
00537 Upheaval

“Well done.”

Mungyeong-hee looked up at the azin that came up and said, After a few hours of killing with the Queen, Ajin's outfit was a mess. Since it was almost okay to lie down, Mungyeonghee sighed deeply and handed the packaging to Ajin.

“What's so special? ”

“No, it was about three hours. ”

Azin nods his head, wrapping his armor around his body.

“I'm glad nothing special happened. We can start preparing for it right now.” “Yes?” “Half a year. ”

Azin furrows his sleeves and says with a grumpy face.

“Half a year later. An alliance between Siolence and the Jinjin Imperial Court will declare war on the Bloodlines.” “... to you? ”

Mungyeong-hee's eyes widened in what Ajin said.

“Now, wait a minute. What the hell does that mean?” “That's exactly what I just said. Half a year later. The alliance between Siolence and the Jinsun Imperial Court declares war on the Bloodline. The commander of Siolence has already arrived at the Advance Imperial Palace, and a few months from now, Siolence's army will arrive at the Advance.” “Now... wait, wait... so..." “Oh, and... Looks like they're trying to attract some sort of sectarian mob from the Jinsun Imperial Court. This is unexpected. Let it not irritate the wavelengths. We won't have to persecute them for nothing. Leave him alone.” “Wait... wait. Wait a minute, Lord. Wait a minute."

My head starts to tingle. Mungyeonghee held down her temples and held up her other hand.

“... where does the information come from? ”

“Source of Information. ”

“Did you have an informant I didn't know about?” “Didn't the script say? ”

Azin tilts his head and asks. In saying this, Mungyeong-hee felt her insides boiling. She closes her eyes, barely swallowing her swearing tongue to the bottom of her tongue.

“... you didn't say. ”

“I gave Princess Jinhee precision.” “... precision? You didn't tell me! No, yes. I'll take that as a yes. So, who is it? Who's been sneaking into the Imperial Court to deliver a message to the oath lord?” “Soft liquor. ”

Mungyeong-hee's expression was stiff in Ajin's answer. Soft liquor. It's not like you don't know who it is. But what's wrong with the liquor? Mungyeonghee looked at Ajin, feeling confused.

“Your abilities are worth it. ”

Ajin replied with a grumpy face.

“That's why I only use it. ”

Soft drink. No swimming. Moon Kyung-hee, who has the ability to hide and kill directly from the female king, has the ability to deceive the senses of pain.

That's not all the benefit she can be utilized as precision. And, of course, you're good at hiding.

No swimming is a player. Even if he is caught, he doesn't have much behind his back. Moreover, it is possible to communicate with pain and direct through the whisper function without the hassle of flying a front page. If available, no swimming can be used not only as a forward line, but also as the best precision in the entire first place.

“Speaking of soft drinks, can you believe it?” “Why would she lie to me?” There's no reason to tell the truth. ”“ She knows the value of her life. And the whole point is to hold on to something other than her life. ”

Mun Gyeong-hee said that she didn't deserve it, but she nodded her head first. At least the azin she knew was not a person who believed in ambiguity. If he believes, he believes for a good reason.

“Half a year. That's close enough.”

“I was already preparing, so I guess I can guess.” “We're looking for the cooperation of the foreign factions, but they're not responding very well except for the Arctic ice.” “Like what?” “Captains of the Bull 's-eye Desert, Podallax Palace, the Hungry Forest.” “Be bold. Be enemies, be allies, be decisive." “... what if we become enemies?” “Tell him we're going to take them out ourselves.“ ”

In the words of Ajin, Mun Gyeong-hee ignored and tasted. It was an ignorant and arrogant word, but I didn't think it was because I knew the person who said it well.

“Very well. I'll tell him that.” "What is the affiliation of the zealous sect of Unsullied?” "As the Lord has said, I have placed you in the bloodline. But will he listen?” “Empower the preschool. The more you inflate him, the better they'll listen. And open the Bloody Blind's innocence to limit your position by your abilities. ”

Asin says as he walks towards the ledge. That meant that I would be surprised at Mungyeong-hee, who was so greedy for nothing.

“Limit your position to talent…! How far do you want me to go?” “Everything but neogenetics, like the Celestial Pontoon. ”

Mungyeonghee's mouth widened. There are all kinds of unofficial books stored in the blood blindness. Since most of the shameless books that Ajin inherited from the martial arts, the shamans who are owned by the Bloodthirsty Blind include the shamans of each faction that the Bridge stole from the sect in the past. Taegeuk Hye Sword of Wudang, Silk Blade method of fortune tellers, Vaccine Rights of Shaolin, etc. It's not necessarily a thousand-man stature, but there are bureaucrats that can turn the eyes of the Muslims upside down.

“What are you going to do after you've freed the bastards?” “Satan? What do you mean Satan? ”

Ajin asked with a bloody smile.

“Do you think the practice of innocents in the bloodline can threaten the throne?” “That's... no. Existing masters may have complained..." “It's the fault of those who play it safe. If you're afraid of getting rid of them, tell them to focus on doing nothing.” “Will you listen..." "If you don't listen, you'll be surpassed, and fall to the bottom." Do we have to worry about that? ”

Mun Gyeong-hee was forced to sigh again because of what Ajin said. It's a way to be ignorant. Is it possible to run a Moorish organization like this? Mungyeonghee had deep questions about it.

"That's the monster with the beast..."

Then we'll have to convince them. that the blood-borne blindness could have been maintained in this ignorant way. Even though the oath had been gone for years, no one was willing to take it away from him. It doesn't spread much anxiety after challenging imperial power.

It is because all of these are monsters that cannot be considered human. A shameless force that surpasses the human race. The reason you can open an innocence is because you are confident in your own work.

“... I understand. Let's do as the Lord says. What authority do I have? If the oath is dark, so be it.” “You look uncomfortable.” Before! Tongue. You didn't even tell me about the details, did you? Don't you know what the chancellor's up to? If you want to do it, you can do it all by yourself. ”“ If you're upset, tell them you're upset. Don't sweat it. ”“ In the future, talk to me. ”“ I'll do that. ”

Mungyeong-hee was pouting, and Azin nodded his head. It wasn't because I didn't want to say it. It was only because I was not confident that I would explain to Mun Kyung-hee the benefits of not swimming.


Azin ties up his armor and climbs down the wall. When she heard that Laquis was already at the Jinsun Imperial Palace from a swimmer, she was frankly a little surprised. I had heard the story of Jinhee when she came, but I didn't think she was the commander of Siolence's army.

‘L'Aquiz himself means he knows this is a major divergence. ’

The loss of this war will break the continent apart. If Ajin wins, he will be able to reign as a true loser, taking a huge hit on Siolence. If you swallow it and remain familiar with the Hermione of Gratia, or if you go in the direction of Hermione domination, you can also leave the entire Gratia and Pixie inside the influence.

On the contrary, what if he loses? Even if the player, Ajin, does not die, the high percentage of NPCs must be compromised. A resurrected azin can't resurrect a dead NPC.

‘Because I'm confident, I should have come myself. ’

The level of Laquis is not well measured, even for azine. It is because there was little exposure to Laquis' skills. But Ajin is different. Gracie, come on. Acting in both countries, there were always players' eyes by Ajin's side. Even though Ajin didn't go ahead and advertise, the strength of Ajin, the number one rank, was widely revealed through the mouth of the player.

LaQuiz must have seen it, and he's confident he's coming to the front line to fight.

‘You're not bluffing. ’

Azin smiles in relief.

I fought with Harvest. You have not fought Rivera. You fought Devello. You have defeated Jabesh, and there is no fight against Libera. Devello and I... were halfway.

What about LaQuiz?

I was purely curious.


A group of Black Mages, once devouring Gracias, were no longer active on the surface.

During the war between the Kingdom of Gallios and the Gracias, Harvest, the head of the Dark Star, tried to take over the fishery but failed. Rarely avoided the disruption of the organization, the affairs at that time left Harvest, the head of the Dark Star, in a considerable narrow position.

The biggest problem was that the relationship with the Black Forest was completely severed. Fortunately, the artifact received directly from the queen, Carmarion, was enough to shake her position that she had recovered but was no different from her successor.

‘Damn it.'

Hermione von Gracia, the new emperor, declared an all-out war against the Dark Stars. Although Dark Stars, who run as clans, won't have to be plucked from existence, she no longer has command of the Dark Stars and now lives in a dungeon.

"Ouch. If it wasn't for him..."

Jabesh glances down, grinding his teeth. All around him was a bunch of grimoires, mixed with the smell of corpses and blood.

There is no victory.

It was a depressing thought, but she had no choice but to think it. The Dark Star no longer listens to Harvest's control. The Black Forest Queen's help was also severed. We've tried to increase our power by producing undead and chimeras.

Honestly, increasing the undead didn't help us catch Azin.

Actually, it wasn't just Ajin. It's Devello. There's no way to tell, and Laquis... can't compare. Unlike the failed harvest, Laquis stands in the position of a supreme authority, beginning with Siolence. Rivera? Likewise. She became Lord of the Realm and was receiving citizen cheer from the original operation of the territory.

But she has nothing.

“No. ”

Jabesh mutters with a stick in his hand.

“I can't. ”

He put everything on the line to win this game. But now she is too far away from the victory of the game.

Harvest could not convince him of that.

The frenzied eyes look down at the floor.

A magical circle of blood and organs unfolds strangely.

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