.

“This is a world blocked from most interference. But it's not completely blocked. If only players could enter the world through equipment right now, other transcendents or Gladiolus could intervene in the world. And that means we can force them into this world to be more equal, or more equal. ”

The world may be similar to any other, but even in the world where Orsay lived, the Black Wizard was banished. It was natural for them to be excluded because they called in the Horses, raised the dead, and studied cursed magic. Those who explored the forbidden knowledge were hunted down and died, and the name became increasingly disconnected.

Inquiry into knowledge does not turn off by trampling it. Especially if it's forbidden, never to touch it. Those who reach out to the taboos are desperate for that much, or need that much.

Or just crazy people who throw themselves at greed.

The pressure continues. The quest for contraindications and thirst for beyond has deepened. In such situations, the Black Wizards, who ignored the life-threatening situation and explored and interpreted taboos, succeeded in peering a little beyond.

“They're basically not involved in the world's work. The world we're talking about here, we're talking about all the worlds that exist. They're shameless. They don't want to show off their existence, and they don't want to do anything with their great power. ”

Then what do they want? Orsay answered the question:

“We just have to wait for existence. Visitors exploring taboos and peering beyond. And then... I grant you a" moderate "wish. ”

Fair enough.

The words remain heavy in her head. I meet God. God has met him before. Gladiolus. To be honest, there was no great emotion to think that his meeting with God was such a great being.

“They don't ask for anything. A deal with the Horsemen is different. They... don't want a price. Like I said, you have to grant me a" fair "wish. As a reward for the visitor who came all this way and discovered them. ”

It is shameless. It lacks greed... and therefore desires nothing. It simply exists and waits for those who reach beyond the taboo. I grant my wish. Fair enough.

“You're quite the newcomer in some ways. ”

She mutters in a low voice. At his feet was a portrait of a hideous and hideous sorcerer. This sorcerer, Orsay, has demanded a great deal. Lots of blood, lots of bodies, lots of lives. Virgin, sympathetic, maternal, fetal, etc. Various' conditions. ’

It was not difficult to prepare materials that met the conditions. One that the dungeon masters of the Dark Star have turned their backs, and that the new emperor of Gracia has declared war on dark magic. Harvest is a near summit black wizard. Procurement of materials was easy.

The problem is now.

“It's a kind of convenience. ”

Orsay walks out slowly. She stands in the center of the sorcerer's circle and stares at Harvest.

“Technically, you're not the one who explored taboos and reached over there. Me, too. In that world, I've always been a catalyst. ”

Orsay's voice is rarely high-pitched. She was a doll made for a purpose, and she also existed in that world. While being used in that way, she became aware of 'emotions’ for the first time, and as she went from doll to human, she became Hidden Piece.

“The creator who ‘used’ me 'has reached beyond the taboo. I knew how to open the door. I knew how to make a key. That's why he made me the key. He used me to open the door, and he came into contact with the beings beyond. ”

Orsay takes off his clothes as he continues to speak. White body without blood. There's a red jewel in the middle of your chest. The black letters engraved around the gem changed shape little by little as Orsay spoke and breathed.

“I can still function as a key. I remember how to open the door. But you don't deserve to open the door. So... I'm going to use a method. ”

An ominous enchantment painted on the floor. This is the door.

“Put the key in the keyhole. And turn the door. It won't open. But the lock was off. So... break down the door. ”

Haveth mutters in a quiet voice.

“I don't care if it's one-sided. It's the only way for me. Finally... Mana is overflowing. ”

Endlessly. That's how she spits it out and raises the carmarion. ‘Fairly grants wishes.’ And ‘One-way.’ She tried to forget two things that were floating in her head.

An ominous Mana overflows. Carmarion opens the door to the room. Orsay closes her eyes at the center of the sorcerer's circle. In the center of her body, a red jewel shed a viscous glow, and the ominous enchantment painted on the floor twitches.

I feel the space shaking less. Orsay has already served as the key. The lock on the door has already been opened. Opening the door of the acoustic dimension and pouring out the endless Mana there is the power to open the door. Go on, go on.

Until when?

As she pours out her magic, she feels nervous. For him, this was the only way to reach ‘victory’. We don't know when the Demon King will come. Now there is no chance of creating new forces and preparing for them.

And frankly. I don't think I can do anything about it.

‘I don't want to lose. ’

Jabesh grits his teeth. He put everything on this game. What do you want in return for victory? I thought about it from the beginning. I mean, he's got a point.

I wanted to win.

In the dark, she realizes her existence. He gasps, swallows his breath and looks around. There is no Orcello, no sinister magic, no corpse's blood, no sinister stench. Such a darkness with nothing. Even though she was conscious of her existence, she could not look down on herself. It was swallowing him up completely in the dark and dark.

“This place.”

When the question that came to mind became a voice.

She realizes how incredibly small she is. Dust... no, it's worse than that. Compared to ‘them’, a nation would be less than dust, less than the end unit of a cell. It was not a matter of 'power’.

It was a matter of existence. Different people. Too different. Where is this place? In the game? In First? Then there's no problem. If "Avatar" is the body in First, no matter how many times you die...


It doesn't end there. Rarely, very rarely, she managed to raise her gaze a little higher.

Above the awkward darkness, even the darkness sees great beings looking down.

“What should I do in this case? ”

“One way, one way. He didn't understand or explore taboos.” “The key showed me the door. It's convenient, but it's true that he opened the door and peeked at us.” “This is not the right way. Do I need to understand him?” “Prohibition is far from justice. I don't care if you treat me that way.” “This is about Gladiolus. Are we allowed to interfere in his work?” “Since when did we see the boy?” “I didn't have to, so I didn't have to. As always." “Well, it doesn't matter. We don't make a move. It just lifts the breeze of the trifle that has come for us. ”

In their stories, she trembles less. I want to win. That's how I opened the door here. At this moment, she felt the urge to kill herself in the past.

“Well, that's good. Raise your head.”

An order falls. She holds her head up without hesitation. It was because of fear that he had made such an action.

“Tell me what you want. I'll listen to you properly. ”

The voices of the great beings resonated.

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